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    钢结构彩板屋面漏水质量通病的原因及防治措施 中英文.docx

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    钢结构彩板屋面漏水质量通病的原因及防治措施 中英文.docx

    1、钢结构彩板屋面漏水质量通病的原因及防治措施 中英文钢结构彩板屋面漏水质量通病的原因及防治措施 中英文(一)钢结构彩板屋面漏水质量通病的原因及防治措施(1) Causes and prevention measures of common water leakage quality problems of steel structure color plate roof1、屋面板的连接1. Connection of roof panel钢结构体系建筑屋面板,在屋面上有长向连接和侧向连接2种。长向连接主要是搭接,即上坡板压下坡板,搭接处设置专用防水密封胶加固定专用压条,而侧向连接的方式,目前主要

    2、有以下3种:There are two kinds of steel structure system building roof panels: long connection and lateral connection. The long connection is mainly lap joint, that is, the upper slope plate presses the lower slope plate, and the lap joint is provided with special waterproof sealant and fixed special pre

    3、ssure strip. At present, there are mainly three ways of lateral connection:1)搭接连接把压型钢板搭接边重叠,并用各种螺栓、铆钉或自攻螺钉等连成整体。该连接又分为带密封胶槽与不带密封胶槽2种,屋面螺钉外露,波峰均比较低。1) Lap connection overlaps the lap edge of profiled steel plate and connects it as a whole with various bolts, rivets or self tapping screws. The connect

    4、ion is divided into two types: with sealant groove and without sealant groove. The roof screws are exposed and the wave peaks are relatively low.2)暗扣式连接固定支座利用平头自攻螺钉固定在屋面檩条上,再将压型屋面板与固定支座扣合。屋面无螺钉外露,但由于与檩条直接用螺钉连接而无法控制热胀冷缩的变形。2) The concealed connection fixed support is fixed on the roof purlin with fla

    5、t head self tapping screws, and then the profiled roof panel is buckled with the fixed support. There are no exposed screws on the roof, but the deformation of thermal expansion and cold contraction cannot be controlled due to the direct connection with purlin with screws.3)咬合暗扣式连接,屋面系统通过滑动支架来固定屋面板,

    6、既有利于屋面防水和保持屋面的整体性,又能有效地控制因热胀冷缩引起的变形,该连接形式分180和360两种。3) Snap and snap connection. The roof system fixes the roof panel through sliding support, which is not only conducive to roof waterproof and maintaining the integrity of the roof, but also can effectively control the deformation caused by thermal

    7、expansion and cold contraction. The connection form is divided into 180 and 360 .2、漏水原因分析2. Cause analysis of water leakage彩钢板维护系统本身具有一定的强度和刚度,材料一般不会漏水,维护系统漏水原因主要在节点处理不当,材料的品质,系统设计的成熟性、完备性,结构构造和安装技术等也都直接影响到围护系统的防水效果。彩钢板由于受环境、温度的变化而收缩、变形,接口和搭接连接部位产生位移时,密封胶条或硅酮胶与彩板表面粘结处不能同步位移而产生脱离,造成彩钢板屋面漏水。不同的采光板在相同的

    8、时间内其变形和老化的程度也不尽相同。屋面漏水按原因归结起来主要如下。The color steel plate maintenance system itself has certain strength and stiffness, and the materials generally do not leak. The main reasons for the leakage of the maintenance system are improper treatment of nodes, the quality of materials, the maturity and comple

    9、teness of system design, structural structure and installation technology, which also directly affect the waterproof effect of the enclosure system. The color steel plate shrinks and deforms due to the change of environment and temperature. When the interface and lap joint displacement, the sealant

    10、strip or silicone adhesive cannot move synchronously with the surface of the color steel plate, resulting in water leakage of the color steel plate roof. Different daylighting panels have different degrees of deformation and aging in the same time. The main causes of roof water leakage are as follow

    11、s.(1)设计因素(1) Design factors1、刚架轻型房屋钢结构技术规程(CECS 102:98)中规定:刚架轻型房屋屋面坡度宜取1/81/20,屋面坡度过小,屋面雨水不能及时排入天沟,屋面积水而造成屋面渗水现象。1. Technical specification for steel structure of rigid frame light houses (CECs 102:98) stipulates that the roof slope of rigid frame light houses should be 1 / 8 1 / 20. The roof slope

    12、is too small, and the roof rainwater cannot be discharged into the gutter in time, resulting in roof water seepage.2、缺少节点设计,选用节点做法不当,屋脊处女儿墙高度不够,伸出屋面的管道、排气道位置不妥或高度不够,以至影响防水层施工困难。2. Lack of node design, improper selection of nodes, insufficient parapet height at the ridge, improper or insufficient pos

    13、ition or height of pipes and exhaust ducts extending out of the roof, so as to affect the construction of waterproof layer.3、板型选择不当,对于暗扣式和咬合式的板型,只要现场安装得当,一般不会有太大的问题。如果选用直接用自攻螺钉连接的板型,即使现场处理得很好,防水胶做的也很到位,但由于面板具有热胀冷缩的性能,同样也会出现漏水现象。3. Improper selection of plate type. As long as the plate types of conce

    14、aled buckle and bite are installed properly on site, there will not be much problem. If the plate type directly connected with self tapping screws is selected, even if the field treatment is very good and the waterproof glue is in place, water leakage will also occur because the panel has the perfor

    15、mance of thermal expansion and cold contraction.4、屋面孔洞设计时考虑不周。不得在施工时现场随便割孔割洞,孔洞防水要做好。4. The design of roof holes is not well considered. It is not allowed to cut holes at the construction site, and the hole waterproof shall be done well.5、围护部分彩板过薄,经过一段时间的使用,外板腐蚀或者受温度影响变形,板之间缝隙增大。5. The color plate o

    16、f the enclosure is too thin. After a period of use, the outer plate corrodes or deforms under the influence of temperature, and the gap between the plates increases.6、屋面雨水系统未按规范设置溢流措施,暴雨强度超过雨水系统排放能力时就会超过搭接缝,甚至漫上屋面,造成事故。6. The roof rainwater system is not provided with overflow measures according to

    17、the specifications. When the rainstorm intensity exceeds the drainage capacity of the rainwater system, it will exceed the lap joint and even overflow onto the roof, resulting in accidents.7、落水管数量不足,雨水沿天沟流动距离远,时间长,造成积水;墙面外板上部未增设L型收边件,天沟内侧存在漏水隐患。7. The number of downpipes is insufficient, and the rai

    18、nwater flows along the gutter for a long time, resulting in ponding; L-shaped edge closing piece is not added at the upper part of the outer plate of the wall, and there is a hidden danger of water leakage at the inner side of the gutter.8、彩钢泛水配件设计不合理,达不到防水效果。8. The design of color steel flashing ac

    19、cessories is unreasonable and can not achieve waterproof effect.9、规范规定构件变形控制值,檩条挠度L180,屋面梁挠度L180(式中L为受弯构件的跨度),屋面檩条截面设计太小、间距过大,在风荷载作用下檩条和压型板变形就会过大。9. The specification specifies the control value of member deformation, purlin deflection L / 180, roof beam deflection L / 180 (where l is the span of be

    20、nding member). If the section design of roof purlin is too small and the spacing is too large, the deformation of purlin and profiled plate will be too large under wind load.10、未充分考虑结构变形、温差变形、干缩变形、振动等影响,设防不满足基层变形的需要。10. The effects of structural deformation, temperature difference deformation, dry s

    21、hrinkage deformation and vibration are not fully considered, and the fortification does not meet the needs of base deformation.(2)施工因素(2) Construction factors1)施工过程中对屋面围护不注意保护,随意踩踏屋面,破坏了屋面的平整度,甚至出现裂纹,密封胶量不足,位置不正确,打拉铆钉过多,并且未进行防水处理。)1) During the construction process, the roof enclosure is not protect

    22、ed, and the roof is trampled at will, which destroys the flatness of the roof, even cracks, insufficient sealant, incorrect position, too many pulling rivets, and no waterproof treatment.)2)天沟不进行防腐,在进行天沟防腐时,只是刷防锈漆或者沥青漆,使用一段时间后,天沟腐蚀严重。2) The gutter is not subject to anti-corrosion. When the gutter is

    23、 subject to anti-corrosion, it is only painted with antirust paint or asphalt paint. After being used for a period of time, the gutter is seriously corroded.3)钢结构厂房屋面板,因跨度过大,屋面板存在搭接,虽然在搭接等处采用了聚氨酯密封胶和缝合钉等处理,但安装时往往很难达到设计理论标准,导致漏雨。3) Because of the large span of the house panels in the steel structure

    24、plant, the roof panels are overlapped. Although polyurethane sealant and suture nails are used at the overlapped places, it is often difficult to meet the design theoretical standards during installation, resulting in rain leakage.4)天沟横向没有坡度,制作时至少应留0.5的坡度。4) The gutter has no transverse slope, and a

    25、 slope of at least 0.5% shall be reserved during fabrication.5)关键节点部位施工马虎。女儿墙等根部阴角没有按规定作成圆弧或圆弧太小,卷材端边收头密封不严,上口白铁皮变形,固定点稀少加之密封材料封口不好,伸出屋面的管道根部堵洞不严,管道四周找平层没有高出附近找平层,防水层泛水高度不够。保温层施工遇雨,排气槽堵塞,排气孔设置不合理,造成保温层长期浸水。刚性屋面产生裂缝,分割缝处防水密封膏与缝侧壁粘结不牢而渗水。5) The construction of key nodes is careless. The internal corne

    26、rs of the parapet and other roots are not made into an arc as required or the arc is too small, the end sealing of the coil is not tight, the white iron sheet at the upper mouth is deformed, the fixed points are rare, coupled with the poor sealing of the sealing materials, the hole blocking at the r

    27、oot of the pipe extending out of the roof is not strict, the leveling layer around the pipe is not higher than the nearby leveling layer, and the flashing height of the waterproof layer is not enough. In case of rain during the construction of the insulation layer, the exhaust slot is blocked and th

    28、e exhaust hole is set unreasonably, resulting in long-term water immersion of the insulation layer. The rigid roof has cracks, and the waterproof sealant at the split joint is not firmly bonded with the side wall of the joint, resulting in water seepage.(3)构造因素(3) Structural factors1)房屋在使用过程当中随意增加荷载

    29、,导致屋面板变形。特别是在屋面檩条上随意增加荷载,檩条变形,导致屋面积水。1) During the use of the house, the load is arbitrarily increased, resulting in the deformation of the roof slab. In particular, the load is arbitrarily increased on the roof purlin, resulting in purlin deformation, resulting in water in the roof area.2)防水胶、密封胶老化

    30、,使用工程中缺少必要维护。2) The waterproof glue and sealant are aging and lack of necessary maintenance during use.3)堵头对由于风力造成的漏水是有作用的,不应忽视,须保证彩钢板与屋脊盖板堵头安装到位,采光板与屋脊盖板间堵头下部应打硅酮密封胶,屋面风机处彩钢板波峰端部设置钢堵头。3) The plug plays a role in water leakage caused by wind force and should not be ignored. It is necessary to ensure

    31、 that the plug of color steel plate and ridge cover plate is installed in place. Silicone sealant shall be applied at the lower part of the plug between daylighting plate and ridge cover plate, and steel plug shall be set at the wave crest end of color steel plate at roof fan.4)搭接时缝隙容易受温度影响变大,应充分留够搭

    32、接长度。4) When lapping, the gap is easily affected by temperature, and sufficient lapping length shall be reserved.5)水宜疏不宜堵,一般安装时在钢板内侧打密封胶。5) The water shall be drained rather than blocked. Generally, sealant shall be applied on the inner side of the steel plate during installation.6)必须足够重视钢结构屋面围护系统热胀冷缩的不利影响,采取合理的构造措施。6) We must pay enough attention to the adverse effects of thermal expansion and cold contraction of steel structure roof enclosure system, and take reasonable structural measures.(4)材料因素(4) Material factors1)雨水管材用塑料管材,强度差,钢结构厂房从安装到投产运


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