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    1、小学四年级第二学期英语期末练习四年级下nineteen nineteenth nine ninth 蔬菜:tomato, carrot, potato, cabbage envelope听力:shark further hurt wash的发音 hand, head doll, door small, smell smooth about their model head, again, many发音e 分辨th 拼写:bench, beach another grow stay wait look back something artist scissorsbeef badminton wo

    2、uld sport always peach riddle, tired, something aeroplanehealthy, the lost-property office, the badminton club, wake up, awake, grandparentsbe angry with, be afraid of, have a nap, doze, smile, drink, help with, joinHow often? enjoy yourself Whose pencils are these? eat breakfast on a vine复数: teeth,

    3、 photos, aviaries, mouths, pianos, people, ladies,反义词:same different, old young, thin thick, 注意too和very的区别。trousers, shoes, pants, gloves, jeans都要a pair of量词;多义词watch, fly, orange, sweet注意序号,first, second, third,其它加th 频率,once, twice*看到now不一定是现在进行时,也可能是祈使句。where的问句,可能现在进行时。*应答句:What day is it today?星

    4、期,Whats the date? 日期,What time is it? 时间*区别时间介词,in 最大 年 月 季节 星期,on 当中 天 节日,at 最小 小时 几点*具体到日期的时间,都用on。on the morning of Monday, on the night of Sunday例句:You wont see it any more. (将来时) You are like me.(长得像我)Would you like to come with us? (情态动词,就像can,后面跟动词原形)Does she like playing badminton? ( like do

    5、ing = like to do)回答问题的阅读,要划出特殊疑问词,注意单复数,必要时做加法。中国的节日: the Spring Festival, January/February, cold/dry, visit relatives and friends, red envelopes, fireworks, new clothes, dumplings the Dragon Boat Festival, May/June, hot/sunny, watch dragon boat races, rice dumplingsthe Mid-autumn Festival, Septembe

    6、r/October, cool/dry, look at the moon, mooncakesthe Double Ninth Festival, October, cool/dry, mountains/ old people, Double Ninth cakes乐器的声音: piano, Ding. triangle, Ting. violin, Zing. drum, Boom.Who与Whose的疑问句。Its time for lunch.=Its time to have lunch. timefor名词=timeto动词原形名词听力部分:要事先抓紧时间看一遍 Part 1 L

    7、istening (听力部分):40%. Listen and choose(选出听到的单词或词组,将字母代号写在题前的括号内) . Listen and choose(听音选出正确的应答句,将字母代号写在题前的括号内). Listen and fill in the blanks(听一听,填入所缺的单词,完成短文)注意:单词不要拼写错误(检查单复数,进行时,大小写)children,可以检查. Listen and judge(听音,判断下列句子与听到的内容是否一致,用T或F表示)注意:如果没有听清,可以通过上下文猜答案,事先划出题目的关键字V. Listen and choose(根据听到

    8、的内容和问题,选择正确的答案,将字母代号写在题前的括号内)听的时候要注意单数还是复数1. A. Its nice. B, The. They are nice.Part 2 Reading and writing(阅读和写作部分)60%. Copy the words and sentences(正确抄写下列句子,注意大小写和标点符号,无顿号)a.先念一遍,判断陈述句,一般疑问句还是特殊疑问句,注意标点是句号还是问号。b.句子开头,姓名第一,节日,I要大写,地址,特定地名,学校,公园,特指。c.不要漏抄s,注意标点符号,注意s。语气强烈用!Yes和No简单回答要用逗号。Yes和No后面完整句子

    9、回答, Yes和No后面用句号。whats that linda its grape juice i thinktouch this how does it feel eddie its hard* in may and june its always cool herewere sorry miss fang thats all rightim sorry mr macdonald thats all rightsome milk sam no thanks i dont like milka cake kitty no thanks im not thirstyhi kitty this

    10、is our cat her names gingershe likes reading and she can play basketball wellis it wet in january peter no its dry* whats your pets name its names sam* im always busy on monday tuesday and Wednesday 无顿号. Read and judge(判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音,用“T”或“F”表示)注意:一个单词有2个相同的字母,看清前面还是后面, 字母不同不一定发音不同。*( ) think smoot

    11、h ( ) guess strawberry ( ) berry blueberry*( ) puple juice ( ) throw moth * ( ) here chair*( ) many black *( ) pony doctor *( ) short your*( ) large card * ( ) climb boat * ( ) fly Jenny*( ) eat ice-cream * ( ) July January * ( ) chair pair*( ) homework model *( ) hair where *( ) earth turn* ( ) bea

    12、r near * ( ) want watch *( ) wash have*( ) sign picture *( ) July ugly *( ) think mouth*( ) busy morning *( ) bone model *( ) turn earth* ( ) any bag *( ) bed bad *( ) walk tortoise*( ) how coat *( ) busy skip * ( ) what want*( ) noisy toilet * ( ) Saturday Thursday *( ) teacher her*( ) many head *(

    13、 ) what whose *( ) day Sunday*( ) wash water *( ) there thin * *( ) mouth bow*( ) ear where *( ) smooth three *( ) turn early*( ) heavy bad *( ) any many *( ) say says. Read and write(同类词,每线一词)不可数,句型,动词形式注意:先读一遍句子,看清句意,看清单复数,大小写,看当时的环境,用词恰当。* 2. I like to have bread, _ and _ as my breakfast.* 3. Wha

    14、t insects do you know? _, _ and _.4. Look at the desk. Its hard, _ and _.* 5. This is a dress. _ are T-shirts and _ are two pairs of shorts.6. I can sit on the sofa, on the _ and on the _ .7. I read a book in the morning. I play football at the _. I play basketball in the _ and I watch TV in the _.8

    15、. We can see the sun, the _ and the _ in the sky. 注意star和cloud都用复数9. I am hungry and _.10. Look at this puppet. It has a round _, a big _ and a small nose.11. This is our school. There is a hall, a _, a _, a _, two _ and many _ in it.12. There is a bookshop, a _, two _ and _ near my home.13. Alice i

    16、s on the swing. Danny is _ the slide.* 15. In autumn, I can have a coat, a _ and a _. 比较厚的衣服16. The blind man cant see, but he can _, _ and hear.* 17. Some animals like swimming, such as ducks, _ and _. 18. Some animals like eating grass, such as sheep, _ and _.* 19. Mother is _ but her son is awake

    17、. 注意awake是形容词* 20. Please go to bed now. You can _ early tomorrow.* 21. I can touch with my hands, _ , _ . 脚,手指* 22. Danny gets up at half past six. Then he _ his face and _ his teeth.IV. Choose the best answer(选择填空,将字母代号写在前面的括号内)先仔细读一遍句子,包含问句和答句。注意句型,注意单复数,注意冠词。1. ( ) _ are they? They are sweets.A.

    18、 What B. Where C. How2. ( ) This is Kittys brother, Tom. _ brothers eyes are big and black.A. Her B. His C. Hes3. ( ) _ in the bottle? Theres some Coke.A. What B. Whats C. Where4. ( )The tiger is strong. _ teeth are sharp.A. Its B. Its C. Their5. ( )Apple juice is a kind of _ .A. drink B. drinking C

    19、. drinks6. ( )Please give me _ .A. three packet of crisps B. three crisps C. one packet of crisps7. ( )How many exercise books have you got? _ .A. There are three. B. They are three. C. Ive got three.* 8. ( )What _ their uncle? Hes a postman. 问职业是什么A. does B. do C. is9. ( )The box is full _ chocolat

    20、es and sweets.A. of B. on C. in10. ( )What shape is the card? Its _ .A. a square B. square C. the square11. ( )The lions _ is big.A. teeth B. eyes C. mouth12. ( )My friends _ got any ice-creams.A. has B. have C. havent13. ( )Jenny, _ the window now. Its coldA. close B. closing C. is closing14. ( )Th

    21、ere isnt _ in the sand.A. something B. anything C. nothing15. ( )Ben _ wears a skirt.A. never B. sometimes C. often18. ( )Would you like _ with us?A. come B. to come C. to coming19. ( )The bell is too loud. Its too _ .A. noise B. noisy C. noises20. ( )_ are these puzzles?A. How many B. How much C. H

    22、ow old* 21. ( ) _ is the second day of a week. 西方国家以星期日作为第一天A. Monday B. Sunday C. Tuesday22. ( )The teacher is helping _ with _ English.A. he.his B. she.her C. her.her23. ( ) Ben and I _ some good friends.A. am B. are C. have25. ( ) Whats the date? Its _.A. on the fifth of day B. Sunday C. the fift

    23、h of May26. ( ) What day is it today? Its _.A. on the fifth of day B. Sunday C. the fifth of May* 27. ( ) We are going to have a good time _ the night of Childrens Day.A. at B. in C. on 注意具体到日期* 28. ( ) Whats the time? _. 现在几点A. At nine oclock B. At night C. Its nine oclock29. ( ) Dont eat _ drink i

    24、n the room.A. and B. or C. with*30. ( ) _ is the weather like in Shanghai at the Mid-autumn Festival?A. What B. How C. When (What weather like, How weather)31. ( ) The trees shadow is _ at one oclock in the afternoon.A. short B. long C. small32. ( ) Is this _ key? Yes, its _ key.A. your, your B. you

    25、r, my C. my, my33. ( ) Does Danny like the red kite _ the green one?A. or B. and C. but34. ( ) My Black _ tea with his friend Miss Green.A. is having B. is hasing C. have35. ( ) _ is fun. I like to _ in the swimming pool.A. Swim, swim B. Swimming, swim C. Swimming, swimming36. ( )_ are good friends.

    26、 We are in the park now.A. I and you B. You and I C. You and he37. ( )The Lis are waiting _ the bus stop!A. for B. at C. to38. ( )There is _ paper egg on the desk.A. some B. an C. a39. ( )This soft and nice cake is _ my grandma.A. to B. for C. give40. ( )Here _ some cabbage for her.A. are B. is C. a

    27、m* 41. ( )Whats the date today? _.A. Its Tuesday. B. November the first. C. On November the first.42. ( ) Its a quarter _ twelve in the afternoon.A. to B. at C. past43. ( ) Its time _ dinner. Lets go _ the kitchen.A. for.in B. to.in C. for.to44. ( ) We eat _ at the Dragon Boat Festival.A. Double Nin

    28、th cakes B. rice dumplings C. mooncakes45. ( ) Its time _ lunch.A. to have B. for have C. to having46. ( ) Peter is puzzled. _ his bell too quiet?A. is B. has C. isnt47. ( ) _ are these puzzles?A. How many B. How much C. How oldV. Look and write(根据单词适当形式填空,每线一词或多词)注意:先读一遍句子,看清句意,看清单复数,大小写,单词不要拼错。* 1. She _(make) a fruit salad now.* 2. My mother is a _(policeman).3. Lily likes _(eat) fruit.* 4. The tiger _(have) a long tail. _(it) ears are small.5. Lets _ (go) to the shop. I want _ (buy) a new bag.6. Are the _(strawberry) red? Yes, they are.7. Please call _


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