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    1、中考英语倒计时考前冲刺专练五百题历届中考选择题训练附答案2019中考英语倒计时考前冲刺专练(五)百题历届中考选择题训练(附答案)1.My father works on a big farm.There are many there. A.cow B.sheep C.horse2.There is new in todays newspaper.Ive learnt the news on the radio. A.something B.anything C.nothing3.I think her dress comes from the 1970s.It be from that tim

    2、e.It looks so modern on her. A.mustnt B.cant C.wont4.I dont know how to begin a talk with Millie,because she can sit all day long a word. A.by B.with C.without5.He cant remember last evening because he drank so much. A.what did he say B.what he say C.what he said6.Though my mum was very tired, she s

    3、till cooked a nice meal for us. A.but B.and C./7.Can you answer the phone,Jim?I the dishes. Im coming,Dad.A.have done B.am doing C.will do8.The Internet is so closely connected with our daily life.Can you a life without it? A.imagine B.expect C.understand9.Be sure to tell your father about this mess

    4、age. OK.Ill tell him as soon as he back. A.comes B.come C.will come10.The earth is also home to animals.We should protect it well. A.millions B.million of C.millions of11.Success will belong to those never say “impossible”. A.whom B.who C.which12.How time flies!Ten years passed since we graduated fr

    5、om that school. A.have B.has C.are13.The boss made him work 14 hours a day.That means,he work 14 hours a day. A.was made B.made C.was made to14.You are doing great!Ive never had answer before. A.a better B.better C.the best15.You need to do more exercise to yourself . A.put; up B.build; up C.make; u

    6、p16.Jane,hurry up.Its late!Oh,Im so tired,weve run for half hour. A.a B.an C.the17.This is iPhone.Yours is over there. A.she B.her C.hers18.How far is your home from here? Its about ten walk. A.minutes B.minutes C.minutes19.Longyan is a very beautiful city and therere many places of interest.So it i

    7、s.Why not stay here for two days? A.another B.others C.the other20.Why werent you at the meeting?I for a call from my husband in Guangdong. A.waited B.had waited C.was waiting 21.David,you drop litter everywhere.Its bad for the environment. A.didnt B.mustnt C.neednt22Helen here for almost 7 years an

    8、d she has many friends. Thats true.She is friendly to everyone here.A.came B.has come C.has been23.Have you got your school things ready?We in two minutes. Sure.Everything is ready.A.are leaving B.left C.have left24.What a great factory!I havent seen it before.Of course you havent.It when you were a

    9、broad. A.is built B.built C.was built25.There is a girl in front of our classroom.Do you know ? She is an English teacher.A.who is she B.who she is C.what she is26Do you know Confucius,Mike? Yes.He was a great thinker had many wise ideas about behavior. A.who B.whom C.whose27.Which of the following

    10、is NOT a traffic sign?A. B. C.28.Beidou Satellite System was the rescue work in the Yaan earthquake. A.used by B.used to C.used for 29.Ive never this place before,but it really attracts many visitors. A.heard from B.heard of C.heard about30.Only by everyones efforts can our Chinese Dream . A.come tr

    11、ue B.come about C.come into being31.Excuse me,how Xinhua Bookstore? Go along the street and you will see it.A.I can get to B.can I get C.can I get to32.Could you please show me the way to the nearest bank? right and go down Qiuzhi Street. A.Turn B.Turns C.To turn33.Excuse me,where is the bus stop?Go

    12、 along this street and you will see it your left. A.at B.on C.in34.On weekends,Li Gang always plays computer games it is very late at night. A.after B.before C.until35.Its good old people to cross the road. A.help B.helps C.to help36. is the weather today? Its cool.A.What; / B.What; like C.How; like

    13、37.In Guangzhou,it often rains in July and August. A.heavy B.heavily C.hardly 38.Do you like summer or fall? . A.Yes,I do B.Its hard to say C.No,I dont39.I hope all you. Thank you.A.are good for B.is well with C.goes well with40.Please remember me the weather report tomorrow,Xiao Ming. OK.No problem

    14、.A.tell B.told C.to tell41.There a tall tree and some chairs at the back of this community. A.am B.is C.are42.Could you help me these books to the classroom? No problem.Lets go.A.taking B.not take C.take43.Do you often your parents? No,seldom.A.write a letter B.write to C.writes to44.Where is the te

    15、achers desk,Li Feng?Oh,its the classroom. A.in the front of B.in the front C.in front45.Where is Guangzhou?Lets the map of China. A.have a look B.have a look at C.look3135 CABCC 3640 BBBCC4145 BCBAB46. Which film do you like better,X-Men or Coming Home? .I like them very much. A.Neither B.Both C.Eit

    16、her47. Please call me up as soon as she back. OK,I will.A.will come B.is coming C.comes48.You smoke .You are only 14 and it isnt allowed. A.dont have to B.mustnt C.neednt49.Many kinds of animals are .We must do something to save them. A.on holiday B.in danger C.on show50.My father has decided to dri

    17、nking wine.Thats good news for us. A.give up B.give away C.give out51. How well the girl sings!Yes,she has a very sweet . A.voice B.sound C.noise52. You look sleepy.Whats the matter?I until the football match was over. A.got up B.woke up C.stayed up53.If you dont want to be too heavy,you must eat me

    18、at. A.much B.less C.more54.Would you like to play games with me? Sorry.My mother is ill in bed.I have to her. A.look after B.take after C.look for55.What is your head teacher like?Oh,he is kind he looks very serious. A.if B.though C.or 56. the taxi driver,the little kid was sent to the hospital in t

    19、ime. A.Thanks for B.Thanks to C.According to57. you your book to the library? Yes.I returned it yesterday.A.Did,return B.Have,returned C.Will,return58.Could you tell them ? Of course,she lives in Shanghai Road.A.where Lily lives B.where Lily lived C.where did Lily live 59 bad weather!There is too mu

    20、ch rain this spring. A.What a B.How C.What 60.We spend too much time in watching TV. A.told dont B.told not to C.were told not to 61.Have you ever been to Mount Tai? Yes,I there last year. A.went B.have gone C.am going 62.Who helped you repair the MP4? .I repaired it all by myself. A.Somebody B.Anyb

    21、ody C.Nobody 63. is the population of Shanghai? Its about 500,000.A.How many B.How much C.What 64.There are sixty students in our class.And of us are boys. Wow!You have forty girls.A.one fourth B.one third C.two thirds 65.Would you like to come to my birthday party this Saturday evening? Id love to,

    22、 I will have to go to visit my grandmother. A.but B.and C.or 66.The doctor did what he could the dying man. A.save B.to save C.saving 67.He looks so happy.Maybe he he passed the final exam. A.will know B.knew C.has known68.The sign means . A.reduce B.repair C.recycle69.People use chemicals too much

    23、in their fields,so I cant the unhealthy food. A.stand B.sit C.work 70.How long have you the book? For a week.A.borrowed B.lent C.kept71.I dont like bread.I wont eat it I am very hungry. A.if B.when C.unless72.The policeman asked the driver . A.when the accident happened B.when did the accident happe

    24、nC.when happened the accident 73.Please the lights when you leave the room. OK,I will.A.turn off B.turn down C.turn up 74. Mary Alice has joined the music club because they have no time. Its a pity!A.Both; and B.Either; or C.Neither; nor75.The garbage a lot of space,so we should reduce the waste. A.

    25、takes up B.takes away C.takes off 76.Have you ever been to Shanghai,Mary?Yes.I there three years ago. A.have gone B.went C.have been77.Our team tried our best, we failed the match at last. A.but B.and C.or78.The policeman told us the street when the traffic light was red. A.not cross B.not crossing

    26、C.not to cross79.You should your son.He works harder than before. Thanks,I will.A.praise B.punish C.prevent 80.I have no idea tell her the bad news. I think tomorrow is the best time.A.how to B.when to C.where to 81.Can you play basketball or football? .But I can swim. A.Both B.Neither C.None 82Do y

    27、ou know the boy bike was broken just now? Its Jim.A.that B.who C.whose 83.The girl is watering the flowers is my sister. A.who B.whose C.which84.Are you ready for your trip to Hainan? Yes,I cant wait there! A.getting B.get C.to get 85.I speak English in public. Dont be shy.A.doesnt dare B.dare not C

    28、.not dare 86.Im afraid I cant you,sir.Can you speak more slowly? Of course.A.find B.hear C.follow87.Excuse me,could you tell me ? There is an e-shop on the third floor.You can repair it there.A.where can I repair my MP4 player B.where I can repair my MP4 playerC.how I can go to the e-shop88.Our clas

    29、sroom must every day. A.is cleaned B.cleans C.be cleaned 89.Mr.Li will go to Guangzhou by air.His wife is at the airport. A.turning him off B.seeing him off C.taking him off 90.Im a little money.Could you give me a hand? No problem.A.fond of B.short of C.tired of91. -Look at the text in the notice.

    30、What does it say?-The students who do not sign up before Friday lunchtime_.A. will have to work at lunchtime next FridayB. will have to work in the afternoon next weekC. wont be able to do afternoon activities next Friday D. wont be able to choose their afternoon activities next week92. Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon _20July1969. A. i


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