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    1、初中英语七年级英语任务型阅读阅读表达专项练习必备英语【初中英语】七年级英语任务型阅读阅读表达专项练习一、七年级英语七选五 任务型阅读 阅读表达1左栏是对五个人的喜好描述,右栏是七则广告信息,请为左栏的每个人选出最感兴趣的广告。 _Miss Green has nothing (没有什么) to do this Saturday. She thinks watching films (电影) is a good way to kill (消磨) the time. _Carry doesnt like eating the American food every day. She dreams

    2、that she can taste food from other countries. _Ben hates (讨厌) hot weather. He feels happy when he walks on the beaches. _Mr. Smith is an old man. He is living in the city, but he likes the country life (乡村生活). _Jack, a young man, isnt afraid of danger. And he wants to watch difficult actions (动作) li

    3、ke jumping through the fire.A International PicnicDo you hate having the same food every day? Would you like to enjoy the food from all over the world? Its yummy and not expensive. Just come!B. Fast FoodTasty, quick and clean! Weekday: 8:00 a m 8:00 p m Weekend:10:00 a m 11: 00 p. mC. Enjoy Thailand

    4、Buy many kinds of fruits and vegetables in boats. Dont forget to bring your hat because the sun can be strong. Temperature (温度) will be 40C at midday (正午).D. Visit HawaiiVisit long sandy beaches. Climb the mountains. 20C24C in the daytime, only a little cool in the evening.E. Come to AustriaEnjoy th

    5、e whole village, the forest and the mountains. 20C -25C in the daytime, but much cooler in the evening.F. Acrobatics(杂技)Exciting! Dangerous (危险的)! See you at the City Theatre on Sunday morning at 10:00.G. Movies at the Museum TheatreTwo Indian movies will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum

    6、 Theatre, THE GRAND CANYON: 2: 00. THE BUILDERS: 3:50. Tel: 367599.【答案】 G;A;D;E;F 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文介绍了 Miss Green, Carry, Ben, Mr. Smith和 Jack的喜好。 (1)细节题。根据 She thinks watching films (电影) is a good way to kill (消磨) the time.可知格林女士喜欢看电影。故选G。 (2)细节题。根据 She dreams that she can taste food from other count

    7、ries. .可知 Carry梦想能品尝其它国家的食物。故选A。 (3)细节题。根据 He feels happy when he walks on the beaches. 可知 Ben 喜欢在海滩上散步。故选D。 (4)细节题。根据 he likes the country life (乡村生活).可知史密斯先生喜欢乡下生活。故选E。 (5)细节题。根据 he wants to watch difficult actions (动作) like jumping through the fire.可知 Jack 喜欢看杂技 。故选F。 【点评】考查考查任务型阅读,先看问题,带着问题找答案,注

    8、意上下文之间的联系。2阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Here are some restaurants. Some people are hungry (饥饿的). Please help them choose restaurants.A. The Steak House:It has thick steaks (牛排), fresh salads and the best fresh fries. You need to get there before 8 a. m. to get a table because it gets crowded a

    9、fter that. Its closer to the center of the city.B. The Fish House:Its really great for people who like fish. Its easier to get a table.C. Hamburger Heaven:Its popular with teenagers. Its cheap. There are many big tables for 8-10persons. You can enjoy the pop music and chat with your friends.D. Hot C

    10、offee:You can listen to the latest hits, get the best coffee in town and eat the most delicious ice-cream.And you can surf the internet in it.E. Tea House:You can drink a cup of green tea. You can also enjoy a Chinese traditional tea show. You can read some books about Chinese culture in the house a

    11、nd listen to Liangzhu.Nancy, a seventy-year-old granny, lives near the center of the city. She often gets up early and she wants to have dinner near her house. She likes fresh salads very much. _Jerry, a school boy who likes having dinner with his friends. He likes chatting with his friends while he

    12、 is having dinner. And they want to have dinner with little money. _Charlie, an Australian art teacher. He likes drinking a cup of coffee after meals. And he often chats on MSN with his daughter when he drinks coffee. _Lucy is a college student who majors in Chinese Culture. She is interested in Chi

    13、nese music and Chinese tea. _Bob, a businessman from England, likes fish and chips very much. _【答案】 A;C;D;E;B 【解析】【分析】A.牛排屋:它有厚厚的牛排、新鲜的沙拉和最好的新鲜的煎饼。你需要八点前赶到那里,因为八点之后会很拥挤,他更靠近市中心。 B.鱼屋:对于喜欢鱼的人来说,这里真的棒极了。很容易找到座位。C.汉堡天堂:很受青少年的欢迎。价格便宜。有供8-10人的大桌子。你可以跟朋友边聊天边欣赏音乐。D.热咖啡:你可以听最新的热门歌曲。喝镇上最好的咖啡,吃最好吃的冰淇淋。你也可以网上冲

    14、浪。E.茶馆:你可以品尝绿茶。你可以欣赏中国的传统茶艺表演。在茶馆里你可以读有关中国文化的书,同时欣赏着梁祝 (1)南希是个七十岁的老奶奶,住在市中心,经常早起想在家附近吃晚饭,非常喜欢吃新鲜的沙拉。该段叙述跟A相匹配,故答案是A。 (2)学生杰瑞喜欢跟朋友一起吃晚饭,他喜欢跟朋友边吃饭边聊天,他想晚饭少花钱。本段叙述跟C相匹配,故答案是C。 (3)澳大利也美术老师查理。喜欢饭后喝咖啡,当喝咖啡的时候,喜欢跟女儿用MSN聊天。本段叙述跟D相匹配。故答案是D。 (4)露西是个大学生,主修中国文化。她对中国音乐和中国茶感兴趣。因此他应该去茶馆。故答案是E。 (5)英国的商人鲍勃,非常喜欢鱼和薯条。

    15、因此他应该去鱼屋,故答案是B。 【点评】五选五的答案选项较少,并且给出的都是句子,因此,我们可以通过句子的完整性或者句子的标点符号来判断该句在文章中的位置。另外通过阅读选项,有可能找出更其他选项表达完全不同意思的句子,这样的话我们就可以直接将该选项排除。3请从A一E项中选出与小题中的描述相匹配的图片。 Some students are going to some different places this weekend. Where are they going? Can you find their places they want to go? _Sally: I have a pen

    16、 pal in Wenchuan. Some days ago, I got a letter from her. She said she needed some school things. I bought some and I want to post them to her. So this weekend, where will I go? Do you know? _Ricky: I dont like weekends. For me, I have no weekends. My parents usually ask me to go to evening school t

    17、o learn English and other subjects. I always feel tired. Thats why I dont like weekends. _Barbara: I love weekends. I can do what I want to do. I want to go to a quiet place to study because Mid-term Exam(期中考试)is coming. I want to borrow(借)some books from that place and return(还)some to that place.

    18、Do you know where I want to go? _Angle: This weekend will be an exciting one for me. My parents are going to take me to have something special in the place. It is said that we can try some Indian food. Isnt it interesting? _Stella: I want to relax myself on weekends. This weekend, I want to do somet

    19、hing different. I want to go to this place. There, you can see many kinds of animals there. And children like to go there with their parents. A. B. C. D. E. 【答案】 B;C;D;E;A 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了周末不同的学生去的不同地点。 (1)根据 I want to post them to her ,可知图B是邮局,故应是去邮局,故选B。 (2)根据 go to evening school to learn English ,可

    20、知图C是英语入门,故应是去英语夜校,故选C。 (3)根据 I want to borrow(借)some books from that place and return(还)some to that place ,可知图D是图书馆,可以借书还书,故应是去图书馆,故选D。 (4)根据 we can try some Indian food,可知图E是餐馆,故应是去餐馆,故选E。 (5)根据 you can see many kinds of animals there. 可知图A是动物园,可以看到很多种类的动物,故应是去动物园,故选A。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,可以将整个文章首先浏览一遍,大概

    21、理解意思。答题过程中,根据所提供的图片进行匹配作答。4阅读短文,根据短文内容完成表格(每空一词)。 Do you know S.H.E? It is a singing group from Taiwan, China. There are three girls in it. They are Selina, Hebe and Ella. They are very popular. Lots of girls like Selina because she is very beautiful. She has long, straight hair. She is of medium he

    22、ight and she is thin. Hebe is a nice girl. She isnt tall but she has long, straight hair, too. She likes to wear cute hats. Ella is really cool! She looks like a boy. She has short, straight hair and she likes to wear jackets and pants. Many fans think that she is the best singer. NameWhat does she

    23、look like?SelinaShe is very _. She has _, straight hair. HebeShe isnt _and she likes to wear hats. EllaShes really _. She likes to wear _and pants. 【答案】 beautiful;long;tall;cool;jackets 【解析】【分析】主要讲了中国台湾组合S.H.E.。 (1)根据Lots of girls like Selina because she is very beautiful.可知Selina是漂亮的,故填beautiful。 (

    24、2)根据She has long, straight hair.可知她有长的直发,故填long。 (3)根据Hebe is a nice girl. She isnt tall可知Hebe不高,故填tall。 (4)根据Ella is really cool!可知Ella是酷的,故填cool。 (5)根据she likes to wear jackets and pants.可知她喜欢穿夹克衫和裤子,故填jackets。 【点评】考查任务型阅读,首先读懂题意,然后从文中仔细寻找答案。5请仔细阅读第1-5询问地点的问题,从A E中选出相匹配的应答语。 A. Go along the street

    25、 for five minutes, turn right and you can see it. I hope the police can help you find your things soon. B. Well, you are in the center of the park. Can you see the square(广场)over there? Pass the square, turn right and then you will see the exit(出口). C. It is about one kilometer away on Fifth Avenue.

    26、 There is a big train station on the right of the supermarket. You can walk there soon. D. Dont worry. There are a few hotels in the town. The nearest one is 300 meters ahead. Walk straight, and then turn right. Youll see it on your right. E. There are two clothes stores near here. There is one abou

    27、t five kilometers from here. You can take Bus No. 305 there. (1)I want to go to the King Supermarket. Could you please tell me how I can get there, Sir? (2)Excuse me. Is there a clothes store near here? I need a new skirt and a pair of shoes. (3)Sorry, I lost my way in the park. Where am I going? Ho

    28、w can I get out of the park? (4)I am new in the town. I am from South Africa. I have to stay in the town at night. Is there a hotel near here? (5)I lost my money and ID card. I must find them. Could you tell me where the police station is? 【答案】 (1)C(2)E(3)B(4)D(5)A 【解析】【分析】所给选项意思: A. Go along the st

    29、reet for five minutes, turn right and you can see it. I hope the police can help you find your things soon.沿着这条街走五分钟,向右拐那么你就会看到它。我希望警察能很快帮你找到你的东西。B. Well, you are in the center of the park. Can you see the square(广场)over there? Pass the square, turn right and then you will see the exit(出口).哦,你在公园的中央

    30、。你能看到那里的广场吗?经过广场,向右拐那么你将看见出口。C. It is about one kilometer away on Fifth Avenue.There is a big train station on the right of the supermarket. You can walk there soon.它大约在第五大道一公里远的地方。在超市右侧有一个大的火车站。你步行很快可以到达那里。D. Dont worry. There are a few hotels in the town. The nearest one is 300 meters ahead. Walk

    31、straight, and then turn right. Youll see it on your right.别担心。在城镇有几个旅馆。最近的在前面300米的地方。直着走,然后向右拐。你将在你右侧看见它。E. There are two clothes stores near here. There is one about five kilometers from here. You can take Bus No. 305 there.在这附近有两个服装的。有一家到这里大约五公里。你可以乘305路公共汽车到达那里。 (1)此处想找到去超市的路。故选C。 (2)此处是想去服装店,故选E。 (3)此处是在公园迷路了要找到出去的路,故选B。 (4)此处是来自南非的陌生人在这个城镇找旅馆,故选D。 (5)此处是我丢身份证要找警察去警局,故选A。【点评】此题考查任务型阅读理解。这个题是去不同地方的道路怎么走。我们要根据不同的选项进行选择。选出正确答案。6任务型阅读 (1)请你帮助校刊编辑把插图A-D张贴到对应的便签下,并完成问题。Hello, my


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