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    1、甘肃省静宁县城关初级中学学年八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题无答案人教新目标版城关初中20152016学年八年级英语第一次月考测试题A卷(100分)I语音考察.选出一个画线字母读音与其他三个不同的单词(5分) ( ) 1.A.twice B. kind C. little D .ride ( ) 2.A.her B. father C. mother D. teacher ( ) 3.A.wonder B. enough C. both D. nothing( ) 4.A.uncle B. junk C. number D. until. ( ) 5.A.trade B. maybe C. ma

    2、gazine D. sayingII词汇考察A)按要求写出下列单词的相应形式(10分) 1.two(第二)_ 2.hear(过去式)_3.try(三单形式)_ 4.although(同义词)_5.heath(形容词)_ 6.little(比较级)_7.two(两次)_ 8.different(名词)_9.serious(比较级)_ 10.quick(副词)_ B)英汉互译(10分) 1.hardly ever_ 2.be good at_ 3.eating habits_ 4.quite a few_ 5.go to summer camp_ 6.熬夜_7.帮做家务_ 8.玩的开心_9.一月两

    3、次_ 10.关心_C)根据汉语提示补全单词(5分) 1.I can you say it _(清楚地)? 2.You can look at yourself in the_(镜子) 3.The more you _(分享),the more you get.? 4.Would you please help me with my English? No p_.(问题) 5.Fifty _(百分之) of the students are boys.III语法考察 .单项填空(25分) ( )1. -How _do you go to the club? -Three times a mont

    4、h. A. many B. soon C. much D. often ( )2. I love junk food, but I try _it only once a week. A.eat B.to eat C.eats D.eating( )3. Exercise and good eating habits can help us_more. A.studying B.studies C. study D.studys( )4. Eating a lot of vegetables and fruit is good_my health. A.to B.for C.with D.at

    5、( )5. -Are you late for school? -_. A.Yes,never B.Yes,sometime C.Yes,hardly D.No,often ( )6. Did you see in the classroom?No, was there, A. someone; no one B. anyone; someone C. anyone ; no one D. someone ; everyone ( )7. -_he _a good study habit? -Yes,he does. A. does; has B. do; has C. do; have D.

    6、 does; have( )8. What about _to my house for dinner tonight? A. go B. going C. to go D. went( )9. _I dont have a healthy lifestyle. A. Maybe B. May be C. May D. May do ( )10.Hes _at music than me. A. good B. better C. well D. best( )11.Its important _us_ English well. A. of;to learn B. for;to learn

    7、C. to;to learn D. with;learning( )12. Yi Silin, can I ask you questions? Yes ,of course.A. few B. little C. a few D. a little( )13.He is _than me at school? A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. much popular( )14. Students didnt stop talking _the teacher came in.A. after B. when C. until D.

    8、if( )15.-Must I get there at 8:00 am.-No, you _.you can get there at 9:00am. A. mustnt B. cantt C. shouldnt D .neednt( )16.Eating too _is bad for your health. A. less B. many C much D. lot( )17.I want Tom _with me after school. A.play soccer B.to play the soccer C.playing soccer D.to play soccer( )1

    9、8. Lily sings_than all of her friends.A loud B. loudly C. more loudly D. louder( )19. -_are you staying there?-Just for two days.A. How often B. When C. How long D. How many( )20. Reading aloud is the best way _English.A. To learn B. learning C. learns D.learned ( )21 our headmaster (校长) is very old

    10、, he works very hard.A. Although, and B. Although,but B. C.Although, / D. Although,so( )22. Do you run as_as your brother?A. fast B. faster C. more fast D. fastest( )23.Hurry up! The bus_ A. comes B. come C. is coming D. came( )24. Theres _news in todays newspapers.A.nothing important B.important no

    11、thingC.anything important D.important anything( )25. He is happy all the time. Nothing him angry.A.make B.makes C.made D.makingIV.句型转换(10分) 1.Dave plays tennis well. Lucy plays tennis well, too.(改为同义句) _ Dave _and Lucy play tennis well. 2.The children eat junk food once a week. _ _do the children ea

    12、t junk food? 3.Tim works hard. Jim works hard, too. (同义句 )Tim works_ _as Jim? 4.Bill lives 10 miles from school.(对话线部分提问) _ _does Bill live from school? 5.I didnt go to school because it rained heavily.(对话线部分提问) _ _ the heavy rain, I didnt go to school yesterday.V.翻译(5分)1.I often _ him _(帮他学) my Eng

    13、lish.2.There are _(多于) 100 books in my bookcase.3.Can you tell me_(一些有趣的事)?4.She visits her grandparents_(一周一次). 5.We should eat more vegetables and _(保持健康) VI.选择恰当的短语并用其正确形式填空(10分)。Care about, be different from, hardly ever the same as, enjoy oneself, to ones surprise, too much, take photos, as lon

    14、g as, serious1. Lily is ill and her best friend Jenny _her very much.2. They are twins, but they _ each other in may ways.3. He always gets up early and _get to school late.4. Last week we went fishing and _in the river.5. My best friend likes doing_ thing _me.6. Yesterday we visited the museum and

    15、we_ of some robots.7. Tom has _housework to do after.8. We dont need many friends_they are good.9. Jack comes from America,_ he know a lot about China. 10. Lily is than most kids.VII 阅读理解(20分) A Last year an important man came to visit us. He is Russian President(总统vladimir Putin. .Putin was born in

    16、 St. Petersburg, Russias second largest city, in 1952. He came to office in 2000. Four years later, he was again the president. Putin does a good job making Russia great. People say that he is serious and capable(有能力的). But young Putin wasnt a top student at all. His students book and diary from 40

    17、years ago show this. At a time when the top marks was five, Putin got three for math and science. His art was even worse, only two. He sometimes forgot to finish his math homework. Once he forgot to wear school uniform. His teacher had to ask him to get out of the classroom. But Putin did very well

    18、in the moral(品德课) class. He always got full marks. He also showed a strong love of Russia at an early age. ( )1Putin is ,. he visited China last year. ARussia President BAmerican President Ca president in France DCanadian President ( )2Putin at school when he was very young. Awas a bad boy Bwasnt a

    19、top student Cwas very lazy Dhad no teachers ( )3Young Putin forgot to finish sometimes. Ahis Chinese homework Bhis art homework Chis math homework Dhis music lessons ( )4Young Putin the moral class Awas poor at Bwas not good at Cdid very badly in Dwas good at ( )5Young Putin showed a strong love of

    20、at school ARussia BChina CJapan DEngland B Mrs. Liu worked in a big school in America. She had boys and girls in her class. She liked teaching them, because they were quick and thought everything carefully. One day she said to the children. People in a lot of countries wear white clothes at funerals

    21、(葬礼). But people in America wear white clothes when they are happy. What color does a woman wear in this country when she marries(结婚)? Mary said, White, Mrs. Liu, because she is happy. Thats good, Mary, Mrs. Liu said, You are right. She wears white because she is happy. But one boy in the class put

    22、his hand up. Yes, Danny! Do you want to ask something? said Mrs. Liu. Yes, Danny said, Why do men wear black in this country when they marry? 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1. The children in Mrs. Lius class_. A. were not careful enough B. were quick and careful C. were not quick to learn D. were silly(愚蠢的) 2. Woman

    23、 in the USA wears white clothes when _. A. she marries B. she is worried C. she is not happy D. she is at funerals 3. In_, men wear black when they marry. A. Asia B. America C. Europe D. China 4. Which of the statement is NOT true? A. Mrs. Liu liked the children. B. Mary was very quick in thinking.

    24、C. The boy named Danny is very quick . D. Men in the USA wear black clothes when they are at funerals. 5. From the passage we know Mrs. Liu was _. A. a girl B. a man C. a student D. a teacher B卷(50分)一 动词考查A)单选(5分)( )1 He gets up early and_ breakfast。Ahave a quickBhas a quick Chas quick a Dhave quick

    25、( )2-Our math teacher often makes us _in her class? Alaugh Blaughs Claughed Dlaughing( )3Look! There is a plane_ in the sky.Afly Bflies Cflying Dto fly( )4Listen, a number of students _in the classroom.Atalk Btalks Cis talking Dare talking ( )5We are tired now, Lets stop_ and have a rest.Awalk Bwalk

    26、s Cwalking Dto walk B)用所给动词适当形式填空(5分) 1.I decide (study)hard from now on.2.Did you tell Kate (clean)the blackboard after class?3.Tom enjoys _(play) the piano after school.4.Mary_(not buy) a bike for herself last week.5.I forgot _(bring) an umbrella so I were wet.二完型填空(10分) Mrs.Green has a busy job.

    27、She is very 1 after work every day and wants to have a good sleep. But Mr.Green is a soccer fan(的迷), he watches soccer on TV very 2 every night, and sometimes he 3 at two oclock. Mrs Green asks him to sleep early, 4 he doesnt 5 her. He loves soccer very much. These days Mrs Green feels very 6 . She

    28、decided to go to the 7 yesterday. Mr Green went with her. When Mrs Green visited the doctor, Mr Green had to 8 outside the doctors office. After a moment , Mrs Green came 9 , there was some 10 in her hand. She said to Mr Green ,” I get two kinds of medicine from the doctor. One is for me and the oth

    29、er is for you.” “For me? Mr Green was surprised. ( )1. A. tired B. hungry C. sad D. heavy ( )2. A. often B. loudly C. late D. hard ( )3. A.gets to B.goes to bed C.plays soccer D.cries ( )4. A.and B.but C.so D.then ( )5. A.see B.look at C.hear D.listen to ( )6. A.well B.weak C.happy D.hot ( )7. A.park B.market


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