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    1、英语即兴演讲题目 即兴演讲第一套题目 In this picture, we can see all kinds of animals.There are dogs,tigers,pandas,monkeys,bears and so on. They are cute and beautiful. They are our good friends.We love them very much.在这个图片中,我们可以看到各种各样的动物。有狗、老虎、熊猫、猴子、熊等等。它们既可爱又漂亮。它们是我们人类的好朋友。我们很爱它们。(注释:“and so on”是“等等”的意思。)第二套题目 Toda

    2、y,our English teacher brings two new students to our class.One is a boy ,the other is a girl. They say Hello to everyone, and we are glad to meet them.We have classes together. What a nice day!今天,我们英语老师带了两个新同学来教室。一个是男孩,另一个是女孩。他们向每个同学问好,我们很高兴认识他们。我们一起上了课。多么美好的一天啊!第三套题目请你仔细观察下图,用 This is . It has. 来描绘

    3、这张卡片。This is an elephant, it is big and strong. It has bananas on its nose.Three students are watching it.The teacher is teaching them something.They all like the elephant very much.这是一只大象,它个头很大而且强壮。它鼻子上挂着香蕉。三个小学生在观看它。老师正教着他们一些东西。他们都很爱大象。第四套题目请你仔细观察下图,用I have 句式来描绘头部器官。 I have a big face. In my face

    4、,I have two black eyes and a big nose. Below my nose, there is a mouth. I have a pair of ears too. I think my face is beautiful.我有一张大脸。脸上有两只黑眼睛和一只鼻子。鼻子下面,有一张嘴。我还有一对耳朵。我认为我的脸很美丽。第五套题目如果你是Zip,请用Whos that.或其它句型提问.My name is Zip, I play in the garden at noon . I see a women in front of me , but I do not

    5、 know her . So I ask a girl whos that women. She say that is her mother.我叫Zip,中午在花园玩耍。我看见我前面有一位女士,但我不认识她。所以,我问旁边的小女孩那个女士是谁?她说那是她的妈妈。第六套题目请你仔细观察下图中的水果和饮料,说说他们是什么和什么颜色。用句型 I see .I like I can see a lot of fruits and three glasses of fruit juice. There are apples,grapes,pears,oranges,bananas,pineapple,

    6、Strawberries and so on . I like apples very much. They have beautiful colors.They look delicious. 我可以看到很多水果和三杯果汁。有苹果、葡萄、梨、橙子、香蕉、菠萝、草莓等等。我很喜欢苹果。它们色泽鲜艳,看起来很美味。第七套题目IIn this picture, we can see the wonderful rainbow. It has many different colors. Such as white,red,orange,green,blue,pink,purple,black an

    7、d so on. It is amazing.在这幅图片中,我们可以看到一道美妙的彩虹。它有许多不同的颜色。例如白色、红色、橙色、绿色、蓝色、粉红色、紫色、黑色等等。太让人叹为观止了。第八套题目It is a sportsground. In the runway, I can see a lot of numbers.There are one, five,nine,seven,twelve,fourteen,sixteen,twenty and twenty-four. 这是一个运动场。在跑道上,我可以看到许多数字。有一、五、九、七、十二、十四、十六、二十和二十四。第九套题目(这个不用写吧

    8、,边说边做就好了。)第十套题目请你仔细观看下图,用句式This is my.来说说家庭成员。This is a photo of my family. There are six person. My grandparents are sitting with me in the sofa. Behind me is my mom ,dad and sister. I love my family very much .这是我们家的全家福。总共有六个人。外公外婆陪我坐在沙发上。我后面的是我的妈妈爸爸和妹妹。我很爱我的家庭。第十一套题目In this picture, I can see a l

    9、ot of animals. There are tiger,pig,dog,monkey,elephant,rabbit,duck,panda,mouse,zebra,bear,giraffe bird and squirrel. They are playing happily.在这幅图中,我可以看到很多的动物。有老虎,猪,狗,猴子,大象,兔子,鸭子,熊猫,老鼠,斑马,熊,长颈鹿,鸟和松鼠。他们玩得很开心。第十二套题目In this picture, we can see each child has an animal in his hand. Lily has a giraffe, L

    10、ucy has a squirrel,Mary has a bird and Tom has an elephant. They love their animals very much.在这幅图中,我们可以看到每个小孩手里都有一只动物。莉莉有一只长颈鹿,露西有一只小松鼠,玛丽有一只小鸟,汤姆有一只大象。他们很爱自己的动物。第十三套题目In this picture, we can see a desk and a chair. On the desk ,there are a lot of things. There is a bag, two books,a ruler,a pen,a p

    11、encil box and a lamp. They are used for study.在这幅图中,我们可以看到一个桌子和一个椅子。在桌子上,有很多东西。有一个书包,两本书,一个尺子,一支钢笔,一个铅笔盒和一盏台灯。他们是用来学习的。第十四套题目(重复,同第二道题目)第十五套题目In this picture, I can see five friends are having a picnic.There are cakes,hamburgers,eggs,milk,ice cream,bananas,oranges.There are also some animals. Such a

    12、s dog,monkey,butterfly and bear. They are having a nice day!在这幅图中,我可以看到五个好朋友正在野餐。这里有蛋糕,汉堡包,鸡蛋,牛奶,冰淇淋,香蕉,橙子。还有一些动物,例如狗,猴子,蝴蝶和熊。他们正在过着美好的一天。第十六套题目In this picture, I can see seven animals are having a picnic.They are elephant,bear,giraffe,monkey,tiger,rabbit and mouse.The elephant likes eating banana.The bear likes eating apple.The rabbit likes eating peach. They are having a nice day!


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