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    整理02251530Special 听力训练普特英语听力论坛.docx

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    整理02251530Special 听力训练普特英语听力论坛.docx

    1、整理02251530 Special 听力训练 普特英语听力论坛【整理】2008-02-25-1530 - Special 听力训练 - 普特英语听力论坛 :主攻英语听力训练的英语学习论坛 - Powered by Discuz!默认表情IPB表情酷猴呆呆男diewupiaopiao 我的帖子 空间 短消息 论坛任务 个人中心 退出 论坛主站博客家园辞典问吧商城搜索QQ群帮助普特英语听力论坛 » Special 听力训练 » 【整理】2008-02-25-1530最新经典佳句背诵!在线背单词新一代口语模仿训练系统上线!专治男女记不住单词的秘密图 在线词典和异地的TA一起

    2、来练口语吧!只要你有麦!普特新增在线听写复读系统!普特英语新一代口译训练系统上线! 返回列表 回复 发帖 发新话题SE 1530 NEWS 【整理】2008-02-25-1530qingchengshan 发短消息 加为好友 qingchengshan 当前离线 UID280235 帖子16665 积分35704 阅读权限100 来自sichuan 在线时间2554 小时 注册时间2005-10-11 最后登录2010-2-10 版主 UID280235 帖子16665 贡献值35704 普币3278 听力指数15991 阅读权限100 来自sichuan 在线时间2554 小时 注册时间20

    3、05-10-11 最后登录2010-2-10 1# 打印 字体大小: tT 发表于 2008-2-26 10:10 | 只看该作者 SE 1530 NEWS 【整理】2008-02-25-1530 SENEWS-2008-02-25-1530 【电信1】 RealVideo / mp3 【电信2】 RealVideo / mp3 【网通/教育网】 RealVideo / mp3 有疑难,请进- 【1530News】-新闻突击队 版主提示: 一、若是自己的听写稿, 请发帖时标注Homework. 二、若是改稿, 请发帖时标注on 某某人并在修改处标红. 三、为了达到最快的下载速度,推荐使用迅雷高

    4、速下载本站音频/视频材料. 第十一期招收新学员报名正在进行中! 【整理】SENEWS-2008-02-25-1530 Special thanks to daiyuan1128, ambertsui, yzmin, hongqipiao and 依yiyi It is 15:30 Universal Time. Im Bob Doughty in Washington. 1 Iraqi officials say at least 63 people have been killed in recent attacks against Shiite Muslims. Officials sai

    5、d the victims were traveling to the central city of Karbala for Arbaeen, one of Shiite Islams holiest gatherings. At least four Shiites were killed in a bomb attack Monday in southern Baghdad. More than 15 others were reported wounded. On Sunday a bomber killed 56 Shiites who had stopped for a rest

    6、in Iskandariyah south of Baghdad. The United States military and American Embassy blamed al-Qaeda in Iraq supporters for that attack. 2 A suicide bomber has killed Pakistans top military medical officer. The Pakistani government says the Armys Surgeon General Lieutenant General Mushtaq Ahmed Baig di

    7、ed in the bombing Monday in Rawalpindi. It said the attack also killed his driver and at least five civilians. Twenty-five other people were reported wounded. This is the second time Pakistans military has been attacked in Rawalpindi this month. In early February a suicide bomber struck a military b

    8、us. Six people were killed and about 40 others hurt in that attack. 3 Thousands of Palestinians have demonstrated in the Gaza Strip to protest Israels blockade of the territory. Almost 5,000 adults and children held hands along a road between Rafah on Gazas border with Egypt and Beit Hanun, in north

    9、ern Gaza. Thousands of Israeli troops stood across the border to prevent any security violation. The demonstration ended without any violence. Israel says the blockade is needed to pressure Hamas militants to stop their rocket attacks against Israel. 4 The new president of South Korea is promising t

    10、o increase wealth not only in his own country, but also in North Korea. Lee Myung-bak spoke at his swearing-in ceremony in Seoul Monday. Mr. Lee said his most important job is South Koreas economic recovery. He said South Korea is ready to help North Korea if it stops work on nuclear weapons and bec

    11、omes a more open country. Mr. Lee also said the two Koreas could work on a new cooperative path if the North gives up its nuclear weapons. He said such cooperation could lead to large aid projects and international support. About 45,000 people attended the ceremony. Among them were Japanese Prime Mi

    12、nister Yasuo Fukuda and several other Asian leaders. American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice represented the United States. 5 American Defense Secretary Robert Gates is promising to help Indonesia improve its defenses. He says the United States is ready to help Indonesia reform its military. He

    13、 spoke after meetings with the Indonesian president and defense minister Monday in Jakarta. Later Mr. Gates said he pressed for closer military ties between the two countries. Before arriving in Indonesia, the American defense secretary said it was important to improve relations with the Democratic

    14、Country. Indonesia has faced many attacks from Islamic militant groups, especially Jemaah Islamiah. You are listening to the news in VOA Special English. 本帖最后由 sfere 于 2008-2-27 11:10 编辑 收藏 分享 评分 你的英语水平可以提高多少? 回复 引用 订阅 道具 TOP daiyuan1128 发短消息 加为好友 daiyuan1128 当前离线 UID446834 帖子2 积分1 阅读权限10 性别男 来自北京 在

    15、线时间2 小时 注册时间2006-8-19 最后登录2008-6-26 普通百姓 UID446834 帖子2 贡献值1 普币1 听力指数1 阅读权限10 性别男 来自北京 在线时间2 小时 注册时间2006-8-19 最后登录2008-6-26 2# 发表于 2008-2-26 12:31 | 只看该作者 HW It is 15:30 universal time; I am Bob Dowdy in Washington. Iraqi officials say at least 63 people have been killed in recent attacks against Shi

    16、ah Muslims. Official said the victims were traveling to the central city of for Albarin, one of Shiah Islams holiest gatherings. At least 4 Shiahs were killed in a bomb attack one day in Baghdad. More than 15 others were reported wounded. On Sunday a bomber killed 56 Shiahs who had stopped for a res

    17、t in south of Baghdad. The United States Military and American Embassy blamed supporters for that attack. A suicide bomber has killed Pakistans top military medical officer. The Pakistani Government says the armys Surgeon General, General died in the bombing Monday in . It said the attack also kille

    18、d his driver and at least 5 civilians. 25 other people were reported wounded. This is the seconds time Pakistans military has been attacked in this month. In early February a suicide bomber stroke a military bus. 6 people were killed and about 40 others hurt in that attack. Thousands of Palestinians

    19、 have demonstrated in the Gazas street to protest its reels blockade of the territory. Almost 5,000 adults and children held hands along the road between Raphar and Gazas border with Egypt and in northern of Gaza. Thousands of Israels troops stood across the border to prevent any security violation.

    20、 The demonstration ended without any violence. Israel says the blockade is needed to pressure HAMAS militants to stop their rocket attacks against Israel. The new President of South Korea is promising to increase wealth not only in his own country but also in North Korea. Lee Yongpark spoke at his s

    21、wearing-in ceremony in Seoul Monday. Mr. Lee said his most important job is South Koreas economic recovery. He said South Korea is ready to help North Korea, if it stops work on nuclear weapons and becomes a more open country. Mr. Lee also said the two Koreas could work on a new cooperative path if

    22、the North gives up its nuclear weapons. He said such cooperation could lead to large aid project and international support. About 45,000 people attended the ceremony. Among them were Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda and several other Asian leaders. American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice re

    23、presented the United States. American Defensive Secretary Robert Gates is promising to help Indonesia improve its defenses. He says:” the United States is ready to help Indonesia reform its military. He spoke after meetings with the Indonesian President and Defense Minister Monday in Jakarta. Later

    24、Mr. Gates said he pressed for closer military ties between the two countries. Before arriving in Indonesia, the American Defensive Secretary said it was important to improve relations with the democratic country. Indonesia has faced many attacks from Islamic militant groups, especially Gima Is lamia

    25、. You are listening to the News in VOA Special English. 本帖最后由 daiyuan1128 于 2008-2-26 12:34 编辑 衣服下面的身体是神性,肉体之外的思想是自己 阶梯修改编辑太麻烦?用普特在线文本比较! 回复 引用 道具 TOP ambertsui 发短消息 加为好友 ambertsui 当前离线 UID565883 帖子697 积分691 阅读权限90 性别女 来自GZ 在线时间4 小时 注册时间2007-4-3 最后登录2009-6-25 榜眼 UID565883 帖子697 贡献值691 普币1 听力指数17 阅读权

    26、限90 性别女 来自GZ 在线时间4 小时 注册时间2007-4-3 最后登录2009-6-25 3# 发表于 2008-2-26 13:29 | 只看该作者 Homework It is 15:30 Universal Time. Im Bob Doughty in Washington. Iraqi officials say at least 63 people have been killed in recent attacks against Shiite Muslims. Officials said the victims were traveling to the centra

    27、l city of Karbala for Arbain, one of Shiite Islams holiest gatherings. At least four Shiites were killed in a bomb attack Monday in southern Baghdad. More than 15 others were reportedly wounded. On Sunday a bomber killed 56 Shiites who had stopped for a rest in Iskandariya, south of Baghdad. The Uni

    28、ted States military and American embassy blamed al-Qaeda in Iraq supporters for that attack. A suicide bomber has killed Pakistans top military medical officer. The Pakistani government says the armys sergeant general Lieutenant General Mushtaq Ahmed Baig died in the bombing Monday in Rawalpindi. It

    29、 said the attack also killed his driver and at least five civilians. 25 other people were reported wounded. This is the second time Pakistans military has been attacked in Rawalpindi this moth. In early February a suicide bomber struck a military bus. Six people were killed and about 40 others hurt

    30、in that attack. Thousands of Palestinians have demonstrated in the Gaza Strip to protest Israels blockade of the territory. Almost five thousand adults and children held hands along a road between /, on Gaza s border with Egypt and / in Northern Gaza. Thousands of Israeli troops stood across the bor

    31、der to prevent any security violation. The demonstration ended without any violence. Israel says the blockade is needed to pressure Hamas militants to stop their rocket attacks against Israel. The new president of South Korea is promising to increase wealth not only in his own country but also in North Korea. Lee Myung-bak spoke a


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