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    江苏省连云港市届高三下学期第三次模拟考试英语试题 扫描版含答案.docx

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    江苏省连云港市届高三下学期第三次模拟考试英语试题 扫描版含答案.docx

    1、江苏省连云港市届高三下学期第三次模拟考试英语试题 扫描版含答案 连云港市2015届高三第三次模拟考试 英语参考答案I.听力理解: (1*20=20分) 1-5 CACBA 6-10 ACBBA 11-15 ACACA 16-20 CCBBCII.单项填空:(1*15=15分) 21-25 CADBA 26-30 CDBCB 31-35 CBAACIII. 完型填空:(1*20=20分) 36-40 CACDA 41-45 BDABD 46-50 CCABC 51-55 BCADBIV. 阅读理解:(2*15=30分) 56-57 AB 58-60 DBA 61- 64 ABDC 65-70 B

    2、DAACDV. 任务型阅读:(1*10=10分) 71. substitute / replace 72. Approaches / solutions 73. Priority 74. containing / with 75. cooperate / work 76. Reasons / Causes / Facts 77. calls 78. limitation(s) / disadvantages / drawbacks / weaknesses /shortcomings 79. connected 80. transform / switch / changeVI. 书面表达:(

    3、25分)The grasshopper just enjoyed herself by singing all the summer. Thus she had nothing to eat in the winter. Meanwhile, the ant planned ahead, working hard to lay up enough food for the winter.(34 words)It is obvious that the fable provides a moral lesson about hard work and preparation for the fu

    4、ture. First, one needs to work hard to realize his dream just as the famous saying goes “Hard work leads to success”, which is a universal truth that we must keep in mind forever. Second, wed better prepare for the days of necessity. As more proverbs illustrate, take an umbrella in case.As for me, I

    5、 admire the ant for his hard work and good planning. As a senior three student, it is necessary to go all out and make good preparations for college entrance examination and life in the future. My future is not just a dream. (120 words)附:书面表达阅卷评分标准参考一、用约30字概括(6分);二、阐述自己的观点(8分); 三、举例说明支撑你的观点(6分); 五、文

    6、章层次、句式结构、衔接过渡语(3分);六、书写规范、卷面整洁(2分)听力录音:Text 1:M: I hope itll be fine tomorrow. Im going boating with Tom. W: Oh, I think it will be fine. M: Are you sure?W: Yes. I heard it on the radio. Text 2:W: Why are you so late? Its 8 oclock now. The film has been on for half an hour. M: Im sorry. I was caught

    7、 in a traffic jam. Text 3:W: Which is your favorite TV channel?M: I like to watch the sports channel. W: Dont you watch any other channels?M: Sometimes I also watch discovery, history and some news channels. Text 4:W: Why are you leaving so early? The movie doesnt start till seven.M: You know, its a

    8、 nightmare on the expressway during rush hour.Text 5W: How about a little tennis? Say Saturday or Sunday?M: It sounds great. It seems like all I have been doing lately is sitting in front of the computer.Text 6:M: What do you want to do for your birthday, Emmy?W: Lets have a party, Ted. M: A party w

    9、ith dancing, drinks, foods and the like?W: I was thinking more about a dinner party. M: OK, why not? How many people should we invite?W: Wed better make it a small party. I dont want to clean up after fifty people. M: Neither do I. Hey, shall we invite the Browns?W:You dont really want to invite the

    10、m, do you?M: But Frank invited us to his last party, remember?W: Yes, he and his wife talked too much. Text 7:M: So youre sure that everything is on schedule?W: The decorations are up, the music is going and the Santa is on his way from Denver now. Relax, this will be the best Christmas party ever.M

    11、: I dont mess this up. The boss will be here any minute to check over what weve created here. If he doesnt like it, it could mean our jobs.W: Darn, I guess I should have gotten him a gift then Anyway, theres no possible way that anything could go wrong. The dancers are arriving soon. The musicians a

    12、nd cooks arrived last night.M: Great.W: You need to relax and enjoy the party. Let me get you a drink.M: Yeah, that would be great. Thanks. And could you get that Santa on the phone too? I want to talk to him and make sure hes on his way before I do anything else.Text 8:M: Your study room has been o

    13、ne of the most popular meeting places for university students. How did this all start?W: It all started a year ago when I was preparing for my final examinations. I was looking for a place to study. I couldnt stand the dark unfriendly feeling of the library. I preferred a comfortable and sunny study

    14、 room, so I rented the top floor of an old house near the university. Then word spread and my friends started turning up. It was a great place to relax, talk and share ideas. They even started leaving their books behind and leaving some money for the things they used, like coffee and pens.M: Is that

    15、 what made you think of turning it into a book caf?W: Maybe, yeah. I also dont want a stressful nine-to-five job. (11)Im trying to find a lifestyle that suits me. (12)And I think theres a need for relaxing places like this for peopleespecially studentsto eat, talk and have fun without spending too m

    16、uch money. If the feeling of the place is right, people will come to the caf. Anyway, its more than just a business decision. Its also a decision about the lifestyle I want to have and about trying to create something new and different.Text 9:M: Miki, when you were in college, where did you live?W:

    17、My first year! I lived in the dormitory that was quite close to the campus. (13)It was very convenient but Im not sure that many people actually enjoyed living there because there were so many of us packed into such a small space.M: Yeah, so what about food? Did you have a kitchen? Did you cook?W: I

    18、n the dormitories, no! (14)We had a dining hall. It was only open, 3 hours in the morning, 3 hours in the evening, and we all shared our time together, kind of like a family, I suppose.M: Yeah! Yeah! How would you wash your clothes?W: (15)That I forget! I think we had laundry machines every other fl

    19、oor in the dorm building. But I actually dont remember. Sorry!M: And what would students do for fun?W: Oh, I think the bigger question is whether students did anything besides social activities, you know. I mean, if youre a freshman the chances of you actually doing work are actually quite small, es

    20、pecially in that sort of a social setting whereM: Even at Berkeley?W: Oh, are you kidding me? (16)Yes! Berkeley is highly competitive but its also a highly social atmosphere, especially in the dorms.M: Wow! Thats funny! Oh, thanks!Text 10:M: (17)Welcome to Golden Cruise Lines! This is your captain s

    21、peaking, and Id like to take a minute to tell you some exciting things about our trip. (18)Well be together for the next two weeks, and weve got plenty of entertainment options for you. For starters, the two pools on the top deck are open 24 hours a day, and at night when the lights come on, well ha

    22、ve live music for you to enjoy as well. (19)Our six restaurants offer food from all over the world, and the best part is that you can eat whenever you want! On the bottom floor, you can take your pick of bars, clubs, and movie theaters, (20)and the fitness center and sports facilities on the second

    23、floor will help you burn off all those calories you ate at lunchtime! Be sure to visit our spa for the massages and skin treatments that your body deserves! I know this is a lot to take in, so if you have any questions, just look for one of our friendly staff with the bright golden hats. Theyll be happy to assist you. (17)Thanks again for choosing Golden Cruise Lines. We hope you enjoy this voyage!


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