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    1、高中英语完型填空题型训练题附答案10篇2020-2021高中英语完型填空题型训练题(附答案)(10篇)一、完型填空1Chris and Nicole Davidson are a couple that live in New Tazewell, Tennessee with their 2-year-old son Elijah, 22-month-old daughter Erin, and a 7-year-old adopted son Eli, whos been with the family for nearly a year. On December 8, around 8:3

    2、0 p.m., the parents told stories to their 1 and asked them to go to bed. Then they went to 2 . However, a few hours later, Nicole woke up to the smell of smoke and 3 that their house was on fire.Nicole and Chris were able to 4 the boys Elijah and Eli, though when it was time to 5 the 22-month-old ba

    3、by Erin, the couple was faced with a 6 reality the flames had already 7 the room entrance. “The smoke and fire was so 8 that there was no way I could get to her,” Chris said.“We went outside to get to her from the 9 , but there was nothing for me to 10 on to reach up there,” the father told CNN. 11

    4、, the 7-year-old Eli was eager to help. “I picked up Eli, who went through the window and was able to catch her from her bed,” Chris Davidson said. “We couldnt be more 12 of Eli,” Chris Davidson told CNN. “He did something a 13 man wouldnt do.” By the time the fire-fighters arrived on the scene, the

    5、 familys house was already almost burn to the ground.“I thought I couldnt do it, but then I said, I got her, Dad,” the 7-year-old Eli told CNN. “I was 14 , but I didnt want my sister to 15 .1Achildren Bpets Cboys Dparents2Awork Btravel Csleep Dcook3Aneglected Brealized Cimagined Dforgot4Awaken Bteac

    6、h Cseek Dcarry5Afeed Bfeel Cinfluence Drescue6Aterrifying Bembarrassing Cpleasing Dinteresting7Aformed Bdecorated Cblocked Ddecreased8Ahot Bthick Cbright Dpoisonous9Abed Bwindow Centrance Droof10Arest Bjump Chold Dstand11Ausually Bunwillingly Cfortunately Dgradually12Aproud Btired Ccommitted Dexpose

    7、d13Aprofessional Bbig Cheavy Dgrown14Aglad Bscared Ccalm Dexcited15Acry Bdream Cdie Dache【答案】1A2C3B4A5D6A7C8B9B10D11C12A13D14B15C2An act of kindness doesnt have to be a grand gesture. Even those small acts of kindness can make a difference in someone day. That was just the case for Amie Mickey when

    8、she 1 a bumper sticker (车尾贴) on her car reading: You Matter.Amie started to do this several years ago. At first, she wondered if people would 2 it. However, much to her surprise, she began seeing a flood of 3 every time she hit the road. More often than not, people 4 slowly near her car would roll d

    9、own their windows, raising their 5 , waving and smiling. Sometimes, she even found some sticky notes left on her windshield saying things like “You 6 too!” Once while she was driving down the highway, she became 7 when a man driving a sports car at a high speed pulled his car alongside suddenly, wav

    10、ing and mouthing, “You matter!” Though it took her some time to recover from the 8 , she still felt happy. Last year, someone 9 her car while she was waiting for her friend in the car by the roadside, saying to her, “It is a(an) 10 sticker. Ive seen various stickers before, but none of them have tou

    11、ched me as your sticker has done.” The two small words on the sticker seem simple enough, but they really struck a chord with many complete strangers who 11 to catch sight of the sticker.Stories like Amies really 12 the rest of us. Sometimes a kind word or gesture may lift our 13 and it doesnt cost

    12、a thing except for a little extra thought. Maybe it means offering a friend a hug, praising the children when their children 14 well in school, helping someone out or volunteering at nursing homes. Acts of kindness are waiting everywhere. Small as they seem, they can make a 15 impact on the world, a

    13、nd help form general goodness.1Aput up Bpicked up Cfixed up Dtore up2Awatch Boverlook Cnotice Dignore3Astrangers Bpassers-by Cattention Dconfusion4Arunning Bdriving Cwalking Driding5Avoices Bthumbs Cshoulders Dhats6Acount Bshare Cmatter Dvalue7Afrightened Bdiscouraged Cembarrassed Ddisappointed8Apar

    14、king Bspeed Cevent Dincident9Ablocked Bapproached Crepaired Dcleaned10Aspecial Bimportant Ctypical Dskeptical11Aoccurred Bhappened Cmanaged Doffered12Ashock Bdelight Cinspire Dsatisfy13Aspirits Bthoughts Cfeelings Dminds14Awork Bexercise Cconduct Dbehave15Areliable Bsubjective Cpositive Dbrief【答案】1A

    15、2C3C4B5B6C7A8D9B10A11B12C13A14D15C3It was a hot, damp summer day. After I 1 my tank in the local gas station, I started to walk inside to pay. Just then I noticed two elderly 2 standing back from their car. There was a mixture of shock and 3 on their faces. I followed their 4 and saw what they saw:

    16、five yellow jackets were building a 5 around their gas cap. My eyes 6 . I shared the ladies fear.Yellow jackets had never been 7 to me. When I was a young boy, a friend of mine and I were 8 and playing in my backyard. I must have 9 on one of their hidden nests while running. 10 , both of us were bei

    17、ng chased and stung over and over by the yellow jackets. We ran away 11 with great fear. My mom 12 ran a cold bath and put us both in it to ease the pain and itching (瘙痒) 13 giving us medicine to fight all the poison in our little bodies from the stings.I knew I couldnt let fear stop me now. I 14 my

    18、 back pocket for a paper towel I had there, tore out the nest and stepped on it while the 15 wasps (黄蜂)buzzed around me. 16 of the ladies thanked me excitedly. I smiled, and nervousness and fear were replaced with 17 .In this life, you cant let the fear of being stung either physically or 18 keep yo

    19、u from doing what is right. We need to go 19 ourselves and love each other. Dont let the yellow jackets in your life 20 you back.1Afilled Bmoved Ccharged Demptied2Amen Bwomen Cdrivers Djackets3Aanger Bpain Csadness Dfear4Anose Bears Ceyes Dmouth5Aroom Bnest Chouse Dhall6Awidened Bclosed Copened Dlow

    20、ed7Alovely Blikely Cfriendly Dcarefully8Ajumping Bclimbing Cwalking Drunning9Aremoved Bstepped Cpaced Dsearched10AAs a result BAfter all CAbove all DAt the same time11Adiscussing Bexploring Cscreaming Dlaughing12Anervously Bsuddenly Ccasually Dimmediately13Aafter Bwhile Cbefore Duntil14Areached into

    21、 Barrived in Cgot to Dpulled out15Ahappy Bangry Csad Dworried16ANeither BBoth CAll DNone17Apain Bsurprise Cdoubt Djoy18Aheartedly Bintelligently Cemotionally Dpunctually19Athrough Bback Cahead Dbeyond20Ahold Bset Chang Dgive【答案】1A2B3D4C5B6A7C8D9B10A11C12D13C14A15B16B17D18C19D20A4Lightning flashed, t

    22、hunder boomed, and the rain poured down.Suddenly, a wail (尖叫) of a steam engine 1 the storm. It was moving closer and would cross Honey Creek Bridge. The old wooden frame (框架) of the bridge began to shake 2 the steam engine started across. When the train reached the halfway point, the bridge 3 . Fin

    23、ally, it collapsed, breaking completely apart.“The bridge collapsed!” Kate shouted to her sick mother. “Ive to 4 the station. A train full of 5 is due here.” And then 6 a lantern, Kate raced out into the storm. The 7 way to get there was to 8 the Des Moines River Bridge.The bridge was little more th

    24、an two steel rails stretched across narrow wooden strips, which were spaced so far apart that Kate could easily 9 between them. Getting down on her hands and 10 , Kate began her dangerous crossing. A strong wind quickly 11 out the lantern, so Kate had to feel her way in the darkness. Finally, she wa

    25、s 12 across the river!Kate hurried to the station and burst through the 13 . “Honey Creek Bridge is out!” she shouted to the 14 . “Stop the passenger train!” Then, extremely 15 , she fell to the floor.Rushing out onto the tracks to give a 16 , the stationmaster was just in time to 17 the train.Years

    26、 later, a new bridge named Kate Shelley Bridge was built across the river 18 people could always remember the 19 of the girl, Kate Shelley, who 20 her life and saved so many people.1Aadded to Bcut through Cheaded for Dled to2Aunless Bso Cas soon as Din order that3Arose Bextended Cbent Dmoved4Awarn B

    27、accuse Cphone Dleave5Afood Bpassengers Canimals Dcoal6Acatching hold of Btaking notice of Ckeeping up with Dputting up with7Aworst Bwidest Cshortest Dtoughest8Aavoid Brebuild Cwalk Dcross9Arun Bfall Cjump Dwalk10Acheeks Bfingers Cwrists Dknees11Atook Blet Cpicked Dblew12Aregularly Beasily Cpolitely

    28、Dsafely13Abridge Bhome Cdoor Dtrain14Aheadmaster Bconductor Cstationmaster Drepairman15Atired Bsurprised Cembarrassed Ddisappointed16Awelcome Bsignal Cresponse Dlesson17Aapproach Bdrive Cpull Dstop18Ain case Bas if Cso that Deven if19Apatience Bbravery Cguidance Dconfidence20Asacrificed Bspent Crisk

    29、ed Dlived【答案】1B2C3C4A5B6A7C8D9B10D11D12D13C14C15A16B17D18C19B20C5I have always been hardworking in school. And I enjoyed gaining new understanding about study. One way was making 1 . 2 has always been my favorite subject. During each math class, while 3 , I waited for my golden opportunities to show

    30、 myself, which were 4 .When they came, I would 5 my hand. Answering them 6 made me feel I was recognized by my classmates and teacher. The only problem was that I wanted to be 7 to be right every time.As it turned out, living up to this standard was 8 .In one class, I stood up confidently but gave a 9 answer. Even though I knew this was certainly not my first mistake in life, something 10 had come at that moment. I


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