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    1、This is not possible! Hey, Im as surprised as you are. Beginners luck.Do you wanna go again?Yama? No one hustles Yama! Wooh! Hey! Teach him a lesson! Hey fellas. Lets talk about this.Tadashi: Hiro, get on! Tadashi!Ooh! Good timing.Are you okay? - Yeah.Are you hurt? - No! Then, what are you thinking,

    2、 knuckle head!You graduated high school and youre 13 and this is what youre doing?Hold on!Bot fighting is illegal. Youre gonna get yourself arrested. Bot fighting is not illegal. Betting on bot fighting.thats.thats illegal.But, so who could heed. Im on a roll, big brother.And there is no stopping me

    3、!Oh, no.00:05:47 Hi, Aunt Cass.Cass: Are you guys okay? Tell me youre okay. Were fine. - Were okay. Oh good.Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking?!For 10 years, I heed the best I could to raise you.Have I been perfect? No!Do I know anything about children?Should I pick a book on parenting? P

    4、robably?Where I was going with this? I had a point. I love you ,aunt Cass. I love you too.I had to close up early because of you two fellons on beat poetry night.Stress eating because of you! e on, Moty!This is really good!Youd better make this up to Aunt Cass,before she eats everything in the cafe.

    5、 For sure. And I hope you learn your lesson, bone head. Absolutely. Youre going fight boting, arent you?Theres a fight across town.If I book now, I could still make it. When are you gonna start doing something with that big brain of yours?What? Go to college like you?So people can tell me stuff I al

    6、ready know? Unbelievable.Ahh! What would Mom and Dad say?I dont know. Theyre gone.They died when I was 3, remember?ll take you. - Really?I cant stop you from going, but Im not gonna let you go on your own. -Sweet! What are we doing at your nerd school?Bot fights that way! Gotta grab something. Is th

    7、is gonna take long? Relax, you big baby, we will be in and out.Anyway, youve never seen my lab. Oh great! I get to see your Nerd Lab.Heads up! Wooh!Electromag suspension?电磁悬浮07:57Gogo: Who are you? Gogo, this is my brother, Hiro. Wele to the Nerd Lab. Yeah.Ive never seen Electromag suspension on a b

    8、ike before. Zero resistance, faster bike.零阻力 But. Not fast enough.Yet.Wasabi: Ohh! Woohh! Do not move! Behind the line please. Hey, Wasabi. This is my brother, Hiro.Washabi: Hello, Hiro. Prepare to be amazed.Catch! Laser induced Plasma? 激光诱导等离子体 Oh, yeah.With a little magnetic confinement for ah.运用一

    9、点磁约束技术来达到.Ultra precision.超精密程度 Wow, how did you find anything in this mess? I have a system. There is a place for everything, and everything in its place. I need this! - You cant do that!This is anarchy! Society has rules!Lemon: Excuse me! ing through!Tadashi!Oh my gosh, you must be Hiro!ve heard s

    10、o much about you!Perfect timing! Perfect timing! Thats a whole lot of Tungsten Carbide.碳化钨 400 pounds of it e here! e here!re gonna love this.A dash of per chloric acid.高氯酸A smidge of cobalt,钴 a hint Hydrogen Peroxide过氧化氢.super heated to 500 Kelvin, and.Tadah!Its really great, huh? So pink. Heres th

    11、e best part.I know right!Chemical metal embrittlement!化学试剂对金属的脆化作用 Not bad, Honey Lemon. Honey Lemon? Gogo? Wasabi? I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time people. One time! 芥末 Fred is the one who es up with the nicknames. Ah. Whos Fred?Fred: This guy right here!Ah! Ah! Dont be alarmed, it is just a s

    12、uit. This is not my real face and body.The name is Fred.School mascot by day but by night,Im also a school mascot.Hiro:So, whats your major?m not a student but I am a major science enthusiast.Ive been turning to get honey to develop a formula.That can turn me into a fire breathing lizard at will.But

    13、 she says thats not science Its really not. Yeah, and I guess the shrink ray I ask Wasabifor isnt science, either? Is it? - Nope!Well then, what about invisible sandwich?Imagine eating a sandwich but,everybody just thinks youre crazy.Just stop.Laser Eye? - What?10:43Tingly fingers? - Never gonna hap

    14、pen!Then what about grocery stores. So, what are you been working on? - Ill show you.Duct Tape?I hate to break it to you, Bro. Already been invented.A! Dude! A . This is what Ive been working on.Baymax: Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal health care panion.I was alerted to the need for medical attent

    15、ion when you said:A .A robotic nurse?On a scale of 1 to 10, How would you rate your pain?Physical, or emotional?I will scan you now.Scan plete.You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm.I suggest an anti-bacterial spray. Whoa, whoa. Whats in the spray specifically? The primary ingredient i

    16、s: Bacitracin.Thats a bummer, Im actually allergic to that.re not allergic to Bacitracin.You do have a mild allergy to: Peanuts. Not bad.Youve done some serious coding on this thing huh! Ahah! Programmed to over more than 10,000 medical procedures.This chip! Is what makes Baymax, Baymax.医疗护理程序 Vinyl

    17、?乙烯树脂 Yeah, going for a non-threatening huggable kind of thing. Looks like a walking marshmallow. No offense. I am a robot. I can not be offended. Hyperspectro Cameras?超光谱镜头Yup.Titanium skeleton. 钛合金 Carbon fiber. 碳纤维 Right. Even lighter.Killer actuators, where did you get those?驱动器 Machined them ri

    18、ght here. In house.He can lift a thousand pounds. Shut up! You have been a good boy, have a lollipop.Nice!I can not deactivate until you say:You are satisfied with your care. Well then, Im satisfied with my care. Hes gonna help a lot of people. Hey, what kind of battery does it use? Lithium lon. 锂电子

    19、电池 You know, Super Capacitor would charge way faster.铝电解超级电容器13:22Professor: Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada?Hey, Professor, I actually was finishing up. You must be Hiro. Bot fighter, right?When my daughter was younger, Thats all she wanted to do.May I?Sure!Hmm!Magnetic Bearing Servos.磁力伺服器 Pr

    20、etty sick huh? Wanna see how I put them together? Hey, genius! He invented them! You are Robert Callaghan?Like as in, Callaghan. Callaghans Laws of Robotics?s right.Ever think about applying here? Your age wouldnt be an issue. I dont know, hes pretty serious about his career in bot fighting. Well, k

    21、ind of serious. I can see why.With your bot winning must e easy. Yeah, I guess. Well, if you like things easy,then my program isnt for you.We push the boundaries of robotics here.My students go on to shape the future.Nice to meet you, Hiro. Good luck with the bot fights.14:28 You gotta hurry if you

    22、wanna catch that bot fight. I have to go here!If I dont go to this nerd school. Im gonna lose my mind.How do I get in? Every year, the school has a student showcase.You e up with something that blows Callaghan away,Youre in.But, its gotta be great. Trust me.It will be.Nothing! No ideas.Useless empty

    23、 brain.Washed up at 14.So sad. I got nothing!m done!m never getting in!m not giving up on you. What are you doing?Shake things up.Use that big brain of yours to think your way out.Look for a new angle. Wow, a lot of sweet tech here today. How you feeling?re talking to an ex-bot fighter,It takes a lo

    24、t more than this to rattle me. Yup, hes nervous. Oh! You have nothing to fear little fella.s so tense.No!m not.Relax, Hiro.Your tech is amazing! Tell him, Gogo. Stop whining, woman up.m fine. What you need, little man?Deodorant breath mint, fresh pair of under pants?除臭剂 Under pants? You need serious

    25、 help.Hey, I e prepared. I havent done laundry in 6 months.One pair last me four days.I go front, I go back, I go inside out then I go front and back. Wow! That is both disgusting and awesome. t encourage him.s called recycling Next Presenter: Hiro Hamada. Oh yeah! This is it! - I guess Im up. Okay!

    26、 Okay, photo! Photo! Everybody say:Hiro!We love you, Hiro. Good luck!Dont mess it up.Break a leg, little man!Science, yeah!Alright, Bro. This is it!e on, dont leave me hanging.Whats going on?I really wanna go here.You got this. Hi.My name is Hiro.Sorry.My name is Hiro Hamada.And, Ive been working on something that I think is pretty cool.I hope you like it.This, is a microbot.Breathe.It doesnt look like much.But when it links up with the rest of its pals.Things gonna get a little more interesting.The Microbots are controlled with this neurotransmitter.I think about what I w


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