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    1、新视界大学英语视听说教程114单元答案新视界大学英语 视听说教程 11(学号: 2)详细记录 Unit 1 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent score(1) Janet(2) Li(3) 6/six(4) 5/five(5) Janet Li1 2 2012-12-24 10:53 (Monday) 100 (1) Janet(2) Li(3) 6(4) 5(5) Janet Li Unit 1 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 2NameIDSubmitted

    2、Percent scoreQuestion 1Key: d Question 2Key: d Question 3Key: d Question 4Key: b Question 5Key: c 1 2 2012-12-24 10:54 (Monday) 100 d d d b c Unit 1 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 1 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent s

    3、core(1) Kate Santos(2) Janet Li(3) Li Hui(4) New York(5) Anshan1 2 2012-12-24 11:00 (Monday) 80 (1) Kate Santos(2) Janet Li(3) Li Hui(4) New York(5) AnShan Unit 1 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent score(1) Im Janet Li(2) My Chinese name is(3) its short for(4) Everyone cal

    4、ls me1 2 2012-12-24 11:05 (Monday) 75 (1) Im Janet Li(2) My Chinese name is(3) is short for(4) Everyone calls me Unit 1 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 1 Inside view: Converstation 3 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreCorrect order: 4, 3, 1, 5

    5、, 2 1 2 2012-12-24 11:07 (Monday) 100 4, 3, 1, 5, 2 Unit 1 Inside view: Converstation 3 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreKeys: 1, 5 1 2 2012-12-24 11:08 (Monday) 100 1, 5 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPerce

    6、nt score(1) very young(2) high school(3) new ideas(4) going away(5) first few weeks(6) work at(7) four or five/4 or 51 2 2012-12-24 11:10 (Monday) 100 (1) very young(2) high school(3) new ideas(4) going away(5) first few weeks(6) work at(7) 4 or 5 Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercen

    7、t scoreQuestion 1Key: a Question 2Key: b Question 3Key: c Question 4Key: d Question 5Key: d 1 2 2012-12-24 11:12 (Monday) 100 a b c d d Unit 1 Outside view: Activity 4NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 1 Listening in: Task 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: b Question 2Key: a Qu

    8、estion 3Key: b Question 4Key: c Question 5Key: b 1 2 2012-12-24 11:19 (Monday) 100 b a b c b Unit 1 Listening in: Task 2 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreKeys: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 1 2 2012-12-24 11:21 (Monday) 100 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 Unit 1 Listening in: Task 2 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent score(1) the

    9、 country(2) everyday expenses(3) food(4) bad effect(5) get a job(6) universities(7) quickly1 2 2012-12-24 11:24 (Monday) 100 (1) the country(2) everyday expenses(3) food(4) bad effect(5) get a job(6) universities(7) quickly Unit 1 Listening in: Task 3 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreCorrect or

    10、der: (Hidden) 1 2 Unit 1 Listening in: Task 3 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: d Question 2Key: b Question 3Key: c Question 4Key: d 1 2 2012-12-24 11:25 (Monday) 100 d b c d Unit 1 Pronunciation: Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 1 Pronunciation: Activity 2

    11、NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 1 Pronunciation: Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 1 Pronunciation: Activity 4NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: (Hidden) Question 2Key: (Hidden) Question 3Key: (Hidden) Question 4Key: (Hidden) Question 5Key: (Hidden) 1 2

    12、Unit 1 Unit testUsernameNameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQ 1Key: B Q 2Key: C Q 3Key: B Q 4Key: D Q 5Key: C Q 6Key: D Q 7Key: B Q 8Key: D Q 9Key: B Q 10Key: A Q 11Key: D 2 1 2 窗体底端新视界大学英语 视听说教程 11(学号: 2)详细记录窗体顶端Unit 2 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreKeys: 2, 3, 4, 5 1 2

    13、2012-12-24 11:30 (Monday) 100 2, 3, 4, 5 Unit 2 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent score(1) moussaka(2) chilli con carne(3) chicken, tomatoes, onions and Indian spices(4) lamb and eggplant(5) India(6) Greece(7) Mexico(8) spicy(9) spicy/very hot1 2 2012-12-26 15:09 (Wednesd

    14、ay) 78 (1) moussaka(2) chilli con carne(3) chicken tomatoes onions India spices(4) lamb eggplant(5) India(6) Greece(7) Mexico(8) spicy(9) very hot Unit 2 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 2 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPerc

    15、ent scoreCorrect order: 2, 4, 1, 3 1 2 2012-12-26 15:10 (Wednesday) 100 2, 4, 1, 3 Unit 2 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent score(1) What would you like(2) why dont you try(3) Im not so keen on(4) Its made with(5) What flavour(6) what are you going to have1 2 2012-12-26 1

    16、5:12 (Wednesday) 83 (1) What would you like(2) why dont you try(3) Im not so keen on(4) Its made with(5) what flavour(6) what are you going to have Unit 2 Inside view: Converstation 2 Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 2 Outside view: Activity 1UsernameNameIDSubmittedPercent sc

    17、oreRow 1: 2Row 2: 5Row 3: 3Row 4: 4Row 5: 7Row 6: 6Row 7: 12 1 2 2012-12-26 15:13 (Wednesday) 100 Row 1: 2Row 2: 5Row 3: 3Row 4: 4Row 5: 7Row 6: 6Row 7: 1Unit 2 Outside view: Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent score(1) environment(2) healthier(3) cheaper(4) nutritious(5) tasty(6) freshest(7) spices1 2

    18、 2012-12-26 15:16 (Wednesday) 71 (1) environment(2) healther(3) cheaper(4) nutritious(5) tasty(6) fresh(7) spices Unit 2 Outside view: Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: d Question 2Key: c Question 3Key: b Question 4Key: a Question 5Key: c 1 2 2012-12-26 15:16 (Wednesday) 100 d c b

    19、 a c Unit 2 Outside view: Activity 4NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 2 Listening in: Task 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: b Question 2Key: b Question 3Key: a Question 4Key: c Question 5Key: a 1 2 2012-12-26 15:17 (Wednesday) 100 b b a c a Unit 2 Listening in: Task 2 Activit

    20、y 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key(s): (1) Potatoes(2) onions Question 2Key(s): (1) Rice(2) tomatoes Question 3Key(s): Cheese Question 4Key(s): Curry Question 5Key(s): (1) Raw vegetables(2) grilled meat 1 2 2012-12-26 15:19 (Wednesday) 100 (1) Potatoes(2) onions (1) Rice(2) tomatoes Cheese

    21、 Curry (1) Raw vegetables(2) grilled meat Unit 2 Listening in: Task 2 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: c Question 2Key: c Question 3Key: b Question 4Key: b 1 2 2012-12-26 15:19 (Wednesday) 100 c c b b Unit 2 Listening in: Task 3 Activity 1UsernameNameIDSubmittedPercent scoreRow 1

    22、: 1Row 2: 2Row 3: 1Row 4: 1Row 5: 12 1 2 2012-12-26 15:19 (Wednesday) 100 Row 1: 1Row 2: 2Row 3: 1Row 4: 1Row 5: 1Unit 2 Listening in: Task 3 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent score(1) two-minute/2-minute(2) tax(3) leading(4) fingers(5) trust(6) one(7) buried1 2 2012-12-26 15:22 (Wednesday) 100 (1) t

    23、wo-minute(2) tax(3) leading(4) fingers(5) trust(6) one(7) buried Unit 2 Pronunciation: Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 2 Pronunciation: Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 2 Pronunciation: Activity 3NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 2 Pronun

    24、ciation: Activity 4NameIDSubmittedPercent scorePracticed 1 2 Unit 2 Unit testUsernameNameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQ 1Key: C Q 2Key: A Q 3Key: B Q 4Key: D Q 5Key: C Q 6Key: A Q 7Key: D Q 8Key: B Q 9Key: B Q 10Key: C Q 11Key: C 2 1 2 窗体底端新视界大学英语 视听说教程 11(学号: 2)详细记录窗体顶端Unit 3 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 1NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreCorrect order: 4, 2, 5, 1, 3 1 2 2012-12-26 15:23 (Wednesday) 100 4, 2, 5, 1, 3 Unit 3 Inside view: Converstation 1 Activity 2NameIDSubmittedPercent scoreQuestion 1Key: d Question 2Key: c Question 3Key: c Ques


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