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    义务教育教科书 英语 三年级上册.docx

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    义务教育教科书 英语 三年级上册.docx

    1、义务教育教科书 英语 三年级上册义务教育教科书英语三年级(上册)Unit One Hello!-Hello! Im Zoom. -Hi! My names Zip.-Hello! Im Mike. -Hi, Im Wu Yifan.-Hello, Im Chen Jie. Whats your name? -My names Sarah.-Goodbye! -Bye, Miss White!Lets talk.-Hello, Im Miss White.-Hello, Im Wu Yifan.-Hi, Im Sarah.Lets play.-Hello, Im Liu Xin. -Hi, Im

    2、 John.Lets learn.ruler/eraser/pencil/crayonI have a ruler.I have an eraser.Lets chant.I have a ruler. Me too!I have a pencil. Me too!I have a crayon. Me too!I have an eraser. Me too!Lets sing.ABC songAa-Bb-Cc-Dd-Ee-Ff-Gg,Hh-Ii-Jj-Kk-Ll-Mm-Nn,Oo-Pp-Qq,Rr-Ss-Tt,Uu-Vv-Ww-Xx-Yy-Zz.Xx-Yy-Zz,now you see,

    3、I can say my ABCs.Lets find out.Lets talk.-Hello, Im Mike. Whats your name?-My names John.-Goodbye!-Bye, Miss White.Lets play.-Whats your name?-My names Lily.Lets learn.bag/pen/pencil box/book-Zoom! Your bag!-Oh, no!Lets do.Open your pencil box./Show me your pen./Close your book./Carry your bag.Star

    4、t to read.Circle the same letters.1. a c a o e a 2. b j d q g b 3. H N A H Z H 4. Q D O Q C PRead and count.ruler/pen/ruler/book/crayon/eraser/book/pencil/bag/pencilbox/ruler/crayon/pen/eraser/bagpen 2 , pencil _ , pencil box _ , bag _ , book _ , crayon _ , ruler _ , eraser _ .Lets check.Listen and

    5、number.Look and match.pencil box/eraser/pencil/bag/pen/ruler/crayon/book.Lets sing.Hello!Hello, Sarah! Do, oh, do. Hello, John! Do, oh, do.Hello, Mike! Do, oh, do. Hello! Hello! Hello!Story time.1. -Hello!2. -Hi! Whos there? -Guess!3. -Are you Tutu? -No!4. -Haha! Im Zip. Hi, Zip! My names Zoom.5. -L

    6、ets play! Ok? -Great!Unit Two Colours-Lets paint! -Ok!-Good afternoon, Yifan. -Good afternoon.-Dad, this is Mr. Jones. -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too.Lets talk.-Mr. Jones, this is Miss Green. -Good morning, Miss Green.-Good morning.Draw and say.-This is Miss Green.-This is Mr. Jones.Lets

    7、learn.red/yellow/green/blue.I see green.I see red.Lets do.Show me green.Show me red.Show me blue.Show me yellow.Letters and sounds.Listen, repeat and chant.Aa, ant, apple; Bb, book, bag; Cc, crayon, cat; Dd, dog, duck.Listen and circle.dog/cat/brown/crayon/duckWrite and say.Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd.Lets talk.

    8、-Hi, Mum. This is Wu Yifan. -Good afternoon, Wu Yifan.-Good afternoon. Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you, too.Lets play.-Good afternoon, Chen Jie. This is Zoom.-Hello, Zoom! This is Zip. Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you, too.Lets learn.black/white/orange/brown-Colour it brown! -Ok!Lets do.Black,b

    9、lack. Stand up.Orange, orange. Sit down.White, white. Touch the ground.Brown, brown. Turn around.Start to read.Find and say.I see C,a,DRead and tick().red/green/brown/yellow/blue/black.Lets check.Listen and tick() or cross().Match and colour.Lets sing.Colour songRed and yellow and pink and green,Pur

    10、ple and orange and blue.I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow now.Story time.1. Good morning, Zoom. Good morning, Zip. How are you? Fine, thank you.2. Wow! Flowers!3. 4. A red flower. A yellow flower. A blue flower5. Zip, look!6. Zoom, look!Unit Three Look at me!-Lets play! -Ok.-How ar

    11、e you?-Im fine, thank you.-How are you?-Very well, thanks.-Look at my nose!Lets talk.-Good morning.-Good morning.-How are you?-Im fine, thank you. Lets go to school!-Ok!Lets play.-Hello! Hello!-How are you?Lets learn.face/ear/eye/nose/mouthLook at me! This is my face.Lets do.Close your eyes.Open you

    12、r mouth.Touch your nose.Touch your ear.Touch your face.Letters and sounds.Listen, repeat and chant.Ee, egg, elephant;Ff, face, foot;Gg, green, gift;Hh, hand, hi;Ii, ice, ice cream.Listen and circle.green/hand/foot/egg/ice cream.Write and say.Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh, Ii.Lets talk.-Hi, Mike! How are you?-Very

    13、well, thanks.-Lets make a puppet!-Great!Lets play.-Hi, John! How are you?-Im fine, thank you. Hi, Chen Jie! How are you?-Im fine. Hi, Mike! How are you?-Very well, thanks.Lets learn.arm/hand/head/body/leg/foot.-This is the arm. -This is the leg.Lets do.Clap your hands.Touch your head.Wave your arms.

    14、Shake your legs.Shake your body.Stamp your foot.Start to read.Find and say.I see E, iRead and count.body/hand/nose/ear/mouth/leg/nose/leg/hand/mouth/body/ear/foot/arm/eye/mouth/bodyarm 1 ; ear _ ; hand _ ; mouth _ ; nose _ ; leg _ ; eye _ ; body _ ; foot _ .Lets check.Listen and number.Look and matc

    15、h.foot/head/leg/ear/eye/body/arm/mouth/hand/nose.Lets sing.Head and shoulders, knees and toesHead and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.Story time.1. -Lets m

    16、ake a puppet.-Good idea.2. -First, make the head.3. -Then, make the body.4. -Look! An arm and a leg.5. -Lets play with the puppet.6. -Goodbye!Recycle 1Read aloud.1. -Morning!2. -Good morning. Im Chen Jie. This is Sarah.3. -My names Zip. -Im Zoom. -White hands? - Brown arms?4. -Hello! -Look! Zoom and

    17、 Zip!5. -Hey! -Bye!Listen and colour.Look and tick().I see 1. a yellow body; a red body.2. blue arms; brown arms.3. a red mouth; a white mouth.4. orange eyes; black eyes.Go up the ladders. Go down the snakes.Match, write and read aloud.Sing a song.How are you?Hello, Mike. Hello, Chen Jie. Hello, hel

    18、lo! How are you?This is Mary. This is Willy. Nice to meet you. How are you?Im fine. Im fine. Thank you, thank you very much.Im fine. Im fine. Thank you, thank you very much.Unit Four We love animals.-Look, a panda!-Look, Zoom!-Whats that?-Its an elephant.-Cool! I like it.-Whats this?-Its a bear.Lets

    19、 talk.-Whats this?-Its a duck.-Whats this?-Its a dog.-Whats this?-Oh, no! Its a bear!-Oh, its Zoom!Lets play.-Whats this?-Its a duck.-Whats this?-Its a dog.Lets learn.pig/bear/cat/duck/dog.Its a duck.Its a dog.Lets chant.Look at the cat. It is fat.Look at the pig. It is big.Look at the dog. Its on t

    20、he log.Look at the duck. Its in the truck.Look at the bear. Its on the pear.Letters and sounds.Listen, repeat and chant.Jj, jeep, jump;Kk, kate, kite;Ll, leg, long;Mm, mum, milk;Nn, nose, noodles.Listen and circle.Jeep/leg/kite/milk/nose.Write and say.Jj; Kk; Ll; Mm; Nn.Lets talk.-Whats that?-A bear

    21、?-No! Its a panda.-Look! A funny dog!-Cool! I like it.Lets play.-Whats that?-Guess!-Its a panda. I like it.-Thanks.Lets learn.zoo/bird/panda/tiger/elephant/monkey.-Whats that?-Its a tiger!Lets do.Act like a bird.Act like an elephant.Act like a tiger.Act like a monkey.Act like a panda.Start to read.F

    22、ind and say.I see K, jRead and count.elephant/dog/pig/cat/bird/cat/dog/elephant/cat/dog/monkeyelephant 2 ; cat _ ; bird _ ; dog _ ; pig _ ; monkey _ .Lets check.Listen and number.Look and match.pig/tiger/bear/dog/elephant/duck/birdLets sing.Old MacDonaldOld MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-E-O.And on tha

    23、t farm he had some ducks, E-I-E-I-O.With a quack quack here and a quack quack there,Here a quack, there a quack, everywhere a quack quack.Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O.Story time.1. -Hello, Pig! Follow me!2. -Hello, Dog! Follow Pig. Follow me!3. -Hello, Duck! Follow Zoom. Follow Pig. Follow me

    24、!4. -Hello, Rabbit! Follow Zoom. Follow Pig. Follow Dog. Follow me.5. -I have a carrot. Follow me!6. -Follow Zip! Follow me!Unit Five Lets eat!-Id like some bread, please.-Here you are.-Can I have some milk?-Here you are.-Thanks.-Youre welcome.-Have some cake.-Thank you.Lets talk.-Id like some juice

    25、, please.-Here you are. Have some bread, too.-Thanks.Lets play.-Id like some bread.-Id like some bread and eggs.-Id like some bread, eggs and juice.Lets learn.juice/egg/milk/bread-Mum, Im hungry!-Have some bread.Lets do.Have some eggs.Have some juice.Eat some bread.Drink some milk.Letters and sounds

    26、.Listen, repeat and chant.Oo, on, orange;Pp, pig, pen;Qq, queen, quiet;Rr, rice, red;Ss, six, Sarah;Tt, tiger, ten.Listen and circle.pen/queen/Sarah/red/tigerWrite and say.Oo, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt.Lets talk.-Can I have some water, please?-Here you are.-Thank you.-Youre welcome.Lets play.-Can I have so

    27、me juice, please?-Here you are.-Have some milk.-Thank you.Lets learn.water/cake/fish/rice-Can I have some water, please?-Here you are.Lets do.Drink some water.Eat some fish.Eat some rice.Cut the cake.Start to read.Find and say.I see R, tRead and count.milk/juice/juice/water/egg/rice/cake/fish/rice/w

    28、ater/fish/cake/bread/fish/cakeegg 1 ; water _ ; cake _ ; rice _ ; juice _ ; fish _ ; bread _ ; milk _ .Lets check.Listen and tick().Look and match.egg/milk/fish/bread/cake/rice/juice/waterLets sing.Lets have a picnic todayLets have some cake today. Lets have some cake today.Lets have some cake today

    29、, on such a lovely day.Lets have some milk today. Lets have some milk today.Lets have some milk today, on such a lovely day.Story time.1. -Id like some fish, please.2. -Here you are.3. -Id like some rice, please.-Sure.4. -Can I have some Coke, please?-Here you are.5. -Can I have some ice cream, plea

    30、se?6. -Here you are.-Oh, no! My fish!Unit Six Happy birthday!-How old are you?-Im six.-1,2-Happy birthday!Lets talk.-This one, please.-Sure. How many plates?-Five.-Ok. Here you are.Count and say.How many?Lets learn.1, 2, 3, 4, 5.Lets chant.Jump! Jump! Jump! One, two, three!Jump! Jump! Jump! Three, two, one!Four and five! Four and five!Jump up high! Jump up hi


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