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    1、被动语态初中版课程目标:讲解被动语态课程重点:掌握被动语态的用法上课内容:一、引入被动语态的含义以“刘诗诗”为主语造句:1. 刘诗诗亲了吴奇隆。以“吴奇隆”为主语造句2. 吴奇隆被刘诗诗亲了。其中,句子(1)为主动句,即主语为动作的执行者,句子(2)为被动句,即主语为动作的承受着二、时态与语态的区别时态:表示了动作发生的时间,由谓语动词来体现。例如:Liu Shishi kisses WQL every day.She kissed him yesterday.She will kiss him tomorrow.She is kissing him.She was kissing him a

    2、t this time yesterday.He is so happy now because she has just kissed him.He was so happy because she had kissed him.语态:表示主语和谓语动词之间的关系(主动和被动)我吃了一个苹果, 那现在苹果怎样了?苹果被我吃了。正如汉语中的被字句,英语中的“被字句”我们称之为被动语态。英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的。主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者。巧记为:主动、主动、主去动。例如:Many people speak English.谓语:spea

    3、k的动作是由主语many people来执行的。 被动语态表示主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象。巧记为:被动、被动、主被动。例如:English is spoken by many people.主语English是动词speak的承受者。例如:He opened the door.他开了门。(主动句)The door was opened.门被开了。(被动句)三、被动语态的基本结构:be+动词的过去分词被打的豆豆1.遥远的小岛上,住着一个倒霉蛋,它叫豆豆,那里的人只有三件事要忙,吃饭,睡觉,打豆豆。你看,它总是被打,还不知道是谁打的。Doudou is always beatenby s

    4、omeone.2.昨天晚上,夜黑风高,它又被打了。Doudou was beaten yesterday evening.3.明天,豆豆还会面临n顿暴打,可怜的豆豆啊。Tomorrow ,Doudou will be beaten several times .4.可怜的豆豆,已经被这样打了很多年。命运一直没有改变。Poor Doudou has been beaten for many years. 5.我们亲爱的豆豆现在在干嘛,不用问,一定是正在被打。Our dear doudou is being beaten now .6.随时可能被打的豆豆啊,谁来救救它啊。Poor Doudou m

    5、ay be beaten anytime .总结被动语态的结构:be + done + (by sb/sth)三、被动语态的用法1. 不知道动作的执行者是谁Mater Tangseng was kidnapped.练习:我的钱包被偷了。My wallet has been stolen.秘密被泄露出去了。The secret was spread.2. 没有必要指出动作的执行者是谁Many skyscrapers are built in Chongqing.练习:这本书是2010年出版的。 The book was published in 2010.解放碑是1941年建成的。The mon

    6、ument was built in 1941.轻轨5号线将于明年通车。Line 5 will be used next year.3. 需要强调或突出动作的承受者Leonardo was honored as the best actor in the world.练习:豆豆又被打了。Doudou was beaten again.武汉又被淹理。Wu Han has been flooded again.4. 动作的发出者不是人而是物Cars are submerged by the flood.练习:昨晚树被狂风刮断了。Trees were blown down by the strong

    7、 wind last night.重庆人民被雨后罕见的彩虹惊呆了。People in Chongqing are all surprised by the rare rainbow after the rain.练习:阅读下列文章,找出被动语态,并指出其用法。四、主动语态和被动语态的转化(一)主动语态变为被动语态主动:Liu Shishikisses Wu Qilong.被动:Wu Qilongis kissedby Liu Shishi.(1)把主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语。(2)把谓语变成被动结构(be过去分词)(3)把主动语态中的主语放在介词by之后作宾语,将主格改为宾格。练习:1.

    8、 People often eatice-creamin summer.Ice-creamis often eaten (by people) in summer.2. People in Chongqing likehot-pot.Hot-potis liked (by people) in Chongqing.3. Teenagers always playcomputer games during holiday.Computer gamesare always played(by teenagers)during holiday.4. Every student in China le

    9、arnsEnglish at school.Englishis learnt (by every student) in China at school.听歌填词:I cant believe Im standing here 我不敢相信我一直在这里Been waiting for so many years and 等了这么多年Today I found the Queen to reign my heart 直至今日才找到支配我的心灵的皇后You changed my life so patiently 你让我的生命变得坚韧And turned it into something good

    10、 and real 并且把很多事情变得美好而真实I feel just like I felt in all my dreams 我觉得就像我在梦中的感受那样There are questions hard to answer 有很多问题很难回答Cant you see 你不知道吗?Baby,tell me how can I tell you 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你That I love you more than life 我爱你胜过我的生命Show me how can I show you 告诉我我该怎么让你看到That Im blinded by your light 我被你的光

    11、芒刺伤了眼睛When you touch me I can touch you 当你抚摸我时我能To find out the dream is true 感觉到梦是真实的I love to be loved by you 我愿意你爱我Youre looking kind of scared right now 现在的你看起来害怕Youre waiting for the wedding vows 你在等待婚姻的誓言But I dont know if my tongues able to talk 但是我不知道我能不能开口说话Your beauty is just blinding me 你

    12、的美丽让我失明Like sunbeams on a summer stream and 就像夏日河流上的一缕阳光I gotta close my eyes to protect me 我只能闭上眼睛保护自己Can you take my hand and lead me 请你牵着我的手带我From here please 离开这里yeah.yeah.Baby,tell me how can I tell you 宝贝,告诉我我该怎么告诉你That I love you more than life 我爱你胜过我的生命Show me how can I show you 告诉我我该怎么让你Tha

    13、t Im blinded by your light 看到我被你的光芒刺伤了的眼睛When you touch me I can touch you 当你抚摸我时To find out the dream is true 我能感觉到梦是真实的I love to be loved 我愿意你爱我I need to be loved 我需要你爱我I love to be loved by you 我愿意你来爱我I know theyre gonna say our loves not 我知道他们说我们的爱不足以strong enough to last forever 坚定到永远And I know

    14、 theyre gonna say that well 我也知道他们会说因为艰难的环境give up because of heavy weather 我们放弃我们的爱But how can they understand 但是他们怎么能够理解that our love is just heaven sent 我们的爱正是上天给予我们的We keep on going on and on cause 让我们一直拥有着它(二)带双宾的被动语态His father gave him 10 dollars this morning.(1) 人作主语:He was given 10 dollars b

    15、y his father this morning.(2) 物作主语:10 dollars were given to him by his father this morning.注意:give sth. to sb.被动语态中,当sth.做主语时,介词to不能掉。练习:将下列句子变为被动语态1. The old man told us a story yesterday.2. My father will buy me a book tomorrow.3. The teacher has told us an English song.4. The little is writing hi

    16、s best friend a letter.(三) 动词短语变为被动语态We should take care of the children.被动语态:Children should be taken care of by us.注意:动词短语不可分割。练习:翻译下列句子。1. 蜡烛被风吹灭了。(blow off)2. 树被洪水冲走了。(wash away)3. 兔子终于被乌龟赶上了。(catch up with)(四)主动语态中的“十大怪词”变被动语态特别提示:主动语态中的“十大怪词”(一感、二听、三使,四看)后面省略to的不定式,在改为被动语态时,一定要补上to.(记忆口诀:“使感动词

    17、”真奇怪,to在句中像妖怪,主动语态to走开,被动语态to回来。”)I heard him sing in the next room.He was heard to sing in the next room. They made us do all kinds of work. We were made to do all kinds of work.I saw her enter the library. She was seen to enter the library. 注意:在see/ hear sb. doing的结构中,变被动语态不需要加to,例如: I heard him s

    18、inging in the next room.He was heard singing in the next room. I saw her entering the library. She was seen entering the library.(五)没有被动语态的动词和词组1、有些“静态”动词不能用于被动语态。(have, cost, last, own, suit, hold, fit, belong to, agree with等)The travel lasted 3 weeks.这次旅行持续了三个星期。The MP3 costs 500 yuan. This dictio

    19、nary belongs to Mike.2、有些不及物动词的主动形式可以用来表示被动意义。(cut, wash, write, sell, wear等)This kind of shoes sells well.这种鞋子很畅销。This kind of clothes washes easily.这种衣服很容易洗。The pen writes smoothly. 这支笔写得流利。3、有些词组的主动形式表被动含义:be worth doing, need doingThe book is worth reading.这本书值得读。The bike needs repairing.这辆自行车需要

    20、修理。=The bike needs to be repaired.这辆自行车需要修理。练习:(一)把下列主动语态改为被动语态:1. We often use a recorder in our English class.2. They will show a new film next week.3. When did they build the house?4. I saw the boy enter the room.5. Will they show a new film next week?6. Have they posted the letter yet?7. We ofte

    21、n see him help his classmate.8. You must turn off the light before you go to be.d9. Who is repairing the bike?10. The student should learn all the texts by heart.用所给动词的正确形式填空1. English _ (speak) in many countries.2. Information in short-term memory _ (can, not, keep) very long.3. After that, one of

    22、the lights _ (turn off) and the rat had to wait for a short time.4. Just a few years ago, tomatoes _ (believe) to have magical powers, making people who ate them fall in love.5. It is said new copies of the book _ (print) now.6. The old house _ (pull) down next month.7. In the old days, the children

    23、 _ (take care of) by the mother because she did not work outside the house.8. Needless to say, the second list of words _ (can, remember) more easily than the first one.9. She _ (send) to another village when I got there.10. The teacher said that we _ (give) another chance some time next month if we

    24、 failed in the exam.五、各种时态的被动语态各个时态的被动语态翻译练习1.一般现在时的被动语态,is(am,are)+动词过去分词。Many courses are designed to meet the students needs.很多课程都是为了满足学生的需要而设计的。The horizon of life is broadened chiefly by the enlargement of the heart.生活的视野随着心灵的开阔而变得宽广。2.一般过去时的被动语态,was(were)+动词过去分词。The escaped prisoner was caught

    25、 and put into prison again.那个逃犯被抓住了,再次投到监狱里。The city was destroyed by Huns.这座城市被匈奴人摧毁。3.一般将来时的被动语态,will be +动词过去分词。The spacecraft will be launched tomorrow.太空飞船将于明天发射。The sports meeting will be put off till next Tuesday.这次校运会将被推迟到下周二。4.现在进行时的被动语态,is(am,are )being+动词过去分词。Im being troubled by his bad

    26、behaviour.我为他的坏行为而苦恼。I am afraid I am being followed by a man in black.我担心自己被一个黑衣的男子跟踪。5.过去进行时的被动语态,was(were) being+动词过去分词。Two of the glasses were broken when they were being washed.在清洗时,有两只玻璃杯被打碎了。We had to take another way because the road was being repaired.我们不得不改道,因为那条路正在被修理。6.现在完成时的被动语态,has(hav

    27、e) been+动词过去分词。The tickets you want have been sold out.你想要的票已经卖完了。My father has been sent to work in Tibet.我爸已被派到西藏工作。7.过去完成时的被动语态,had been +动词过去分词。The workers woke up to find that work had been done overnight.工人醒来后发现工作已经被连夜干完。He said that he wouldnt go to the opening ceremony because he hadnt been

    28、invited.他说过他不会参加开幕式,因为他没被邀请。8. 情态动词的被动语态,情态动词+ be +动词过去分词Flowers should be watered every day.每天都应该浇花。Eight hours per day for sleep must be guaranteed.每天8小时睡眠必须得到保证。练习:(一)用适当时态和语态的动词填空:1. Can he _ (speak) English?2. What language _ (speak) in that country?3. The film _ (show) many times since last Su

    29、nday.4. These TV sets _ (make) in SiChuan.5. It has got so dark. Would you please _ (turn) on the light?6. A new hospital _ (build) in this area now.7. Rice _ (grow) in the south.8. The window _ (not break) by the boy.9. I _ (tell) he _ (not come) just now.(二)根据汉语意思完成下列句子1.(2016陕西西安第二十三中学10月月考)这块手表是

    30、在上海制造的。 This watch is Shanghai.2.(2016新疆乌鲁木齐第九十八中学第二次月考)除了茶,中国也以长城而闻名。 Besides tea China is also the Great Wall.3. 现在它被广泛运用在工厂和医院里。 Now it in factories and hospitals.4.(2016湖北武汉黄陂区12月联考)据说茶是在6世纪被带到韩国和日本的。 It is that tea was to Korea and Japan in the sixth century.5. 我觉得电视是在汽车之前被发明出来的。 I think the TV before the car.6. 我认为学生不应该被允许开车。 I think students be allowed to drive.7. 昨天,所有的物品都被我姐姐列出来了。 Yesterday, all the things by my sister.(三)按要求完成句子,每空一词。1.(2014上海中考)Someti


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