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    1、专题05+历险故事直击高考英语+专项突破读后续写专题05直击2022高考英语 专项突破“读后续写”历险故事历险,让心脏跌宕起伏01阅读下面短文,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。It was a fine summer morning, perfect to be outdoors. Two sisters had been out mushroom picking, and were on their way home with heavy baskets full of mushrooms. They sang songs on the way, and play

    2、ed with each other.Soon they reached a point where they had to cross a railway track. They did not think twice about crossing it since there was no train coming, and they could not hear any whistle. They slowly climbed the steep railway embankment, taking care not to drop the baskets. They were very

    3、 near the track and the little sister Mary was about to cross it first when a train whistled in the distance.Hearing the train coming, Rose the elder sister quickly ran down. She thought that the young one was following her. But as she turned back, she was shocked to see her little sister still up t

    4、here crossing the track. “Come back here! Run back fast!” she shouted.Mary seemed not to hear the whistle nor her sisters cry as she was concentrating on stepping over the track with her little feet, and holding on to the basket. Then she tripped and fell on the track, scattering her mushrooms aroun

    5、d.The engine driver panicked on seeing a girl between the tracks who was on her hands and knees and he blew the horn with all his strength. Poor Mary, who was frightened by the coming danger, froze and didnt know what to do. When Rose saw the scene, she screamed at the top of her voice for Marys att

    6、ention. Mary noticed that her sister was not around and cried for help.With the train drawing near, the engine driver grew extremely anxious. As hard as he could, he kept blowing the whistle and started reducing speed. Yet it was not possible for him to stop the heavy train within such a short dista

    7、nce.注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。Rose wouldnt watch the tragedy happen before her eyes._The train rolled over and finally stopped._【答案】Para 1:Rose wouldnt watch the tragedy happen before her eyes. She rushed up the embankment staircase, repeating at the top of her voice “Stay off the track

    8、s!” Mary, at the sight of Roses coming to her rescue, burst into tears of joy. Though reducing speed as hard as it could, the train was still approaching fast. Seeing there was little time to drag her sister out of danger, Rose jumped over without a second thought and covered Marys body under hers.P

    9、ara 2:The train rolled over and finally stopped. Frightened and worried, the engine driver quickened his pace to see what happened to the little girl. To his great relief, the sisters lied between the rails safe and sound. What a narrow escape! He helped them sit up and comforted them. The two siste

    10、rs hugged and kissed each other, tears of joy flowing down their cheeks. Never were the two souls so happily united at that moment. They then collected all the remaining mushrooms and, hand in hand more tightly than before, walked back home.【解析】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了两姐妹出去采蘑菇,带着沉重的蘑菇篮子回家,在穿过铁轨的时候小妹妹Mary在铁轨上摔

    11、倒了,姐姐Rose在危急时刻冲过去护住妹妹,最后火车停了下来,两人死里逃生。【详解】1.段落续写:由第一段首句内容“Rose不愿看到悲剧发生在她眼前。”可知,第一段可描写Rose是如何帮助妹妹的。由第二段首句内容“火车翻倒了,终于停了下来。”可知,第二段可描写火车停下,两姐妹获救。2.续写线索:Rose冲上铁轨Rose护住妹妹火车停下获救3.词汇激活行为类靠近:approach/get close捡起:collect/pick up回家:walk back home/get back home情绪类快乐:joy/happiness害怕:frightened/scared【点睛】高分句型1 Sh

    12、e rushed up the embankment staircase, repeating at the top of her voice “Stay off the tracks!”(运用了现在分词作状语)高分句型2 Never were the two souls so happily united at that moment. (运用了全部倒装)02It was last February. Noel, a 28-year-old marketing manager was heading from Icelands Keflavik International Airport t

    13、o the capital city Reykjavik with the modern travelers two essentials: a dream and a GPSunit. What could go wrong?The dream had been with him since April 14, 2010 when he watched TV news report of the volcano eruption in Iceland. Dark-haired, with a youthful face and thick eyebrows, he had never tra

    14、velled beyond the United States and his native Mexico. “I want to see this through my own eyes,” he thought as he watched the news on his couch.Four months later, on a cold winter morning, he was driving from Keflavik Airport in a rented car towards a hotel in Reykjavik, excited that his one-week jo

    15、urney was beginning. As the pink sun rose over the ocean and shone light on the snow-covered lava rocks along the shore, he dutifully followed the commands of the GPS that came with the car, a calm female voice directing him to an addressa left here, a right there.But after stopping on a deserted ro

    16、ad, he got a feeling that the voice might be steering (引导) him wrong. He had been driving for nearly an hour, yet the GPS put his arrival time at around eight hours later. He entered his destination again and got the same result. Though he sensed that something was off, he made a choice to trust the

    17、 machine.The farther he drove, the fewer cars he saw. The roads became icier. He was sleepy, cold and hungry. He hadnt set up his phone for international use, so that was no help. Another three hours passed. As his tires skidded (打滑) along a narrow mountain road that skirted a steep cliff.he knew th

    18、at the device had failed him.He was lost. He didnt know where else to go. There was no one else on the road, and there was nothing else to do but follow the line on the screen to its mysterious end.Paragraph 1The directions ended at a small blue house in a tiny town. _Paragraph 2:Knowing what had ha

    19、ppened, the woman offered to help him. _【答案】Paragraph 1:The directions ended at a small blue house in a tiny town. Noel parked his car and headed towards the door. An old blue-eyed woman answered after the second ring. She smiled as he stammered about his hotel and handed her his reservation. “No. t

    20、his isnt the hotel you have booked. Your hotel is 380 kilometres south.” She told him in accented English with a laugh. Noel quickly figured out what happened the address was wrong with an extra “r” in it.Paragraph 2:Knowing what had happened, the woman offered to help him. She provided Noel a free

    21、meal and a bed so that he could get a good nights sleep. The next day, Noel decided to drive to Reykjavik. In light of his previous experience, the woman gave him a map with the main roads and landmarks carefully marked on it in case the device went wrong again. With the help of the womans direction

    22、s, Noel finally reached his destination. “Without her help, I wouldnt have made it.” He was so thankful to the woman, who was just a total stranger to him.【解析】这是一篇读后续写。故事以人物为线索展开,讲述了28岁的Noel从冰岛凯夫拉维克国际机场前往首都雷克雅未克,但不知怎么回事导航系统把他带到了一个偏远的地方。他迷路了,但又只能跟着导航继续前进。【详解】1.段落续写根据第一段首句“导航的尽头是一个小镇上的一座蓝色的小房子”可知,下文可描

    23、写Noel到达房子后发生的事情,并且知道了自己为什么会来到这么远的地方。根据第二段首句“那个女人知道发生了什么事后,主动提出帮助他”可知,下文可描写女士是如何帮助Noel的。2.续写线索来到小房子发现女士知道为什么女士提供帮助安全到达目的地感激3.词类激活行为类回答:answer/reply/respond递:hand/deliver弄清楚,明白:figure out/understand决定做某事:decide to do/be determined to do/make up ones mind to do情绪类感激的:grateful/thankful【点睛】高分句型1She smile

    24、d as he stammered about his hotel and handed her his reservation. (运用了as引导的时间状语从句)高分句型2 Noel quickly figured out what happened: the address was wrong with an extra “r” in it.(运用了what引导的宾语从句)高分句型3He was so thankful to the woman, who was just a total stranger to him.(运用了who引导的非限制性定语从句)03I was finally

    25、going to see Giant Rock with my brothers and Dad. Id been snowshoeing before, and I liked the adventure of hiking through deep snow alongside wild-animal tracks. After putting on our snowshoes, we studied the map. Dad said, “We start here on the red trail, and then we turn left onto the purple one.

    26、Thats where Giant Rock is. Remember to stick together, guys!”The trail ran uphill alongside a stone wall. It was easy to follow because red markers were nailed to the trees and the snow had been packed down by other hikers. Half way up the hill, we turned onto the winding purple trail. We settled in

    27、to a rhythm, with Dad and everyone else in front and me in the back, crunch-crunching through the snow. The late afternoon sun felt warm, although it was already sinking lower. I saw lots of animal tracks-mostly deer, squirrel, and rabbit prints, which I recognized from my field guide.An hour later,

    28、 we topped the hill and saw the massive rock sitting alone in the forest. “It is really huge, as big as a house!” my brother Josh said, gazing up. Breathlessly standing in the rocks giant shadow, I noticed the sun had dipped even lower.“Lets head back,” Dad said.I was a little behind the group when

    29、I noticed a set of animal tracks I didnt recognize. They were hard to see among the snowshoe prints, so I followed them off the trail for a closer look. There were no claw marks, which meant they didnt belong to a dog or a fox. Instead, they looked like tiny handprints and footprints. “Must be a raccoon (浣熊),” I thought, matching them to prints in my guide.I looked up when I suddenly realized how quiet it had gotten. I was totally alone. “Hey!” I shouted. “Where is everyone?” nothing. Just the sound of my own breathing. “They couldn


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