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    矿井通风专业 外文文献翻译.docx

    1、矿井通风专业 外文文献翻译外文资料原文An intelligent hybrid system for surface coal mine safety analysisa b s t r a c t :Analysis of safety in surface coal mines represents a very complex process. Published studies on mine safety analysis are usually based on research related to accidents statistics and hazard identif

    2、ication with risk assessment within the mining industry. Discussion in this paper is focused on the application of AI methods in the analysis of safety in mining environment. Complexity of the subject matter requires a high level of expert knowledge and great experience. The solution was found in th

    3、e creation of a hybrid system PROTECTOR, whose knowledge base represents a formalization of the expert knowledge in the mine safety field. The main goal of the system is the estimation of mining environment as one of the significant components of general safety state in a mine. This global goal is s

    4、ubdivided into a hierarchical structure of subgoals where each subgoal can be viewed as the estimation of a set of parameters (gas, dust, climate, noise, vibration, illumination, geotechnical hazard) which determine the general mine safety state and category of hazard in mining environment. Both the

    5、 hybrid nature of the system and the possibilities it offers are illustrated through a case study using field data related to an existing Serbian surface coal mine.1. IntroductionOne of the most important and also most complex problems encountered in surface coal mines is safety analysis. An appro-

    6、priate and reliable solution for this problem is vital for the working process in mines with surface exploitation. Published studies on mine safety analysis are usually based on research related to accidents statistics (Kecojevic and Radomsky, 2004; Karra, 2005; Bennett and Passmore, 1986; Marovelli

    7、, 1981). Several studies have been conducted on hazard identification and risk assessment (South African Mining Industry, 2003; Joy and Griffiths, 2005) which aims to provide advice on hazard identification and risk assessment within the mining industry. Systems safety analysis methods provide a pro

    8、active approach to analyze systems for potential hazards that may threaten the health and safety of miners. The systems approach to the safety problem focuses on the system taken as a whole. It involves the interaction of people, machines, and environment within proce- dural constraints (Hammer, 197

    9、2). It uses a number of techni- ques: the technique of operations review, the failure mode and effects analysis technique, the fault tree analysis technique. Contemporary mining theory operates with a number of methods and techniques which can be used to solve mine safety problems. These methods are

    10、 used in current engineering practice with the help of appropriate software products.Software products in mine safety need expert knowledge and experience to be fully exploited. This knowledge consists of rules and heuristics experts use when they apply numerical methods, and Artificial Intelligence

    11、 offers formalisms and mechanisms for its incorporation in software systems (Russell and Norvig, 2002). Formalization of knowledge representation and development of mechanisms for using this knowledge are among methods and tools developed by AI for solving complex problems (Giarratano and Riley, 200

    12、4). However, the complexity of some problems outgrows the potentials of single methods. A possible solution is to combine two or more AI methods into a hybrid intelligent system (Goonatilake and Khebbal, 1995). This approach has been adopted in the case of PROTECTOR, a hybrid system for the analysis

    13、 and estimation of safety in mining environment, devel- oped at the Faculty of Mining and Geology of the University of Belgrade. PROTECTOR was developed by combining neural networks and expert system technology. While the mining environment estimation methodology is implemented through an expert sys

    14、tem, some of the related estimation parameters are determined by neural networks. Discussion in this paper is focused on the application of combined AI methods in the analysis of safety in mining environment. A full understanding of the process and use of all collected data require the involvement o

    15、f an experienced specialist in the mine safety field. The solution was found in the creation of PROTECTOR, whose knowledge base represents a formalization of the expert knowledge in the mine safety field. Section 2 of this paper outlines the global problem-solving strategy through a hierarchical dec

    16、omposition of the main goal, the evaluation of the mining environment, and the formalization of this strategy by means of a modified object-oriented analysis (OOA) model. The system structure and the main architectural components of the PROTECTOR system are described in Section 3. The implementation

    17、 of the system in the KAPPA-PC expert systems shell is discussed in Section 4. Section 5 presents a case study, followed by a conclusion in the last section.2. A formalization of mining environment evaluation problem-solvingAnalysis of safety in coal mines represents a very complex process based on

    18、estimation of numerous and interdependent parameters that are classified into several basic criteria for estimation of mining environment. These criteria are related to the following conditions: gas, dust, climate, noise, vibration, illumination and geotechnical hazard (highwall stability and waste

    19、stability). In discussing occupational risks in the mining industry, it is common practice to identify health and safety hazards separately. Some of these environmental stresses may interact to produce a greater overall effect. In combination or alone, if environmental stresses exceed human toleranc

    20、e levels for prolonged periods of time, feelings of discomfort will arise, alertness will decrease, accidents will occur, and performance and productivity will drop. Mining is among the more traditional and conservative engineering disciplines. Although various assessment techniques and numerical me

    21、thods are available, the analysis of safety in surface coal mines relies mostly on heuristics formulated by mine safety experts. This was precisely the motivation for developing of PROTECTOR as a hybrid system, with its expert system component in its core. The system architecture draws upon the expe

    22、rience gained by successful implementation of hybrid systems in different fields, but represents a novel approach when mining is concerned. The novelty of the approach to mine safety was further reinforced by the development of an evaluation strategy. The main goal of the system is the estimation of

    23、 mining environment as one of the significant components of general safety state in mine. This global goal can be subdivided into a hierarchical structure of subgoals where each of these subgoals can be viewed as the estimation of a set of parameters (gas, dust, climate, noise, vibration, illuminati

    24、on and geotechnical hazard) which determine the general mine safety state and category of hazard in mining environment. During this process, the impor-tance, i.e. significance of each particular parameter must be taken into account. The hierarchical decomposition of the main goal into subgoals, repr

    25、esenting the problem-solving strategy, makes it easier to cope with the complexities and to coordinate the use of the knowledge incorporated in the system.The strategy for evaluation of the safety in mining environ- ment is formally represented using a modification of the Coad-Yourdon object-oriente

    26、d analysis (OOA) model (Coad and Yourdon, 1991). In the standard model every real world entity is represented by a class (object) consisting of its name, attributes and methods pertaining to the procedures related to the object. However, in order to incorporate declarative knowledge, we have resorte

    27、d to a modification of this model by including a new (fourth) element, featuring the production (IF-THEN) rules related to an object in the model. Thus both the procedural and declara- tive knowledge related to a class object could be represented. Such a modified OOA model was then used for the repr

    28、esentation of the mining environment evaluation strategy as well as other objects in the system and their mutual relationships (Fig. 1).Fig. 1. Modified OOAmodeloftheminingenvironmentevaluationThe inheritance relations between hierarchically connected objects representing elements of the strategy ar

    29、e given by full lines, while the exchange of messages between classes is represented with dotted lines. The model was the basis for the implementation of the system in an object-oriented expert system shell.3. Architecture of the PROTECTOR system Safety of mines and prevention of accidents is an iss

    30、ue of great importance in mine management. In order to be able to make appropriate and timely decision in this delicate matter the management needs to be adequately and accurately informed about the mine safety state on a daily basis. This information is, naturally, only part of the information requ

    31、ired by mine manage- ment. Information systems offer the tools and techniques for handling all the information flows in complex system such as mines. To that end, a Technological Information System (TIS) has been developed, which can be tailored to suit requirements of any mine in Serbia. It integra

    32、tes the following modules: Human Resources, Maintenance, Mine Safety, Mine Planning and Produc- tion, Management Information Decision Support System and Technical Data, and delivers critical internal and external information needed to support mining business. TIS components are integrated and operat

    33、e with a unique database, and PROTECTOR, the hybrid system presented in this paper is part of the Mine Safety TIS module named MISS (Mine Safety Information System). The Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram in Fig. 2 represents the structure of TIS and the place of MISS within TIS, as well as the structure of MISS and the place of the hybrid system Prot


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