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    暑期备考 基础通关八年级英语上册 units 712教材复习试题 人教新目标版.docx

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    暑期备考 基础通关八年级英语上册 units 712教材复习试题 人教新目标版.docx

    1、暑期备考 基础通关八年级英语上册 units 712教材复习试题 人教新目标版Units+7-12教材复习试题Class: Name: Marks: (满分100分)一. 单项选择 (15分)选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )1. Mrs Blacks son is really unusual boy. Yes. He became university student when he was 13 years old. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a D. the; the( )2. What if I dont know how to use this machin

    2、e? Well, you can follow the . A. recipe B. instruction C. record D. menu( )3. The artist was born near Florence 1452 and went to Milan the age of 30. A. in; at B. on; in C. in; on D. at; in( )4. Do you have the same view on the question? No. His view is quite different from . A. I B. me C. my D. min

    3、e( )5. My sister has three days . She plans to go on a trip to Wuhu. A. in B. out C. off D. outside( )6. Jack could hardly move his injured feet. A. without B. as for C. because D. because of( )7. The movie wasnt . He fell asleep halfway through it. A. interesting enough B. enough interesting C. int

    4、erested enough D. enough interested( )8. Of all the subjects, physics seems to be for me. A. difficult B. too difficult C. more difficult D. the most difficult ( )9. I cant find my keys on the table. Maybe you put them . A. anywhere else B. else anywhere C. somewhere else D. else somewhere( )10. Cou

    5、ld you please clean up the cupboard now? Sorry, I . I have to finish the task first. A. dont B. cant C. mustnt D. couldnt( )11. Can I your laptop computer? Sure. But you mustnt it to others. A. lend; lend B. borrow; lend C. borrow; borrow D. lend; borrow ( )12. Where is the best spot in town to ? Ti

    6、wei Square. There are a lot of people having fun there every day. A. hang out B. depend on C. take out D. come over( )13. did Alison skate? For two hours. A. How often B. How much C. How soon D. How long( )14. What did you do last night? I my favorite TV program and read books.A. watch B. watched C.

    7、 have watched D. am watching ( )15. Whats your new resolution? I to play an instrument. A. have learnt B. was learning C. am going to learn D. was going to learn二. 完形填空 (10分) 阅读下列短文,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Many weeks ago, I had an accident. It almost turned my life upside down. It happened quickly, but I sti

    8、ll remember 16 what happened. I just forgot to turn off the stove (火炉).It was Tuesday. I have an ESL class at 8:00 am every Tuesday. Usually, when I 17 , I go to take a shower, and I have a cup of coffee. Then I cook some food for my breakfast before I go to class, but that morning was 18 .The alarm

    9、 didnt work, so I slept late. It was about time for me to go to class. I had to do everything as 19 as possible, so that I wouldnt be late for the class. I didnt have 20 time to do the things that I usually do.I went straight to my class, 21 I forgot that I had been boiling water in my kitchen. I 22

    10、 my teacher for permission to return to my house.When I got into my house, I saw the 23 all around. I ran quickly to the stove to turn it off. That made me 24 . If I had come a bit late to my house, it could have been burnt.From that day, I always 25 every-thing before I leave the house. So, we shou

    11、ld get up early to get ready for everything before we go out of the house. ( )16. A. loudly B. hardly C. clearly D. happily( )17. A. wake up B. end up C. fall asleep D. stay alive( )18. A. simple B. different C. same D. unusual( )19. A. early B. quickly C. well D. slowly( )20. A. little B. no C. sho

    12、rt D. enough( )21. A. but B. until C. or D. though( )22. A. paid B. looked C. asked D. cared( )23. A. water B. light C. rubbish D. smoke( )24. A. tired B. scared C. busy D. famous( )25. A. take B. put C. check D. remember 三. 阅读理解 (30分)AA. J. McLeanNationality: AmericanBirthday: January 9th, 1978 A.J

    13、. McLean, a member of the famous group Backstreet Boys, is known for his amazing voice and outstanding performances. He began singing and acting at a very young age and had already performed in twenty-seven plays by the age of twelve. He formed the pop group Backstreet Boys in 1993, with another fou

    14、r young and brilliant artists. The group came up with some of the highly popular and unforgettable songs that brought them huge success.Bette MidlerNationality: AmericanBirthday: December 1st, 1945 Winner of Grammy and Golden Globe Awards, Bette Midler is an American singer-songwriter, actress, film

    15、 producer and entrepreneur (企业家). As one of the best-selling singers, her albums have sold over 30 million copies worldwide. She rose from a very humble beginning from being cabaret dancer at a bath-house, she went on to become one of the most successful singers in the music world.根据材料内容,选择最佳选项。 (10

    16、分)( )26. A. J. McLean is famous for . A. his best-selling album B. being the winner of Grammy Award C. his fine voice and performances D. the first member of Backstreet Boys ( )27. There are members in the pop group Backstreet Boys. A. 6 B. 5 C. 4 D. 3( )28. The underlined word “humble” means “” in

    17、Chinese. A. 卑微的 B. 良好的 C. 崭新的 D. 人类的 ( )29. Bette Midler worked as a(n) at a bath-house when she was young. A. writer B. actress C. waitress D. dancer ( )30. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Bette Midler started acting at a very young age. B. Both A. J. McLean and Bette Midler are American. C.

    18、 The pop group Backstreet Boys is hugely successful. D. A. J. McLean had acted in many plays by the age of 12.BOne afternoon, Gary and Benny were playing in the garden. “We play here every day. I feel this is a little boring, Gary,” Benny said. “Well, lets play on the hill.”So they ran to the hill.

    19、The hill was quiet. Gary and Benny saw trees and birds and picked flowers and berries. Suddenly, there was a loud bang (巨响) from the trees. The boys were curious (好奇的) and they slowly walked towards the noise. A window was banging in the wind. There was a house behind the trees!“I wonder who lives h

    20、ere,” Benny said.Gary saw a broken wooden sign on the door. It said, “ vid Heffley”.“It looks like a name. v-i-d I think its David!” Gary said. “Lets go home and tell Dad!”At home, Dad surfed the Internet with the children. David Heffley was a rich man who lived alone in a big house two hundred year

    21、s ago. But nobody knew about the house.“So David Heffleys house is on the hill! Lets tell the police!” Dad said.The police found beautiful tables, chairs, books and paintings in the house. They gave the nice things to the museum.“Good job, children,” the police officer said to Gary and Benny. “Thank

    22、 you very much.”根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 (10分)( )31. Benny thought it was boring to . A. play in the garden B. play on the hill C. look for the house D. surf the Internet( )32. The children on the hill. A. fed birds B. picked flowers and berries C. cleaned the wooden house D. called for the local police ( )33

    23、. The loud noise came from . A. the trees in the garden B. the door of the house C. the top of the hill D. the window of the house( )34. What did the police find in David Heffleys house? A. A small museum. B. Some broken tables. C. Some paper money. D. Some beautiful paintings. ( )35. What do we kno

    24、w from the passage? A. David Heffley was a poor man. B. David Heffley was the dads friend. C. The sign on the door read “ vid Heffley”. D. In a small wooden house lived David Heffley.CIf you are a teenage boy, and you want to succeed in life, youd better read this great book!From Boys to Men by Amer

    25、ican author Michael Gurian tells teenage boys that they are living through the best years of their lives. There is no reason for them not to love life.You may think that only your body is growing at the moment. But the book says your mind is too.The book tells teenage boys that they need to help the

    26、ir body and mind grow. To do this, they should stop spending their time playing computer games and should start playing sports.Sports, the book says, keep you healthy and teach you important life skills. They teach you how to be a leader and how to work as part of a team.The book also tells boys how

    27、 to love life if theyre bullied (欺负). It says boys have to stop being scared of such bullies. It is the only way they can become more successful people.To become the man you want to be, you have to think for yourself and believe in yourself.But most importantly, the book says, you must always dream

    28、of success. Never be happy with what youve got, and always want more. Real men always want more. 根据短文内容,选择最佳选项。 (10分)( )36. According to the passage, teenage boys should start to help their body and mind grow. A. reading B. doing sports C. working on the computer D. playing computer games( )37. Acco

    29、rding to From Boys to Men, sports teach boys the following things EXCEPT . A. life skills B. how to be a leader C. how to get more D. how to work in groups( )38. The book From Boys to Men tells boys when they meet bullies. A. not to be terrified of them B. to run away from them C. to fight with them

    30、 D. to ask their teachers for help ( )39. The most importat way for a boy to become the man he wants to be is . A. to play sports B. to study hard always C. to practice more D. to always dream of success( )40. Which can be the BEST title for the passage? A. A wonderful book B. How to be successful C. Believe in yourself D. How to become men from boys 四. 任务型阅读 (10分)Like many girls, Ma Xiaoyi likes to keep a diary. But the Junior 3 student also likes to write something more unusual: poems. She reads and writes poems every day a


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