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    1、11规则后真题航海英语311规则后真题3 1. 【单选】 What are essential to ensure the effective implementation of the ship security plan? _A.Controlling access to the ship.B.Training and drills.C.Controlling the restricted areas.D.Monitoring the ship at times. 2. 【单选】 The expression STAND-BY ENGINE means _.A.to get the eng

    2、ine readyB.to respond to the engineC.to maneuver the engineD.to change the engine 3. 【单选】 Precautionary areas and IMO-adopted TSS have been established through the Straits between Permatang Sedepa (One Fathom Bank) and the entrance to South China Sea in the vicinity of Horsburgh Light.In this senten

    3、ce, TSS is the abbreviation of _.A.Traffic Selection SchemeB.Traffic Solution SchemeC.Traffic Separation SchemeD.Traffic Separation System 4【单选】 Section V of Admiralty Notice to Mariners weekly edition is_.A.Reprints of Radio Navigational WarningsB.Amendments to Admiralty Sailing DirectionsC.Amendme

    4、nts to Admiralty Lists of Lights and Fog SignalsD.Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio Signals 5 【单选】 All marks within the IALA system are distinguished by _.shape top mark light characteristics color A.B.C.D. 6 【单选】 THE SPEED OF A VESSEL ADJUSTED TO THAT OF A PILOT BOAT AT WHICH THE PILOT CAN SAFE

    5、LY EMBARK is _.A.ground speedB.boarding speedC.relative speedD.vessel speed 【关联题】 At French ports of any consequence pilotage is carried out by pilots commissioned by the state and belonging to an organization associated with each port authority. It is compulsory for vessels of a certain length or t

    6、onnage as laid down for each port. Further details are given in the text of this book.In naval ports the pilotage service comes under the authority of the Harbor Master and pilotage is provided by naval pilots.In ports where pilotage is compulsory, requests for a pilot should be made between 12 and

    7、48 hours in advance of arrival, or on leaving the previous port of call if this is later. Pilotage fees are surcharged if the request is late.Vessels requiring a pilot are required to make the usual signals given in International Code of Signals on entering the pilotage district. Masters are require

    8、d to tell the pilot, when he boards, the draught, speed and any special conditions affecting the manoeuvrability of their vessels. (1)At French ports, pilotage is _ for the vessels of a certain length or tonnage.A.freeB.voluntaryC.difficultD.forced (2)If the request of pilot is late, which of follow

    9、ing is true?A.The pilotage will be delayedB.It will be refused to enter French portsC.not mentionedD.You have to pay more pilotage fees (3)When pilot on board, master of the ship is required to tell the pilot a lot of information except _.A.ships draftB.ships speedC.ships crew membersD.ships manoeuv

    10、rability(4)In naval ports the pilotage service is provided by _.A.Harbor MasterB.port authorityC.naval pilotsD.pilots commissioned by the state 7 【单选】 You have another ship overtaking you close aboard to starboard. You have 3 radar targets bearing 090relative at ranges of 0.5 mile,1 mile,and 1.5 mil

    11、es. In this case,the unwanted echoes are called _.A.multiple echoesB.spokingC.indirect echoesD.side-lobe echoes 8【单选】 Every vessel shall at all times proceed at a safe speed so that (1) she can take proper and effective action to avoid collision; (2) be stopped within a distance appropriate to the p

    12、revailing circumstances and conditions. _A.(1) only B.(2) onlyC.Both (1) and (2)D.Neither (1) nor (2) 9 【单选】 _ is normally responsible for maintaining records of corrections to navigational charts and nautical publications.A.The Chief OfficerB.The Second OfficerC.The Third OfficerD.The PSC Officer 1

    13、0【单选】 The shearing stresses on a ships structure are usually greatest at _.A.the bowB.the sternC.midshipsD.the ships quarter-length points 【关联题】 A general cargo ship sank in front of the Catalonia Coast (Spain) after two hours of her departure, the weather conditions being excellent. The information

    14、 given by the port authorities revealed that the ship was overloaded at her departure, with an extra weight of 370 T, and that she arrived at the port with ballast, which made her trim aft. Both the ballast water formerly carried and the extra weight on board made the ship leave port overloaded and

    15、she did not reach the minimum stability criteria established by the IMO. These studies showed the deficiency of stability as the main reason for the loss of the ship. The studies concluded that the ship did not have enough reserve of stability to confront a cruise and therefore could not recover fro

    16、m a small heel, which made her heel over completely until she sunk. (1)It was concluded that the main reason for the loss of the ship is_ .A.Excessive free surfaceB.Excessive shear forceC.Sufficient freeboardD.Un-proper stability (2)The general cargo ship sank in front of the Catalonia Coast _.A.bef

    17、ore her reaching the portB.during her transit to the portC.Soon after leaving the port D.right after entering the port (3)The port authorities stated that the ship arrived at the port _.A.with cargo and made her trim by the headB.without cargo and trimmed by the sternC.with ballast on even keelD.wit

    18、h ballast and trimmed forward (4)When the accident happened, the weather was _.A.boisterousB.severeC.not so goodD.favorite 11 【单选】 A medical examiner should be satisfied that the candidate has ability to _ as to emergency duties on board.A.don lifejacket or immersion suitB.operate the windlassC.corr

    19、ect chartsD.handle cargo 12 【单选】 Variation is defined as the angle _.A.between the direction of true (geographic) north and the direction of the meridian between the magnetic poles.B.between the magnetic north and vessels courseC.between the vessels heading and the magnetic northD.between the compas

    20、s north and the magnetic north 13 【单选】 A vessel is equipped with a single right-handed screw. With rudder amidships and calm wind, the vessel will most likely back _.A.straight asternB.to portC.to starboardD.in no particular direction14 【单选】 The uppermost deck on a ship must be_.A.forecastle deckB.w

    21、eather deckC.bulkhead deckD.tween deck 【关联题】 The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based global navigation satellite system that provides location and time information in all weather, anywhere on or near the Earth, where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.

    22、 The GPS program provides critical capabilities to military, civil and commercial users around the world. In addition, GPS is the backbone for modernizing the global air traffic system.The Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an automated tracking system used on ships and by Vessel Traffic Servi

    23、ce (VTS) for identifying and locating vessels by electronically exchanging data with other nearby ships and VTS stations. AIS information supplements marine radar, which continues to be the primary method of collision avoidance for water transport. Information provided by AIS equipment, such as uniq

    24、ue identification, position, course, and speed, can be displayed on a screen or an ECDIS.An Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is a computer-based navigation information system that complies with International Maritime Organization regulations and can be used as an alternative t

    25、o paper nautical charts. An ECDIS system displays the information from electronic navigational charts (ENC) and integrates position information from the Global Positioning System and other navigational sensors, such as radar and AIS. It may also display additional navigation-related information, suc

    26、h as Sailing Directions and fathometer. (1)Which is not the information source of ECDIS system?A.electronic navigational chartsB.Global Positioning SystemC.Sailing DirectionsD.Vessel Traffic Service (2)Which equipment is the most important method of collision avoidance at sea?A.RADARB.GPSC.VTSD.ECDI

    27、S (3)Which of following is not true?A.Global Positioning System (GPS) is a land-based global navigation satellite system.B.GPS can provide position and time information in all weatherC.GPS program can be used by military, civil and commercial usersD.GPS also is the backbone for modernizing the globa

    28、l air traffic system (4)_ will display some information, such as ships position, course and speed.A.APARB.GPSC.VTSD.ECDIS 15【单选】 An isotherm is _.A.a line on a weather map connecting equal points of both temperature and pressureB.an instrument that measures the climatological effects of temperatureC

    29、.a line connecting points of equal barometric pressure on a weather mapD.a line connecting points of equal temperature on a weather map 16 【单选】 MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATEThis forecast probably refers to _ in a certain areaA.visibilityB.windsC.seasD.fog 17【单选】 All echo-sounders can measure the _.A

    30、.actual depth of waterB.actual depth of water below keelC.average depth from waterline to hard bottomD.average depth of water to soft bottom18 【单选】 A light is _ from ChangshanZui, the SE extremity of the island.A.exhibitedB.establishedC.constructedD.built 19 【单选】 _ is not contained in the NM Weekly.

    31、A.Amendments to Admiralty Sailing DirectionsB.Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog SignalsC.Amendments to Admiralty List of Radio SignalsD.Supplement to Guide to Port Entry20【单选】 Chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in _.A.capital lettersB.italicsC.boldface printD.underlined letters 21【单选】 When you navigate outside special area, which of the following garbage is always prohibited to be disposed in


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