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    1、精选3份合集吉林省长春市英语八年级上期末联考模拟试题八年级上学期英语期末模拟试卷注意事项:1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。2选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。3请按照题号顺序在各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试题卷上答题无效。4保持卡面清洁,不要折叠,不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。一、选择题1- _ will your head teacher come back from America?-In two days.A.How

    2、 long B.How soon C.How often D.How far2The girl promised _ hiking with us,but she didnt do it at last.A.goes B.to go C.going D.to going3Everyone is busy with their own things. People today seem to have _ time for each other.Aless Bfewer Cmore Dmuch4Lana likes to _She wants to be a _Acook;cooker Bcoo

    3、ker;cooker Ccook;cook Dcooker;cook5What did you see when you came here?I found Jim _ the desks.Aclean Bcleans Ccleaned Dcleaning6The teacher asked the students to a story about a trip to the moon.Aget up Bturn upCclean up Dmake up7Mike is a warm-hearted boy. Im sure if you ask him to help you, he wo

    4、nt _.Aappear Brefuse Cworry Dpromise8The banana is too big.You can _ first, and then give a half to me.Acut it in half Bcut them upCcut it half Dcut up it9The actor _ as a Monkey King in the film.A.made up B.put up C.dressed up D.put on10(题文)You can wear your cool coat to the party!_AThats a great i

    5、dea!BThats really too bad!CYou look old!DYou look cool!11he won the first prize, he didnt say anything.ABut; / BThough; / CBut; although DAlthough; but12Jim, I will go on a trip with my family after the exam._.A.It doesnt matter B.Its a pleasure C.Have a good time D.I dont care13Jimmys brother likes

    6、 to play sports. Jimmy _ his brother. He likes reading.A.looks after B.is the same as C.is similar to D.is different from14When do you go shopping?I usually go shopping _ Sunday mornings.A.on B.in C.at D.for15What should we do next?Here are some vegetables. We have to _ .Acut it up Bcut up it Ccut t

    7、hem up Dcut up them16_ are you going to be an actor?Im going to take acting lessons.AWhat BWhy CHow DWhen17-David,why are you so happy?-My father makes a _ that he will take me to Sanya next month.A.face B.promise C.mistake D.team18- _ ?-Its beautiful.A.Where is Qingdao B.How do you go to QingdaoC.H

    8、ow far is Qingdao D.How do you like Qingdao19Many people_flowers_their mothers on Mothers Day.Abuy;for Bask;forCbuy;from Dborrow;for20I dont know how to deal with my family problems.Can you give me some_?Aadvice Bmessage Cnews Dsuggestion二、单词填空211)We were all wet because we didnt take an u_.2)There

    9、are more tall _(高楼)in our citv this year.3)Can you give me somcthing to eat? Im very h_.4)My friend is _(等候)for me at home now.5)What does your uncle do? He is a _(商人).三、句型转换221)They had an English party last Sunday(改为否定句)They _ _ an English party last Sunday.2)We all love this city because it has d

    10、elicious food.(改为同义句)We all love this city _ _ its delicious food.3)He often went to school bv bicycle last term.(改为同义句)He often _ his bicycle _ school last term4)The weather was hot and wet on Monday(对画线部分提问)_ _ the weather on Monday?5)Tina was so careless that she made lots of mistakes in the exam

    11、(改为同义句)Tina wasnt _ _ to make lots of mistakes in the exam.四、完成句子23根据汉语意思完成下列句子1)把牛奶倒进搅拌器。_ the milk _ the blender.2)首先,剥掉香蕉皮。_ , _ the bananas.3)我们需要多少根香蕉?_ _ _ do we need?4)再煮10分钟。Cook for _ _ _ .5)不要忘记加些盐。_ _ _ _ some salt五、完形填空24All parents love their children.Many parents want their kids to_wel

    12、l-known people when they_.Most of them want their kids to live better than others.Many of them _their kids will be singers or actors. Actors and singers can_money easily in our country.When they appear in the advertisement,they will get _money which a farmer or a worker cant make all his life.Some o

    13、f the parents want their kids to be businessmen_ doctors. If they work hard, they will have cars and big houses in several_.Some parents want their kids to work in cities and towns.They dont _them to work in the countryside.People who work in the cities and towns can get money 1 the retire.If you ar

    14、e a famous man, especially an actor, youll get much but pay a little. A farmer is _-he gets little but pays much.1)A.do B.become C.like D.work2)A.grow up B.get up C.stand up D.set up3)A.make B.like C.love D.hope4)A.lose B.make C.remember D.take5)A.many B.a little C.much D.a few6)A.or B.and C.but D.e

    15、lse7)A.days B.weeks C.years D.months8)A.play B.need C.enjoy D.want9)A.for B.after C.because D.before10)A.different B.difficult C.same D.easy六、用所给的词正确形式填空251)At the_ ( begin ) of the show, we all got a surprise.2)It is not polite to ask a stranger questions about his_( person)life.3)I enjoy_(talk) wi

    16、th people, so I want to be a reporter.4)Emma is learning hard to play the piano because she wants _(be) a pianist.5)Some students are going to study_( hard) at English than before.七、阅读理解26My name is Helen.I come from New York,the USA.Three weeks after my twentyfourth birthday,I started to work at a

    17、childrens hospital in California.When I went to work on the first day,I was happy but a little nervous(紧张的)I said to myself,“Will the children like me?Can I do the job well?” I didnt know what I should say when I saw the children for the first time.I walked into one of the patients(病人的) rooms.There

    18、were three little boys in the room.They smiled(微笑) at me and said hello to me.Then I felt a little relaxed and said hello to them,too.During the next two hours,I talked to them and played games with them happily.I found it was not so hard to get on with the children.That day,I talked with a boy call

    19、ed Bruce for a long time.He got a serious illnessI asked him,“Are you happy here?” He answered,“Yes,but I wished I wasnt ill.” He told me that he liked his school and wished to go to school again.I said I would try my best to help him.Luckily,Bruce got well half a year later.Now Bruce is healthy and

    20、 he goes back to his school.Now Im happy to stay with the children and see their happy faces.I really love my job because I can make the childrens life better.1)How old was Helen when she started to work at a childrens hospital?A20. B22. C24. D26.2)How did Helen feel when she went to work on the fir

    21、st day?AHappy but nervous. BHappy and relaxed.CAfraid and nervous. DAfraid and bored.3)What does the underlined word “illness” in the passage mean in Chinese?A态度 B治疗 C疾病 D调查4)From the third paragraph we can learn that Bruce _ now.Ais seriously ill Bdoesnt feel happyCcant go to school Dis in good hea

    22、lth5)Why does Helen love her job?ABecause she can make a lot of money.BBecause she can make the childrens life better.CBecause she can play games with the children.DBecause she can help the children with their studies.27Dear Merry, These days, I have problems with my study. In school I cant listen t

    23、o teachers carefully because I always feel tired and sleepy. I dont spend time with friends after class either, because I think its a waste(浪费) of time. I even miss writing some answers in the test. At home, I cant get my homework done every night. My parents dont let me stay up. So I have to get up

    24、 early the next morning to finish it. Lately, I even get a bad headache. How can I solve these problems?Yours, Liu YaDear Liu Ya, When you have problems listening to teachers carefully in class, you can ask your teachers or deskmate to remind you often. Then spending time talking about many differen

    25、t things with friends can make you happy. Its not a waste of time. As for homework, when its hard to get it finished, one thing you can try is setting goals for yourself. Ask your parents to help you. You must take a break if you dont feel well. You might be surprised but a short rest can help you g

    26、et more done! Lastly, if you dont worry and have enough sleep, your headache will leave you. Yours, Merry1)Liu Ya wrote the letter to Merry in order to _.Aask for help Bexpress worriesCshare her experience Dshare her happiness2)Liu Ya doesnt want to stay with friends after class because _.Ashe needs

    27、 to sleep Bshe thinks its a waste of timeCshe has problems with her classmates Dshe is afraid of talking with others3)Merry thinks _.Ataking a rest is necessary Bbeing with parents is helpfulCsetting goals by parents is important Dlistening to music is necessary4)According to the underlined part, wh

    28、at might Liu Yas teacher say to remind her?ASleep for a minute. BListen carefully.CStop talking. DWell done.5)From Liu Yas letter, we can find that she is too _.Ahappy BcarelessCnervous Dexcited八、书面表达28书面表达随着科学技术的迅速发展,人们的生活方式也发生了巨大的变化。你认为在未来30年内我们的生活会有哪些变化呢? 请以“The life in 30 years”为题,写一篇英语短文, 描述你对未来的预测。不少于80词。The life in 30 years_ _【参考答案】*一、选择题题号123456789101112131415161718答案BBACDDBACABCDACCBD题号1920答案AA二、单词填空211)umbrella2)buildings3)hungry4)waiting5)trader/busi


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