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    1、驾驶员对船长职务的技术与业务的熟悉培训 培 训 记 录 簿 TRAINING LOG BOOK (驾驶员用) (DECK DEPARTMENT)此簿用于培训驾驶员对船长职务的技术和业务的熟悉 FOR TRAINING TO NEXT PROFESSIONAL RNAK OF MASTER 大副适用 ISSUED TO CHIEF OFFICERTHIS LOGBOOK BELONGS TO:本记录簿用于:Officers Name:驾驶员姓名: Date of Birth: 出生日期: The First time to hold a Post of Present Rank:初次任职现职时间

    2、: Present Rank: CHIEF OFFICER现任职务: 大 副:PROCEDURE TO USE THE TRAINING LOG BOOK 培训记录簿使用程序Training logbook has been divided into different modules, each dealing with a specific job responsibility and expertise required for the rank e.g. Navigation, Cargo Operations, Communications etc.培训记录簿分成不同的模块,每一模块

    3、涉及一特定的工作职责和专业要求。例如:航行、货做、通信等。The front page of each section contains details about the vessels served in the present rank. Each Master who signs the training log must fill in his name and signature on the “VER” page of the log.本簿已列出所在船舶该职务各项工作的细节,每一船长在应在每一项目页签名并在审核确认栏中填写姓名和签名。Officer preparing for p

    4、romotion to next level should complete the tasks in a phased manner. Few tasks will require written proof of being completed. The trainee officer should maintain s separate file or notebook, as proof of the tasks being completed. After completing the task the trainee officer should sign the logbook

    5、and present the logbook to the Master for verification. When a task requires a situation or scenario, it must be given to the trainee officer by the trainer Master.准备晋升的高级船员应以适当的方式完成所有的项目,有部分项目是需要提供书面证据的。接受培训的高级船员应备有一独立的记录簿,以便提供完成各项训练项目的证据。在完成培训项目后,接受培训的高级船员应在培训记录簿上签名并交船长审核确认。培训船长应提供受训者所需要的环境和条件。A t

    6、ask may be completed more than once, on a different type of ship. Although written proofs are required only for few tasks but if the trainee or the trainer Master considers necessary, written proofs of other tasks also can be added. Blank spaces are left under each topic to add any ship or trade spe

    7、cific tasks , as considered necessary.同一项目可以在不同的船进行多次。虽然只有部分项目需要提供书面证据,但如果受训人员或培训船长认为必要的话,也可以这样做。如果有任何船舶或区域的特殊内容,可以在每一主题项目下的空白栏内增加。Masters are requested to inspect the training log at least once every month. It is Masters responsibility to ensure that at least a few tasks are completed every month.

    8、Prior signing the logbook Master should verify that tasks have actually been completed. He may use his authority to assist the officer in completing the tasks.船长应至少每月检查培训记录簿一次。船长有责任确保每月至少完成部分项目,在签署培训记录簿前应核实其项目已实际完成。船长可以应用自己的权利协助驾驶员完成实习任务。The completed logbook will be one of the requisite criteria fo

    9、r promotion.完成该培训记录簿的内容是驾驶员晋升的必要条件之一。职责熟悉FAMILIARIZATION序号Sr. No. 任 务 项 目 TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期 Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 1船长及其他驾驶员的工作职责Job responsibilities of Master and other officers 2船公司SMS手册和程序Companys Shipboard Manuals 3船东总指示Standing orders of Owners 4租船人常规命令/指示

    10、Standing orders of Charterers 5MARPOL, SOLAS, STCW, SOPEP, VRP etc. 6船长商务和法律知识Business & Law for Ship Masters. 7船旗国法令法规、港口国法令法规、公司安监、海务部门规定Flag state Regulations, Port State Regulations, Shipping officer requirements. 8船长交接记录及检查表Masters hand over / taking over checklist and formalities. 9航海日志Officia

    11、l Log Book 10熟悉中英版通告和船旗国通告Familiarity with Mariners Notices, China Flag Notices and Flag State Notices 11 12 13 以上项目已经证实并满意.SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.日期. 船长DATE MASTER 应急准备 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 序号Sr. No. 任 务 项 目 TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期 Date船长签认/

    12、注明Masters Sign & Remark 1制定一但发生重大事故时的完整应急联系程序Layout complete Emergency Contact Procedure in the event of a major incident. 2准备和执行一个完整的主要应急演习Prepare & Conduct a complete Major Emergency drill. 3制定一个在港内和海上的油污报告程序Layout Notification procedure in case of Oil Pollution in Port and at sea 4讨论有关医疗应急处理,熟悉船岸

    13、联系程序Dealing with a medical emergency. Familiarization with shore-contact procedures. 5制定一个靠泊时主机发生故障时的应急处理程序Prepare a list of action to be taken in case of Engine Failure while approaching berth. 6发生严重火灾时船长的职责Masters responsibilities in case of a Major Fire 7熟悉IMO的搜寻救助手册Familiarity with IMO Search an

    14、d Rescue Manual. 8以上项目已经证实并满意.SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.日期. 船长DATE MASTER 租船合同 CHARTER PARTY序号Sr. No. 任 务 项 目 TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期 Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 1研究学习航次命令/租船合同并制定条款清单以符合合同义务避免投诉。Study Voyage Instructions / Charter Party and p

    15、repare a list of conditions which must be met by the vessel to meet its contractual obligations without penalty. 2预备因未执行航次命令或租船合同而产生的每小时租金损失的各项清单Prepare a list of losses which will be incurred in costs per hour if C/P or voyage orders are not met. 3准备一份签署提单或授权签署提单时应注意的事项清单Prepare a list of precautio

    16、ns you will take with regards to signing of bills of lading, or authorizing agents for signing same. 4准备一份当提单未到或提单上的目的港改变时的操作清单Prepare a list of actions you will take if B/L is not presented on arrival port or the destination port has changed. 5解释在船使用的租船条款的内容并摘录要点以便注意Interpret the clauses in the C/P

    17、 being used on board the vessel and list the main points to take care of 6了解程租和期租之间的不同以及船舶和船东在此中的义务和责任Understand difference between voyage and lime charter party and the obligations of vessels / owners in each case. 7了解安全港口的概念和在港时对船舶安全有怀疑时的做法Understand the meaning of a Safe port and what to do in ca

    18、se you have doubts about safety of the vessel in that port. 8了解何时/如何递交准备就绪通知书Understand when / how to tender notice of readiness. 9准备一份海事声明Prepare a Note of Protest 10了解租船合同中速度和燃油消耗条款Understand speed / consumption clause in a C/P.接上表序号Sr. No. 任 务 项 目 TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期 Da

    19、te船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 11 理解公司规定的船长职责和租船合同中规定的如应对货物装载、积载、绑扎等船长职责的不同Understand the difference of Masters responsibilities when a C/P state that cargo is to be loaded / stowed / lashed etc under the responsibility of the Master. 12制定一个到达装货港前将向代理了解情况的询问清单Make a list of information to be asked f

    20、rom a ships agent prior to arrival for loading of cargo carried on your ship.以上项目已经证实并满意.SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.日期. 船长DATE MASTER 航海技术 NAVIGATION序号Sr. No. 任 务 项 目 TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期 Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 1制定一个能见度不良时的海上和沿岸航行的航行计划

    21、Prepare a sea and coastal passage plan for navigating in very poor visibility. 2制定一个完整的靠/离泊方案,编写一个简介说明Prepare a complete berthing/unberthing plan. Conduct deck officers briefing w.r.t. above. 3对船舶航行进行一个星期的监控Monitor ships navigation for a week. 4沿岸航行时编写3天的夜航命令Write night orders in coastal waters for

    22、3 days. 5计划一次最佳的压载和燃油安排Workout the optimum Ballast and bunker requirement for a voyage. 6了解美国、日本、澳大利亚等国的当地法规的基本要点Knowledge of key local regulations of U.S., Japan, Australia etc. 7熟悉主要区域,如:苏伊士/巴拿马运河、新加坡海峡、英吉利海峡等Familiarization with focal points such as Suez/Panama Canal, Singapore straits, English c

    23、hannel etc. 8解译气象传真图的能力Ability to interpret Weather faxes. 9根据气象传真的地面分析图进行24/48/96小时的预报并与气象传真的24/48/96小时的预报图进行比对Predict 24 hour/48hour/96hour weather based on Surface analysis charts and compare results with 24/48/96 hour prognosis charts. 10 设计一条冬季的最经济的跨洋航线并讲出选择各段航路的理由Plan most economical cross-oce

    24、an passage during winter season. Give reasons for each route you choose. 11设计离热带风暴/强风暴中心至少150海里的避风航路Plan route to avoid a TRS / Severe storm centers by at least 150 miles.以上项目已经证实并满意.SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE TOPICS.日期. 船长DATE MASTER 船舶操纵 SHIP HANDLING序号Sr. No. 任 务 项 目 TASK附 作

    25、 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期 Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 1了解船舶操纵特性Study ships maneuvering characteristics 2在开阔的海域抛锚(至少两次)Anchoring in open water. (at least two) 3计划进入和在狭窄锚地抛锚(至少一次)Planning the approach and anchoring in confined anchorage. (at least one) 4操纵船舶进行人落水搜寻Maneuvering the sh

    26、ip for recovery of a man overboard. 5计划和执行一次狭水道/进入浮标航道的航行Planning and executing passage in a narrow channel / entering a buoyed channel 6计划接近引水站和接引水员操纵(至少两个不同的港口)Planning the approach and maneuvering to pick up a pilot. (at least two different ports) 7做一个进靠码头的计划并与引水员/船长的操作进行比较Planning the approach f

    27、or berthing the ship and comparing with actions taken by the pilot/master. 8做一个离泊出港的计划,并与引水员/船长的操作进行比较Planning unberthing and proceeding to sea, and comparing with actions taken by the pilot. 9计划并进行送离引水员并出港的操作Planning and executing disembarkation of pilot and proceeding to sea. 10机动操纵时操作侧推器(如果有的话)Co

    28、ntrolling of thrusters when maneuvering 11学习在接近航海危险物附近如何操纵一条“死”船Handling of a disabled ship in rough weather in close proximity of navigational hazards接上表序号Sr. No. 任 务 项 目 TASK附 作 业Proof attached教 员Officers Initials日 期 Date船长签认/注明Masters Sign & Remark 12了解大风浪中船舶的操纵和追击浪的危险Understanding of shiphandling in heavy weather and dangers of quartering seas. 13以上项目已经证实并满意.SATISFACTORY AWARENESS DEMONSTRATED IN THE ABOVE T


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