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    1、学年辽宁省沈阳市育才外国语学校高一上学期期中考试英语试题2017-2018学年度上学期高一年级英语学科期中测试题 测试时间:100分钟 满分:120分第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)AAround four years ago, I received a call from the principal of our school as to the “Parents View” talk the next morning. He asked me to speak to the group. After the call, my whole

    2、body became feverish and panicky. The time from his call to the next morning seemed like years. The whole night, I could not sleep with many ominous apprehensions in mind. One of them was to call the principal with regret and tell him that I could not come. Finally, I gathered some courage. I though

    3、t, “If I miss this opportunity, surely the school will never invite me again to any of their programs.”I reached the school in time. Before my turn came, my whole body was trembling. When my turn came and I started speaking, my heartbeat increased and my mouth went dry. I wasnt even able to read the

    4、 written speech properly. I was not aware of where I was standing and what I was reading. That was the day when I realized my biggest weakness, Public Speaking.After my speech, I met with the principal and explained what happened to me. He told me that this happens to everyone. Even great speaker, f

    5、aced the same things when they started. He suggested that I come again next time.Around one month later, I was invited to refer to a topic on Motivation. This time I was feeling comfortable. My speech was not only appreciated by the principal as well as the teachers, because I was able to get my ide

    6、a across to them. They encouraged and praised my efforts.After delivering is successfully, I became more confident. Isaid to myself, “If I can speak in front of such a learned audience, like the principal who educates others, I can now speak in front of others too.”I started delivering lectures in m

    7、y plant, on various topics like SelfMotivation, Personality Development, Personal Excellence, Spoken English and Presentation Skills. This has become a passion for me. I learned that everything is possible if we have the courage to take the first step.21.Which of the following is the best title for

    8、the passage?A. Practice Makes a Man a Better Speechmaker. B. Public Speaking Makes a Man Embarrassed.C. Principal Provides the Best Chances.D. Spoken English Develops in Malting Speeches.22.The author had bad feelings before the speech because_.A. he disliked the idea of giving a lectureB. he had go

    9、t a high fever before thatC. he regretted accepting the invitationD. he feared he couldnt perform it properly23. What does the underlined part“ominous apprehensions”in the first paragraph mean?A. Unlucky opportunities. B. Negative ideas.C. Curious views. D. Happy comments.24.What can we conclude fro

    10、m the passage?A. Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.B. Knowledge makes humble; ignorance makes proud.C. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.D. Necessity is the mother of invention.BDelta College starts Street FairSan Joaquin Delta College will introduce its new Summer

    11、 Street Fair, which runs from noon to 8 p.m. every Friday stating this week through Aug.9 in Deltas L-l parking lot near Pacific Avenue and March Lane. The fair goes with Deltas weekend flea market.This weeks featured performers are guitarist Travis Matsumoto from noon to3 p.m., and Julio and his Ja

    12、zz Trio from 3 to 6 p.m.Lode Farmers Market opensThe Angels Camp Certified Farmers Market begins its yearly run from 5 p.m. to dusk this Friday in Utica Park in downtown Angels Camp. Opening night will feature wine tasting from award-winning Four Winds Cellars, and live music by guitarist Nicholas L

    13、effler. Visitors will find fresh, locally grown produce and specialty foods. There will also be barbecue and California-Mexican fusion cuisine.JoinRiver Rafting for a good causeWhitewater enthusiasts can participate in Mokelumne Rive, Rafting Adventures on June 16 in Mokelumne Hill. Local outfitter

    14、O.A.R.S. is donating its services to help with the event. Departures are at 8 a.m., noon, or 4 p.m. The trip should last about three hours.The trip is appropriate for those 7 and older, and the ability to swim is not required. The cost is $ 70 per person.Films center on paddling waterThe festival is

    15、 an annual contest that awards winning films that focus on paddling in rivers, lakes and oceans in a variety of locales. Tickets to the film festival are $12 in advance and $15 at the door, and are also available online atThe evening also includes a drawing. Prizes include whitewater trips on the So

    16、uth Fork of the American River.25.If you want to go to the Summer Street Fair, .A. you must be a student from Delta CollegeB. you can go there on the afternoon of FridayC. you should live near the Pacific AvenueD. you must give a performance in the market26.If you want to enjoy the tasty foods, you

    17、can go to_.A. the new Summer Street Fair of Delta CollegeB. Lode Farmers MarketC. Mokelumne River Rafting AdventuresD. the film festival centering on paddling water27.If you are interested in paddling in rivers, .A. you can know all the American riversB. you must try hard to get many prizesC. you ca

    18、n get tickets from a websiteD. you must keep silent in the eveningCRobots make me nervous-especially the ones which seem to think for themselves. I was embarrassed to admit this till I heard that Bill Gales, the founder of Microsoft, felt the same way. Gates said in an interview with the website Red

    19、dit:“I am in the camp that is concerned about super intelligence. First the machines will do a lot of jobs for us and not be super intelligent. That should be positive if we manage well. A few decades after that though the intelligence is strong enough to be a concern.”Well, maybe I dont have to wor

    20、ry about my laptop and kitchen appliances yet. After I use them I can always pull the plug. But in the future, machines might find a way to preventus from switching them off. Theres a scary thought!Professor Stephen Hawking warned a few months ago about the possibility that artificial intelligence c

    21、ould evolve and end up beyond human control. He suggested that machines could“spell the end of the human race”.Maybe the problem with computers too clever for us is not that they are evil or rebellious.What could put us in danger is that they might be too efficient. Thats what philosopher Nick Bostr

    22、om from the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University believes. He says that machines are indifferent to humans and in pursuit of their own goals, the destruction of people might be just collateral(附带的)damage. A machine would not take pity on you.Im glad my machines at home are “dumb”. All m

    23、y vacuum cleaner wants to takeover is the carpet in my living room. Lets hope they dont create an appliancewhich wants to take over the world!28. We can conclude from Gates statements that _.A.he is embarrassed that he is afraid of robotsB.he doesnt think machines are intelligentC.machines should be

    24、 fully employedD.machinessuper intelligence should be a concern29. The underlined word“spell”in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _.A.record B.cause C.explain D.develop30. Why are computers dangerous according to Nick Bostrom?A.They are too evil and rebellious. B.They are indifferent to humans.C.

    25、They show pity on humans. D.They are too clever and efficient.31. What can be inferred about the author?A.He doesnt agree with Bill Gates.B.He is not content with the present kitchen appliances.C.He is scared about the super intelligence of machines.D.He expects that machines will take place of huma

    26、ns.DA lot of small business owners put themselves in an embarrassed position in their own companies. Consider this scene: the company owner who has thirty individuals working for him in the business does all the work. Stop the actual wrong belief that youre the only one who can do the JOB! You are a

    27、n individual. A robot or machine must rest, or be changed.The best way to replace yourself is not through someone else, but with a System! A system or program doesnt always make reference to something high-tech. Its more about the actual administration process flow that gets issues running smoothly.

    28、 Systemizing your business is vitally important for the success of thecompany. About 80% of whats completed in your business can be systemized. Take a moment to determine all of the routine things that are done in your company. Now record the best way to achieve these duties. However, creating syste

    29、ms isnt enough. You have to ensure that the methods are simple to follow, and easy to complete. If you do not allow it to be easy, it wont be done, or at best it wont be consistent. With systems and processes in position, its simply using a few people to operate individual systems. A great number of

    30、 companies that possess established systems have made great achievements through the years. Burger King is a good actual life example. To construct a great business, replace yourself with a good program right now!32.What does“an embarrassed position”in Paragraph 1refer to?A. The employees are made t

    31、o do all the work. B. Business owners get caught in the trap of doing everything. C. Nobody would like to work for business owners. D. There are not enough employees in the company. 33.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 3 imply?A. Its necessary for the company owner to do all the work. B

    32、. A robot or machine shall not keep working. C. The company owner should learn to rest. D. A system is important for the company. 34.Which of the following is true about“A system”? A. It can deal with a11 the routines in the business. B. It is simple to follow or complete a system. C. Your company will be successful so long as you have a system.D. It will


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