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    1、英语名言警句爱情英语名言警句爱情导读:本文是关于英语名言警句爱情的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、不是不爱,也不是很爱,这是大部分人的感情生活,所以真爱难求。Its not love, its not love, its the emotional life of most people, so true love is hard to find.2、愿意委屈自己的人,唯一的原因,就是深深爱着对方。The only reason people are willing to wronged themselves is that they love each other deeply.3

    2、、当你真正喜欢上一个人,所有的标准便不再是标准。When you really like a person, all standards are no longer standards.4、不是不想,而是不敢,因为没资格,所以不去管。Its not that I dont want to, but that I dare not, because Im not qualified, so I dont care.5、追求爱情它高飞,逃避爱情它跟随。Pursue love, it soars, escape love, it follows.6、得不到的永远在骚动,被偏爱的都有恃无恐。What

    3、you cant get is always in turmoil, and those who are favored are fearless.7、男人和女人之间的问题,最常拿出来讨论的,就是爱情的自由度有多少?The most frequently discussed issue between men and women is the degree of freedom of love.8、陪伴,就是不管你需不需要,我一直都在。Accompaniment means whether you need it or not, Ive been there all the time.9、爱情

    4、,是爱情,推动着世界的发展。Love is love, which promotes the development of the world.10、爱的欢乐寓于爱之中,享受爱情比唤起爱更加令人幸福。The joy of love lies in love. It is happier to enjoy love than to arouse it.11、爱情就像一面镜子,曾经有了裂痕,于是镜里的风景也扭曲了。Love is like a mirror, once there were cracks, so the scenery in the mirror is distorted.12、爱

    5、情就像冰激凌,无论如何避免,最后它终究会溶化。Love is like ice cream, which will melt in the end, no matter how to avoid it.13、事与愿违的世界,我们要学会逆来顺受。In a world where things go against our wishes, we should learn to accept them.14、爱得愈深,苛求得愈切,所以爱人之间不可能没有意气的争执。The deeper you love, the more you want, so its impossible to argue wi

    6、thout feeling.15、如果你爱我,请不要伤害我;如果不想伤害我,那请不要爱我!If you love me, please dont hurt me; if you dont want to hurt me, please dont love me!16、对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。To the world, you may only be one person, but to one person, you are the whole world.17、这个天,能让我在路上掏出手机和你打字聊天的人,绝对是我真爱。This day, the perso

    7、n who can let me take out my mobile phone and type with you on the road is absolutely my true love.18、我爱你三个字的开头字母组合起来不就是个玩字,谁会当真谁就输了。I love you. The letters at the beginning of the three words are not words to play with. Whoever takes them seriously loses.19、幸福的爱情和美满的家庭不需要媒人。Happy love and happy fam

    8、ily dont need matchmakers.20、最好的感觉是当你朝他看过去时,他已经在凝视着你。The best feeling is that when you look at him, hes already staring at you.21、地球仍然转重,世间依旧善变,而我永远爱你。The earth is still turning heavy, the world is still changeable, and I love you forever.22、有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。Some people are doomed to wait for

    9、others, others are doomed to be waited for.23、对待爱情应该比对其它任何事都更谨慎。Love should be treated more cautiously than anything else.24、一旦你确实需要爱,你就会发现它正在等待着你。Once you really need love, you will find it waiting for you.25、爱情就像攥在手里的沙子,攥的越紧,流失的越快。Love is like the sand in your hand. The tighter you hold it, the fa

    10、ster you lose it.26、谁说的,人非要快乐不可,好像快乐由得人选择。Who said, people must be happy, as if happiness is to be chosen by others.27、我要的,不是你一时的温柔,而是你一生的守候。What I want is not your temporary tenderness, but your lifelong waiting.28、如果我爱一个人,我可以为他舍弃一切,包括我的生命。If I love someone, I can give up everything for him, includ

    11、ing my life.29、有爱慰籍的人,无惧于任何事物,任何人。He who loves comfort has no fear of anything or anyone.30、你就是我的灵魂。如果失去了你。就只剩一个躯壳了。You are my soul. If I lose you. Theres only one body left.31、如果不打算跟一个女人结婚,那你可以上她,但请不要爱她。If you dont want to marry a woman, you can go to her, but please dont love her.32、爱情是无邪的,神圣的。Lov

    12、e is innocent and sacred.33、破牛仔裤怎么和晚礼服站在一起,我的吉他怎么可以和你的钢琴合奏。How can broken jeans stand with evening dresses and my guitar play with your piano?34、我喜欢过你,如果有下辈子,我也许会一如既往喜欢你。I loved you, and if I had the next life, I might like you as always.35、爱情不是最初的甜蜜,而是繁华退却依然不离不弃。Love is not the initial sweetness, b

    13、ut the prosperity of the retreat is still not abandoned.36、当贫穷从门外进来,爱情便从窗口溜走。When poverty comes in through the door, love slips through the window.37、选择你所喜欢的,爱你所选择的。Choose what you like and love what you choose.38、爱情使顺从变成为易事。Love makes obedience easy.39、不成熟的人或许在事业上有很大的成就,在婚姻上则不然。Immature people may

    14、have great achievements in their careers, but not in their marriages.40、好的感情不是一下子就把你感动晕,而是细水长流的把你宠坏。Good feelings do not move you in a flash, but spoil you in a long stream.41、反正人的心只有一个,如果注定要碎一次的话,我宁可选择为你而碎。Anyway, there is only one heart. If it is destined to be broken once, I would rather choose t

    15、o break it for you.42、可是我就怕一转身,你就永远和我擦肩而过。But I am afraid that once I turn around, you will always pass me by.43、其实我不怕分离,怕看的只是绝情,至少让我能证明,你我曾一样真心。Actually, Im not afraid of separation, Im afraid of seeing nothing but despair. At least let me prove that you and I were as sincere as before.44、心生温情长久,感情

    16、需要的是两心间的互动。Heart warmth for a long time, emotional needs are the interaction between the two hearts.45、可以掌控你心情的那个人,一定是你最爱的人。The person who can control your mood must be your favorite person.46、如果有一天,你累了,你疲倦了,只要你一回头,我的笑容就在你面前。If one day, you are tired, you are tired, as long as you look back, my smil

    17、e is in front of you.47、如果爱情是一道证明题,那我的数学也太差劲了。If love is a proof, then my math is too bad.48、忠诚是爱情的桥梁,欺诈是友谊的敌人。Loyalty is the bridge of love, fraud is the enemy of friendship.49、要忘记一段感情,方法永远只有一个:时间和新欢。There is always only one way to forget a relationship: time and new love.50、今夜我不会遇见你,今夜我遇见了世上的一切,但不

    18、会遇见你。I wont meet you tonight. Ive met everything in the world tonight, but I wont meet you.51、我每天都在数着你的笑,可是你连笑的时候,都好寂寞。I count your laughter every day, but you are lonely even when you laugh.52、爱,原来是没有名字的,在相遇之前等待的,就是它的名字。Love, originally has no name, waiting before meeting, is its name.53、爱情之树应该深深扎根

    19、在泥土中,而起枝条则要伸展与广阔的天空。The tree of love should be deeply rooted in the soil, while the branches should stretch out with the vast sky.54、他说,你任何让人为之称道的美丽都不及他第一次见你。He said, you are less beautiful than the first time he saw you.55、知道爱情开始是困难的,但知道爱情已经开始则不那么困难了。It is difficult to know that love has begun, but

    20、 it is not so difficult to know that love has begun.56、我很爱你,从那天世界完全属你爱埋藏在日记而我的世界仍然属于你。I love you very much. From that day on, the world belongs to you and you love to bury it in your diary, while my world still belongs to you.57、如果那时没有遇见你,可能这一生,都不会知道如此爱一个人的滋味吧。If I hadnt met you then, maybe I would

    21、never know how it feels to love someone so much in my whole life.58、你说我不在乎你了!那么你又在乎过我吗?You said I dont care about you anymore! So did you care about me again?59、爱情所要求的比友谊要少得多。Love requires much less than friendship.60、我还是会相信爱情,只是不会再相信爱情能永远。I will still believe in love, but will not believe that love can last forever.61、当你走进我的心时你会哭,因为里面全是你。When you walk into my heart, you cry, because its all about you.62、爱情和智慧,二者不可兼得。Love and wisdom cannot be both.


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