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    1、英语山东省青岛市英语中考真题青岛市二0一七年初中学业水平考试英 语 试 题(考试时间:100分钟;满分:90分)温馨提示:亲爱的同学,欢迎你参加本次考试,祝你答题成功!1本试卷分为第卷和第卷两部分,共五道大题。第卷包含:单项选择和阅读理解,共30个小题;第卷包含:综合填空A、B、C,阅读表达A、B、C和书面表达。2所有题目均在答题卡上作答,在试题上作答无效。第I卷(共30分)I. 单项选择从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能够完成或回答这一小题的最佳答案。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)1. Loo!There is _ bottle on the table.A.aB. anC. theD.

    2、/2. My father gave me a bie on my _ birthday.A.tenB. atenthC. thetenthD.tenth3. Which is your new English teacher?The young lady _ red over there.A.withB. inC. onD. for4. Fruit is good for health, so I often have breafast with one _.A.candyB. caeC.bananaD. hamburger5. Jacs mother was so tired. She f

    3、ell asleep _ she lay down on the bed.A.untilB. as soon asC. unless D. although6. Jenny is afraid to travel by plane. She always feels _ when getting on it.A.nervousB. interestedC. relaedD. happy7. Can I come today or tomorrow? _ is O. Im busy today and tomorrow.A.EitherB. NeitherC.EachD. None8. _ we

    4、 wor at English, the better grades we will get.A.HarderB. The hardestC.HardestD. The harder9. Teenagers have to be 18 years old before they _ to drive a car.A. are allowed B.allowed C. will be allowed D. allow10. _ do you go to a movie? Twice a wee.A.How longB. How soonC.How oftenD. How far11.These

    5、oranges loo nice, but _ very sour.A.feelB. tasteC. soundD. loo12. We should eep quiet in the cinema. We _ spea loudly.A.canB.mustC. needntD.mustnt13.As a volunteer, the girl wants to visit sic ids in the hospital _ them up.A.to cheerB. cheerC. cheeringD. cheered14.You can _ the word in the dictionar

    6、y if you dont now it.A.give awayB. cut offC. tae afterD. loo up15. Ecuse me, do you now _? Onfoot.A.whatAlice came to doB. whereAlice came fromC.howAlice came hereD. whoAlice came withII. 阅读理解阅读下列短文,做出正误判断或选出最佳答案。A篇为判断正(A)误(B)题,B、C篇为选择题。(共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)AOur sin is lie a bag that we live in. Inside

    7、 the bag our bodies are mostly water. Our water is lie the water in the sea. It is very salty. Also, lie the ocean, we can lose our water. The wind and the sun could tae it away. Our bag of sin eeps our bodys ocean from drying up.Our sin eeps out sunshine. Too much sunshine can hurt us. Sin also eep

    8、s out dirt. Thatsimportant because some inds of dirt can mae us sic. Our sin feels things. It feels warm things, cold things, things it touches, and things that hurt it. A campfire feels warm. A snowball thrown in our face feels cold and hurts us. A hug is the touch of another persons sin on our own

    9、.Our hair is a special ind of covering. It helps us eep things out of our eyes, ears and nose. Hairis also good for eeping us warm. When we get goose bumps (鸡皮疙瘩), our body hairs stand up. Then the hairs hold air close to our sin lie a thic blanet (毯子). Hair eeps animals warm, too. Some animals have

    10、 more hair than others, so they have a better blanet for cold weather.Our nails (指甲) are another special sin which are very hard. They help eep our fingers from getting hurt. Our nails arent as strong as the nails that animals have. But they are good for picing up coins.16. Our sin is lie a bag full

    11、 of salt.17. Our sin eeps out dirt and sunshine.18. Our sin helps us feel things, touch or hurt others.19. Our hair helps protect our eyes, ears and nose.20. Our nails are weaer than the nails that animals have but can eep our fingers safe.BUncle SamDo your children enjoy interesting stories, funny

    12、games and eciting dances? Uncle Sam will be ready to teach children of all ages all these things at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 1000. Free.Waling TourForget your worries on Saturday morning. Tae a beautiful wal and learn about local history. Meet at the front entrance of City Hall at 930

    13、.Wear comfortable shoes!Movie TimeTwo films will be shown on Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. See March of the Penguins at 130.ung Fu Panda will be at 345. For further information, call 4987898.International PicnicAre you tired of eating the same food every day? Come to Central Par on Satur

    14、day and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not epensive.Noon to 500 p.m.Tae Me Out to the BallgameIts October,and this Saturday night is your last chance to see the Redbirds this year.Get your ticets at the gate. It might be cold. Dont forget sweaters and jacets.DoYouWant to HearThe o

    15、o?The oo, a popular roc group fromAustralia, willgive their first US concert this Saturday night at 800 at Rose Hall, City College.21.You probably eat Chinese, Italian and Indian food at _.A.City HallB. Central ParC.the City TheatreD.CityCollege22. We can see movies at _.A.1000 a.m.B. 930 a.m.C.345

    16、p.m.D. 800 p.m.23. The oo here is a _.A.music groupB. US concertC.popular parD. museum theatre24. From the passage, we can now _.A. if you are 8 years old, you have to pay to learn eciting dancesB. you can call 4987898 to get a ticet to go to Rose HallC. you can learn local history on a waling tour

    17、on Sunday morningD. the Redbirdslast match this year will be held outside25. The passage is mainly about _.A.city newsB. weeend activitiesC.music weeD. food festivalCRay Charles, a blac singer and pianist of the USA. He had won 12 Grammy Awards (格莱美奖) and performed at 10,000 concerts around the worl

    18、d. Many musicians called him simply “the Genius”(天才).Ray Charles was born into a poor family, without a father. When he was 5 years old, his younger brother died, and around the same time, Charles started to lose his sight. By the age of 7 he was completely blind. He had already been learning the pi

    19、ano for a year, and when he went blind, his mother new this would be the only way he would mae any money in the future. All his life, Charles remembered her saying “Do it right, or dont do it at all.”Later he went to a school for blind and deaf children. There the teachers also encouraged him tostud

    20、y music. Sadly, while he was still at school, his mother died. He left school and in the early 1950s Charles organied a group of players. He sang, played the piano and wrote music.He made many classical CDs with famous artists such as Elton John and the Beatles.In 2003 a film of his life Ray was mad

    21、e. The part of Charles was played by a younger actor and musician called Jamie Fo. The film director brought Fo to meet Charles. After they had been playing together for two hours, Charles, then aged 73, jumped up and said “Hes the one. he can do it.” A year later Charles died aged 74. The film of h

    22、is life has been as popular as his songs and means that the memory of Charles music will live on.26. What can we learn from Rays childhood story?A. His father died when he was 5 years old.B. He started to go blind at the age of 7.C. He was born in a rich musician family.D. He started to learn the pi

    23、ano at the age of 6.27. Ray Charlesmother encouraged him to play music because _.A. his father was a musician as wellB. because it would help him get used to being blindC. it was a good way for a blind person to get moneyD. his teacher thought he was a genius28. Ray Charles went to a school for _.A.

    24、normal childrenB. deaf and blind childrenC.talented children onlyD. children without parents29. Ray Charles thought that Jamie Fo _.A. was the right person to play him in the filmB. was a good film maerC. was the wrong person to play him in the filmD. was a good director30. What is the main idea of

    25、the last paragraph?A.Becoming a musician.B. Childhood story.C.The film of Rays life.D. Master of many styles.第卷(共 60分).综合填空(共20小题,A每小题2分,B、C每小题1分,共25分)A. 用所给词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。(10分)share divide hit plant sleep1. Dont mae any noise. Your grandfather _ in bed.2. My sister lies maing friends. She often _

    26、her ideas with them.3. Net wee the students in our class _ into different teams to play basetball.4. It snowed heavily last night, so a car _ a tree by accident a moment ago.5. People in this city _ lots of trees in the last few years.B. 根据句意和所给汉语,完成句子。每空一词。(5分)1. Her ways of solving problems are di

    27、fferent from _ (我的).2. The hotel is _ (在的后面) the police station.3. People in some countries eat many _ (土豆) as their main food.4. The eam is very important to us, so we must tae it _ (严肃地).5. After doing sports for a long time, Tina is _ (瘦的) than before.C. 选择恰当的单词填空。每词限用一次。(有两个多余的选项)(10分)because, r

    28、obots, over, recycle, or, dangerous, our, and, forever, safe, cars, runWhat will our world be lie in 2050? We ased a group of eperts to mae their predictions about our future.By 2050 we will have “clever”1. We wont have so many accidents, 2 they will beable to communicate with each other. Cars will

    29、slow down by themselves or stop in 3situations.Also, our cars will 4on electricity or water.By 2050 our homes will be more eco-friendly (环保). We will use solar (太阳的) energy, and wewill clean and 5 our water. There will be many more people in the world6ourhouses will be smaller. Many houses will be u

    30、nderground and we will have 7 to help clean,coo and do 8home shopping.We wont die! We will put our brains onto computers and live 9 . The computers of thefuture wont loo lie machines. Theyll loo lie humans.By 2050 there will be too many people on the earth and 10 100 million people will beliving on

    31、the moon and other planets. We will be able to travel to Mars and bac in just three days.阅读表达(共20分)A阅读下面短文,按要求完成各项任务。(共6分)Everywherein the world there aredifferentwaysofbehaving.When we meet someone, everything we say and do epresses our cultural bacground. So if you want to get on with someone from another culture, it helps to understand something about these differences


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