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    1、外研版小升初小学六年级下册期末英语模拟试题共4套 小学六年级英语模拟试题 Listening (听力部分)30一、 Listen and choose.听音,选出你听到的单词、词组或句子。10( ) 1. A basketball B baseball C football D volleyball ( ) 2. A hair B hear C hour D hand ( ) 3. A world B work C walk D water ( ) 4. A cat B cap C cut D cup ( ) 5. A flew B drew C became D spent( ) 6. A

    2、herself B shelf C himself D laugh( ) 7. A saw the picnic B made Braille letters C flew into space D bought a book( ) 8. A went to America B could see C spent some time D couldnt see ( ) 9. A Are you going to Shanghai?B Do you often go to Shanghai ?C Are you going to go to Shanghai ?D Did you go to S

    3、hanghai ?( )10. A When was he born ? B Where was he born ? C What happened to him ? D What did he do ?二、Listen and number. 听录音,给下列句子排序。5( ) But Bob is looking out of the window .( ) Its a very nice day in October .( ) “What a day to play football !” he thinks .( ) Hes watching the clouds move across

    4、 the blue sky.( ) The students are having a Maths class .三、 Listen and choose . 听录音,根据所听问句选择合适的答句。10( ) 1. A Five . B Fine ( ) 2 A A bottle of juice . B Some cakes .( ) 3 A Its five yuan B Theyre five dollars .( ) 4 A Yes, I do . B Yes, please.( ) 5 A Yes, I am . B Yes, I can.四、Listen and write.听音写词

    5、,请根据录音内容填写文中空白处所缺单词51._ are you laughing ?2.My father is a _ .3. Im very _ of him .4. Dont _ !5. I will _ my flute .Writing (笔试部分)70五、 Write the words .请你按要求填写单词101. study (现在分词) _ 2.stop (现在分词) _3.shine (现在分词) _ 4 have(单三形式) _5.spend (过去式 ) _ 6 hot (反义词) _7.see (过去式) _ 8 buy (过去式)_9.photo (复数) _ 10

    6、. child (复数) _六、Read and choose.单项选择10( ) 1. - _ is it ? - Its four dollars .A How many B How much C What time ( ) 2 Its going to _ in Harbin .A snow B hot C snowing ( ) 3 Daming , I _ a book _ you .A buy,to B bought,for C bought, from( ) 4 She was a blind ,She _ see .A could B can C couldnt ( ) 5 I

    7、m going _ a T-shirt .A wear B to wear C wearing ( ) 6 -_ are you laughing ? - Because Im happy .A Why B Where C How ( ) 7 He made a video _ his space travel .A on B at C about ( ) 8 Im _ out of the window .A looking B look C looked ( ) 9. Did he go to the zoo with his parents? A. Yes, he did. B. Yes

    8、, they did Yes,he didnt.( )10. We with my grandmother for a week last year. A. stayed B. staied C stays七、Read and choose.从A-J 中选出最佳答语,将其正确序号填入提前括号内 10( ) 1 How old is your father ? ( ) 2 What time is it ?( ) 3 How much is it ?( ) 4 How many classes are there in the morning ?( ) 5 Here you are !( ) 6

    9、 Thank you very much .( ) 7 Whens your friends birthday ?( ) 8 Did you fly the kite last week ?( ) 9 What did you do last week ?( ) 10 What do you usually do in the evening ?A There are four . B We had an art festival.C Hes forty years old . D Youre welcome .E Its twenty to eight F Do my homework.G

    10、Yes, I did . H Its on the 27th of May.I Thank you . J Its five dollars.八、Complete the dialogues. 选出正确的句子完成对话,将答案序号填在横线上10A: This is my family photo .B: _.A Nine.B:_.A: Hes my father.B: Whats your father?A: _.B: _.A: Yes ,she is . She is a teacher.B: _ .A: Theyre my grandpa and grandma.B: They look y

    11、oung.A Whos this man? B Who are they?C Is this your mother ? D How many people are there in your family? E He is a doctor.九、Write the sentences. 连词成句 101. like what you do _ ? 2. are what you to study going _ ?3. go did to farm you the_ ?4. spent Yang Liwei about hours space twenty-one in _ .5.Dongd

    12、ong having birthday is a party _ . 十、Read the text and choose the answers. 阅读短文然后回答问题。10 Mike is an English boy. Hes ten . His sisters name is Mary. Shes five. She is not a pupil . Mike has a new schoolbag(书包). Its big ,but not heavy. There are some books in it. Theyre Chinese books, English books ,

    13、 Maths books and two note books .There is a black and red pen in his pencil-box.He likes it best.根据短文内容,判断对(T)错(F)( ) 1. The schoolbag is heavy.( ) 2. Mikes sister is a pupil .( ) 3. Mary is Mikes friend.( ) 4. There are three books in the bag.( ) 5. Mike has a big new schoolbag.十一、Writing .请你做个自我介绍

    14、,可以包括出生的时间、地点,上小学的经历等等。要求:字迹工整,语句通顺,无语法错误,不少于40个词。10 Myself (我自己) 小学六年英语模拟试题 、选择填空(20分)( )1、Taday is Thursday and tomorrow is_A.Wednesday B. Friday C. Tuesday( )2、Whose oranges are they? They are_. A. my B. me C. mine( )3、He is looking_the windows. A. out of B. out C. of( )4、She learned _ English fr

    15、om Mr zhang A. to speak B. speak C. speaking( )5、In October 2003, Shen xhou V_into space_Yang Li wei. A. fliesfor B.flewwith C.flewof( )6、How_feet does the animal have? A. many B. much C. tall( )7、Sang Lan wrote a book about_ A.hers B. herself C、her( )8、He likes English, I _ like it. A.too B. also C

    16、. /( )9、There was a heavy rain _ the afternoon of 2008. A. in B. on C. at10、He saw his old friend, So he was_. A. sad B.sorry C. happy、选方框中的句子完成对话,将答案序号填在横线上(12分)A. They are Fei Jun long and Zhai ZhigangB. I bought a book.C. China sent two men into space in the spaceship.D. Im proud of themE. It loo

    17、ks interestingF. Thank youDaming: What did you do yesterday?Amy: 1_, because tomorrowIs your birthday. I want to give it to youDaming: 2_. How is it?Amy: 3_.Look, Its about space.Daming: I know _4.Amy: Who are the two men?Daming: 5_.Amy: They are greatDaming: Yes,6_.、用所给词的适当形式填空(20分)1、_(collect) sta

    18、mps is my hobby.2、It will be_(wind) tomorrow.3、She_(not take) a raincoat yesterday.4、Thank you for _(make) a big cake.5、Im the _(win) in this game.6、Wei Fang _(write) a letter now.7、She enjoys _(watch) Tv.8、He _(fly) to Beijing next Saturday.9、The card is _(good) than that me.10、He _(not eat ) hambu

    19、rgers every day.、在栏中找出与栏中相对应的选项(20分) ( )1、When are we going to have dinner?( )2、Whtats the weather like today?( )3、Would you like a cup of tea?( )4、Whats Lingling doing.?( )5、He was born in Hang qi.( )6、Whats the matter with you?( )7、Why is she wearing a raincoat?( )8、What did he do?( )9、Can I help

    20、you?( )10、How much are they? A、Se is having a birthday party B、At half past sixC、Its snowy D、Yes, pleaseE、Because its going to rain F、He made a videoG、I want a hot dog H、They are twenty dollarsI、Ive got a cold J、What about you?、根据句意及首字母填空(8分)1、F_he became a student,then he became a teacher.2、Helen w

    21、ent all o_the world.3、She picked u_the pen.4、I often w_up from my dream.5、The E-mail goes from one computer to a_computer。6、-Can I ask you some questions,please? -Yes,of c_.7、The road is 80 k_ long.8、Its ten dollars and thirty-five c_、阅读理解,对的打“”,错的打“”。(10分)Daming is a pupil in Grade6. He goes to sch

    22、ool five days a week. After school, He likes listening to music and watching TV. His cousin is a pupil in Grade 5. He enjoys swimming and playing the guitar ofter school . He likes pop songs and can sing well. He says he wants to be a singer in the future. His parents like reading books and watching

    23、 TV after work , But they like TV plays and the sports channel . Watching Beijing opera on TV is their favourite.( )1、His cousin and he are in the same grade.( )2、His parents favourite is watching Beijing opera .( )3、His cousin enjoys singing after school.( )4、His mother and he go to school six days

    24、 a week.( )5、He likes listening to music and watching TV after school、根据汉语提示完成下列各句(10分)1、_(有许多鸟)in the tree.2、Its _(三点半)in the afternoon.3、_(他停下他的车)a long time ago.4、_(出错是很容易的)with chrnistry.5、Hellen keller _(活到)87.小学六年级英语试题 姓名 班级 分数一、根据汉语意思写单词。(5分)1汉堡_ 2 吵闹的_3气球_ 4飞行员 _5小号_6字母 7队组 8生于 9错误 10担心 二、 找

    25、出不同类的词,将其序号填入提前括号内。(5分)( )1 A pear B apple C fruit D banana( )2 A happy B tired C sad D duck( )3 A cry B bought C laugh D jump( )4 A teacher B son C mother D brother( )5 A who B that C what D why 三、按要求写单词。(10分) 1.easy(反义词)2.swim(现在分词)3.studied(原形) 4.write(过去式) 5.shine(现在分词) 6.fly(过去式) 7.spent(过去式) 8

    26、.children(单数) 9.right(反义词) 10.one (序数词) 四、 选择括号里单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. He (has 、have) a new bag .2 .Ann often (goes、go)tothe park everySunday.3 .We (have、had) a picnicin the park yesterday.4 . I cant (carry、carries) my bag.5. I want (buy、tobuy) a new Tshirt.6 .When (be、were) you born?8. He (go、is going t

    27、o go) to Daqing tomorrow . 9 . I like (read、reading) books . 10 .The sun is (shine、shining) a book about China . 五、 选择填空。(20分)( )1 Shenzhou V flew into space Yang Liwei . A in B with C for ( )2 Its for baseball. A plays B play C playing ( ) 3 Helen Keller lived 87. A be B to be C is( )4 I wanted you the books . A bring B to bring C brought ( ) 5 Lots of are learning English in Chin


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