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    1、江苏省无锡市惠山区九年级英语模拟试题江苏省无锡市惠山区2017届九年级英语4月模拟试题第I卷(客观题 共50分)一、单项选择 在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分)1.Can you remember when Mr. Green left _ city? Sorry . I cant. I only remember it was _ Monday.A. a, a B. the, the C. a. the D. the, a 2. Uncle Wang recommended me a few forei

    2、gn movies, but _was to my taste. A. all B. neither C. some D. none3. Jane Austen, the writer of Pride and Prejudice, wrote many stories of love. But she _single all her life. A. reminded B. remained C. realized D. required4. A fight broke out among the football fans and soon it went _ control and no

    3、 oneknew how to deal with it. A. under B. beyond C. above D. over5. - Millie seldom watches action films. She finds them too noisy. - _. Such films are always full of violence. A. Neither do I B. Neither I do C. So do I D. So I do 6. -What? You mean Ill have to _ extra work? -Dont have a cow, Jason.

    4、 I do believe you can make it. A. take up B. take off C. take on D. take away7. Zhao Liying, who played the lead role in Journey of Flowers, says “As an actress, you _ never be too hard-working.”A. must B. can C. may D. should 8. My cousin hasnt found out _.A. whats wrong with his computer B. how sh

    5、ould he deal with his broken bikeC. how long he has fallen in love with Rose D. which was the way to the nearest bus stop9. - How do the British people usually start a _? - They start it with subjects like weather and holiday. A. conversation B. discussion C. introduction D. instruction10.Peter call

    6、ed to tell his wife that he _ home before 12p.m., but he broke his promise. A. will return B. returned C. would return D. had returned11.-Lisa, I know youre confident about getting that job but remember _. So why dont you send your application forms to a few more companies? -Sounds good!A. dont put

    7、all your eggs in one basket B. the early bird catches the wormC. actions speak louder than words D. a miss is as good as a mile12.- Jims never been absent from school, _?- _. But he didnt attend school the other day. A. is he , Yes B. has he, Yes C. has he, No D. is he, No13.-To tell you the truth,

    8、we are planning to have a second baby recently. - Think twice, for most children are _ to deal with. A tired B tiring C interested D interesting14.- Hi, Jack. We will go on an outing this weekend. Would you like to join us ? - _. Thats the last thing in the world I ever want to A. It depends B. With

    9、 pleasure C. Its up to you D. No, thanks二、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)Around twenty years ago I was living in York. 15 I had a lot of experience and a Masters degree, I could not find satisfying work.I was driving a school bus to make ends meet

    10、and 16 with a friend of mine, for I hadlost my flat. I had attended five interviews with a company and one day 17 bus runs theycalled to say I did not get the job. Why has my life become so 18 ? I thought painfully. As I pulled the bus over to drop off a little girl, she handed me an earring saying

    11、I should 19 it until somebody claimed (认领) it. The earring was painted black and said BE HAPPY. At first I got angry. Then it 20 me - I had been giving all of my 21 to what wasgoing wrong with my life rather than what was right! I decided then and there to make a list of fifty things I was happy wit

    12、h. Later, I decided to 22 more things to the list. That night there was a phone call for me from a lady who was a director at a larger 23 . She asked me if I would give a one-day lecture on stress management to 200 medical workers. I said yes.My day there went very well, and before long I got a well

    13、-paid job. To this day I realizethat it was because I changed my way of thinking that I 24 changed my life.15.A. As16.A. working17.A. between 18.A. hard19.A. hide20.A. hurt21.A.feelings22.A.connect23.A.hospital24.A.smoothlyB. ThoughB. travellingB. throughB. busyB. holdB. hitB. attentionB. turnB. fac

    14、toryB. closelyC. IfC. discussingC. duringC. seriousC. keepC. caughtC. strengthC. increaseC. restaurantC. completelyD. WhenD. livingD. beyondD. shortD. saveD. movedD. interestsD. addD. hotelD. properly三、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)ALook at this mail-order

    15、 advertisement:SUNSHINE COMPANYProducts for a Safe EnvironmentA2477lYoure going to love this natural soap(肥皂). There are no chemicals(化学物质) in it. It is very good for your hands and face.D4545GARDEN SPRAYInsects are going to run away from our new chili garlic spray. Its safe and natural.B2377HOME CL

    16、EANER Youre not going to need 5 or 6 chemical cleaners. You have Dr Clean! It is safe and strong, and it cleans everything in your house!A2104CANVAS BAGYoure going to say, “No paper or plastic!” You have this excellent heavy canvas shopping bag. ItemCodePricenatural shampooT6762$3.00garden sprayD454

    17、5$2.50canvas bagA2104$4.00hand soapA2477$1.00home cleanerB2377$2.25Postage(邮费):$3.5025. Dr Clean is _.A. a doctor good at cleaning everything B. a newly-invented machine C. a kind of cleaning product D. a natural soap for cleaning26. According to the ad, where can you mail your letter if you want so

    18、mething to kill the ants?A.D4545 Garden Spray. B. Sunshine Company.C.A2104 Canvas Bag. D. The Dr Cleans.27. According to the ad, how much do you have to pay for 3 shampoos and 2 canvas bags totally?A.12.25 B.20.50. C.13.50. D.17.BHome alone (Act one)Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlie

    19、r than expected. The curtains(窗帘) are closed and the living room is dark when Mom and Dad enter.Dad: Its so nice to be home!Mom: Yes, I cant wait to surprise the boys!Suddenly the door opens and a soccer ball flies through the room. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.E

    20、ric: Mom! Dad! Youre back early!(looking around room, sounding frightened) But, but you werent supposed to come home until tomorrow!The dog slowly walks to Mom and Dad.Mom: (touch dog) Eric, hes so tired and hungry!(looking at table) The money for dog food is gone, but Spot looks like he is dying of

    21、 hunger! What did you do with the money we left?Dad: And look at this room-rubbish all over the place! Where is your brother?(shouting angrily) Daniel!Daniel: (running into room) Mom, Dad, I can explainDad opens the curtains and light comes into the room. The room is in a mess. Mom and Dad both turn

    22、 towards Daniel.Dad: (sounding very angry) Listen to me, young man-we left you in charge! We thought you could act like an adult, but look at the mess! Mom: Daniel, we thought you were an adult, a person who would make good decisionsDad: How can we trust you any more? We wont stand such behavior in

    23、our house!Daniel: (shouting) Stop shouting at me. Im still a teenager! Why is everything always my mistake?Daniel runs into his bedroom and closes the door angrily. Mom and Dad look at each other.)28. How does Eric feel when he sees his parents come back home? A. Tired. B. Hungry. C. Frightened. D.

    24、Surprised.29. Who is Spot?A. Erics classmate. B. Erics brother. C. Erics dog. D. Erics cat.30. From the passage we can infer that _.A. the money on the table is for Eric and DanielB. Daniel fails to explain everything to his parents C. Daniel is younger than EricD. the living room was dirty before M

    25、om and Dad went on a holiday. C How often one hears children wishing they were grown-ups and, old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets. Childho

    26、od is a time when there are few responsibilities(责任) to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. Whats more, life is always g

    27、iving new things to the childthings that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is repeatedly being told not to do something, or being punished for what he has wrongly done. When a young m

    28、an starts to make his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work hard if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of so

    29、ciety as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society.31. According to Paragraph 2, the writer thinks that _.A. life for a ch

    30、ild is fairly easy.B. a child is always loved whatever he doesC. if much is given to a child, he must do something in return.D. only children are interested in life.32. The main idea of the passage is that_.A. life is not enjoyable since each age has some pains.B. young men can have the greatest hap

    31、piness if they work hard.C. childhood is the most enjoyable time in ones time.D. one is the happiest if he can make good use of each age in his life.33. The paragraph following this passage will most probably discuss_.A. examples of successful old men.B. how to build up ones position in society.C. joys and


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