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    1、新概念笔记第一册*matter n. 事情Whats the matter? 怎么了?(用来询问发生了什么事)Whats wrong?Whats the matter with.?Whats wrong with.? .怎么了?Whats the matter with your brother? 你的兄弟怎么了?It doesnt matter! 没事,没关系!常用在回复sorry这句话中- Sorry! Im sorry!- It doesnt matter!*children n. 孩子们(复) child (单数)- Whose child is this?- This is her

    2、child.- Whose is this child?- This child is hers.*tired adj. 累的,疲乏的- Im tired. 我累了。*tire out :completely tired 筋疲力尽了*tireless 不知疲倦的*less 是形容词后缀,具有否定意义。- a tireless worker 不知疲倦的工人*thirsty adj. 渴的-We are tired and thirsty.*right adj.1) 好的,可以- Lets go upstairs and see my new blouse. 让我们上楼看我的新衬衫。- All r

    3、ight.-I fell off the stairs. 我从楼梯上摔了下来。- Are you all right? 你还好吧?-Yes, I am. 我还好,没什么事。1) 右边,右边的*left 左边,左边的- on the right 3) 正确的- Thats right. 对,没错(wrong)*there be 结构There be. 某地有某物There is + n. (可数单数名词或不可数名词) + 介词短语(状语)There are + n. (可数复数名词) + 介词短语(状语)介词(后面加名词)*in 在里面-in the box - in the office-in

    4、 the room*on 在 上面- on the desk- on the book- on the floorThere is a tie in the box. 在盒子里面有一条领带(a tie可数名词单数,所以用is.)There are two shirts on the bed. 在床上有两件衬衫。(two shirts 复数名词,所以用are)There is some water on the desk. 在桌子上有一些水。(water 不可数名词,所以用is.) 我们说如果一个句子中有be的形式存在,那么这个句子的疑问或否定形式都在be 本身变化。比如说疑问句,我们就把系动词

    5、提前,否定句,我们就在系动词后面加not.There is a tie in the box.Is there a tie in the box.Yes, there is.No, there isntThere is some water on the desk.Is there any water on the desk? (some 和any 都表示“一些“,some一般用在肯定句中,any 用在疑问句或否定句中。)Listen to the dialog carefully and answer: why do the children thank their mother?Are y

    6、ou ok now?Lesson 20*big1) 外形比较大-There is a big box on the floor. 地板上有一个大箱子。2)抽象的大-Deng Xiaoping is a big man. 邓小平是一个伟大的人物。*small 体积小*little (感情色彩)小-a small room- a little girl (带有喜欢,喜爱之情)*open 1) adj. 开着的- The shop is open. 商店开业了。2) v. 开,打开-open the door 打开门*shut1) adj. 关着的 = closed-The door is clos

    7、ed.-The door is shut.2) v. 关上= close-shut the door-close the door-Shut up! 闭嘴*light 1) adj. 轻的-The box is so light that I can lift it by myself. 这个箱子真是太轻了,我一个人就能把它提起来。-light punishment 比较轻的处罚2) n. 灯-turn on the light 开灯- turn off the ligt*heavy adj. 重的- Is the desk heavy?-heavy smoker 吸烟比较多的人- heavy

    8、 drinker 喝酒比较多的人- heavy hearted 心事重重的人,伤心的Lesson 21*give v. 给-give sb sth -give sth to sb 把给某人-Give Mr. Baker that tie.- Give that tie to Mr. Baker.把那条领带给贝克先生。*give 后面的人如果是代词的时候,我们要用宾格。例句Give me those coats. 中“me”是宾格作give 的宾语。其它人称的宾格主格 宾格*I me*you you*he him*she her*we us*they them*it it-Give them t

    9、hese ne umbrellas.-Give these new umbrellas to them.*one pron.-one 不是数词,而是不定代词,代替上面提到过的单数名词。复数形式为ones.*which 哪一个-Which room is yours?-This one? ( one 代替上句的room)-No, not this one, that one.-Which cases are yours?-These ones? (ones是复数形式指你上句的cases)-Give me a book please, Jane.为祈使句。主语you 省略,后加please ,表示

    10、客气的请求。-Give a book to me, please,.-give 后面接复合宾语,直接宾语为a book, 间接宾语为me.-Which book? = Which book do you want?-This one?-No, not that one. The red one.- one 代替 book-This one? = This book?*empty1) adj. 空的- The room is empty.-Give her the empty box.-Give the empty to her.2) v. 倒空,弄空-empty the box 把盒子弄空*f

    11、ull adj. 满的-The box is full of books.-be full of sth 某物充满了.-The room is full of people. 屋子里全是人。-The bottles are full of milk. 这些瓶子装满了牛奶。-I am full. 我饱了。*large adj. 大的主要是指体积,面积,形状,数量等物理量值的大,修饰人的时候指个子大,large的反义词是small.-China is a large country. 中国是一个大国(幅员辽阔)-Look at that large woman.*big adj. 大的除了具lar

    12、ge的意思,在big修饰人的时候,主要指大人物,但个子未必高。-She is a big film star. 她是一个著名的电影名星。*small adj. 小的-small指物理量值的小,是large的反义词,不带什么感情色彩。-It is a small factory. 这是一家小工厂。-The room is very small. 这个房间很小。*little adj.-little 可以表示小,还可以表示少,往往带有小而可爱的感情色彩,是big的反义词。-There is a little garden behind our house. 我们的房后有个小花园(虽小,但很可爱)-

    13、She has s little son. 她有一个小儿子。(little 表示小而可爱)*sharp adj. 尖的,锋利的- The knife is sharp.*sharpen v.*make sth sharp- sharpen the pencil / sharpen the knife*glass1) 可数名词,杯子-There is a glass on the desk.2) 不可数名词,玻璃-There is some glass on the floor. 地板上有一些玻璃。3)量词,杯-a glass of water 一杯水- two glasses of mil 两

    14、杯牛奶4) glasses 除了表示“杯子”的复数形式,还可以作“眼镜”讲-a pair of glasses 一副眼镜-two pairs of glasses 两副眼镜*cup 1) n.茶杯-Is there a cup in the box?2) 量词, 杯-a cup of tea 一杯茶-tow cups of coffee *bottle1) n. 瓶子-There isnt an empty bottle in the room.2) 量词-a bottle of milk -three bottles of water.*spoon n.勺子一些清辅音如p k t在s音后要浊

    15、化k gt dp b1 给他们一个箱子-Give them a box. / Give a box to them.哪一个?这个小的吗?-Which one? This small one?不,不是这个,是那个大的。-No, not this small one. That large one.2. 给她一个茶杯。-Give her a cup. / Give a cup to her.哪一个?这个脏的吗?-Which one? This dirty one?不,不是这个,是那个干净的。-No, not this dirty one. That clean one.5.给我们一个水杯-Give

    16、 us a cup. / Give a cup to us.哪一个?这个空的吗?-Which one? This empty one?不,不是这个,是那个满的。-NO, not this empty one. That full one.Lesson 23*on prep. 在.之上-There are some cups on the table.-Are there any boxes on the floor?-Yes, there are.*shelf n. 架子,搁板*book shelf 书架-There are a lot of books on the book shelf.

    17、在书架上有许多书。-Her book is on the shelf. 她的书在架子上。介词短语作后置定语:1) 介词短语*on in under behind .都是介词*on 在.的上面- on the table 在桌子上- on the shelf 在架子上*in 在.的里面- in the room 在房间里- in the street 在街道上- in the box 在箱子里*under 在.的下面- under the bed 在订底下- under the book 在书的下面* behind 在.的后面- behind the house 在房子后- behind the

    18、 tree 在树的后面- behind the door 在门的后面我们可以发现介词后面一般跟名词或跟具有名词特性的词,那么介词与后面的名词共同组成了“介词短语”。2) 定语是起修饰作用的。-a clean glass 一个干净的玻璃杯*clean是定语,修饰glass,作定语的clean放在中心词glass的前面,这就是前置定语,同样放在中心词后面的定语就叫后置定语,那么中心词的定语是由介词短语充当的,并且被放置在中心词的后面。- a girl in the house 在房子里的女孩* a girl 是中心词,in the house 是后置定语,修饰a girl.- a book on

    19、the bed 在床上的一本书- the cat under the bed 在床底下的猎- the boy behind the tree 在树后面的男孩- the cups in the box 在盒子里面的杯子-Give me some glasses please, Jane. 请给我几只玻璃杯。祈使句 *give 后面接的是复合宾语,some glasses是直接宾语,me是间接宾语。给某人某物:give sb sth / give sth to sb因此这句话也可用; Give some glasses to me please, Jane.-Which glasses?这是一个省

    20、略句,全句应为:Which glasses do you want?*Which 引导特殊疑问句,后面可跟单数名词,也可以跟复数名词。此句中的which后面跟的是复数名词glasses.-These glasses? 是省略句,全句应为:Do you want these glasses?-The ones on the shelf.“on the shelf”是介词短语,作后置定语,修饰中心词the ones,也就是“the glasses”*desk n. 课桌通常指有抽屈的桌子,用于办公,读书,写字等,即“书桌”,定字台,办公桌“。-at the desk 在书桌前(办公,看书等)-He

    21、 is working at his desk. 他正在书桌前工作。-on the desk 在办公桌上-There are some books one desk. 在办公桌上有一些书。*table n. 桌子 通常指由若干条腿支撑着的平板,没有抽屈。可译为“餐桌,会议桌,工作台等”。-book a table 预订餐桌-Ive booked a table for two at 6:00. 我预订了一张两人桌,是六点钟的。-They sit around the table and have meetings every week. 他们每周围坐在会议桌旁开会。*plate n. 盘子(指

    22、大盘子)*dish n.1) 盘子,指小盘子,放在自己面前供自己临时存放菜的小盘子。2)菜-I like this dish. 我喜欢这道菜。-These dishes are delicious. 这些菜很好吃。*cupboard n. 食橱-There are some plates on the cupboard. 在食橱上有一些盘子。-the spoons in the cupboard.*cigarette n.香烟*cigarette case 香烟盒*cigarette lighter 打火机*smoke v. 吸烟- He smokes twenty cigarettes a

    23、day. 他一天吸了20支烟。*television n. 电视机-watch TV-watch television *tele 前缀: over a distance 远距离的*telephone 电话*floor n. 地板-on the floor 在地板上-Are there any boxes on the floor?-Yes, there are.*ceiling n. 天棚 -the inner surface of the top of a room*wall n. 墙壁*bed n. 床-go to bed 上床去睡觉-I go to bed at 9oclock in

    24、the evening every day. 我每天晚上九点钟去睡觉。*newspaper n. 报纸(可数名词)*news n. 新闻(不可数名词)-a piece of news*paper n. 纸张 (不可数名词)-two pieces of paper1.请给他们几份报纸。-Give them some newspapers please.哪几分?是这几份吧?-Which ones? These (newspapers)?不,不是那些-No, not those.是在立体声音响上面的那几份。-The ones on the stereo.2) 请给我们一些杂志。-Give us so

    25、me magazine, please.哪几份?是这几份吗?-Which ones? These?不,不是那些。-No, not those.是在梳妆上的那些-The ones on the dressing table.3)请给他一些香烟。-Give him some cigarettes, please.哪些? 这些吗?-Which ones? These?不,不是那些。-No, no those.是在电视机上的那些香烟。-The ones on the television.4) 请给我爸爸拿几条领带。-Give my father some ties, please.-Give som

    26、e ties to my father, please.哪些领带?是这些吗?-Which ones? These?不,不是那些。-No, not those.是在椅子上面的那几条-The ones on the chair.比较下面几个句子和短语1) The spoon is in the cupboard. 勺子是在食橱里。2) There is a spoon in the cupboard. 在食橱里有一把勺子。3) *the spoon in the cupboard 在食橱里的勺子The spoon is in the cupboard.通常是问句 Where is the spoo

    27、n? 的回答,the spoon 中的the是定冠词,表特指,在这里,“the spoon”是指说话双方都知道的那把勺子。*where引导的特殊疑问句是问地点方位的,因此,作为where疑问句的回答,它的重点不是勺子,而是强调地点,也就是in the cupboard在食橱里。 There is a spoon in cupboard.它不是突出a spoon,也不是强调in the cupboard,只是说明一个事实,即在食橱里有一个勺子。没有必要说出哪一把勺子,反正有一把勺子在食橱里。 *the spoon in the cupboard事实上它不是一个句子,而是一个短语,这是一个介词短语

    28、做后置定语。那么这个短语的中心词是the spoon,介词短语in the cupboard 修饰the spoon, 翻译的时候要把定语放在前面“在食橱里的勺子”,它一般是which 引导的特殊颖问句的回答。1) Lee小姐的手提包在书桌上。(强调地点)-Miss lees handbag is on the desk.2) 有一些叉子在盘子里面。(强调某地有某物)-There are some forks on the plate.3)-请给我一份杂志。-Give me a magazine, please.-哪一个?-Which one?-在架子上的那一本。-The one on the

    29、 shelf.小结:1. 介词短语作后置定语2. 不定代词 one ones3. give sb sth give sth to sb.Lesson 25*Mrs. 夫人Mrs. Smith 史密斯太太(表示她的丈夫姓Smith)Miss 小姐(指未婚)Miss Lee 李小姐Ms 女士(己婚与未婚都可以用)Ms Dupont 村邦女士*refrigerator n. 电冰箱-Are there any eggs in the refrigerator? 在冰箱里有一些鸡蛋吗?*right n. 右边-on the right 在右边Thats all right. = It doesnt matter. 没关系-Im sorry.-Thats all right. (It doesnt matter)-Are you all right? =Are you ok? 你们还好吗?Thats right. 没错,对。*electric adj. 带电的,可通电的-an electric generator 发电机-an electric shock 电击-I got an electric shock. 我被电击到了一下。*electricity n. 电 = power -power cut 停电*left n. 左边-on t


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