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    1、教育资料届高三英语一轮复习高频语法训练状语从句word版含答案学习精品九、状语从句1_ the rising rent prices in Wuhan cant compare with those in Beijing or Guangzhou,they still worry current college graduates.AEven though BAs thoughCIn case DAs long as答案A句意:尽管武汉上涨的房租不能跟北京或广州的相比,但是它们仍让当今的大学毕业生很担忧。“不能与北京或广州相比”与“仍让大学毕业生担忧”是让步关系,故用even though“尽

    2、管,即使”引导让步状语从句。as though“好像”;in case“以防”;as long as“只要”。2Of all the subjects,I have decided to devote most of the time to geography _ I may better appreciate the beauty of nature.Aeven though Bas ifCin order that Don condition that答案C句意:在所有课程中,我已经决定将大部分时间放在地理学上了,这样我就可以更好地欣赏自然的美丽了。in order that“为了”,引导

    3、目的状语从句,符合题意。even though“即使,尽管”;as if“好像”;on condition that“如果,在条件下”。3The little boy talked _ he were her father.Athough Bas thoughCwhen Dif答案B句意:小男孩说话的口吻就像他是她父亲一样。as though“好像”,引导方式状语从句,符合题意。though表示让步;when表示时间;if表示条件。4_ environmental damage is done,it takes many years for the ecosystem to recover.A

    4、Even if BIf onlyCWhile DOnce答案D这句话的意思是“环境一旦破坏,生态系统好几年才恢复”。once的意思是“一旦”,even if的意思是“即使”,if only的意思是“要是就好了”,while的意思是“尽管”。5We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall,_,in fact,there were 40.Awhile Bwhether Cwhat Dwhich答案A考查“while”作连词的用法。对比前后两件事情,四个选项中只有while(而、然而)可以表示对比。6_ youve tried it,you

    5、 cant imagine how pleasant it is.AUnless BBecauseCAlthough DWhen答案A本题考查连词引导状语从句。句意:如果你不试一下,你根本无法想象它有多令人愉快。根据题意应该用unless“如果不”。7Yao Ming,Chinas basketball star,brought the nation to tears _ he pulled out of NBA.Aif Bwhen Cbefore Duntill答案B考查时间状语从句。句意:中国著名的篮球运动员姚明退出NBA让许多中国人感到惋惜。when连接时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”。8

    6、His crime is so big that he cannot be forgiven,_ he was sentenced to death.Aeven though Bso thatCin case Din order that答案A考查让步状语从句。句意:他的罪行很大,即使他被判死刑也不能被原谅。even though“即使,虽然”表示让步。符合题意。9It is not clear that nonAmerican cultures will be put at risk,_ US movies and programs are shown on more screens.Aon

    7、ly if Bnow thatCeven though Din order that答案C考查让步状语从句。句意:即使美国电影及节目的放映机会增加,也不见得真会危及其他国家的文化。even though“即使,尽管”;only if“只要”;now that“既然,由于”;in order that“以便,为使”。10We will never give in,_ they might do or say about our plan.Ano matter how BhowCwhatever Dalthough答案C句意:不管他们对我们的计划做什么或说什么,我们都不会屈服。whatever引导

    8、让步状语从句,并在从句中作宾语,符合题意。A项若改为no matter what也对;how和although都不能在状语从句中作宾语。11Id like to arrive 20 minutes earlier _ I can have enough time for the preparations.Aas soon as Beven thoughCin case Dso that答案D句意:我想提前20分钟到,这样我就有充分的时间准备了。so that引导目的状语从句,意为“以便”,符合题意。as soon as“一就”;even though“即使”;in case也可引导目的状语从句

    9、,但意为“以防,万一”。12Advertisers have to be highly culture conscious _ they want to carry out an international advertising programme in a foreign country.Athough BwhenCunless Deven if答案B句意:广告商在外国策划国际广告项目时要有很强的文化意识。when引导时间状语从句,符合题意。though“尽管”,表示让步;unless“除非”,表示条件;even if“即使”,表示让步。13He made _ an excellent s

    10、peed _ it broke the old record.Aso;that Bsuch;thatCsuch;which Dso;which答案B句意:他的速度如此快,结果打破了原记录。such.that.“如此以致”,引导结果状语从句,such后跟可数名词单数,符合题意。so.that.也可引导结果状语从句,但是so后跟形容词或副词。14My younger brother made a mistake,but he corrected it _ it got worse.Aas Bafter Cwhen Dbefore答案D句意:我弟弟犯了一个错误,但是趁还没变得更严重他就纠正过来了。b

    11、efore“在之前,还没就”,引导时间状语从句,符合题意。as“当时;随着”;after“在之后”;when“当时”。15There she was,standing exactly _ I had left her,crying bitterly.Athere Bthat Cwhere Din which答案C句意:她就站在我留下她的地方伤心地哭着。从句表示的是“站”的地方,故用where引导地点状语从句,并在从句中作地点状语。there不引导状语从句;that不单独引导状语从句;in which引导定语从句,其前应用先行词。16You can,_ the sky is clear,see

    12、as far as the old temple on top of the mountain,but not today.Awhen Bwhere Cthough Dbecause答案A句中缺少一个时间状语与today形成对比,因此选择可以引导时间状语从句的引导词when,“在天空清澈的时候,你能远望到山顶的古庙,但今天不行。”17That was really a splendid evening.Its years _ I enjoyed myself so much.Awhen Bthat Cbefore Dsince答案D注意此句型“It is时间since.”表示“自从已经有多长时

    13、间了。”前后的时态是不一致的,所以许多同学会选before,这是没有正确地掌握上面的句型的缘故。18A cup of coffee?I hardly think so,_ Im going to leave in about two minutes.Athough Bsince Cunless Dwhile答案B考查原因状语从句。横线后面的句子是对前半句I hardly think so的解释说明,因此选引导原因状语从句的since。19Lucy was so pleased _ her son won the first place in the long jump competition.

    14、Aas Bthat Cwhich Dwhen答案D句意:当她的儿子在跳远中赢得冠军的时候Lucy很高兴。考查时间状语从句。此题易错选that,此处不是结果状语从句。20_ most children nowadays are the only children,they tend to be more selfcentered.AEver since BNow thatCOnly if DEven though答案B句意:由于当今大多数孩子是独生子,所以他们更加自私。考查状语从句的连接词。此处now that意为“既然,由于”。21Nancy enjoyed herself so much _

    15、 she visited her friends in Sydney last year.Awhich Bthat Cwhere Dwhen答案D句意:去年当Nancy在悉尼拜访她的朋友的时候,她玩得很开心。考查when引导的时间状语从句。22Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?Yes.I gave it to her _ I saw her.Awhile Bthe momentCsuddenly Donce答案B考查时间状语从句。句意:你记得还你欠玛丽的钱了吗?还了,一见到她就还给她了。the moment引导时间状语从句

    16、。23Was his father very strict with him when he was at school?Yes.He had never praised him _ he became one of the top students in his grade.Aafter Bunless Cuntil Dwhen答案C考查时间状语从句。句意:他上学的时候他父亲对他是不是特别严格?是的,在他成为年级前几名之前,父亲从来没有表扬过他。not.until.“直到才”。引导时间状语从句,意为“某个动作一直持续到某个时间才停”。24Did Jack come back early la

    17、st night?Yes.It was not yet eight oclock _ he arrived home.Awhen Bthat Cbefore Duntil答案A考查时间状语从句。句意:昨晚杰克回来得早吗?”“是的。他昨晚八点钟到家的。until填入句中与语境不合,句子要表达杰克回来得早,若用until,则强调杰克回家的时间并不早。本句中强调时间,故选when。25The old man asked Lucy to move to another chair _ he wanted to sit next to his wife.Aalthough BunlessCbecause

    18、 Dif答案C句意:那位老人让露西挪到另外一张椅子上,因为他想跟他的妻子挨着坐。由题意可知,“想与妻子挨着坐”是让露西换座位的原因,故用because引导原因状语从句。although“尽管”;unless“除非”;if“如果”。26Just use this room for the time being,and well offer you a larger one _ it becomes available.Aas soon as BunlessCas far as Duntil答案A句意:你只是暂时使用这个房间,一有房间,我们就会给你提供一个大一点的。as soon as“一就”,引

    19、导时间状语从句,符合题意。unless“除非,如果不”;as far as“远到,就而言”;until“直到”。27Because of the heavy traffic,it was already time for lunch break _ she got to her office.Asince Bthat Cwhen Duntil答案C 句意:因为交通拥挤,她到达办公室时已经是午餐时间了。根据题意,从句缺少时间状语,且表示“在时”之意,故用when引导。since意为“自从”;that不引导时间状语从句;until意为“直到”。28She opened her eyes and w

    20、as about to cry out _ she heard her father urgently telling her to keep quiet.Awhile Bwhen Cbefore Dafter答案B四个选项都可用以引导时间状语从句,when和while表示“当时”,before“在前”,after“在后”,这里was about to cry out与heard her father urgently telling her to keep quiet是同步发生的动作,while引导从句时一般用延续性动词,因此最佳答案为B。29_ I saw her,she was work

    21、ing in a shop.AThe last time BFor the last timeCTo the last time DIn the last time答案AThe last time引导时间状语从句,句意:我最后一次见她,她正在一家商店工作。30It wont be _ we meet again.Along after Blong beforeCbefore long Dlong ago答案B句型“It will be时间段before从句”,意思是“要多久才”,在否定句中意思是“要不了多长时间就”。31Lucy is in good shape physically _ sh

    22、e doesnt get much exercise.Aif Beven thoughCunless Das long as答案B考查让步状语从句。句意:尽管露西不经常锻炼,但她身材很好。分析题干可知空格处应为从句she doesnt get much exercise的连接词,比较从句和主句的关系可知前后是让步转折关系,再根据句意可判断选B项。32I failed again in the final test.How could you expect to learn anything _ you never listened in class?Aunless Bthat Cwhile D

    23、when答案D考查时间状语从句。句意:“我又没通过期末考试。”“既然你在课堂从不听讲,你怎么能指望学到东西呢?”when“考虑到,既然”。33Hows she going in hospital now?Her illness was not _ cause anxiety.Aso as to Bsuch as toCsuch that Dso that答案B考查结果状语从句。句意:她现在在医院怎么样了?她的病还不至于达到令人不安的程度。such as to/so as to后用动词原形,主语illness为名词则选用such as to。注意:such/so that后接从句。34_ her

    24、 home,Mary helps her mother do some housework.AAs soon as she returnsBOn arrivingCAfter she getsDDirectly she reaches答案D句中directly为连词相当于as soon as,有类似用法的副词还有immediately,instantly以及名词词组the time,the first time,the moment等。35How long do you suppose it is _ he arrived there?Awhen Bbefore Cafter Dsince答案

    25、Dsince“自从”,由它引导的状语从句用一般过去时态,主句用一般现在时态或现在完成时态。若用before的话,before从句需用一般现在时。36Excuse me,did you notice whether the No.1 bus had gone by?Not _ Ive been standing here.Aas Bwhen Csince Dwhile答案D句意:我站在这儿的时间里,没看见1路汽车经过。用while引导时间状语从句,强调了during the time that的含义。若用since引导的话,since后从句时态应用一般过去时。37A study indicate

    26、s that most children are polite _ they are unfairly treated,in which case they may show aggressive behavior.Auntil BunlessCthough Deven though答案B句意:一项研究表明,大多数儿童是礼貌的,除非他们受到了不公平的待遇,在这种情况下他们会表现出攻击性的行为。unless“除非”,引导条件状语从句,符合题意。until“直到”,引导时间状语从句;though,even though均引导让步状语从句。38_ I went to the seaside,I pi

    27、cked up a great many shells.AThe first time BFor the first timeCAf first DBy the first time答案A句意:我第一次去海边的时候捡了很多贝壳。名词短语the first time可以作从属连词引导时间状语从句,表示“第一次的时候”,符合题意。39_ it is so hot,I guess we cant do anything until after dark.AIn case BNow thatCEven if DAs though答案B句意:既然天这么热,我想得到晚上我们才能做事。now that“既然

    28、”,引导原因状语从句,符合题意。in case“以防”;even if“尽管”;as though“好像”。40I tried many times,but I still failed in the experiment.Dont be discouraged._ and the problem will be settled.AHaving a little effortBThere being a little effortCIf you have a bit effortDA bit more effort答案D这里是“祈使句and陈述句”句型。41Every day Ill have to wait for the bus for _ two hours.Aas long as Bas soon asCas many as Das much as答案Atwo hours为时间长度,因此排除C、D两项,as soon as表示“一就”与句意不符,因此只能选A,意为“长达”。42_ what may happen,I wont change my mind.ANo matter BAlthoughCPerhaps DEven if答案A此类题在做题过程中首先判断从句和主句的关系,这里很明显是让步关系,即“无论发生什么,我都不会改变我


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