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    1、山东省菏泽市东明一中届高三上学期期中考试英语试第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.1. Where does the conversation take place?A. In a hotel. B. In a clinic. C. In a library.

    2、2. When is the woman able to get her photos?A. Half an hour later. B. One hour later. C. Two hours later.3. Why doesnt the woman buy the necklace?A. Because she doesnt like it.B. Because she thinks it is expensive.C. Because she considers it of low quality.4. What is the man probably?A. A taxi drive

    3、r. B. A policeman. C. A train station worker.5. What does the man suggest?A. Booking a table.B. Meeting around 6:00.C. Meeting inside the restaurant.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,

    4、回答第6、7题。6. What is the mans major?A. Finance.B. Business administration.C. English literature.7. What course did the man like best as a student?A. Project management. B. English literature. C. Computer engineering.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Why didnt the woman go to school yesterday?A. Her throat hurt. B. Sh

    5、e caught a cold. C. Her leg was broken.9. What does the man advise the woman to do at first?A. Have enough rest B. Take another day off. C. Drink plenty of water.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How much does the four-week course cost?A. 1,000. B. 1,100. C. 1,200.11. Which course will the man choose?A. The one

    6、in July. B. The one in August. C. The one in September.12. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Stay with a family.B. Send the college his picture.C. Write to the college with his information. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How does the woman find Hainan Island?A. It deserves visiting.B. It is sunny al

    7、l year around.C. It is cool all year around14. What is the Hainans average temperature in July?A. 6 to 16. B. 16 to 24. C. 25 to 29.15. Which month is among the rainy seasons in Hainan?A. June. B. March. C. December.16. Which is famous for history?A. Yalong Bay National Holiday Resort.B. The Five Of

    8、ficials Memorial Temple.C. Nanshan Cultural and Tourist Zone.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When do people celebrate Ail Saints Day every year?A. On November 1. B. On October 30. C. On October 31.18. Who may like Halloween best?A. Children. B. Women. C. The old.19. Which vegetable is the mark of Halloween?A.

    9、 Tomato. B. Potato. C. Pumpkin.20. What do the adults give to the children?A. Fruit or candy.B. Treat-money or candy.C. Treat money or vegetables.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C.和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhere Is Spring BreakWhere is Spring Break going to be? The options are endle

    10、ss. Do you want to get your blood pumping from thrilling travels? Look no further! These tours and destinations will keep you on your toes all week long.Panama: This underrated destination is a little-known secret of the most travelers! Through this tour youll get to hike, snorkel (浮潜) and explore a

    11、ll the best sights this beautiful country has to offer! Eight days tours for $ 250 / day.Canada: This diverse country is full of options. Explore the East of Canada and visit cities such as Montreal, Quebec or Toronto. If youre feeling adventurous, explore the Western part of the country with a Cana

    12、dian Rockies Tour. During this twelve days tour you will hike a glacier to beautiful scenery and wander through postcard-worthy villages. Tours to Canada for $200 / day.Iceland: Check off one of the seven wonders of the world with a tour of the Northern Lights and Golden Circle. Spend seven days ful

    13、l of adventure like hiking glaciers, snowshoeing through Thingvellir National Park, relaxing in the Geysir Hot Springs and of course experiencing the glory of the Northern Lights! Seven days tours for $ 300 / day.South Africa: Discover the diverse culture and wildlife that makes up South Africa. You

    14、r tour plan includes a journey along the coast known as “Rainbow Nation.” Here you will enjoy beautiful scenery, a hunting travel through Addo Elephant National Park and the wildlife in Tsitsikarnma National Park. Nine days tours for $230 / day.21. What is the common characteristic of the travels me

    15、ntioned in the text?A. Exciting. B. Risky.C. Educational. D. Environmental.22. According to the text, Panama is a destination which .A. is not as famous as the other threeB. you can go to for enjoying surfing C. offers an option to hike in the park D. takes the most time of the four tours23. Which d

    16、estination costs tourists the most money?A. Panama. B. Canada. C. Iceland. D. South Africa.24. What can be learned from the text?A. Tourists can take a hot shower only in Iceland.B. Tourists can hike glaciers in both C.nada and Iceland.C. Canada offers Rockies Tour for tourists to explore the East.D

    17、. Tourists can enjoy a hunting travel through Tsitsikamma National Park.BWhen Hai started college, he weighed over 250 pounds Healthy food choices were difficult for him, and he was emotionally distraught (忧心忡忡). However, when he left home for college, he was able for the first time to start taking

    18、his life and weight into his own hands.He started by shopping at a local farmers market, an experience that inspired him profoundly. The idea that a farmers market represents local, sustainable, healthy food with a human connection where you can interact with the people that grow your produce was ex

    19、tremely appealing to him, and he began to think about the food that people at his university were eating. From what he saw at farmers markets, Hai realized that dining hall food was not “rear” food A lot of it is frozen or processed, and has unhealthy additives. His ideas continued to develop as he

    20、started taking classes about food sustainability at university, and after the summer of 2014 during which he cooperated with other students9 he launched into his senior year at the University of California full force with the Real Food Challenge (RFC) campaign, a project he co-founded that aims to r

    21、einvest university spending in food that is “real”: ecologically-sound, community-based, humane, and fair; as opposed to those traditional purchases with those unhealthy additives and processed products.Not only has Hai started a movement of change across the university dining system, but he has als

    22、o grown extremely as an individual,now with strong leadership abilities and great vision. In addition, after he started learning about food sustainability and taking action at university, Hai has lost over 100 pounds, and has been able to start enjoying activities such as backpacking and swimming th

    23、at were not a possibility for him previously. He is confident instead of distraught now.25. When did Hai get the idea of “rear” food?A. When purchasing the locally-made foodB. When reforming the university dining system.C. When reinvesting university spending in food.D. When organizing the Real Food

    24、 Challenge campaign.26. What benefit has the campaign brought to Hais occupational development?A. He has been hired by the university.B. He has become an expert in food fieldC. He has got excellent leading ability.D. He has become much thinner than before.27. According to Hai, “real” food is .A. ric

    25、h in nutrition B. made by expertsC. frozen or processed D. healthy without additivesCAs more people opt for the single life, adult friendships also grow more important For people in relationships, having a reliable group is important, too-your mate will be much happier if youre spreading your anxiet

    26、ies beyond his or her cars and you will also feel better.In a recent study, researchers made some fascinating findings about how “who we are” informs the friendships we hold. The study was based on the most popular personality construct in contemporary psychology, the Big 5 personality traits (特征);

    27、extraversion, or how much you love attention and interacting with people; neuroticism, or how easily worried you are by things; agreeableness, or how warm and kind you are; conscientiousness, or how careful you are about lifers many duties; and openness to experience, or how much youre into discover

    28、ing new things, whether theyre ideas, people, or places.For their study, the research team recruited 434 students. They took a personality questionnaire in the lab, then rated how satisfied they were with their friends and their life overall, and then researchers asked them to recommend half a dozen

    29、 friends to rate their personality. Gathering these ratings together, the researchers found that openness to experience didnt have anything to do with friendship satisfaction, at least in this study. Neuroticism was linked to lower satisfaction (probably because emotionally unstable people may be dr

    30、amatic or hard to please, at least in my personal experience). But having high scores in the three remaining sunny traits-conscientiousness, extra version, and agreeableness-predicted higher friendship satisfaction. However, its a pretty intuitive (直觉的) result, since its easy to be friends with some

    31、one whos always on time, always saying that youre right, and always up to hang out But if you dont exactly identify with all that* fear not: Your personality is so much more than your traits.28. What does the author think of the friendship?A. It is helpful to dating and work.B. It can relieve your negative emotions.C. It has nothing to do with personality.D. It is ba.sed on the 5 popular personality traits.29. What did the recent study find?A. The biggest 5 personality traits.B. The methods of informing the friendships.C. The ways t


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