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    1、英语三级B模拟试题120完整版.Choose the best answer选择最佳答案,把答案写在题前的括号内。初等英语水平考试三级(B)模拟试题(一)( )1.could you_these books to the chassroom? A.give B.put C.take D.taking( )2.This is not _bike.I think it is_. A.mine,yours B.my,yours C.mine,your D.my,your( )3.I dont have a watch ,but she has_. A.it B.one C.a one D.once(

    2、 )4.Would you like _coffee? No, thanks. A.some B.any C.many D.a lot( )5.Dont_in the sun. A .watch B.look C.read D.reading( )6.Where _Mr. Brown come from?He comes from America. A.is B.does C.do D.did( )7.Its very hot today. What about_? A.go swim B.go swimming C.going swimming D.goes swimming( )8.The

    3、 bookshop_at 9:00 in the morning. A.opens B.open C.is opening D.is open( )9.The farmers are working_the tomato field. A.on B.in C.at D.for( )10.Tom _breakfast at about seven.A.have B.eat C.has D.eating初等英语水平考试三级(B)模拟试题(二)( )1._? Its Brown. A.What colour is the dog B.Whats the name of the dog C.What

    4、colour does the dog like D.What does the dog look like( )2.Mary_her mother. A.dont like B.isnt like C.no like D.not like( )3.Its time_to school A.to go B.for go C.to going D.for goes( )4.I heard some girls _in the classroom. A.sing B.sings C.singing D.sang( )5.Who _you to go to school every morning?

    5、 My father does. A.take B.took C.taking D.takes( )6.We must put on the safety helmets(安全帽).We shouldnt_. A.take it off B.take off it C.take them off D.isnt( )7._your grandfather come from England? A.Is B.Does C.Do D.Isnt( )8. Whose room is this? Its_. A.Mary and her sisters B.Mary and her sister C.M

    6、ary s and her sisters D.Marys and her sisters( )9.Does Toms farther like Ann very much? _. A.Yes , he is B.Yes , he does C.Yes, he likes D.Yes , she does( )10.How many wormen teachers are there in you school? There are _.A.one hundred eight B.two hundred and twenty one C.one hundred and twenty-eight

    7、 D.two hundreds and eighteen.Choose the best answer选择最佳答案,把答案写在题前的括号内。初等英语水平考试三级(B)模拟试题(三)( )1.There is_“U”and _“s”in the word “us”.A.a,a B.an,an C.a.an D.an,a( )2.Where does your uncle work? He works_the farm.A.in B.from C.on D.about( )3.Can Mary _it in Chinese?Atalk B.say C.speak D.tells( )4._do y

    8、ou like Chinese food? Very much.A.What B.Who C.How D.Which ( )5.I like beef very much,but my mother doesnt like beef_.A.much too B.all at C.at all D.too much( )6.I went to school_my fathers bike yesterday.A.on B.at C.by D.in( )7.Its snowy. Lets go skiing,_?A.will you B.shall we C.wont you D.do you(

    9、)8.Dick,I cant carry these books. I want some help. _.A.Thats all right. B.Youre welcome. C.Dont worry.Im coming now. D.Yes,I can.( )9.Mr. Smith likes _ a white shirt.A.put on B.wear C. putting on D. wearing( )10.There _ on the plate.A.are some pieces of bread B. are some pieces of breads C. is some

    10、 pieces of bread D. is some piece of bread初等英语水平考试三级(B)模拟试题(四)( )1 Today we are going to learn _ lesson.A.sixteen B. sixteenth C. the sixteen D. the sixteenth( )2. Its half past twelve. The Smiths _ lunch.A.have B. are have C. are having D. is having ( )3.Which girl is Alice? _ is Alice.A.The girl i

    11、n the Japanese new white car B.The girl in the new Japanese white carC.The girl in the new white Japanese car D.The girl in the Japanese white new car( )4. I dont want green tomatoes. I want some _.A.red ones B. red oen C. the red ones D. a red one( )5. _ is the chocolate cake? Ten dollars.A.How man

    12、y B. How much C. How heavy D. How about( )6.Could I have _ chicken, mum? Sorry, there isnt _ in the fridge.A.some,any B. any,any C. any,some D.some,some( )7. Wheres the bird? Can you _ it?A.look B. look at C. watch D. see( )8. The little girl is _ her doll on the bed.A.play with B. playing with C. p

    13、lays with D. playing with the( )9. This is Marys bike. The red one is _.A.I B. my C. mine D. myself( )10. My watch doesnt work. I want to buy _.A.it B. a new one C. them D.a old one.Choose the best answer选择最佳答案,把答案写在题前的括号内。初等英语水平考试三级(B)模拟试题(五)( )1.Please give the shirt on the bed to me. _.A.Thanks B

    14、. Not at all C.Here you are. D.Here they are.( )2.There is_on the plate. A.something to eat nice B.something nice to eat C.anything to eat nice D.anything nice to eat( )3.Would you like_to the Summer Palace?A.go B.going C.to go D.to going( )4.There are_on the boat.A.two hundred and forty five bags o

    15、f rice B.two hundred and forty-five bag of riceB.two hundred and forty five bags of rice D.two hundred forty five bags of rice( )5.My mother often_on_.A.do shopping, her way home B.does shopping, her way homeC.does shopping, her way to home D.go to shop, her home way( )6.Tom likes beef_and he likes

    16、chicken_.But he doesnt like fish_. A.a lot, a little, at all B.at all, a little, a lot C.a little, at all, a lot D.a lot, at all, a little( )7.My parents and l_to visit Taiwan last week.A.go B.goes C.going D.went( )8.There is_air_water on the moon.A.not,or B.not,and C.no,or D.no,and( )9.Mary lives_1

    17、6 Nanjing Street. A.at B.on C.in D.from( )10.This Chinese table is_. A.make from wood B. made from wood C. make of wood D. made of wood初等英语水平考试三级(B)模拟试题(六)( )1.I have three apples. One is big._small. A.The other is B. The others are C. The other are D.Other two are( )2.I like_today.A. swim B.swims C

    18、.swimming D.to swim( )3.Tower Bridge is in_. A.New York B.Paris C.London D.Sydney( )4.Its_help me. A.very nice of you B. very kind of you to C. very nice of you for D. very kind of you for( )5._a boat and some ducks on the lake yesterday. A.There is B.There are C.There was D.There were( )6.Who_bread

    19、?A. have some B.has some C.have any D.has any( )7.I want_. A.a big piece of red paper B. a big red piece of paper C. a piece of big red paper D. a piece of red big paper ( )8.There is a boy_near the river.A. fly a kite B.to fly a kite C. flying a kite D.flies a kite( )9.A little dog_the bridge. A.ru

    20、n across B.is running across C.runs through D.is running through( )10.You should get up_next time. A.early B.more early C.earlier D.earliest.Choose the best answer选择最佳答案,把答案写在题前的括号内。初等英语水平考试三级(B)模拟试题(七)( ) 1.Do you have an English class_Wednesday morning? A . in B . at C. on D. for( ) 2.Last year hi

    21、s grandfather died and_a large house and a lot of money behind him. A. leave B. left C. leaves D. leaving( ) 3. Didnt your father go to work late yesterday? _. He got there very early. A. Yes,he did B. No,he didnt C. Yes,he didnt D. No,he did( ) 4.There is little food in the fridge,_? A. is there B.

    22、 isnt there C. is it D. isnt it( ) 5.What is Mary like? She is _. A. very well B. very fine C. very nice D. very good( ) 6. Lesson Six is very easy.There are _new words in it . A. a little B. little C. a few D. few( ) 7.Its wrong_not_your homework. A. of you,to do B. of you,doing C. with you, to wri

    23、te D. for you, writing( ) 8.Most of the children are _computer games. A. interesting in B. interested in C. interesting on D. interested on( ) 9.Mrs. Smith is a _teacher. He teaches English _. A. good ,good B. well,well C. well, good D. good ,well( ) 10.Dont _the girl .Shes very well. A. worry about

    24、 B. worried about C. worry with D. worried with初等英语水平考试三级(B)模拟试题(八)( ) 1.Dont worry . There are ten minutes_.A. leave B. be left C. leaving D. left( ) 2.Why not go to work on foot? It takes me _time.A. too,many B. too much C. much too D. many too( ) 3.My mother is ill. I must _her.A. look for B. loo

    25、k at C.look after D.look like( ) 4.Wloud you like to eat some biscuits ? _.A.Yes, please B.No,I would not C.Yes ,Id love to D.No,I dont( ) 5.We must tell people _ cut down too many trees.A. dont to B. not to C. not do D. not be( )6.There is _cat drinking its milk in the garden.A. a little B. little

    26、C. a few D. few ( )7.Tom _in Shanghai now.A. lives B. is living C. stays in D. is staying( )8.Mary went on _a newspaper after finising her homework yesterday.A. read B. reading C.to read D. reads ( )9You are never late for class,_? Yes,sometimes.A. arentyou B. are you C. dont you D. do you( )10._? H

    27、es very tall and fat.A. How is Tom B. What is Tom C. What is Tom like D.What does Tom like.Choose the best answer选择最佳答案,把答案写在题前的括号内。初等英语水平考试三级(B)模拟试题(九)( ) 1.American food is different from_. A .we B . us C. our D.ours( ) 2._do you go to see your grandpa? Once a week. A. How many B. How long C. How often D. How soon( ) 3. Will you_me_your school,Tom? Im glad to do that. A. show,around B. to show,around C. to show,to D. show,to( ) 4.Shall we_this weekend? Thats a good idea. A. go skate B. go skating C. to


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