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    1、四川省南充高中届高三第三次月考英语试题四川省南充高中2019届高三第三次月考(时间:120分钟,满分150分)第一卷第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)第一节:语法和词汇知识(共20小题,每小题1分,满 分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1I found myself sitting next to _ George Bush! Not _George Bush, of course, but someone with the same name.A/; a B/; the Ca; / Dthe; /2Jane, you coo

    2、k the dinner and I will fetch Patrick from the kindergarten. _.AWhy me? BOk,thats settled CThat is all right DForget it!.3Many people have been ill from a strange disease these days, _ weve never heard of before.Aone Bthat Cthe one Dwhat4I cant understand him well.Hes not very good at getting his me

    3、aning _.Aoff Bacross Cup Ddown5If the building _by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company_ fined.Ais completed; is Bto be completed; will beCbeing completed; is Dcompleted; will be6_ , Id like to say how much Ive enjoyed staying in your beautiful country.ATo conclude BTo include

    4、CIn the conclusion DAs conclusion7I dont expect any _; I did it because I enjoyed it .Aaward Breward Cprize Dpraise8Are you firmly against any independence move by Taiwan?Of course. This is _our basic interest lies.Awhy Bwhen Cwhere Dwhat9Dont worry! She is accustomed to _ like that.Abe spoken Bbein

    5、g spoken Cspeak Dbeing spoken to10The boy admitted _ the window while playing football.Ahaving been broken Bto break Cbreaking Dto be breaking11They were given food and shelter _ work.Ain return for Bin praise for Cin exchange for Din want of 12If the rain _, the crops will be ruined.Akeeps up Bkeep

    6、s out Ckeeps back Dkeeps away13Your composition was well written _ a few spelling mistakes.Aexcept Bbesides Cbut Dapart from14One day, in the winter of 1925, Dr Curtis Welch discovered that some children had a terrible disease _ he had no medicine.Athat Bfor which Cwith which Dto which15_ has got ro

    7、und that it will be five years _he comes back to his native place.AThat; when BNews; that CIt; since DWord; before16It is said in the book that Thomas Eidson _ the world leading inventor for sixty years. Awas Bwould be Chas been Dhad been17Why didnt you attend Lindas wedding?I wouldnt like to . It i

    8、s strange that she _ have married to that good-for-nothing guy.Awould Bshould Ccould Dmust 18t was not until dark _ he found _ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.Awhen; what Bwhen; that Cthat; what Dthat; that 19_, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this weak.AHow

    9、ever the story is amusing BNo matter amusing the story is CHowever amusing the story is DNo matter how the story is amusing20_ has recently been done to provide more buses for people, a shortage of public vehicles remains a serious problem.AThat BWhat CIn spite of what DThough wat 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题

    10、1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Sometimes, you feel as if youre on top of the world and all the questions on your math test might seem 21 . But at times you feel horrible, and you 22 things and you cannot focus on your schoolwork. For more than 20 years, scientis

    11、ts have 23 that high self-respect is the key to success. Kids who feel good about themselves, said scientists, do 24 school and have fewer emotional and behavioural problems than kids who have a low 25 of themselves.Now, new research shows that focusing just on building self-respect may not be 26 .

    12、In some cases, having high self-respect can 27 bad results if it makes you 28 likeable or more upset when you fail at something.“ 29 about self-respect,” says Jennifer Crocker, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, US. “Its not the 30 thing.” Crockers advice may sound a bit strange 31 it is

    13、good to feel good about yourself.32 show that people with high self-respect are less likely to be depressed, anxious, shy, or lonely than those with low self-respect. But, after 33 about 18,000 studies on self-respect, Roy Baumeister, a psychologist at Florida State University, has found that buildi

    14、ng up your self-respect will not 34 make you a better person.He 35 that violent and wicked people often have the highest self-respect of all. He also said, “ 36 no evidence that kids with high self-respect do better in school.”Researchers say it is best to listen to and support other people. 37 to c

    15、reate or build something. Find positive ways to contribute to society. 38 you fail at something, try to learn from the 39 . “The best therapy(药方)is to recognize your 40 ,” Vohs says.“Its OK to say, Im not so good at that, and then move on.”21Ainteresting Btiring Chard Deasy22Alose Bgain Ctest Dtouch

    16、23Adescribed Bexplained Csuggested Ddiscovered 24Awell with Bbetter in Cbest at Dbadly for 25Aopinion Bplan Cthought Dadvice26Avaluable Buseless Cmeaningful Dhelpful27Aform Btake Cgive Dbring28Amost Bmore Cless Dfar29AForget BTalk CBring DCare30Aimportant Bpossible Cdifficult Dfortunate31Aeven if Bb

    17、ut Cwhile Dalthough32AExperiences BStudies CResults DActions33Aworrying Bteaching Creviewing Dtalking34Aconveniently Bstrangely Cpractically Dnecessarily35Aintends Binsists Cprefers Dbelieves36ATheres BIts CWhats DHes37ATry out BSet out CStart out DGive out38AUnless BWhile CIf DNow that39Aresearch B

    18、result Cbehaviour Dexperience 40Afaults Badvantages Cways Devidences第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节:阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)AMost parents love the Internet and want their kids to use it. But a new survey in America finds that parents also fear the online w

    19、orldespecially social networking sites such as MySpace, and worry their kids will get in trouble with people they meet.“The parents see the Webs great potential, and they know their kids have to be there,” says James Steyer, CEO of Common Sense Media, which released results from a survey that looked

    20、 into parental attitudes toward the Internet. “Its also what they are scared of most.”The study was conducted online 510 May by Insight Research Group. It says 80% of parents are concerned about kids meeting bad people online. Thats because young people who largely have grown up with the Net think o

    21、f it as a social outlet, say the researchers. To young people, the benefits of giving out some personal information to reach out to friends outweigh the risks. And, the study shows they are so comfortable with the medium that 78% have a personal website or blog.Parents also recognize the importance

    22、of the Internet. The survey shows 91% think the Net helps their children explore their passions, and 77% think the Internet is one of the most valuable education tools teens have. But 88% think its important to know what their kids are doing online.Findings suggest both parents and teens need more e

    23、ducation about using online media, Steyer says.Internet safety has become an increasing concern for parents in America. Organisations like the non-profit Common Sense have been trying to reach and help parents pay attention to the problem.41What is the passage mainly about?AThe disadvantages of the

    24、Internet. BParents worry about Internet safety.CHow to use the Internet properly. DSome social networking sites.42In the second paragraph the underlined “It” refers to _.ACommon Sense Media Bthe result of the surveyCthe Webs incredible potential Dthe website called MySpace43Why do young people give

    25、out their personal information?AThey think it has more advantages than disadvantages.BThey want to make themselves famous by doing it.CThey want to have a personal website each.DThey want to get some information from others.44Most parents think it is important to know_.Awhere their children give out

    26、 the information Bwhat kind of websites they have Chow often they go online Dwhat their children are doing onlineBScientists have uncovered the exact difference between man and mouse.Teams of scientists from around the world will publish today the draft(草图) genome (基因组) of the mouse, which enables t

    27、hem for the first time to compare another mammals entire DNA directly with that of humans.The similarities are far greater than the differencesman and mouse share a common ancestor that lived more than 70 million years agowhich has allowed scientists to find treatments for a good many human diseases

    28、.British members of the project say the draft mouse genome, published in the journal Nature, has provided the “phrasebook” for scientists to translate the language of the human genome.“The entire biomedical research community can for the first time fully use this resource to deal with human diseases

    29、. They will now have powerful tools that will serve them for many years to come.” Said Dr. Jane Rogers at the Welcome Trust Institute in Cambridge, which did 20 percent of the work.Comparisons show almost every gene in the mouse has a corresponding(对应的) gene in humansa 99 percent similarity that sho

    30、uld help to find how each human gene works. Already the work has been able to show that man and mouse each have about 30,000 genes yet only 300 or so are unique to either species, increasing the value of the lab mouse as a “model” for human genetics.This is an extraordinary milestone(里程牌). For the first time we have an opportunity to see ourselves in an evolutionary (进化的) mirror. The mouse genome stands for a very important chapter in the lab notebook of evolut


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