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    高考英语总复习 题组层级快练三十四外研版选修6.docx

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    高考英语总复习 题组层级快练三十四外研版选修6.docx

    1、高考英语总复习 题组层级快练三十四外研版选修62021年高考英语总复习 题组层级快练(三十四)外研版选修6.完形填空To be fair,some questions and myths about milk make us smile. We need _1_ information to make the best choice for ourselves and our families about what we _2_. Its time to set people _3_ about some mon misconceptions about chocolate milk.Myth

    2、: Chocolate milk es from _4_ cows.Fact: _5_, chocolate milk or any flavored milk is cows milk with _6_ flavoring and sweeteners.Myth: Chocolate milk is not as _7_ as white milk.Fact: No matter what _8_ the milk has, it will always be the same delicious and nutritious beverage(饮料) that provides nine

    3、essential nutrients. The major _9_ between white and flavored milk is that flavored milk contains more carbohydrate(碳水化合物) and higher calories due to the addition of sweeteners. _10_ some have concerns about sweeteners in milk, some leading _11_ and nutrition organizations have recognized that small

    4、 amounts of added _12_ can be used in nutrient-dense foods, like chocolate milk. For some people, the calories from sugar in flavored milk are a(n) _13_ trade-off(权衡)for all of the nutrients milk _14_ for them. In fact, dairies have e together to _15_ sugars in flavored milk _16_ in schools by 38 pe

    5、rcent. This low-sugar, fat-free flavored milk has an average of 134 calories per 18 fl.oz.(盎司), which is only about 30 more calories than that in white milk.Myth: Drinking chocolate milk _17_ weight gain.Fact: A study of more than 7,000 children and adolescents _18_ that drinking flavored or white m

    6、ilk was not _19_ to an increase of weight, when pared to children and adolescents who did not drink milk. The key to anyone wanting to _20_ a healthy body weight is to balance calories consumed by calories expended in physical activities.1. A. general B. efficientC. accurate D. effective2. A. eat B.

    7、 doC. think D. view3. A. new B. straightC. high D. fresh4. A. blue B. whiteC. orange D. brown5. A. Actually B. StrangelyC. Possibly D. Luckily6. A. raised B. introducedC. added D. advertised7. A. expensive B. tastyC. friendly D. nutritious8. A. flavor B. brandC. pany D. design9. A. problem B. differ

    8、enceC. concern D. relation10. A. When B. WhileC. Where D. Since11. A. agriculture B. industryC. business D. health12. A. vitamins B. sugarC. water D. vinegar13. A. worthwhile B. unnecessaryC. worrying D. demanding14. A. consumes B. witnessesC. contains D. provides15. A. increase B. lowerC. present D

    9、. prohibit16. A. accessible B. availableC. respectable D. admirable17. A. causes B. savesC. protects D. reduces18. A. exposed B. explainedC. revealed D. promised19. A. related B. accustomedC. addicted D. lost20. A. raise B. decreaseC. observe D. maintain答案与解析【文章大意】 本文为说明文。文章介绍了人们对巧克力牛奶的一些错误的认识,并告诉人们

    10、真相其实巧克力牛奶和其他牛奶一样健康、有营养。1. 答案 C解析 由下文作者重点说明的Myth和Fact可知,本文提供了准确的信息。general“普遍的”;efficient“效率高的”;accurate“准确的”;effective“有效的”。2. 答案 A解析 从下文提及的巧克力奶可知,本文是关于我们吃的东西的,故选A项。3. 答案 B解析 此处表示是该纠正人们对巧克力牛奶的一些常见的错误认识的时候了。set sb. straight about sth.“纠正某人;使某人了解真相”。4. 答案 D解析 由下文语境is cows milk可推知,此处表示人们误以为产巧克力牛奶的奶牛的颜色

    11、应该与巧克力的颜色一样,即brown。5. 答案 A解析 由Fact可知,此处作者要阐明一种事实,因此用actually“事实上”。strangely“奇怪地”;possibly“可能”;luckily“幸运地”。6. 答案 C解析 此处表示白色牛奶中添加了调味香料和甜味剂,故用added。7. 答案 D解析 由下文中的be the same delicious and nutritious beverage that provides nine essential nutrients可知,此处表示人们误以为chocolate milk不如white milk有营养。8. 答案 A解析 此处表

    12、示无论牛奶有什么味道,它都是可口而又有营养的饮料。9. 答案 B解析 此处作者将white milk和flavored milk进行对比,因此用difference说明两者之间的差异。10. 答案 B解析 此处表示尽管一些人担心牛奶中的甜味剂,可是一些重要的健康与营养组织对此已经认可了。前后句之间存在让步关系,故选B项。11. 答案 D解析 文章内容涉及的是牛奶问题,因此与健康有关,故用health。12. 答案 B解析 由上文中的the additions of sweeteners“添加甜味剂”,可知此处指食物中加入的糖。13. 答案 A解析 从上下文语境可知,作者对待flavored m

    13、ilk的态度是积极的,因此用worthwhile符合语境。14. 答案 D解析 此处为一个定语从句,表示牛奶提供给他们全部的营养。provide“提供”。15. 答案 B解析 上文提到some have concerns about sweeteners in milk,因此乳品公司联手减少了添加到(在学校可买到的)flavored milk中的糖。16. 答案 B解析 此处为形容词短语作后置定语,表示在学校可以买到的(available)牛奶。accessible“可达到的”;respectable“值得尊敬的”;admirable“令人羡慕的”。17. 答案 A解析 联系下文可知,此处表示

    14、饮用巧克力牛奶会导致人体重增加。18. 答案 C解析 此处指一项研究显示,因此用reveal“揭示;显示”。expose“(尤指对令人震惊或故意保密的事实的)揭露”;explain“解释”;promise“承诺;保证”。19. 答案 A解析 文中作者介绍了大家对巧克力牛奶的一些错误认识。此处表示喝flavored milk或white milk与体重增加无关。be related to“与有关”。20. 答案 D解析 此处表示维持健康的体重。maintain“维持;保持”。.阅读理解Germany wins World Cup on Mario Goetzes brillianceRIO DE

    15、 JANEIRO Germany won the World Cup for the fourth time on Sunday when substitute Mario Goetze volleyed in a brilliant goal seven minutes from the end of extra time to secure a 1-0 victory over Argentina at the Maracana.The game had seemed destined for penalties until fellow substitute Andre Schuerrl

    16、e escaped down the left and sent in a cross that Goetze controlled on his chest before slamming home.“Were going to celebrate for at least five weeks now, ” said Germany goalkeeper Manuel Neuer. At some point well stop celebrating but well always keep waking up with a smile.“We did it and its unbeli

    17、evable. In the preparation we had some setbacks. We have to think of the guys not here. They are world champions now too, ” he added.Argentina coach Alejandro Sabella, said:“I feel sadness not to have been able to win the tournament but pride in the team that played a great game.”“I congratulate the

    18、 players. They are a pride to the nation for the efforts they made and the tournament they played.”Germany dominated possession but Argentina were always dangerous on the break and had the best of the few chances.The clearest of them came after 20 minutes when Tony Krooss misdirected header sent Gon

    19、zalo Higuain clear, only for the striker to drag his shot badly wide with the goal at his mercy.Lionel Messi struggled to impose himself on the game and, though he shot just wide right at the start of the second half, he looked short of fitness and drifted out of the action.As both teams tired the g

    20、ame went into extra time and Argentina substitute Rodrigo Palacio had a great chance when through but touched the ball wide.Another penalty shootout had looked certain until Goetze, who began the tournament as first choice for Germany, had the final word with a memorable goal.Having won the title in

    21、 1954, 1974 and 1990 as West Germany this triumph makes them the first European team to lift the trophy in the Americas.1. Whats the result of the Germany against Argentina in the xx World Cup?A. 2 1 B. 1 0C. 3 2 D. 0 02. From what Argentina coach said, we know that _.A. he was very sadB. he was ver

    22、y angryC. he was very happyD. he felt sad but proud of the efforts his players made3. How many times did Germany won the title in the World Cup?A. One. B. Two.C. Three. D. Four.4. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “triumph” in the last paragraph?A. Joy. B. Pleasure.C. Victory. D. Pride.答案与解析1

    23、. 答案 B解析 从文章第一段可以知道德国队以1 0赢了阿根廷队。2. 答案 D解析 从短文的第五段和第六段中,我们可以了解阿根廷队教练的心情。3. 答案 D解析 细节理解题。从文章第一段和最后一段都可以知道这是德国队第四次赢得胜利。4. 答案 C解析 词义猜测题。从文章前后文以及单词的前后句都可以推断出此词的意思为“胜利;凯旋”。(原创题)Teachers using red pens to mark students work could harm their psyche(心灵) as the color is too aggressive, according to the educa

    24、tion strategies drafted by an Australian state government.The “Good Mental Health Rocks” kit, which was distributed to about 30 schools in Queensland state, offers strategies such as “Dont mark in red pens use a different color.” Other tips include structuring time for peer tutoring every day, apolo

    25、gizing to students when necessary and asking students to conduct a “personal skills audit” where they focus on their strengths rather than their weaknesses.The kit, designed to help Queensland teachers address mental health problems in the classroom, suggests social and emotional well being has been

    26、 linked to young peoples schooling, among other things. The education aid has caused some arguments in the government, with deputy opposition leader Mark Mcardle calling it “kooky, loony, loopy lefty policies”.But Health Minister Stephen Robertson, whose department devised the kit, said youth suicid

    27、e was a serious issue. “If mental health professionals determine that as one of a number of strategies teachers should consider, then Ill support them every day.” He told reporters recently, “This is not a matter for ridicule, this is serious.”According to some Australian mental health groups, the g

    28、reatest number of people with mental illness are aged between 18 and 24 years, with 14 percent of Australian children and adolescents suffering from some sort of illness. Boys are slightly more likely to experience mental health problems than girls and depression is one of the most mon conditions am

    29、ong young people and increase during adolescence, the website of mental health group Mindframe said.1. The author suggests that _.A. teachers should not mark students work in red pensB. teachers should not be so aggressive to their studentsC. students should be allowed to help their classmates every

    30、dayD. students should be encouraged to mark their classmates every day2. The “Good Mental Health Rocks” kit was designed to _.A. improve students healthB. develop students strengthsC. take care of mental health problemsD. improve teachers teaching strategies3. What can be inferred from the passage?A

    31、. Many teenagers kill themselves every year.B. Teachers will be forbidden to use red pens forever.C. Different people hold different opinions about the kit.D. Boys are much more easily to have mental health problems than girls.4. Whats the main idea of the last paragraph?A. Most Australian children are in a poor state of health.B. Adolesc


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