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    1、新概念英语一课一练1lesson1645Lesson 16一 根据所给的汉语意思写出相应的英语单词。1.黄色的_ 2.黑色的_ 3.红色的_ 4.荷兰的;荷兰人_ 5.灰色的_ 6.这些_7.橘黄色的_ 8.俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人_二写出下列所给英语单词的复数形式1.dress_ 2.book_ 3.coat_ 4.blouse_ 5.tourist_ 6.case_ 7.handbag_ 8.officer_9.passport_ 10.brother_三用冠词a或an填空1.This is _ orange umbrella.2.He has _ black tie.3.My daughter

    2、 is _ air hostess.4.Jack is _ keyboard operator.5.This is _ American car.6.Steven is not _ milkman.四把下列句子翻译成英语1.这些上衣都是绿色的。_2.这些都是你的书吗?_3.我姐姐的手提包是白色的。_4.你的领带都是什么颜色的?_5.你是荷兰人吗?_Lesson 17一 根据所给的汉语意思写出相应的英语单词或短语1.男人_ 2.助手_ 3.办公室_ 4.勤奋的_5.雇员_ 6.推销员_二根据汉语意思补全下列英语单词中所缺的字母1.m_ _ t (遇见) 2.j _ b (工作) 3.y _ _

    3、ng (年轻的) 4.b_ s _ (忙的) 5.l _ z _ (懒的)6.c _ r _ _ t (地毯) 7.sh_ r _ (矮的) 8。c _ l _ _ r (颜色)三完成下列对话1. -_? -They are keyboard operators.2.- _? -Hes our office assistant.3.- _? -She is Swedish.4.- _? -No, they are not sales reps. They are our employees.5.- _? -No, they are very lazy.四把下列句子翻译成英语1.这些姑娘们非常勤

    4、快。_2.吉姆是我们的办公室助理。_3.那个年轻男人是谁?_4.她们是做什么工作的?_5.来见见我们的操作人员。_Lesson 18一 根据所给的汉语意思写出相应的英语单词1.操作员_ 2.机械师_ 3.教师_ 4.护士_5.送牛奶工_ 6.理发师_ 7.家庭妇女_二根据所给首字母及汉语提示写出相应的英语单词。1.My brother is a customs o _ (官员).2.His tie is r_(红色的).3.My sister is a p_(女警察).4.Is your friend a t_(旅游者)?5.Your p_(护照),please.6.That girl is

    5、my d_ (女儿).7.These nurses are very h_(勤奋的).三用括号中所给的名词的适当形式填空。1.They are _ (operator). 2.Where are your _ (ticket)?3.Are these _(policeman) busy? 4.These _ (air hostess) are very hard-working. 5.I have three _ (child).6.I have many _ (watch).四把下列句子翻译成英语1.他是出租车司机吗?_2.玛丽是做什么工作的?_3.那些送奶工很忙。_4.我父亲是一名警察。_

    6、5.这些学生很勤快。_Lesson 19一 根据所给的英语单词或短语写出相应的汉语意思1.tired _ 2.boy _ 3.text _ 4.mother _5.question _ 6.sales rep _二根据汉语意思补齐下列英语单词中所缺的字母1.r _ g _ t (可以) 2.th _ r _ ty (渴) 3.m _ u _ r (事情) 4. ch _ l _ r _ n (孩子们)5. l _ v _ ly (可爱的) 6. f _ n _ (美好的) 7. ice cr _ _ m (冰激淋) 8.pl _ _ se (请)三连词成句1.three, plese, ice

    7、 creams _2.nice, are, hats, these, very _3.are, two, there, policemen _4.is, the, children, what, matter_5.all, now, are, right, you _6.not, is, book, a, there _四把下列句子翻译成英语1.瞧!有个卖冰激淋的。_2.这些帽子真可爱。_3.这些孩子们又累又渴。_4.坐在这儿吧。_5.那儿有一辆红色的小汽车吗?_Lesson 20一 根据汉语意思补齐下列英语单词中所缺的字母1.op _ n (开着的) 2.sh _ _ (鞋子) 3. l _

    8、 ng (长的) 4. h _ _ vy (重的) 5.sh _t (关着的)6.b _ g (大的) 7.l _ g _ t (轻的) 8.sm _ l _ (小的)二根据所给首字母及汉语提示写出相应的英语单词1.Those children are l_(懒的).2.His g_ (外祖母) is American.3. These cases are very h_ (重的).4. The policeman is very t _ (高的).5. My g_ (祖父) is an engineer.6.That ice cream man is very b_ (忙的).三用am, i

    9、s 或 are 填空1. My mother _ very thin. 2. These books _ dirty.3. The students _ hard-working. 4. My bag _ very heavy.5. I _ a tall girl. 6. These pencils _ short. 7.That girl _ very nice.四把下列句子翻译成英语1.那些上衣都旧了。_2. 我的祖母很胖。_3.你的箱子很重吗?_4.那些鞋子很大。_5.你们很热吗?_Lesson 21一 根据所给的汉语意思写出相应的英语单词1. 一个_ 2. 重的_ 3. 哪一个_ 4.

    10、 给_5.事情_ 6. 关着的_ 7.鞋子_ 8.开着的_9. 轻的_ 10.小的_二用one 或 ones 填空1. This is not my book. That _ is mine.2. This red tie isnt Tims. The blue _ is his.3. These short pencils are Mikes. Those long _ are mine.4. The light cases are not mine. The heavy _ are mine.5. Is this green umbrella yours? -No, that black

    11、_ is mine.三连词成句1.want, does, man, which, book, the _2.please, a, me, give, book _3.one, the, mine, red, is _4. shoes, black, are, those, Stevens _5.Tim, the, is, matter, what _四把下列句子翻译成英语1.那件衬衫是你的?_2.灰色的那件上衣是我的。_3.请把我的伞拿给我。_4.哪个人是新来的老师?_5.哪支钢笔是汤姆的啊?_Lesson 22一 根据所给的汉语意思写出相应的英语单词1.茶杯_ 2.刀子_ 3.空的_ 4.钝

    12、的_ 5.满的_ 6.杯子_ 7.盒子_ 8.瓶子_二根据汉语意思补齐下列英语单词中所缺的字母1.sh _ rp (锋利的) 2. l _ rg _ (大的) 3.t _ n (罐头) 4.f _ _ k (叉子) 5.l _ ttl _(小的)6.sp _ _ n (调羹) 7.b _ g (大的) 8.s _ _ ll (小的)三用our, his, her 或 their 填空1.Are these your cups ? -No, they are not. _ cups are clean.2.-Is this Lilys box? -No, its not. _ box is sm

    13、all.3.Are these Limings forks? -No, they are not. _ forks are small.4.-Are these childrens spoons? -No, they are not. _ spoons are new.5.-Is this skirt Helens? -No, it isnt. _ skirt is red.四把下列句子翻译成英语1.请给我一把刀子。_2.哪本书是你的?_3.那个蓝色的茶杯是我的。_4.那个女孩的调羹很小。_5.哪个瓶子是满的?_Lesson 23一 根据所给的汉语意思写出相应的英语单词1.疲乏的_ 2.刀子_

    14、 3.空的_ 4.家庭妇女_5. 锋利的;尖的_ 6.架子_ 7.在之上_二根据所给首字母及汉语提示写出相应的英语单词1. Those are my g_ (杯子).2. Are these bottles f_(满的)?3. Give me a big s_(调羹),please.4. Which d_ (狗) is yours?5. That old cup is very d_ (脏的).6.My books are on the s_ (架子).三用me, you 或 us 填空1.I want a cup. Give _ a clean cup, please.2. Those ar

    15、e our books. Give _ our books, please.3. -I am very tired and thirsty now. -Sit down here. Give _ an ice cream.4. I want a spoon. Give _ a spoon, please.5.Give you this black pen. Give _this red one, too.四把下列句子翻译成英语1.请给我那几把小勺子,埃玛。_2. 把那个空杯子给我。_3.你想要哪些铅笔?_4. 那辆小汽车是你的吗?_5. 那个男人想要哪顶帽子?_Lesson 24一 根据汉语意

    16、思补齐下列英语单词中所缺的字母1.m _ g _ z _ ne (杂志) 2.a _ wsp _ p _ r (报纸) 3.t _ l _ v _ sion (电视机) 4.c _ pb _ _ rd (食橱) 5.pl _ t _ (盘子) 6. t _ bl _ (桌子) 7.st _ t_ _ (立体声唱机)8.b _ d (床) 9.c _ g _ r_ tte (香烟) 10.d _ s _ (课桌)二用him, her 或 them 填空1. This is Toms watch. Give _ his watch., please.2. Emma wants a fork. Gi

    17、ve _ a fork.,please.3. Give Tim this bluse tie. Give _ this red one, too.4. Give the students there books. Give _ these, too.5. This is my sisters handbag. Give _handbag,please.三连词成句1.please, glasses,me, some give _2.umbrellas, are, there, some, the, on, shelf _3.boxes, are, which, his _4. give, new

    18、spapers, me, the , on, stereo, the_5. the, desk, pencil, long, is, on, the _四把下列句子翻译成英语1.把椅子上的大衣给我。_2.给孩子们一些杂志。_3.桌子上的报纸是旧的。_4.把梳妆台上的瓶子给我。_5.电视机上的香烟是我的。_Lesson 25一 根据汉语意思补齐下列英语单词中所缺的字母1.c _ p (杯子) 2. r _ _ m (房间) 3. _ l _ ctr _ c (可通电的) 4. r _ fr _ g _ r tor (电冰箱) 5. k _ tch _ n (厨房) 6.r _ g _ t (右边

    19、) 7. l _ ft (左边) 8. m _ ddl _ (中间) 9 .c _ _ k _ r (炊具) 10. e _ p _ y (空的)二用适当的介词填空1. There is a television _ the room.2. There are some cigarettes _ the television.3. There is a cooker _ the right.4. There is a tabe _ the middle of the room.5. There is a chair _ the kitchen.三完成下列对话1. _? The refriger

    20、atrot is brown.2. _? No, Mrs Smiths room isnt small. It si very big.3. _? No, there are not any cups in the cupboard.4. _? Those blue ones are mine.5. _? No, it isnt. My cup is clean.四把下列句子翻译成英语1.汉斯的房间很小。_2史密斯太太的厨房里有个电灶。_3.冰箱位于左侧。_4.架子上有一些杂志。_5.房间的中央有张桌子。_Lesson 26一 根据汉语意思补齐下列英语单词中所缺的字母1.t _ bl _ (桌子


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