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    1、河南省届普通高中毕业班高考适应性练习英语河南省2018届普通高中毕业班高考适应性练习英 语第一部分 听力(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Whatstheweatherlikenow?A. Foggy. B. Fine. C. Rainy.

    2、2. Whatdoesthewomanplantodoforherbirthday?A. Haveapicnic. B. Haveaparty. C. Haveabarbecue. 3. Whohasthepennow?A. Jane. B. John. C. Mr. Watson. 4. HowdoesthewomanlikeJanesspeech?A. Notbad. B. Successful. C. Disappointing. 5. Wheredoestheconversationprobablytakeplace?A. Inacoffeeshop. B. Inaclassroom.

    3、 C. Atadoctorsoffice. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料, 回答第6. 7题6. Whowrotethesongforthewoman?A. Theman. B. Thewomanherself. C. Aprofessionalsinger. 7. Whatdoesthewomanthinkofsing

    4、ing?A. Itgiveshergreatpleasure. B. Ittakestoomuchofhertime. C. Itwillmakeherfamousoneday. 听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。8. HowlonghasthewomanworkedatX-fashion?A. Forabouttwoyears. B. Foraboutthreeyears. C. Foraboutfouryears. 9. Whatdoesthewomanhavetodoifshetakesthejob?A. Workatnights. B. Repaircomputers. C. Trave

    5、lalot. 听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。10. Whycannotthewomanrentaseparatehousenow?A. Shespenthermoneyonvacation. B. Shelentallhermoneytoherfriend. C. Sheissavingmoneyforabiggerhouse. 11. Whatwillthewomandorightnow?A. GiveMiaacall. B. Goonvacation. C. Buyanewhouse. 12. Howmuchdidthewomanpaywhenshefirstrentedahouse

    6、?A. 400yuanamonth. B. 600yuanamonth. C. 800yuanamonth. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Whatdidthewomandolastnight?A. Shewenttoaconcert. B. ShesawaChristmasplay. C. Shewatchedabasketballgame. 14. HowisMaryrelatedtothewomanprobably?A. Hersister. B. Herteacher. C. Herclassmate. 15. Whydidthewomansmotherleavehomeb

    7、efore9:00p. m. ?A. Togiveeveningclasses. B. Tolookafterthesickkids. C. Topracticeforherconcert. 16. Whatisthemansdream?A. Tobeateacher. B. Tobeaviolinist. C. Tobeabasketballplayer. 听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。17. Whoismakingtheannouncement?A. Thecitygovernment. B. CampusSecurity. C. Themarathonorganizer. 18.

    8、 Whendoestheracestart?A. At8:00a. m. B. At9:00a. m. C. At9:30a. m. 19. Whatdoesthespeakeraskthelistenerstodo?A. Helpcontrolthetraffic. B. Cheeronthecompetitors. C. Finishtheiraffairsearlier. 20. Why shouldpeoplegetamap?A. Tofindtheclosestparkinglots. B. Tofindout whichshopsandbanksareopen. C. Tofigu

    9、reoutwheretheremightbetrafficproblems. 第二部分 阅读理解(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节, 满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AWelcometoInspire21! Ouraimistoprovide”Inspiringwordsforthe21stcentury”. So, hereweofferaunique collection of inspiring short stories, motivationalshortstor

    10、ies, andhumorousshortstoriesforyou to read and share. If you do care to share, click the “SHARE”button in the bottom left corner of each page. And thanks for telling others about Inspire 21. The inspiring stories that are labeled(标记)“TRUE”are done so to the best of our knowledge, but we do not have

    11、full proof in some cases. However, all of these stories and messages are provided because of their uplifting content, whether true or not. Many books weve read and movies weve watched were totally untrue, but we enjoyed the inspiration they gave usespecially if they had a happy ending. So, please re

    12、ad and share these stories at your own discretion(判断力). Thank you for your understanding!Also, many of the inspiring stories used here are used with permission from the author. However, we cannot grant(授予) permission to reuse any of these inspirational stories, as the majority of them are not ours.

    13、Lastly, many inspiring stories(emailed to us or we came across online )are listed as “Author Unknown” If you happen to know the authors name, to whom credit should be given, please contact us with that information so we can keep our inspiring story collection accurate. Thank you again! !21. What doe

    14、s Inspire 21do?A. It encourages people to use inspiring words. B. It offers books and movies with a happy ending. C. It collects both true stories and untrue messages. D. It provides short stories for people to read and share. 22. Which of the following words has the closest meaning to“inspiring”?A.

    15、 Uplifting. B. Unique. C. Accurate. D. Humorous. 23. What are the readers expected to do in the last paragraph?A. Reuse inspiring stories. B. Write more true stories. C. Help to give credit to unknown authors. D. Keep the inspiring stories more accurate. BEighteen years ago, Terry Grahl, was pregnan

    16、t with her fourth child. “Money was very tight,” Terry recalls. So when her mom called to ask if shed like to go shopping at the local fabric(布料) store for the coming Christmas, she couldnt say no because she knew she badly needed some fabrics to make new clothes for her children. “I remember walkin

    17、g around, gazing at all this beautiful fabric, wondering whether there is anything cheap that I could afford. And I could still get some money left to buy Christmas gifts for my family. Well, Terrys mom must have known what Terry was thinking. Smiling kindly, she whispered to Terry, “You pick any fa

    18、brics you like. Its your Christmas gift from me.” Terrys eyes were filed with tears as the cart began to overflow with many fabrics, but not because Terry was planning on making herself a pretty dress or a pair of curtains for the kitchen. Rather, Terrys moms kindness had inspired some holiday gift

    19、ideas in Terry, and it didnt take long for Terry to figure out what she was going to do with all that fabric. “I was going to make my first quilt,” she explains. “Every night I would work on this queen-size quilt. With every stitch(一针), I thought about all that my mom had done for me over the course

    20、 of my childhood, during which we were always battling homelessness, but Mom somehow managed to fill our lives with love and make everything okay.”On Christmas Day, five days after her baby girl was born, Terry handed her mom a gift box. Inside was the quilt she had sewn, from the fabric her mother

    21、had given her as a gift.24. What do we know about Terry eighteen years ago?A. Terry made a living by making clothes. B. Terry had a bad relationship with her mom. C. Terry and her family lived a hard life at that time. D. Terry often went shopping at the local fabric store. 25. Which of the followin

    22、g words best describes Terrys mom?A. Strict. B. Critical. C. Faithful. D. Considerate. 26. What made Terry change her idea about Christmas gifts?A. The value of the fabric. B. The responsibility for her family. C. The memory of her childhood. D. The endless love from her mother. 27. W hat is the bes

    23、t title for the text?A. A Christmas DayB. The First QuiltC. Colorful FabricsD. Hard ChildhoodCHave you ever noticed how Americans fill up their entire glass with ice and then pour their beverage(饮品) in, but Europeans take their drinks at room temperature? In the U. S., weve created fridges that give

    24、 you cold ice at the press of a button, but in Britain they typically serve their tap water warm. This traditionif thats what you want to call it-dates back to the 19th century. During that time, it was already commonplace for most American homes to have an ice box. Ice would be harvested in norther

    25、n America or Canada and shipped across the Atlantic and sold at a high price in British department stores. Can you imagine heading to Macys to treat yourself to a block of ice?Putting ice in your drink started to become somewhat of a fashion(时尚) trend for the wealthy in Britain. Some would put a few

    26、 cubes in their champagne and sip on their chilled drinks at high-class parties. But, like with any fashion trend, it eventually faded, mainly because the ice was just too expensive. And even once ice boxes began appearing in homes in Britain as well, Brits never took a liking to ice in their drinks

    27、. So, next time you travel overseas, dont feel offended(冒犯) when your server gives you an eye roll when you ask for ice water. 28. Who has written the text?A. A European. B. An American. C. A Canadian. D. An Asian. 29. Why do Europeans take their drinks at room temperature?A. Because they have no fr

    28、idges. B. Because they have warm taps. C. Because they are accustomed to it. D. Because they cant afford ice. 30. What can we infer about Brits?A. They treat their guests to cold drinks. B. They always follow what Americans do. C. They dont know where to get ice blocks. D. They have ice boxes later

    29、than Americans. 31. What does the text mainly talk about?A. Why Americans like icy drinks while Europeans dont. B. When people overseas have icy drinks with their meals. C. Where people can entertain themselves with icy drinks. D. How Europeans and Americans make different beverage. DWhen it comes t

    30、o mental illness, many people often find it tough to get the help they need. This is especially true for young students making the transition(过渡) to college life. “Sometimes, students dont realize how hard it is to adjust to college,” said Laura Smith, associate dean of students at the University of

    31、 Texas at Dallas. “Youre not the big fish in your classes anymore; you have all kinds of personal stress; youre away from home. Dealing with these things is not easy.”Students who are going through these problems sometimes want to reach out. But if students dont feel comfortable seeking help, many feel that it


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