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    1、北京顺义区高三二模英语2019北京顺义区高三二模英 语2019年5月本试卷共12页,满分120分。考试时长100分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,请将答题卡交回。第一部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。AWhich sea animal is 1 (good) at escaping? The answer may be the octopus(章鱼). An octopus body i

    2、s very soft. There are no bones in it. The small animal has just two little hard parts in 2 (it) mouth. So it can go into very small spaces. An octopus weighing about 230g can pass 3 a 2.5cm-wide hole.BI lost my wallet after going shopping last Friday evening. But I didnt realize it was missing unti

    3、l five hours later. I couldnt remember 4 I lost it. I stayed up all night and worried about my wallet. The next day, I went back to the shops that I 5 (visit) and asked about my wallet. A manager at one store came over and said, “Someone turned this in last night. We thought you might come back to l

    4、ook for it, 6 we kept it for you.”CWhen I was a child, I was a picky eater. There were many 7 (food) that I didnt like to eat. But there is one meal I have always loved: grilled(烤的)cheese and tomato soup. Its just two pieces of toasted bread with cheese in the middle, 8 (serve) with a bowl of tomato

    5、 soup. This kind of food 9 (call) “comfort food”. “Comfort food” is simple, easy-to-make and delicious. It always 10 (taste) great. Your parents might make meals like this for you when you are not feeling well.第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My bulletin

    6、 board was covered with pictures of Carmen and me at Camp Flaming Rock. Every summer for the past five years, we had been camp bunkmates(室友). We were great 11 , so I was excited to be returning to camp for another fun summer together. You can imagine my 12 when I got to the Camp and discovered that

    7、I would bunk with Kaitlyn. 13 could Kaitlyn and I bunk together? We were like the opposite ends of a magnet(磁铁). It was hard to imagine that I would 14 two weeks with her as my bunkmate.When I dragged 15 to our small wooden house, Kaitlyn was already at the bunk. She was sorting her belongings, comp

    8、letely 16 me. For the rest of the day, neither of us spoke. It was obvious that she was 17 happier about the arrangement than I was.At Camp Flaming Rock your bunkmate is also your 18 for daily activities. That meant Kaitlyn and I would be together all day long. At first, we tend to avoid each other.

    9、 But as the days passed on, both of our attitudes started to 19 . While one day my hand was hurt in a boat race, Kaitlyn rowed the rest of the way all by herself. When we got to the shore, she was all wet with 20 . But she didnt complain(抱怨); she just walked with me to the nurse station. Another day

    10、 we played a game based on 21 . I was blindfolded and had to find my way to Kaitlyn by 22 to the sound she made. When she started making the snoring(打鼾) noises I had been hearing every night, I was able to find her 23 no time. As soon as the blindfold came off, we both laughed loudly.Over time, as w

    11、e began to 24 up to each other, I started to see how Kaitlyn and I were really 25 . We both loved singing, we both had annoying little brothers, and we both 26 on sleeping in woolen socks.The end of the camp rolled around 27 than either of us could have imagined. We were both 28 at what close friend

    12、s we had become. Although I 29 bunking with Carmen, Im glad I made another close friend. Now theres a new 30 on my bulletin board at home. Its of me and Kaitlyn. And both of us are wearing woolen socks!11. A. friends B. students C. players D. campers12. A. delight B. relief C. shock D. curiosity13.

    13、A. Why B. How C. When D. Where14. A. waste B. give C. lose D. spend 15. A. easily B. slowly C. eagerly D. suddenly16. A. ignoring B. frightening C. attracting D. bothering17. A. even B. still C. far D. no 18. A. partner B. reporter C. model D. guide 19. A. work B. understand C. change D. regain 20.

    14、A. water B. sweat C. blood D. paint 21. A. looks B. words C. gestures D. sounds 22. A. listening B. dancing C. awaking D. relaxing23. A. at B. by C. in D. from24. A. make B. open C. come D. play25. A. alike B. popular C. strong D. young26. A. tried B. relied C. carried D. insisted 27. A. better B. h

    15、arder C. faster D. later 28. A. mad B. angry C. disappointed D. surprised 29. A. minded B. enjoyed C. missed D. imagined30. A. name B. picture C. design D. form第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ATwo years ago, when I lost my job which I had done for

    16、10 years, I decided to realize the “dream in my heart”. I wanted to go back to college to finish my degree. I was interested in teaching and it was not until I had volunteered as a teacher in a special-education school that I knew I wanted to work with the disabled children.To finish my degree means

    17、 that my family would need to move to another city and my husband would have to change his job. When the letter arrived that I was accepted into the University of North Carolina, I was very happy. But everything was not prepared well yet. The day before classes began I arrived in the town of Boone w

    18、here the school is located with one suitcase and one backpack. My husband and children dropped me off at the dormitory, wished me good luck and drove away back home. That was probably one of the hardest things I had ever experienced in my life and I felt guilty because I felt I wasnt a good wife or

    19、a good mother. That night, I got a call from my parents whose words inspired me to continue to pursue(追求)my dream. From them I got the courage to fight for my dream, though it was very hard.Now in graduate school, I feel more than ever that I am doing what is right. I know that having a masters degr

    20、ee will help me realize my greatest dream of helping others achieve their dreams. 31. The author decided to pursue her dream _.A. after she lost her jobB. after she got married C. when she became a teacherD. when she graduated from college32. When the author went to the university, _.A. her family m

    21、oved to BooneB. her husband found a new job C. she didnt have everything readyD. she left her children with her parents33. The authors biggest dream is to _. A. find a better job B. get a Master degree C. be a good wife and good motherD. help others achieve their dreamsBThe Great Book Swap Hi, sixth

    22、 graders! My name is Tony Hill. I am president of the Windsor High School Student Council. Your teacher let me come to your class today to tell you about a reading project that we want to do, and we need your help. If youre like me, you love to read but sometimes have a hard time finding books you w

    23、ant to read. It seems as if the best books at the library are always checked out. To help get more books into peoples hands, were planning the Great Community(社区)Book Swap.To make the project a success, we need everyones help. Ask your parents if there are any unused books taking up space. Ask your

    24、friends and neighbours to donate unwanted books. Maybe you have books you liked when you were younger but dont read anymore. Bring them to school and make a young reader happy. We need all kinds of books for all kinds of readers!There are many times Id like to go buy new books, but I dont have a lot

    25、 of money to spend on them. Wouldnt it be great to swap books right here in our community? Volunteers will organize the donated books. Then the books will be displayed at the community center. Everyone will be able to read and hopefully find the perfect book. Students will be allowed to choose up to

    26、 two books during each day of the swap. Our plan is to have the book swap the first Saturday of every month.If you like reading, just come and look through the collection of books. Each grade will have its own week to bring in books. Right now, eighth grade is bringing in books. When every grade has

    27、 brought in books, we will have quite a selection. You will probably find at least one new book that youd like to read. Who knows? Maybe youll find a book so good that you wont be able to put it down. What are you waiting for? Go home and clean out your bookshelves and closets!34. Why did Tony Hill

    28、come to the class of sixth graders? A. To explain a reading project. B. To introduce a newly-built library. C. To ask the students to help donate books. D. To give the sixth graders advice on reading.35. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about? A. How the book swap will work. B. When books will be brought

    29、in. C. What kinds of books are needed. D. Why the book swap is necessary.36. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph indicate?A. More books are needed in the future. B. Volunteers play an important role in the project. C. Everyone is sure to be able to find the books he wants. D. Stu

    30、dents have already started helping with the book swap. 37. Which of the following words best describes Tony Hill? A. Realistic. B. Persuasive. C. Independent. D. Ambitious.CWearing headphones is very common among young people. Their affection for headphones reflects a desire to avoid boredom, inconv

    31、eniences, and undesirable social interactions(互动). The saying “headphones in, world out” has gained popularity among young people recently. Unfortunately for the headphone lovers, “world out” is not a great policy for a thoughtful society. The widespread use of headphones in public is harmful to users because it limits intellectual growth and makes potentially meaningful interactions with strangers impossible.Frequent headphone users are missing out on valuable experiences, thus, limiting intellectual growth. Young people wear headphones, thinking they will face fewer social challenges,


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