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    1、英语三年级上AMU精选与练习3AM1U1一单词与词组P2hello你好teacher老师hi你好Dad爸爸Peter彼得(男名)evening傍晚Alice爱丽丝(女名)night晚上Danny丹尼(男名)Mum妈妈Kitty 凯蒂(女名)very well非常好Dolly多利(男名)just so so一般般Im = I am我是not too bad不太坏P3Miss Fang方老师(方小姐)P5play a game做一个游戏Mr Zhang张先生(张老师)draw画画Mrs Wang王夫人Jane简(女名)how怎样cut剪tweet鸟叫声cake 蛋糕you你,你们stick粘贴fi

    2、ne好make做too也plate盘子Tom汤姆(男名)table桌子thanks谢谢puppet 木偶thank you谢谢你goodbye 再见morning早上play with 和.一起玩afternoon下午play with your friends和你的朋友们一起玩P4after school放学后on the table在桌子上today 今天on the plate在盘子上new新的in the bowl在碗里二句型P2Hello, Im Peter. 你好,我是Peter.P3Hi, Tom and Alice! Tom, Alice, 你们好。How are you? F

    3、ine, thanks. / Im fine, thank you. / Very well, and you?Hello, boys and girls. 孩子们,你们好。Good afternoon, Mr Zhang. 张老师,下午好。P4We have a new teacher, Mr Zhang. 我们有一个新老师,姓张。P5Jane likes cakes. Jane喜欢蛋糕。Jane makes cakes. Jane做蛋糕。三语法小课堂1. 如何正确抄写单词和句子? 句子开头第一个字母要大些,人名的第一个字母要大写。单词与单词之间要空开一个字母的距离,句子末尾要有标点符号。2

    4、. Be动词有三个,分别是am, is, are. 都解释为“是”。人称代词有七个,分别是 I(我), you(你,你们), we,(我们), they,(他,她,它们), he(他), she(她), it(它). Im=I am youre=you are were=we are theyre=they are hes=he is shes=she is四词汇与语音/eI/a e ake cake make take snake a e ate plate gate skate late a e ame name game samea e ace face placea e ape gra

    5、pe tapea e age age cageay play hay day May today gray ey they greyai rainbow tail wait paint trainea break steak /?/a have has apple bag hand hat cat that dad jam and stand black man hamburger rabbit animal family happy sad panda vanI have a fat cat.Alice has a bad apple.Danny is happy.He has some j

    6、am.M1U1 补充文本 At the school gate (在校门口)Kitty: Hello, Tom. Im Kitty. Tom: Hello, Kitty. Im Tom. Nice to see you.Kitty: Nice to see you too! How are you? Tom: Im fine, thank you. And you? Kitty: Very well. Thanks. Tom: Lets go to school. At schoolKitty: Good morning, Tom.Tom: Good morning, Kitty.Kitty:

    7、 I have a brother. He is Ben.Tom: Hi, Ben. This is my sister, Alice.Kitty: Hi, Alice. Alice: Hi, Kitty. Hi, Ben. Ben: Hi, Alice. How are you?Alice: Im fine, thanks. And you?Ben: Very well. Thank you.Pupils: Hello, Miss Fang. Miss Fang: Hello, boys and girls. This is our new teacher, Mr Zhang. He is

    8、tall and thin. He can ride a bicycle and fly the kites. Pupils: Hello, Mr Zhang.Mr Zhang: Hello. How are you?Alice: Im fine, thanks.Ben: Not too bad.Danny: Just so so. After school Alice and Tom are sister and brother. They are on their way home with their mother, Mrs Wang. Alice and Tom: Good after

    9、noon, Mum.Mrs Wang: Good afternoon. How are you today?Tom: Fine.Alice: We have a new teacher, Mr Zhang. He is tall and thin. He can ride a bicycle and fly the kites. We like him.M1U1练习一一. 正确抄写下列词组,注意大小写。dolly miss yang mr li mrs fang二. 正确抄写下列句子,注意标点符号 和 大小写。how are you im fine thankshow are you alic

    10、e fine thank youhello tom and alice hi mr zhanggood morning danny good morning alicegood night dad good night dannyhi i am miss wang hello miss wang 三根据上下文完成句子。1How are you? _ , _ _ _.2How are you? _ , .3 afternoon, Eddie. Good , Miss Wang.四选择填空( ) 1. I _ Alice. A. am B. is C. are( ) 2. -_ are you?

    11、Fine, thanks. A. How B. What C. Who( ) 3. Good _ Dad and Mum. Good night. A. morning B. afternoon C. nightM1U1练习二一. 正确抄写下列词组,注意大小写。kitty li granny wang mrs green mr smith二. 正确抄写下列句子,注意标点符号 和 大小写。peter how are you im fine thankshow are you alice fine thank youhello tom and alice hi miss fanggood morn

    12、ing mum and dad good morning eddiegood night dad good night dannyhi i am alice wang hello alice wang 三. 根据上下文完成句子。1How are you? I ,_ _ _ .2How are you? _ , .3 night, Eddie. Good , Dad.4. I an apple. It is _(红色). It is _(甜的).5. I a book. You a bag.M1U1练习三一正确抄写下列句子,注意标点符号 和 大小写。hi alice how are you im

    13、 fine thank youim kitty li youre alice wang二判断划线部分读音是否相同,用“T”或“F”表示1. cat cake ( ) 2. table plate ( )3. apple hat ( ) 4. make thank ( )5. good food ( ) 6. apple bag ( )7. grandma cake ( ) 8. make table ( )四根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词1. _ _(下午好), boys and girls.2. I am Miss Li. I am _ _ (一位老师).3. _(我是) Mr White.

    14、 I am tall and fat.4. We have a _ _(新老师). He is Mr Zhang.5. _ _(晚安), Dad.6. There are some cakes _ _ _(在桌子上).7. _ _(方小姐) has a new hat.五用所给的单词完成短文 likes am can friend Good morning. Im Danny. I _ tall and thin. I _ make a cake. Mr Li is my new teacher. He _ to draw and sing. Peter is my good _. We pl

    15、ay together. How happy we are. 下列句子是否与上面短文内容相符,用“T”或“F”表示( ) 1. It is morning.( ) 2. Danny is short and thin.( ) 3. Mr. Li is Dannys new teacher.( ) 4. Danny and Peter are good friends.( ) 5. Mrs. Li can draw and sing.M1U1 Test听力一选出你听到的字母组合或单词( )1. A. irl B. rli C. ril( )2. A. WVM B. MNV C. WMV( )3.

    16、 A. OQD B. QOD C. ODQ( )4. A. cat B. kite C. hat( )5. A. how B. who C. what( )6. A. hello B. hi C. how( )7. A. Mrs B. Miss C. Mr( )8. A. bag B. dog C. book二选出你听到的句子( )1. A. Hello, Im Dotty. B. Hello, Im Spotty.( )2. A. Im Miss Fang. B. Im Mrs Fang.( )3. A. Who are you? B. How are you?( )4. A. Good n

    17、ight. B. Good morning.( )5. A. Jane likes to make cakes. B. Jane likes making cakes.( )6. A. I have a new bag. B. I have a new dog.( )7. A. This is Mr Zhang. B. That is Mr Zhang.( )8. A. Tweet-tweet. I hear a bird. B. Tweet-tweet. Its a bird.三根据听到的句子,选出正确的问答句( )1. A. Good morning. B. Hello.( )2. A.

    18、Very well, thanks. B. Five.( )3. A. Im Kitty Li. B. Yes, Im Kitty Li.( )4. A. Hello. Im Mr Wang. B. Good morning.( )5. A. Goodbye, Dotty. B. Who are you?( )6. A. How are you, Ben? B. Who are you?( )7. A. Hi. B. Bye-bye.( )8. A. I like to eat some cakes. B. I like to drink some milk.四根据听到的内容完成句子1. _

    19、Fang is a _ English teacher.2. There are some plates on the _.3. _ Li is tall and thin.4. -_ are you? Fine, _.5. _, boys and girls. _ Mrs Zhang.五听录音,判断对错,用“T”或“F”表示( )1. Sam is a girl.( )2. Sam is nine years old.( )3. Sam can see some books in the classroom.( )4. Sam can draw and read.笔试一正确抄写下列句子hi

    20、danny how are you fine thank you二用“am, is, are”填空1. I _ Alice. You _ Kitty. We _ good friends.2. How _ you today? I _ fine, thanks.3. This _ Mr Zhang. He _ your new teacher.三选择题( )1. -How are _? -_ fine, thank you. A. you Im B. your Im C. your I am( )2. This is _ apple. Its _ big apple. A. a, an B.

    21、an, a C. an, /( )3. -_ are you? Im Peter. A. Who B. How C. What( )4. I like to eat _. A. juice B. cakes C. water( )5. The cakes _ on the table. A. are B. is C. am( )6. I _ a new book. It is red. A. am B. have C. are( )7. I _ draw and colour. A. am B. like C. can四完成句子1. Good morning, _ Zhang.2. Hello

    22、, Im _.3. -_, Sam. How are you? -_, thanks.4. Whats this? -Its an _. Its _.5. She is _ Wang. She is my teacher.6. Tweet-tweet. I hear a _.7. Im hungry. I want to eat some _.五阅读(一)阅读短文,判断正误,用“T”或“F”表示Hi, Im Sam. Im a boy. Im eight years old. Im a pupil. I like singing and dancing. I can swim, but I c

    23、ant swim well. I like to eat bananas. Peter is my good friend. Hes from Beijing. Hes a tall boy. He can play football. He can swim fast. We often swim after school.( )1. My name is Peter.( )2. I can swim well.( )3. I like singing and dancing.( )4. My friend is from Shanghai.( )5. Peter can swim well

    24、.(二)阅读短文,选择正确的答案I have got a toy bear. Its white. It has a small red hat and a black coat. Its name is Winnie. Its very lovely. I like to play with Winnie.( )1. Winnie is a toy _. A. bear B. dog C. pig( )2. Winnie is _. A. pink B. white C. pink and white( )3. It has a small red _. A. coat B. scarf C

    25、. hat( )4. I like to play with _. A. my toy B. my toy bear C. my father (三)阅读对话后完成短文Kitty: Good morning, Ben.Ben: Good morning, Kitty.Kitty: Today is Sunday. Where are you going?Ben: To the park. Where are you going?Kitty: To the beach. Goodbye.Ben: Bye-bye. It is Sunday _. Kitty and Ben meet in the street. Kitty is going to the _. Ben is going to the _.


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