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    1、初一年级下学期7B初一年级下学期(7B)Unit 1-2重 点 词 组would like to do 想要做某事 live next to a restaurant 住在餐馆的隔壁the capital of France 法国的首都 my favourite place 我最喜欢的地方a wooden house 一座木房子 over a river 河上面my own bedroom 我自己的卧室 it rains a lot 经常下雨make dinner 做饭 in the center of 在的中心share with 和某人分享某物 a dining room 餐厅a sitt

    2、ing room 客厅 arrive in / at 到达cant wait to do 迫不及待做某事 where else 其他什么地方get eighty-one points 得81分 be different from 和不同on the ground floor 在底楼 at the same time 同时speak to 交谈 Im afraid 恐怕take a message 捎口信 call sb back 回电话给某人order a pizza 叫一份匹萨 a football pitch 足球场a swimming pool 游泳池 have a shower / b

    3、ath 洗淋浴或洗澡at least 至少 two floors above / below 上面或下面两层by underground 乘地铁 on my bicycle 在我的自行车上air pollution 空气污染 in other areas of Beijing 在北京其他地区go walking 去散步 such a tall building 如此一幢高楼be close to 离得近 do have to go far 不必走太远want help with 在某方面需要帮助 all your souvenirs 你所有的纪念品shopping malls 大卖场 any

    4、food you like 任何你喜欢的食物Western restaurants 西餐馆 local theatre 当地的餐馆sing Beijing opera 唱京剧 make the air dirty 使得空气变脏speak Putonghua 讲普通话 thirty of each 每样三十个four big cartons of milk 四大盒牛奶 three kilos of each 每样三公斤exchange students 交换生 have a really good time 玩得的确开心talk to in English 用英语交谈 grow vegetabl

    5、es 种蔬菜works of art 艺术品 Chinese paintings 中国画at the youth center 在青年中心 ride bicycles 骑自行车show you around my home town 带你参观我的家乡 enjoy a full day there 在那儿愉快地过了一整天 the best game in the world 世界上最好的运动climb a ladder to get into my house 爬梯子进入我家the best place to grow flowers 种花最好的地方 come first in the Engl

    6、ish exam 英语考试第一名take them to the sports center 带他们去体育中心tell somebody about something 告诉某人关于某事send an e-mail to somebody 发电子邮件给某人语 法 精 讲1. 方位介词(Prepositions of place)1) 常用的方位介词(词组) 成反义词:above-below, over-under, inside-outside, in front of-behind 有关联的:above-over-on, below-under, beside-next to, at-in,

    7、 between-among 其他:opposite2) 使用时的注意点A. 方位介词在句子中的位置 The book is under the desk. (be动词的后面) He is standing between the two trees.(实义动词的后面) Do you know the man in front of the classroom?(放在名词后面修饰它) He lives in an old house in the center of the city.(作为整句话的状语)B. above和below,over和under 这两组反义词的前者都表示“在上方”,后

    8、者都表示“在下方”。 There are some bridges over the river. Whats under the bed? An old shoe. The shelf is above the top bunk bed. She lives two floors below Linda.C. above, over和on 这三个词都表示“在上面”,on是指和物体有接触,over是指在正上方,没有接触面,above也是没有接触面,正上方或斜上方,但现在可代替over,如: The wooden house is over / above the river. The bag

    9、is on the table. There is a plane flying above our heads.D. at和in 这两个词常用在arrive后面,at后加小地点,in后加大地点,如: He arrived at the airport at 4 p.m. We will arrive in Beijing tomorrow morning.E. between和among between是指在两者之间,常用词组betweenand,而among是在三者或三者以上之间,如: I sit between Lily and Lucy. Mr. Li likes staying am

    10、ong his students.(注:英语中的复数名词,没有特别指出是两个,都默认为三者或三者以上)F. opposite:在对面 如:Our school is opposite a park.2. 基数词(Cardinal numbers)表示数目的数词是基数词。1) 基数词的构成A. 两位数:十位数与个位数之间加连字符。如:23 twenty-threeB. 三位数:百位数与最后两位数加and(美语省略and)。如:201 two hundred and one 642 six hundred and forty-twoC. 四位数:thousand之后加逗号,后面依照以上原则。如:1

    11、,351 one thousand, three hundred and fifty-oneD. 表示万以上的数目,将数字由右向左每三位加一个逗号,使一个数字分成几个小节,称为thousand节,million节等,然后按节处理,如: 68,343 sixty-eight thousand, three hundred and forty-three 13, 526, 300 thirteen million, five hundred twenty-six thousand, three hundred英语中没有直接的单词来表示“万”和“亿”,如: 一万 10,000 ten thousan

    12、d 两万 20,000 twenty thousand 十万 100,000 one hundred thousand 三十万 300,000 three hundred thousand 一千万 10,000,000 ten million 两千万 20,000,000 twenty million一亿 100,000,000 one hundred million表示十亿,美国用one billion,英国用one thousand million2)基数词的运用A. 表示确切数目时,hundred,thousand和million只能用单数,不能变复数;但表示不确定的数目时,要用复数形式

    13、。如:five hundred 五百 three thousand 三千 hundreds of 成百上千的 thousands of 成千上万的 millions of 数百万的 B. 表示时间:7:30 seven thirtyC. 表示年代:in the 1980s(读作nineteen eighties)在二十世纪八十年代 2005(读作two thousand and five)D. 表示不确定的年龄:in his twenties 在他二十几岁时 3. 序数词(Ordinal numbers) 表示人或物的顺序的数词是序数词。1) 序数词的构成 一二三,特殊记, (first,se

    14、cond,third) 加th从四起; (从四开始所有的序数词都是以th结尾的。) 八少t,九少e; (eight去t加th变成eighth,nine去e加上th变成 ninth) 逢五与十二,f替ve ; (five,twelve中ve变为f再加th,就成为fifth,twelfth) 二十到九十,y变ie; (2090等十位整数的基数词都是以y结尾的, 变成序数词时要变y为ie,再加th。例如:twentieth,thirtieth等。) 若是几十几,前基后序要牢记。(这些词的序数词写法是:十位数保持基数词不变,个位数改成序数词,如:twenty-first, ninety-fifth.)

    15、 百位数的序数词:百位数用基数词后面十位数或个位数的序数词,如: 第二百二十 two hundred and twentieth 第二百零三 two hundred and third序数词的缩写形式由阿拉伯数字加序数词的最后两个字母构成,如: two hundred and twentieth - 220th two hundred and third - 203rd第九 ninth 十九 nineteen 第十九 nineteenth 九十 ninety 第九十 ninetieth 第四 fourth 十四 fourteen 第十四 fourteenth 四十 forty 第四十 fort

    16、ieth2)序数词的用法A. 表示日期,如:March 18th, 1978 或 18th March, 1978B. 表示编号或顺序,如:the sixth lesson = Lesson SixC. 前面一般加定冠词the,如:He is the first student to get to the school every day. 如果序数词前面有形容词性物主代词,可以不加the,如:It was his fifth bowl of rice for lunch.D. 有时还可以作副词用,如:I finished the homework first in my class toda

    17、y.4. No和None的用法1) noA. no表示“没有”,作为形容词时后面接名词(可数和不可数),相当于not any 或not a, 如:I have no brothers. = I do not have any brothers. There is no student in the classroom. = There is not a student in the classroom. I drank no water this morning. = I did not drink any water this morning.B. 还可以用来回答一般疑问句,如: Did y

    18、ou have lunch? No, I didnt.2) none 表示“没有人”或“没有东西”,后面不能接名词,可以作为可数或不可数。如:-How many chips are there in the packet? -There are none.-how much orange juice do you have? -We have none.5. 定冠词The1) 指上文所提到过的人或物,如:I have a cat. The cat is white.2) 指世界上独一无二的事物,如:the capital of China, the sun3) 用于序数词,方位名词和最高级的前

    19、面,如:the second, in the north, the best game4) 用于乐器前面,如:play the piano5) 用于一些形容词的前面,表示一类人,如:the old 老人,the rich 富人6. There is a swimming pool which is 50 metres long. 有一个50米长的游泳池。 这里which is 50 metres long 是修饰前面的a swimming pool,在英语中不能像中文一样把句子放在名词前面作为修饰语,所以放在该名词的后面,which是关系词,在以后的学习中会详细表述。再来一个例句: I hav

    20、e a friend who can play tennis. 我有一个会打网球的朋友。7. want help with our homework. 在作业方面需要帮助 在这里help是不可数名词,所以用want (some) help表示“需要一些帮助”,动词help用词组help with ,意思是“在某方面帮助某人”,因此名词词组也用with,want (some) help with。8. You can shop until ten. 你可以一直购物到十点。 until意思“直到”,前面的动作一直做到until后面的时间,还有一种用法,not until的含义是“不做某事直到“,即

    21、意为”直到 才“。如:He didnt go to bed until 11 oclock last night. 昨晚他直到11点才上床睡觉。We wont leave here until we are told to. 我们直到被告知(离开)才会离开这儿。9. Why dont you visit our local theatre with us? 为何不和我们一起参观当地的剧院呢? Why dont you do something? = Why not do something? 表示提出建议,其他句型还有: What / How about something / doing s

    22、omething? 如:How about drinking milk? 喝牛奶如何? Lets do . 如:Lets learn something interesting. 让我们学点有趣的东西吧。 Shall we do ? 如:Shall we do some shopping this weekend? 这个周末我们去购物吗? Wed better do 如:Wed better tell him the truth. 我们最好告诉他真相。10. The party was really great, wasnt it? 这个聚会真的很棒,不是吗? 这是反意疑问句。该句型有三个原则

    23、:前后人称一致,前后动词一致,前面肯定后面否定。人称一致是指后面用的人称代词要和前面的主语一致,it替代的是the party;代词一致是指前后用同一种代词并且时态一致。如: He can play football, cant he? She went to Shanghai last week, didnt she? There wasnt a meeting yesterday, was there?典 例 解 析1. Every spring, people plant _ trees to make our city more beautiful.A. five thousands

    24、of B. five thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of解析:答案选D。thousand有两个用法,一为表示具体的数目,thousand只能用单数,如“两千”two thousand,另一为表示不确切的数目,thousands of成千上万,两者不能同时用,所以只能选D。2. _ student comes from France.A. Twenty-three B. The twenty-three C. The twenty-third D. Twenty-third解析:答案选C。这儿需弄清基数词和序数词的区别,题目中是student单数,所

    25、以不能用基数词twenty-three,否则student要变成复数,而序数词前面要加定冠词the。故选C。3. The teacher is giving us a talk _ the classroom.A. in front of B. in the front of C. under D. between解析:答案选B。首先理解“give us a talk”,意思是“作讲座”,后面又有classroom,意思应该是“在教室里”,再比较A和B选项,A是指“在整个物体的前面”,B是指“在物体内部的前部”。故选B。4. I think Kunming is a good place _

    26、either in summer or in winter.A. going B. to go C. goes D. go解析:答案选B。to go在这里是用来修饰a good place,意思是“一个好去处”,由于to go不是形容词,所以不能放在place前面,而good是形容词可以放place前面。故选B。5. What _ do you want to buy?A. other B. else C. else things D. others解析:答案选B。else意思是“其他”,但它不像other(其他)可以用在形容词前面,而是用在不定代词(如something, anybody)和

    27、疑问词(如what, where等)前面,像本题中What else意思是“其他什么”,如果要用other,应该是other things。故选B。6. It _ me five minutes to walk to school.A. spends B. costs C. takes D. has解析:答案选C。A,B和C选项都可表示“花费”,spend是人作主语,somebody spends time / money on / doing人花时间或金钱在某物上或做某事,cost是物体作主语,something cost (somebody) money某物花去某人多少钱或某物值多少钱,t

    28、ake也是物体作主语或it作形式主语,it takes somebody some time to do something做某事花去某人一段时间,it是形式上的主语,而真正的主语是to do something。故选C。7. Wilson lives on the tenth floor and Elsa lives on the sixth floor. So Wilson lives 4 floors _ Elsa and Elsa lives 4 floors _ Wilson.A. below / above B. above / below C. on / under D. und

    29、er / on解析:答案选B。住在上面或下面”用live above / below表示,再加入“几层”,而on the tenth floor表示“在第十层”,只是一个楼层。故选B。8. Our school playground is about _.A. 400 metre long B. 400 metres long C. 400-metres-long D. 400-metre-long解析:答案选B。表示数字加单位的有两种形式,一种是词组,如13 years old,超过一要用复数,并且只能用在be动词后面,另一种是单词,如13-year-old,超过一不要用复数,并且只能用在名

    30、词前面。故选B。综 合 练 习 (A)I. 选择你所听到的内容 (5%)( ) 1. A. plays B. place C. palace D. pays( ) 2. A. France B. French C. from D. friend( ) 3. A. quite B. quiet C. quietly D. quick( ) 4. A. shall B. show C. shy D. share( ) 5. A. 12,062 B. 12,026 C. 21,602 D. 1,206II. 根据你所听到的上句选择符合逻辑的下句 (5%)( ) 1. A. Whos calling? B. Who are you? C. My name is Simon. D. How do you do!( ) 2. A. On the 4th floor. B. In Thailand. C. In a flat. D. I like it.( ) 3. A. A bed. B. A basin. C. A computer. D. A fridge.( ) 4. A. There ar


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