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    1、套卷河北省邯郸市届高三上学期摸底考试英语扫描版邯郸市高三摸底考试(英语)参考答案 71-75 DGAFC I was very exciting when I boarded the flight for Taiwan. The plane flew for about four hours excitedafter it landed on the island. On arrival, we were greeted by/ local guide. We stayed in Taiwan for before aeight day. During our stay, we went bo

    2、ating in Riyuetan Pool, that is a beautiful lake. We visited days whichMountain Ali, where we went hiking. We also have a good time in Tailu Pavilion and Kending hadPark. That impressed us mostly was that the local people were very friendly. Wherever we What mostwent, they were given a warm welcome.

    3、 Although our trip was very busy, but it was pleasant. we附听力原文:(Text 1)W: Ah-oh. Somebody left his wallet here.M: See if there is some kind of identification in it.(Text 2)W: Believe it or not, my baseball coach taught me a lot about being kind.M: That really isnt so unusual. After all, it isnt alwa

    4、ys parents who teach us.(Text 3)M: Arent you taking on too much work? Life is meant for fun.W: If I had less ambition, I could relax more. But I want to get a better job.(Text 4)W: Were there many people there?M: Yes. The stadium was packed! Why dont you come with us next time?W: Id love to! Im free

    5、 next weekend.M: Oh, sorry. That was the last game of the season. I was talking about next year.(Text 5)W: Im so excited about our trip to Spain. I hope we dont miss the plane!M: Of course we wont miss it. But we must make sure that we check in at 5:50. The flights at 7:50.W: Oh, I thought the fligh

    6、t left at 9:50.M: Thats the arrival time in Madrid!第二节听下面一段对话, 回答第8和第9两个小题。现在,你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。(Text 7)M: Meg, can you tell us about your future? W: Yes. I want to be happy. I mean, most people talk about jobs and money and that kind of thing. But I dont think that makes anyone happy. I think I can

    7、be happy by helping people.M: Yeah, maybe thats true. But, you know, what about making a living?W: Im not sure yet, but I think I want to be a teacher. You know, a helping kind of a job.M: Well, are you doing anything now to help you prepare for that?W: Um, Im a volunteer. On weekends theres a progr

    8、amme where you read stories to little kids. Its fun, and it makes me happy.M: Thats great.听下面一段对话, 回答第10至第12三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(Text 8)M: My goodness. What a terrible day!W: Why, what happened?M: Well, I was in the High Street and suddenly I saw a young man trying to steal an old ladys handbag

    9、. I ran over and tried to grab the bag away from the boy.W: What, you were the only one who went to help?M: Yes, everyone else just walked past. Then, a really silly thing happened. The boy ran off so I had the bag. But before I could give it back, the old lady thought I was trying to steal it as we

    10、ll, so she started to hit me with her umbrella!W: Oh, dear. Next time youll think twice about helping someone.M: I suppose so, but at least she apologised in the end.听下面一段对话, 回答第13至第16四个小题。现在,你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。(Text 9)M: Hello, Grace, did you have a nice time at the Rosemount Hotel?W: You mean the Ro

    11、sebank, yes, I enjoyed it.M: Where was it?W: Five minutes from the mountains, right on the beach. The shops were ten kilometres away.M: Was there a pool?W: Yes, but it was closed. I swam in the sea once but I spent most days on the hotel golf course. There were tennis courts in the town but they wer

    12、e too far away.M: Did you have a nice room?W: Yes, it was quite big and I could watch television and videos there in the evening. If I wanted a cup of coffee or cold drink I went to the bar downstairs.M: And how about the meals?W: There were lots of vegetables but the meat and fish were always fried and often came with chips. I really prefer rice or pizza. Anyway, my stay didnt cost much and it was a nice quiet break away from my noisy family.


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