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    1、四年级上册13单元导学案课题:Unit 1 This is my new friend (Lesson1) 授课时间:年 月 日一、小朋友学习什么学习目标 1 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:China ,America, England, friend, new. 2能会自我介绍:Im Jim . Im from America. This is my new friend.并能在实际情景中运用。二、小朋友怎么学学习过程1、复习题:将下列单词与对应含义相连:China A.美国friend B.新的America C.中国new D.英国England E.朋友 2、尝试学习(1)、尝试拼读单词

    2、,并写一写。(2)、相互交流,用什么方法记住本课的5个新。(3)、尝试用句型介绍自己和朋友“Nice to see you again! Im Jim . Im from America. This is my new friend” 3、巩固练习题: (1)This is ( )new friend.A. I B. me C. my(2)如果小朋友再次见到自己的伙伴,应该怎样打招呼呢?( ).A. Nice to see you again ! B. Nice to see you ! C. Glad to meet you !(3).请小朋友找出相同意思的句子哦. Nice to see

    3、you! ( )A. Glad to meet you ! B. Nice to see you again ! C. Nice to see you too !(4)找相同,这次你还能找对吗?Im from America. ( )A. Im from England . B. Im from China . C. I come from America. (5). This ( ) her new friend.A. is B. are C. my三、小朋友学习成果一锤定音总结归纳:(1)、知识点归纳:认读、默写China ,America, England, friend, new. 这

    4、5个单词。(做题技巧归纳:用分段来拼读单词,是记住单词很有效方法之一哦。)(2)、要背诵课文(你懂得,呵呵呵。)课题:Unit 1 This is my new friend (Lesson2) 授课时间: 年 月 日一、学生学习什么学习目标1、 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:Singapore Canada friends.2、会询问和介绍自己来自于哪里?“ A: Where are you from? B: Im from Beijing,China. A: Im from Canada.” 并能在实际情景中运用.二、小朋友怎么学学习过程1、复习题:复习上节课所学单词。1、中国_ 2、美国_

    5、3、英国 4、朋友_2、尝试学习题(1)、尝试拼读新单词:Singapore, Canada, friends,并写一写。(2)把相对的英汉句子连起来。 1 Im from Canada. A、我们是好朋友。2 Im from Beijing, China. B、我来自于新加坡。3 Im from Singapore.C、你来自于哪里?4、Where are you from ?D、我来自于加拿大。5、we are good friends. E、我来自于中国的北京。3、巩固练习题:(1)、熟读just talk的对话内容 (2)、选一选1、I( ) from Singapore。 A、am

    6、B、 is C、are2、Where( ) you from ? A、am B、 is C、are3、如果你想介绍自己应该怎么说呢?( )A、Im from Canada. B、This is my new friend 。 C、we are good friends.4、如果来了新朋友你想知道他来自于哪里?( )A、Hi! Where are you from ?B、Im from Singapore.C、Im from Canada.三、小朋友学习成果一锤定音总结归纳:(1)、知识点归纳:认读、默写Singapore, Canada, friends 这3个单词。(做题技巧归纳:用分段来拼

    7、读单词,是记住单词很有效方法之一哦。)(2)、要背诵课文(你懂得,呵呵呵。) 课题:Unit 1 This is my new friend (Lesson3) 授课时间: 年 月 日一、小朋友学习什么学习目标 1 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:boy, girl, brother ,sister. 2能会询问和介绍自己的家人或朋友:A: Whos this boy? B: Hes my brother. A: Whos this girl? B: Shes my sister. .并能在实际情景中运用。二、小朋友怎么学学习过程1、复习题:.读句子,用“”标出正确的句子。(1) We are g

    8、ood friend .( )(2) Where are you from? ( )(3) I from Canada . ( ) (4)This are my new friend . ( )(5)Nice to see you ,too. ( )2、尝试学习,我能行! (1)尝试拼读新单词:boy, girl, brother ,sister并写一写。(2)英汉连连看:1、Whos this boy? A、他是我的弟弟。2、Hes my brother. B、这个男孩是谁?3、Whos this girl? C、她是我的妹妹。4、Shes my sister. D、这个女孩是谁?5、Thi

    9、s is my new friend,Jim. E、这是我的朋友,吉姆。3、巩固练习题:(1)熟读just talk的对话内容 (2)情景交际 ( )1、当你向别人介绍自己的新朋友时,你应当说: A、This is my new friend. B、Shes my sister.( )2、你欢迎别人到你家做客时,你应该说: A、Welcome to my home.B、Welcome to our school.( )3、当你想让大家一起玩游戏时,你应该问: A、Lets play a game. B、Lets go to school.三、小朋友学得怎么样及时检测:选一选。1、A: Whos

    10、 this ( )? B: Hes my new friend.A、girl B、boy C、my2、A: Whos this ( )? B: Hes my brother.A、girl B、boy C、my3、A: Whos this girl?B: ( ) my sister.A、Hes B、Shes C、Im三、小朋友学习成果一锤定音总结归纳:(1)、知识点归纳:认读、默写boy, girl, brother ,sister这4个单词。(做题技巧归纳:用分段来拼读单词,是记住单词很有效方法之一哦。)(2)、要背诵课文(你懂得,呵呵呵。)课题:Unit 1 This is my new f

    11、riend (Lesson4)授课时间: 年 月 日一、小朋友学习什么学习目标 1 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:teacher,farmer,postman. 2能会询问和介绍自己的家人或朋友从事的职业:A: This is my father. B: What does your father do ? A: He is a teacher.并能在实际情景中运用。二、小朋友怎么学学习过程1、复习题:写出汉语意思。1、Whos this boy? Hes my brother. 2、Whos this girl? Shes my sister. 3、This is my father. 2、尝

    12、试学习题1学习新单词写一写driver,teacher,farmer,postman.2选出对应的汉语。 ( ) What does your father do ? A. 你的妈妈是做什么的?( )Is he a driver? B. 她是个农民。( )No, hes a teacher. C.你的爸爸是做什么的?( )What does your mother do ? D.他是个司机吗?( )Shes a farmer. E.不,他是个老师。3、巩固练习题:情景交际 ( )1、当你想询问朋友的爸爸是做什么工作时,你应当说: A、What does your mother do ? B、W

    13、hat does your father do ?C、What do your father do ?( )2、你想赞朋友很酷的哥哥时,你应该说: A、Hes cool.B、Shes cool.C、Youre cool.( )3、当你猜测对方的爸爸是做邮递员工作时,你应该问: A、Is he a driver? B、Is he a postman?B、Is she a postman?4、What( )your mother do ?A. does B. do C. is5、What( )your father do ?A. does B. do C. is三、小朋友学习成果一锤定音总结归纳:

    14、(1)、知识点归纳:认读、默写teacher,farmer,postman,father,mother这5个单词。(做题技巧归纳:用分段来拼读单词,是记住单词很有效方法之一哦。)句型:A: What does your father do ? B: He is a teacher.A: Is he a driver?B: No, hes a teacher.(2)、要背诵课文(你懂得,呵呵呵。)课题:Unit 1 This is my new friend (Lesson5) 授课时间: 年 月 日一、小朋友学习什么学习目标 1 能听、说、认读本课主要单词:doctor,nurse,drive

    15、r. 2能会询问和介绍自己的家人或朋友从事的职业:A: This is my mother. B: What does your mother do ? A: She is a doctor.并能在实际情景中运用。二、小朋友怎么学学习过程1、复习题:连一连 What does your father do ? A:No,hes a teacher. What does your mother do ? B: Nice to see you ,too!Is he a driver? C: Shes a postman.Whos this boy? D: Im from Canada.Where

    16、are you from? E: Hes a driver. Nice to see you again! F: Hes my brother.2、尝试学习题(1)尝试学习新单词:doctor,nurse,driver. (2)英语对对碰。 ( )What does your mother do ? A.我的叔叔是位邮递员 ( ) Shes a doctor. B.我的妈妈是位医生 ( ) My mother is a doctor. C.我的阿姨是个护士( )My uncle is a postman. D.她是位医生( )My aunt is a nurse. E.你的妈妈做什么工作?3、

    17、巩固练习题:根据句意选择。1( )Look!this is my English teacher.A. Oh, hes cool. B. Shes a doctor. C. What does your mother do ? 2( ) What does your aunt do ?A. Hes a nurse. B. Shes a driver. C. Shes from Singapore.3( ) What does your uncle do ?A. Hes a postman. B. Shes a nurse. C. Hes from Canada. 4( ) What does

    18、your mother do ?A. Hes a postman. B. Shes a doctor. C. Shes beautiful.5( ) A: My father is a doctor.B: How about your mother?A: A. Hes a postman. B. Shes a doctor. C. Shes beautiful.三、小朋友学习成果一锤定音总结归纳:(1)、知识点归纳:认读、默写doctor,nurse,driver这3个单词。(做题技巧归纳:用分段来拼读单词,是记住单词很有效方法之一哦。)句型:A: What does your father

    19、do ? B: He is a teacher.A: What does your mother do ? B:Shes a doctor.(2)、要背诵课文(你懂得,呵呵呵。)课题:Unit2 Whats your number?(Lesson7) 授课时间: 年 月 日一、 小朋友学习什么学习目标xKb 1 .C om 1能听、说、认读单词:class,grade.2会用询问朋友所在的班级:A: Which class are you in?B: Im in Class Two ,Grade Three.A: How about you ? B: Im in Class One ,Grad

    20、e Four.二、小朋友怎么学学习过程1、复习题:写出下列单词的意思。 Singapore 男孩 女孩 England 美国 邮递员 2、连连看Where are you from? Hes a teacher.Whos this boy? Im from China.What does your father do? Hes my brother.三、尝试学习题(1)尝试学习新单词:class,grade. (2) 写出下列单词或句子的意思 This is my new friend. Pleased to meet you. Class Grade Which class are you

    21、in? Im in Class One ,Grade Four. 3、巩固练习题:选一选。( )1.Whats your name ? A. My names Jim. B. Im five. C. Im in Class One ,Grade Four. ( )2.Whats name? A. he B. your C. him ( )3. Which class are you in? A. My names Jim. B. Im in Class Two ,Grade Three. C.A desk。( )4. class are you in? A. What B. Which C.

    22、Whichs( )5.A: Pleased to meet you! B: A. Im in Class One ,Grade Four B. My names Jim. C. Pleased to meet you,too!三、小朋友学习成果一锤定音总结归纳:(1)、知识点归纳:认读、默写class,grade,110。(做题技巧归纳:用分段来拼读单词,是记住单词很有效方法之一哦。)句型:A: Which class are you in?B: Im in Class Two ,Grade Three.A: How about you ? B: Im in Class One ,Grade

    23、Four.(2)、要背诵课文(你懂得,呵呵呵。)课题:Unit2 Whats your number? (Lesson8) 授课时间: 年 月 日一、 小朋友学习什么学习目标xKb 1 .C om 1能听、说、认读单词:thirteen, fourteen.2会用询问朋友的号码:A: Whats your number?B: Im number fourteen.A: How about you ? B: Im number thirteen.二、小朋友怎么学学习过程1、复习题:选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词。( )(1)tw A. e B.o C.u ( ) (2) f r A. ou B

    24、.ie C.ia ( )(3) cla A. ss B.qq C.tr ( )(4)gra e A.i B.u C. d ( )(5) i A.n B.a C.b 2、连连看.Which class are you in? Pleased to meet you,too!Whats your name ? Shes my sister.Where are you from? Shes a nurse.What does your mother do? Im from China.Pleased to meet you! My names Tim.Whos this girl? Im in Cl

    25、ass Two ,Grade Three.2、尝试学习新知识。(1)尝试学习新单词:thirteen,fourteen.(2)写出句意A: Whats your number? B: Im number fourteen. A: How about you ? B: Im number thirteen. (3)选一选1、( ) your number?A. Whats B. Which C. What2、( ) -A: ?-B: Im number fourteen.A. Whats your number? B. Whats your name? C. Where are you from

    26、?3、( ) -A: ?-B:Im in Class Two ,Grade Three.A. Whats your number? B. Which class are you in?C. Where are you from?3、巩固练习题:连词成句。1、 this my new is friend . 2、 your whats number ? 3、 number Im twelve . 4 、 class are in you which ? 三、小朋友学习成果一锤定音总结归纳:(1)、知识点归纳:认读、默写eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen(做题技巧

    27、归纳:用分段来拼读单词,是记住单词很有效方法之一哦。)句型:A: Which class are you in?B: Im in Class Two ,Grade Three.A: Whats your number?B: Im number fourteen.(2)、要背诵课文(你懂得,呵呵呵。) 课题:Unit2 Whats your number? (Lesson9-10) 授课时间: 年 月 日一、 小朋友学习什么学习目标xKb 1 .C om 1能听、说、认读单词:fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen.2会简单的加法运算哦:A: Whats one a

    28、nd two?B: Its three.A: Whats seven and eight? B: Its fifteen.二、小朋友怎么学学习过程1、复习题:写数字Three four six seven eight ten eleven thirteen twelve fourteen2、尝试学习新知识。(1)尝试学习新单词:fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen.(2)写出句意A: Whats your number? B: Im number fourteen. A: Whats one and two? B: Its three. (3)连一连1 What

    29、s your number? Im in Class Two ,Grade Three2 Whats three and two? Im number thirteen.3 Whats five and six? Its eleven.4 Which class are you in? One! Two! Three! Four! 5 Lets count from one to four. Its five.3、巩固练习题:仿一仿 变魔术three three three thirteenfour four four five five five fifteen six six six seven seven seven eight eight eight 选一选1、( )- A: Whats one and two? - B: A. Its three. B. Its thirteen. C. Its four.2、( )- A: eight and nine? - B: Its seventeenA. Whats B.


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