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    1、新理念大学英语学习大厅第三册单元测试答案供参考新理念大学英语学习大厅第三册单元测试答案大学英语第三册听说教程上机学习大厅听力单元测试答案Unit 1 - 2ComprehensionDirections: Listen to the short conversations and choose the correct answers to the questionsyou hear. The conversations and questions will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 11. A. At a restaurant. B. In a kitchen. C. At

    2、a market. D. In a cafeteria.2. A. Thursday. B. Wednesday. C. Tuesday. D. Monday.3. A. Wife and husband. B. Shop assistant and customer. C. Waitress and customer. D. Secretary and boss.4. A. See a movie. B. Read papers together. C. Spend the evening at home. D. Have dinner in town.5. A. He wants to s

    3、ave it. B. He doesnt like it. C. He has a toothache. D. He has trouble eating anything.Answer:3 1 2 1 3SET 21. A. A movie camera.B. A television camera.C. A photographers camera.D. The mans own camera.2. A. He painted by himself.B. It needs to be painted.C. It isnt beautifully painted.D. He hired hi

    4、s brother to paint it.3. A. To a party.B. To the barbers.C. To the school.D. To home.4. A. The park is nearby.B. He doesnt know about the park.C. Theres no parking here.D. He doesnt understand the question.5. A. Raining.B. Snowing.C. Cloudy.D. Clear.Answer:2 4 2 2 3Listening ComprehensionDirections:

    5、 Listen to the conversation and fill in the form below with no more than three wordsfor each blank. The conversation will be read TWICE.SET 1SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR BUILDING AND MAINTAINING HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPSFirst, be honest. Come to terms with your (1) .Second, communicate. Listen to and try to (2)

    6、 of the other person.Third, (3) feelings and beliefs Recognize that the feelings and (4) of adult children and parentsare real. Each (5) the right to their own opinions.Fourth, respect one another. Respect breeds (6) .Fifth, understand each other. Recognize that each generation (7) and must suffer o

    7、r enjoy the (8) .Sixth, learn from each other. Allow each generation (9) to learn from each situation.Seventh, choose for yourself. Make your own decision to (10) a healthy relationship between thegenerations in your family.Answer:1. mistakes and misgivings 2. understand the experience 3. validate 4

    8、. beliefs 5. deserves 6. respectand recognition 7. makes decisions 8. consequences 9. the opportunity 10. build and maintainSET 2FIVE ASPECTS THAT CAN CAUSE AMBIVALENCE1. Ambivalence between autonomy and (1) Parents may be caught between their adult childrensneeds for closeness and support and their

    9、 desires for (2) .2. Ambivalence resulting from (3) Families of co-residence or close proximity are likely to havefeelings that are the (4) .3. Ambivalence resulting from (5) The society may expect (6) for different generations.4. Ambivalence in (7) of family life Older parents may be dealing with a

    10、ging, health, (8) .5. Ambivalence in differences in parents expectations and childrens (9) Adult children may alsohave differences in (10) for their parents and their parents behavior.Answer:1. dependence 2. self-fulfillment and independence 3. solidarity 4. opposite 5. conflicting norms 6.different

    11、 behavior norms 7. developmental stages 8. retirement and relocation 9. dreams andbehavior 10. expectationsListening ComprehensionDirections: Listen to the passage and decide whether the following statements are True or False.The passage will be read ONLY ONCE.SET 11. In the UK, a child is often rai

    12、sed by his grandparents. True False2. It is the custom for a child to sleep in his own room at the earliest possible time. True False3. In the UK, parents pay for their children to go to infant schools. True False4. If a child does not come to meals at mealtime, he will be given some snack. True Fal

    13、se5. A child is told not to go to somebody elses house casually. True FalseAnswer:1. False 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. TrueSET 21. Paul could not sleep well because he thought he would have an examination. True False2. The exanimation was about the course of politics. True False3. Paul got up very

    14、early in the morning in order to review the notes for the examination. True False4. Paul had a very good memory, and he could remember everything he read that morning. TrueFalse5. Jack told Paul that they would not have any examination that day. True FalseAnswer:1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5.

    15、TrueListening ComprehensionDirections: Listen to the passage and choose the correct answers to the questions. The passagewill be read ONLY ONCE.SET 11. A. The man.B. His wife.C. The old woman.D. All of them.2. A. It was a wish for a house full of food.B. It was a wish for a cake.C. It was a wish tha

    16、t the cake was on the end of the mans nose.D. It was a wish for a lot of money.3. A. The old woman.B. The man.C. The mans wife.D. None of them.4. A. It was a wish for a piece of cake.B. It was a wish for a wonderful dream.C. It was a wish that nothing had happened.D. It was a wish for a brilliant pa

    17、lace.5. A. It was a wish for having a child.B. It was a wish for some bread.C. It was a wish for gold.D. It was a wish for a big family.Answer:1 3 3 3 2SET 21. A. She looked very pale but calm.B. She looked very shocked and frightened.C. She looked quite excited and thrilled.D. She looked sick and w

    18、eak.2. A. The pilot was killed.B. The pilot was gone.C. The pilot was drunk.D. The pilot fainted.3. A. Because the man was sick.B. Because the man was a criminal.C. Because the man could not drive a plane.D. Because the man had done something wrong.4. A. From the sick pilot.B. From the airhostess.C.

    19、 From the passengers.D. From the airport by radio.5. A. It crashed onto the land.B. It landed violently but safely.C. It got on fire.D. It disappeared.Answer:1 4 3 4 2Listening ComprehensionDirections: Listen to the passage TWICE and fill the blanks with the missing wordsSET 1Let me tell you a story

    20、 about Bert and Mildred Smith, who used to be very (1) . Forexample, Mildred would forget to cook dinner or Bert would show up for work on (2) thinking itwas Monday. One summer they were to take a long trip for their holiday. What do you supposehappened? Well, they got to the airport with only ten m

    21、inutes to (3) . So time was short. In thatsituation anyone would (4) the plane right away, but not Mr. and Mrs. Smith. They just had to buysome flight insurance first. After all, who knows what will happen on a plane flight? They quicklyput some (5) into a machine and out came their insurance policy

    22、. Who would get the money ifwe (6) , I (7) ? asked Mildred. My mother, of course. her husband replied, Well mail the policyto her.Now give me a stamp quickly, will you? Bert said. The planes going to take off in anotherminute. Bert put the stamp on the (8) and then dropped it in the (9) . However, s

    23、uddenly he letout a cry. What happened, do you suppose? He had mailed their plane (10) to his mother! What agreat pity it was.Answer:1. forgetful 2. Sunday 3. spare 4. board 5. coins 6. crash 7. wonder 8. envelop 9. mailbox 10. ticketsSET 2After lunch, without permission from their parents, the two

    24、boys set off to explore the partof the beach which lay beyond the headland. They had persuaded their young sister to stay behindsaying that the long walk would be too (1) for her. Once they had got beyond the headland, thebeach (2) away endlessly before them. It was like (3) the world. There were da

    25、mp, dark cavesto seek; there were many pools among the rocks, full of sea (4) ; and here and there along thebeach were those strange, yet commonplace objects, washed up and left by the tide.The afternoon passed quickly. The sun was already setting when the boys (5) decided tomake their way homeward.

    26、 But long before they reached the headland, they could see that the tidehad come in so far that they were now cut off from either end of the beach. Their only (6) ofgetting away was to find a way up the cliff nearby.They soon found a narrow path (7) to the cliff top. But half way up, their path was

    27、blockedby a large rock which they could not climb over. The two boys had to (8) at the top of their voices,hoping someone might come to their rescue. Just then, to their great surprise, their father (9) overthe top of the rock, and with him were two policemen. One of them climbed down a rope whichwa

    28、s lowered over the rock. The boys were then pulled to (10) , and thus saved from spending amiserable night on the cliff.Answer:1. tiring 2. stretched 3. discovering 4. creatures 5. reluctantly 6. chance 7. leading 8. shout 9.appeared 10. safetyListening ComprehensionDirections: Watch the video clip

    29、and decide whether the following statements are True or FalseSET 11. Forrests mother says she is dying. True False2. Forrests mother tells him that it is cancer that causes her death. True False3. Forrests mother regards death as a part of life. True False4. Forrests mother tells him what his destin

    30、y will be. True False5. Forrests mother tells him that life is as sweet as a box of chocolates. True FalseAnswer:1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. FalseSET 21. Dennis says that he was at Mr. Wilsons house. True False2. Dennis says that Mr. Wilson was very angry. True False3. Dennis tells his fath

    31、er that he gave Mr. Wilson some aspirin. True False4. Denniss father tells Dennis not to visit people so early in the morning. True False5. Denniss mother says that Mr. Wilson is very satisfied with Dennis. True FalseAnswer:1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. FalseOral testDirections: Look at the picture below.SET 1Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer. If possible, try to find something relevantto talk about.SET 2Try to tell about the picture as much as you can infer. If possible, try to find something relevant


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