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    1、中考题型特训之完形填空专练一有答案2020年中考题型专项复习之完型填空专练(一)完型填空(一)Sometimes we have a fight with a friend.Many times, you find that you even forgot what the _was about.You just seem to be angry, and then _ talking to each other.Time goes by and you realize that you _the friendship, and wish you could talk to your frie

    2、nd again.Leave the argument(争论) alone, and avoid _. If you talk right after the fight, many things are said out of anger(愤怒)However,do not wait too _ .Too long time may make the relationship more difficult to make up.So _ the fight calms down,make sure you talk to the person before its too late.Afte

    3、r you do that, sit down and say youre _ if you are the one who caused the fight. Maybe your friend could be at fault (过错)! If youre not sure,review the events that led up to the fight.If your _ is wrong, dont apologize (道歉)You probably didnt do anything wrong! So give your friend the _ shoulder.Wait

    4、 until they say they are sorry! And if they dont apologize, theyre not worth (值得) _! You can spend the time with other friends.1A.meeting BstoryCfight Dadvice2A.stop BbeginCprefer Dlike3A.have BhateCmiss Dbuild4A.talking BplayingClistening Dstudying5A.short BlongCearly Dfar6A.before BuntilCwhile Daf

    5、ter7A.right Bhappy Csorry Dexcited8A.friend BteacherCsister Dbrother9A.warm Bhot Ccool Dcold10A.money Btime Canger Dstress完型填空(二)Long long ago, there was a beautiful little girl. She was _ because she had no family and no home. She only had her clothes and some bread. But she was very kind.A man ask

    6、ed her_ she had something to eat. She gave him her _A child cried and told her that his _ was very cold. So she gave him her hat.Then, she met a child with no coat. She gave him her coat.One day, in the cold_ forest, she met another child who _ her dress. The little girl thought that it was dark and

    7、 _could see her, so she gave her dress away. At last, she had almost nothing: no family, nowhere to live, nothing to eat and little to wear. _, stars fell from the sky. These stars became beautiful pieces of money. With the money, she _ a new dress and a coat.The little girl was rich for the _ of he

    8、r life and she still helped the people in need with her money.1A. alone B. kind C. poor2A. where B. if C. when3A. clothes B. home C. bread4. A. neck B. back C. head5. A. noisy B. dark C. bright6A. asked for B. took off C. gave away7A. someone B. nobody C. anybody8A. Suddenly B. Certainly C. Recently

    9、9A. chose B. borrowed C. bought10A. end B. beginning C. rest完型填空(三)“The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence. ” Thats an old in English. It means other places often look better, more interesting than the place you live. Some people worry young Chinese are beginning to feel that way. Th

    10、ey see young Chinese ignoring Chinese culture and, instead, Japanese cartoon books, watching Korean soap operas and even celebrating Western holidays. Foreign books and soap operas are good, Chinese writers and actors are just as good. As for holidays, Christmas is nice, but it can have the meaning

    11、for Chinese that the Spring Festival has, and the West has nothing to compare with the MidAutumn Festival. And lets not forget the part of Chinese culture I like best: friendliness. Not all countries are as as China. Its good to enjoy other cultures and to learn them, but they cannot replace your ow

    12、n culture. Its good to look on the other side of the fence, but you take a good long look. You will find that the grass isnt always greener on the other side of the fence. 1. A. saying B. words C. voice D. talk2. A. why B. when C. where D. how3. A. if B. that C. what D. whether4. A. buy B. refusing

    13、C. refused D. buying5. A. but B. so C. or D. because6. A. always B. ever C. still D. never7. A. it B. they C. its D. their8. A. warmer B. warm C. cold D. colder9. A. from B. with C. to D. over10. A. make up B. make sureC. make up of D. be sure to完型填空(四)How much do you know about manners? Different c

    14、ountries have _ manners. In some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your shoes before you go into a house. _ in European countries, even if they sometimes become very dirty, this kind of behavior is not done. If you are a _ in a Chinese house, when you have a meal, you usually do not _

    15、the food. You often leave a little to show that you have had enough. But in England, a visitor always finishes food to show that he has _it. We must know the customs of other _ so that they will not think us badmannered. People all over the world _ that a wellmannered person should be kind and _ to

    16、others. If you remember this,at least you will not go very far wrong. _ likes a person with good manners, but no one likes a person _ bad manners. Keep your manners.1. A. same B. different C. some D. interesting2. A. And B. So C. But D. Or3. A. stranger B. traveler C. visitor D. foreigner4. A. need

    17、B. finish C. choose D. have 5. A. finished B. enjoyed C. taken D. drunk6. A. countries B. villages C. cities D. places7. A. find B. know C. guess D. agree8. A. careful B. helpful C. hardworking D. healthy9. A. Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody D. Everybody10. A. with B. had C. knows D. is完型填空(五)Around t

    18、he world, people have different ideas about what good manners are. When you go to restaurants in different parts of the world, its to know the right and wrong things to do. For example, in China its OK to a lot of noise in a restaurant. In fact, if a restaurant isnt noisy or ,you may think there is

    19、something wrong with it. However, in many Western countries, restaurants are places. If a table is too loud, other people who are eating there might even to the owner of the restaurant. Paying the bill is also different from country to country. In China, one person usually pays for . In Western coun

    20、tries, one person pays if he or she is entertaining guests(宴请宾客),but when friends eat together, they usually share the cost. This is called “going Dutch(均摊费用)”. Also, when westerners pay the , they usually leave some money for the . This is called “leaving a tip”. Leaving a tip is thought to be poli

    21、te. In the U. S., its to leave tips of 10%,15%,or 20%of the bill, which is decided by how good the service is. Good waiters can make a lot of money!The food people eat is different in the world, but you can find the same kind of food in many countries. Chinese and Italian food, for example, are all

    22、over the world. 1. A. popular B. difficult C. important D. enjoyable2. A. cause B. keep C. stop D. make3. A. lively B. dangerous C. lucky D. polite4. A. noisy B. quiet C. busy D. clean5. A. shout B. explain C. complain D. ask6. A. everybody B. nobody C. somebody D. none7. A. bill B. book C. visitor

    23、D. student8. A. gatekeeper B. seller C. waiter D. visitor9. A. terrible B. common C. serious D. unusual10. A. different B. popular C. expensive D. cheap完型填空(六)When you are making new friends, there should be three parts in the conversation you will start with your new friend. The first is the . In t

    24、his part, you and your new friend will greet each other and each other your names. The second part is the . Sometimes you probably talk about matters, but sometimes you may talk about serious problems, such as business. No matter what kind of topic you choose, be a good who can really understand the

    25、 new friends mind by listening to his or her words. Then give your response his or her words. When you communicate with your new friend, it is not necessary to give exact about your family, your address, any matter that is private. The third part of the conversation is the ending. In this part, you

    26、tell your new friend that you are to talk with him or her and that you have to the conversation.1. A. greeting B. seeing C. going D. doing2. A. talk B. speak C. tell D. say3. A. culture B. language C. matter D. topic4. A. easy B. hard C. safe D. fool5. A. dancer B. speaker C. leader D. listener6. A.

    27、 according to B. different fromC. together with D. instead of7. A. advice B. service C. information D. work8. A. as B. but C. unless D. or9. A. careful B. happy C. patient D. sleepy10. A. leave B. start C. change D. end 完型填空(七)Do you believe that we can have an important influence on anyone we meet?

    28、 The right words at just the right time could _someones life.When I was 3 years old, my parents discovered I was _. After asking many doctors and parents of other deaf children, they decided not to put me in a special school. Although I seemed outgoing, my self-esteem(自尊心) was quite low. On my first

    29、 day at school, the other kids _me because of my hearing aid and the way I talked. I was hurt deeply and I saw myself as a(n) _ kid.Mrs. Green, my _, changed all of that with a single threeword phrase. One morning, she asked the class a question. Sitting at my desk silently, I _her lips(嘴唇) and rais

    30、ed my hand right away. She called on me in front of the blackboard. I took a deep breath and _ answered Mrs. Greens question.I will _forget what happened next. Mrs. Green pointed directly at me. With sparkling(闪光的) eyes and a big smile, she cried: “Thats right, Ben!”For the first time in my young li

    31、fe, my confidence (自信) rose. At that moment, I decided that no matter how many _ I may face, I can overcome (克服) them. Thanks to those three _ words, my whole life changed from that moment.1. A. end B. change C. lose2. A. blind B. deaf C. fat3. A. made fun of B. took care of C. made friends with4. A. ugly B. smart C. handsome5. A


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