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    1、高考英语一轮复习话题版主题语境Unit5工作与职业讲义 Unit 5 工作与职业.单词拼写 1.The study raises the possibility(可能性) that dieting is bad for your health.2.The Center offers programs designed to challenge(挑战) and inspire with hands-on tasks and lots of fun.(2018北京)3.Students are encouraged to take control(控制) of their own learning

    2、, rather than just depending on the teacher.4.To do so,it should help to understand why people undertake(承担) voluntary work and what keeps their interest in the work.5.In order to impress at a job interview,you need to bond with the interviewer(主持面试者) right away.6.Catherine was supposed to go with m

    3、e.But she may have to work extra(额外的) hours tomorrow.7.Any given performance(表演)takes a tour bus full of artists,technical experts,managers,musicians,or writers to create an appealing piece of art.8.I paused to catch my breath and then positioned(使自己站在) myself to take the best photo of this panorama

    4、.(2017天津)9.A recommendation letter is often your earliest written contact with a potential(潜在的) employer, creating a critical first impression.10.The World Adolescent Robotics Competition will be held in Tianjin at the end of July in order to promote(推动) the development of robotics.(2018天津).单句语法填空1.

    5、The appointment(appoint) was given to Tom,mainly for political reasons.2.Painters,digital media experts,photographers,booking agents and promoters are hired(hire) to sell tickets and promote the event.(2018江苏) 3.Medium color choices are generally(general) furniture pieces such as sofas,dinner tables

    6、 or bookshelves.(2018全国)4.More than 750,000 have graduated from SAC,with many seeking employment(employ) in engineering,aviation,education,medicine and a wide variety of other professions.(2018北京)5.Becky,12 at the time,adjusted(adjust) to other adults being in the house when she returned from school

    7、.6.Hes been given six months to live if he doesnt quit drinking(drink).7.The architecture(architect) in the town centre is a successful combination of old and new. 8.His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching assistant(assist) in class whose creativity would infect other students.(2016全国)9

    8、.They also provide educational(educate) programs on fire safety in the residence halls.(2018天津)10.Over the years,there have been a number of different techniques to help designers(design) approach this important point.(2018全国).单句改错(每小题仅有1处错误)1. by his last letter,she must be from Shanghai.2.Stern pu

    9、t Travis in the charge of the research team.3.All traffic controllers are threatening to go on a strike.4.Im looking forward to the art gallery next week.5.Our teacher required that we attention to our handwriting.选词填空1.Learning your keen interest in Chinese culture,I suggest you apply for Peking Un

    10、iversity,one of the best universities in China.(2018北京)2.As we look ahead,lets remember what in the end were working to achieve.3.I was occupied with going over my lessons for my final exam when he phoned to invite me out for dinner.4.Within a short time,however,the burden of caring for the animal i

    11、s handed over to the parents.5.I watched for the desert sunsets,and hunted for seashells that had been left there millions of years ago when the sands of the desert had been an ocean floor.(2016浙江)6.Such is Dadwhatever problem he meets with,he never gives up.7.Shortly after suffering from a large ea

    12、rthquake and being reduced to ruins,the city took on a new look.8.The factory laid off 100 workers last month because of the bad situation.同义词语替换1.Caroline doesnt have a gift for music,but she makes up for it with hard work.musical ability2.Owens came in and took control of the situation.took charge

    13、 of3.Space exploration may help us avoid possible issues on earth.potential problems4.This project requires close teamwork.Nothing will be achieved unless we work well together.cooperation5.The questions in a job interview are usually designed to find out how the candidates handle the tricky situati

    14、ons in the past.deal with6.He always dreams of becoming an expert in the field of agriculture.in the area of apply vt.涂;敷;应用;运用vi.申请;请求;使用;专心致志(1)apply (to sb. ) for sth. (向某人)申请某物apply to适用于apply sth. to sth. 把某物应用/涂抹于apply oneself to致力于/集中精力于(2)application n.申请(书);应用applicant n.申请人(1)The new techn

    15、ology,if applied(apply) to rice growing,will help increase the grain output.(2)Applicants(apply) are required to have a degree in dance area,teaching experience at a professional or college level,ability to direct and teach stage movement.(2018河南南阳模拟)(3)He has applied to the school for scholarship.句

    16、式升级(4)If you apply yourself to the job in hand,youll soon finish it.Applying yourself to the job in hand,youll soon finish it.(用现在分词短语作状语改写)Apply yourself to the job in hand,and youll soon finish it.(用“祈使句and陈述句”改写) (1)appoint sb. as/to be.任命某人为appoint sb. to do sth. 委派某人做某事(2)appointment n.约会;预约;任命

    17、,委任by appointment按照约定have/make/fix an appointment (with sb. )(与某人)预约/约会keep/break an appointment守/违约(3)appointed adj.指定的;约定的(1)The manager appointed him to receive(receive) the businessman.(2)They ignored the appointed(appoint) time and left their homes only after the fixed time.(3) Good morning,Mr

    18、Lees office.Good morning.Id like to make an appointment(appoint) for next Wednesday afternoon.(2018北京)(4)A new engineer was appointed(appoint) to deal with the products returned by customers.(2018北京西城区模拟)句式升级(5)He was appointed as president of the university yesterday.He is giving a speech on the pl

    19、atform now.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)Appointed as president of the university yesterday,he is giving a speech on the platform now.易错点拨表示委任某人担任某职务时,要分清两种情况:(1)若指的是抽象的职位(如position,office,presidency,chairmanship等),则用“appoint sb. to抽象职位”。(2)若指的是具体的某职位(如headmaster,manager,chairman,president等),则用“appoint sb. (to be/a

    20、s)具体职位”。如:Who shall we appoint (to be/as) chairman of the club?Who shall we appoint to the chairmanship of the club?我们派谁担任俱乐部的主席呢? (1)earn ones living谋生earn sb. sth. 使某人得到(2)earnings n.收入;工资;利润(1)The companys earnings(earn) have dropped by 5% in the first quarter.公司第一季度的利润下降了5%。(2)He used to earn hi

    21、s living by fishing.他过去靠打渔为生。(3)His honesty has earned him respect.他的诚实已经为他自己赢得了尊敬。 (1)employ sb. to do.雇用某人做employ.as.雇用当employ oneself in (doing).从事,忙于be employed in (doing).从事,忙于(2)employment n.雇用;职业;就业in employment在业,有工作out of employment失业(3)employer n.雇主,老板employee n.雇工,雇员(1)The boss of the com

    22、pany is trying to create an easy atmosphere where his employees(employ) enjoy their work.(2)John has been out of employment(失业) for three years.句式升级(3)He was employed in reading and he didnt see Tom come in.Employed in reading,he didnt see Tom come in.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)Employing himself in reading,he di

    23、dnt see Tom come in.(用现在分词短语作状语改写) hire vt.雇用;租用n.U租用;雇用(1)hire out出租(2)on hire已出租for hire供出租(1)At work,it is IQ that gets you hired(hire) but it is EQ that gets you promoted.(2)There is a growing tendency among employers to hire(hire) casual staff.(3)There were motorcycles for hire. (1)inform sb. o

    24、f/about sth. 通知某人某事inform sb. that.通知某人(2)informed adj.消息灵通的;见多识广的keep sb. informed of/about.随时通知某人;使某人知道(1)On March 19,Dennis got a group text informing(inform) him that a couple he didnt know were at the hospital,waiting for the arrival of a baby.(2018全国)(2)He has been informed(inform) that he doe

    25、snt qualify for the scholarship because of his academic background.(2017江苏)(3)It was considerate of Michael to inform us of/about(通知我们) his delay in case we got worried.(4)同义句改写He informed the company of the ships safe arrival.(改为复合句)He informed the company that the ship had arrived safely.易错点拨infor

    26、m后不接双宾语,也不用于inform sth. to sb. 。要表示“告诉某人某事”,通常用inform sb. of/about sth. 。inform的宾语通常只能是人,所以当后接从句时,其前的sb. 不能省略。 (1)She worked hard and was promoted(promote) from a saleswoman to a middle manager.(2)While waiting for the opportunity to get promoted(promote),Henry did his best to perform his duty.熟词生义选

    27、择句子中promote的汉语意思(3)They are promoting their new products on television. A A.推销;促销B.促进C.提升 (1)recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某物recommend sb. for/as/to be.推荐某人为recommend doing sth. 建议(劝告)做某事recommend sb. to do sth. 劝告某人做某事recommend that.(should) do.建议(2)recommendation n.推荐;建议;介绍信(1)Can you recommend a goo

    28、d dictionary to me? (2)I would never recommend using(use) a sunbed on a regular basis.(3)I will be glad if you can consider my recommendation(recommend).一句多译(4)我建议他买这本书。 I recommend him to buy this book. I recommend that he (should) buy this book. 同义句改写(5)What is recommended in the regulation is tha

    29、t one should not tell other people the password of his/her e-mail account.It is recommended in the regulation that one should not tell other people the password of his/her e-mail account. (1)take responsibility for对有责任;对负责It is sb. s responsibility to do sth. 做是某人的职责。a sense of responsibility责任感(2)r

    30、esponsible adj.负责的,可靠的;负有责任的,应负责任的be responsible for对(某行为)负责;是的原因(1)Its important to teach your teen how to behave responsibly(responsible).(2)It was her responsibility that all members (should) be informed(inform).(3)同义句改写We are the ones who are responsible for our life and future.We are the ones w

    31、ho take responsibility for our life and future.熟词生义选择句子中responsible的汉语意思(4)The chemical is directly responsible for those deaths. C A.尽责的B.懂道理的C.引起的易错点拨responsibility后接that从句时,从句通常要用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用(should) do。 (1)require sth. of sb. 要求某人某事require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事sth. require(s) doing/to be done某事需要It is required that.(should) do.要求(2)requirement n.要求;必要条件;需要meet/satisfy ones requirements满足某人


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