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    1、U078大学英语unti+10+课文翻译及课后练习答案Translation 课文译文 健康的秘诀1 锻炼身体,饮食适当,不吸烟。这些是给希望保持健康的人的一些最常见的忠告。然而越来越多的科学研究表明保持健康还有一个同等重要的方面,即心境平和。2 试想一下,当你在医生办公室外面等待进去看病时你的心跳有多快,严重的头疼又会使你多么的难受。身心之间的联系是双向的。一方受到干扰时,另一方能够感受到。信息交流网的核心部分是一种叫做神经传递素的大脑化学物质,这种物质不仅在大脑内传递信息,还能在体内传递信息。免疫系统是主要的感受器,是一个由细胞和器官所组成的、能抵御病毒与细菌进攻的网络。当你兴奋、恐惧或者

    2、放松时,免疫系统会增加或减少抵抗疾病的细胞的生成,从而帮助或阻碍你抵抗疾病,如流感,甚至癌症。3 迄今为止有关紧张会使免疫系统受到影响,已有大量的文献记载。例如,在一项涉及新婚夫妇的研究中,在关于婚姻问题的30分钟讨论中,那些有对立举止的人,在该讨论后24小时内比那些举止比较积极的人的免疫功能要差。破坏免疫功能的不仅仅是紧张。一名研究人员认为:如果两个不同的人从鼻子吸进同一种感冒病毒,抑郁、焦虑或者是悲观的那个人得感冒的可能性会更大。4 心情紧张以及与其相关的情感会导致健康状况不佳,这是怎么回事呢?那是因为这些情感会引起一些物质的产生,这些物质会破坏或削弱我们的免疫细胞。消极的情感还会减少我们

    3、体内抵抗疾病的免疫传递素的生成量。5 假如紧张、忧郁、生气及其他消极情感会使你更容易得病,那么相反的情况是否成立呢?假如你快乐些、不那么紧张,或者更乐观一些,你的免疫力是否就会更强些、健康状况就更好些呢?专家们的看法是肯定的。有研究表明采用某些减少压力、改进人生观的身心疗法,癌症病人能延长寿命。但是癌症病人并非惟一受益者。某些身心疗法能使我们所有人受益。6 研究发现,那些有慢性疼痛病的人采用了放松疗法和其他行为疗法控制不适后,他们看病的次数减少了36%。放松是通过有节奏的深呼吸、肌肉松弛、心率减缓,从而使身体更健康。当某些紧张感从体内去除后,压力也随之从整个系统消除了。放松能降低血压、减缓心率

    4、、呼吸变慢,使人倍感康乐。这一点很重要,因为要是人的身体始终处于紧张状态,它最终会垮掉的。7 有几十种身心疗法可供你选择。关键是要找一种能使你感到很自在的疗法,并定期进行。在研究人员看来,把那些消极的、令人不快的事就写写下来也可以增强你的实际免疫力。科学家对这样做为什么会有用,还没完全搞清楚,但是他们知道个人写的过程就能帮助自己将事件理一理,这会使他们更好地了解自己的处境。通过写能使你明白这种紧张的经历是怎么一回事,你就不会(像不这样做)那样去想或担忧了。而当你不那么紧张了,你的免疫功能也就增强了。至于写多少、写多久,这要取决于那件事给你带来的紧张程度。有一位医生建议人们一直写到不愿写了为止,

    5、然后读一遍自己所写的东西,这会使你对所写的事情心里更清楚。与朋友谈论自己经受的压力同样能起到积极的作用。8 一次次的研究表明那些受人关心、能得到家庭、朋友及同事的帮助,有良好关爱机制的人,健康状况比较好。研究人员认为,从他人所得到的理解能够减少紧张,从而有利于免疫系统。一位心理学家说道:“当有人爱你、关心你,同你分担问题和情感时,你会感到你不是孤身一人在与困难和环境斗争。” 另一项有趣的研究表明,你的社交面越广越好,而且那些有很多不同社会关系的人比那些社会关系少的人得感冒的危机要小。9 还有一些别的快捷有效的身心放松疗法。有一种叫做“腹部呼吸法”。在一个安静的房间里坐在一张舒适的椅子上,闭上眼

    6、睛,用鼻子呼吸,让腹部充满空气,然后将气慢慢地从嘴里呼出。另一种疗法叫做“留神法”。慢慢地散步,时时刻刻注意正在发生的一切你是否感到有风扑面吹来,有只小虫在你身边飞舞,或者听到小鸟在鸣唱。即使你还在思考那些问题,你也会比原先镇静些,使问题离你远一些。假如你在家里,你可以跳舞。播放一些快节奏的音乐,关上门,让自己纵情地跳。跳舞能给你活力,仅这一点就能使你感觉好一些。10 不管哪些身心疗法对你最有效,千万不能依赖它们,不能一味地依赖它们以保持身心健康。正如体育锻炼、良好的营养、适当的医疗保健一样,诸如放松之类的疗法都只能是保持身体健康良方的一部分。不过,他们却是一个重要的组成部分。Translat

    7、ion 课文译文 怒火伤身1 2000多年来,世界上的主要宗教都在教诲人们信任之心的美德。现在又有一条理由让人们去注意这一人类恒久的智慧:科学证据表明具有信任之心的人活得更长,更健康。2 两位研究心脏病学的先驱迈耶弗里德曼和雷H罗森曼在美国发表了他们的研究结果后,几乎每个美国人都知道A型行为者没有耐心,容易激发敌意,容易生气。许多人逐渐认识到A型行为者发作心脏病和死于冠心病的危险性比别人更大。3 正当人们要将A型行为归入到诸如吸烟、高胆固醇、高血压、缺乏体育锻炼等诱发心脏疾病的因素中去时,又有研究报告发表,显示有关A型行为的说法并非如此简单。4 新的研究并未发现所有A型行为者都会增加心脏病发作

    8、的危险。然而,最近的研究正在澄清和增进我们对该问题的了解。有利的方面是,并非A型行为的方方面面都同样有害。新近的研究表明,匆忙行事只有当它促使敌意加剧时,才是有害的。5 不利的方面:敌意和生气会是致命的。它们不仅增加患冠心病的可能性,而且也增加患其他致命疾病的风险。假如你内心易怀敌意,你应该学会少生气,这很重要。6 强烈影响人们产生敌意的幕后原因是一种对他人的怀疑与不信任。如果我们预料其他人会不善待我们,我们往往会觉得确实如此。这会使我们生气,会使我们以牙还牙。7 愤世嫉俗者最有特点的态度是怀疑陌生人的动机。假设你在等电梯,而电梯在你上方高两层的位置停留的时间比平时长。真不替他人着想!你会这样

    9、想。他们若想聊天,为什么不走到电梯外面,好不耽误别人该去哪儿去哪儿?你无法知道是什么造成的耽搁。然而,在几秒钟里,你已经对看不见的人以及他们的动机做出了充满敌意的结论。8 同时,你对他人的怀疑与不信任正激发肾上腺素和其他紧张激素的大量释放,并产生了明显的生理反应。你说话的声调变高,呼吸节奏和深度增加,心跳更快、更强烈,手脚肌肉僵硬。你感到憋着一股劲,随时准备采取行动。9 如果你经常有这样的感觉,你的愤怒商就太高了,你产生严重的健康问题的风险也许会增加。久而久之,生气时释放的荷尔蒙所产生的后果会增加得冠心病和其他疾病的风险。10 不幸的是,随着时间的推移,怀有敌意之心的人就更容易生气。你是否经常

    10、在刚遇到的人面前表达你内心的不快。这种表达(内心不快)的口气有不同,由温和(“我觉得你不能走这条快捷付款通道,因为你购物筐里的东西太多了。”),到不太温和(“喂,那么多东西,不能走这条通道!”)。11 要判断你在某种场合下的行为是敌意的,第一个迹象可以从你对“我这样做的目的是什麽?”这个问题的回答中得到。如果你是因他人的所作所为而要惩罚他,那么你确实如所指责的那样,是有敌意。12 是否有可能减少你的敌对情绪,对他人多一点信任感呢?心脏病学家迈耶弗里德曼的研究小组所做的预防心力衰竭的研究结果令人鼓舞。他和他的同事招募了1013位心脏病患者(这些患者几乎都是A型行为者)参与他们的研究。心脏病学家对

    11、自愿参加实验的人中的一组给予饮食和锻炼方面的建议。另一组人除了得到同样的建议外,还增加一项内容,就是减少他们的A型行为。13 四年半以后的评估显示在有关心脏病方面及举止上同时得到建议的人其有危害性的A型行为大大降低,而对照组的人也有所降低,但极为有限。14 更为重要的是,那些在行为上得到矫正的人死亡率和心脏病发病率降低了45。那么,由此可以推断,少生气应该有利于防止心脏病的初发。课内阅读练习答案PART 1 Preparation1. Who is who?Man 1: Picture C Man 2: Picture A Man 3: Picture B2. Sharing Your Exp

    12、erienceSample The great stress I had during my first term in college was academic stress. I had been one of the top students since my primary school days. I got all the praise I desired. But after entering college, I somehow felt I was losing my advantage in study. What came as a first blow was the

    13、low score I got in the English placement test. I scored only 70 out of a total of 100, so I was placed in Band 2. With about 40 percent of the freshmen placed in Band 3, I felt greatly disappointed, and I didnt want to go to English classes. I skipped the first two classes, then my classmate told me

    14、 that I would not be able to take the final if I skipped more than one third of the classes, which would mean a total failure in this course. I could do nothing but go to the English classes. Thanks to the English teachers encouraging words and teaching style, I gradually found myself more and more

    15、involved in the class activities and I regained my confidence. Now Im not only catching up but also trying to surpass most of my classmates The greatest stress I feel after entering the college is emotional. I was very excited during the first few days of college life, but that didnt last long. When

    16、 classes began, I was thrown into a huge mess and I was at a loss. With over 10 courses, some of which rather new and difficult for me, and lots of other things to attend to, I found myself in a maze from which I could not find the way out. I was frustrated and for a week or so, I avoided calling my

    17、 parents since I did not want to make them worry about me. I tried to find someone to share my feelings, but everybody seemed busy with their own things and had no time for me. My father called me one night and, hearing my father!s voice, I couldnt hold back my tears any longer. We talked for nearly

    18、 two hours and I felt much better after the telephone conversation. Things began to pick up after that.3. Mental AttitudesSamples: The circumstances were the same. Salesman B, with a better attitude and an eye for the bright side of a picture, found a niche market while A could not. Salesman B held

    19、a positive attitude toward the world and he therefore saw the opportunity and hope. Salesman A failed to find the market because he held a negative attitude toward the world. It was the same island, where lived the same group of bare-footed people. Both salesmen worked for the same company and knew

    20、what their director desired to do, but they came to completely different conclusions about the business situation there. This is really an excellent example of the Chinese old saying “The kind see kindness and the wise see wisdom (仁者见仁,智者见智).” Here their mental attitudes are the key to their differe

    21、nt reactions. Very often we complain about external conditions and environment when we face difficulties. Instead, we should first examine and see whats wrong with ourselves according to this story.Additional activityOn the StageWork in groups to organize a mime ( ) in which only body language and g

    22、estures are used to convey a particular emotion. For each performance, the other students are asked to guess the emotion expressed.Samples:One can express ones anger by:pulling a long face;stomping on the ground;getting red in the face;shouting or yelling;being ready to attack;clenching ones fist;gn

    23、ashing ones teeth.One can express ones anxiety by: remaining silent; strolling here and there; patting ones head.One can express ones sadness by: crying or weeping; being motionless; putting on an expressionless face; facing the sky.One can express ones hopelessness by: shaking ones head; shrugging

    24、ones shoulders.One can express ones nervousness by: scratching ones head; pacing/walking up and down; murmuring to oneself.Part Two Reading-Centered ActivitiesIn-Class ReadingPre-ReadingSample: Good health has come to mean more than simply the absence of illness. Good health also means mental alertn

    25、ess and muscularity. One who has good health is intelligent, strong, energetic, quick-minded, and full of vigor. There are many factors contributing to good health. First of all, one shouldnt smoke and shouldnt drink excessively. Second, one should have a healthy diet and avoid eating and drinking t

    26、oo much at one time. One should eat breakfast every day and eat very little between meals. Third, exercise is extremely important for good health. If one takes exercise regularly, good health wont be too far away. Fourth, enough sleep is also very important. One should sleep seven to eight hours a d

    27、ay. Lack of sleep will dull ones mind and ones body will eventually give out. Finally, one should get regular medical care. Regular check-ups are necessary.Post-ReadingReading Comprehension1.1.Introduction (Para.1)Peace of mind is an important aspect to staying healthy apart from exercise and nutrit

    28、ion.2.A two-way connection between mind and body. (Para.2-6)A. The relationship between negative emotions and health: Negative emotions can encourage poor health.i. Supporting evidence: The study involving newlywed couples.ii. Reasons: Negative emotions can cause the production of substances that da

    29、mage or weaken our immune cells and can cause our bodies to produce fewer immune-transmitters.B. The relationship between positive emotions and health: Positive emotions can be valuable in fighting diseases.i. Supporting evidence: Cancer patients can live longer by employing certain mind-body techni

    30、ques; patients with chronic pain visited their doctors less frequently by using relaxation therapies and other behavioral techniques to manage discomfort.ii. Reasons: Relaxation decreases blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration and increase ones sense of well-being.3.Mind-body techniques (Para.7

    31、-9)A. Writing about negative, unpleasant events; B. Talking about a stressful experience with a friend;C. Asking for support from family, friends, co-workers, etc.;D. Belly breathing;E. Taking a slow walk;F. Dancing.4.Conclusion (Para.10)To keep healthy, you must combine mind-body techniques with ot

    32、her methods like exercise, good nutrition and proper medical care.2. Understanding Specific Information 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) T 5) F 6) T 7) T 8) T 3. Samples1) I dont think it is possible to have a healthy body and an unhealthy mind. As we have learned from the passage, there is a two-way communication between the mind and the body. When one is bothered, the other feels it. If one has an unhealthy mind, negative emotions will gradu


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