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    1、水利水电工程外文翻译基于离散单元法的砌石重力坝安全分析工具节选中文2350汉字出处:Bretas E M, Lemos J V, Loureno P B. A DEM based tool for the safety analysis of masonry gravity damsJ. Engineering Structures, 2014, 59(2):248-260. 外 文 翻 译题 目 专 业 水利水电工程 班 级 学 生 指导教师 2014 年基于离散单元法的砌石重力坝安全分析工具EM Bretas,JV Lemos,PB Loureno摘 要介绍一种基于离散单元法的砌石重力坝分

    2、析数值模型。大坝和岩基用3到4节点的基本块组成的块集合表示。复杂的块形状通过把基本块整合到宏模块来得到,允许模型应用在从等效连续到完全不连续分析的各种情形。开发了一个接触面公式,能够根据基本块之间建立的接触面,基于一种精确的边边方法表示宏模块之间的相互作用。描述了模型的主要数值方面,特别介绍了接触面的创建和更新步骤以及一个支持一种高效且能够得到明显结果的算法的数值设备。讨论了一个现有的砌石坝的安全评价的应用,包括结构的应力分析和涉及大坝岩石界面附近不同路径的滑动失效机制的评估。关键词砌石坝;离散元;应力分析;失效机制1 简介结构分析必须使用适当的手段来实现它的最终目的。这些手段必须能够:(1)




    6、离散单元法的能力,该框架可以满足实际应用的兼顾刚性块和应变块,连续网格和离散单元的要求。此外,还采用了一个基于边界间相互作用的非传统接触面公式,能够得出一个更精确的交界面压力。新的系统与离散单元法一样有按照预先设定好的路径模拟一个连续体碎裂成块的能力,但是采用了一种基于联合刚度和适合砌石和岩石构成规律的表示接触面的方法,这点不同于后者,例如Munjiza的接触力公式。有关应力计算的方面将在下面的部分详细讨论,本文将介绍一个砌石坝的安全评价在实际中的应用的例子。大坝与岩石基础的水工分析以及最新开发的分析工具,将在另一篇论文中被介绍。图1 砌石坝和岩石基础形成的不连续介质图2 宏模块构成的连续和不

    7、连续模型2 模型离散化和接触面本数值工具旨在模拟如图1所示的浆砌石坝与岩石基础所组成的系统。根据设计惯例以及大坝安全规范,结构的保守假设是二维假设,其中的实际原因是:以往大坝都设计成重力坝,无法保证其拱效应,而且这样的计算模型更容易理解。结构离散化的基本要素是具有三或四个边界的块,可以是刚性的或可变形的,并且可以计划性地在同一模型中使用。块的选择应由结构,特征以及分析的目的来决定。在性能方面,由于刚性块只在单元的质心处建立运动方程,减少了模型自由度,所以刚性块的计算速度更快。刚性块的计算优势是只在显动态分析时有实质性作用,因为其静态的结果通常可以迅速得到。在大坝工程中,结构应力分析和地基应力分


    9、有限元网格相似的连续模型在图2c展示。图2d表示一个由两个宏模块构成的混合模型,在这两个宏模块之间有一个明显而重要的联接。宏模块有一个包含一系列块和一系列由一个主节点和多个从节点构成的宏节点的数据结构。宏节点与独立节点有着相同的自由度,所有数值操作只能在主节点上进行。在计算循环中,所有从节点的力必须集中在主节点上,在新坐标上计算完成后,从节点从各自的主节点中更新数据。尽管步骤较多,利用宏模块还是有减少接触面和自由读数目的优点。同一个模型可能有几个宏模块,且每个宏模块可以有不同材质的块。A DEM Based Tool for the Safety Analysis of Masonry Gra

    10、vity DamsABSTRCTA numerical model for analysis of masonry gravity dams based on the Discrete Element Method is presented. The dam and the rock foundation are represented as block assemblies, using elementary 3- and 4-node blocks. Complex block shapes are obtained by assembling the elementary blocks

    11、into macro-blocks, allowing the model to be applied in various situations ranging from equivalent continuum to fully discontinuum analysis. A contact formulation was developed, which represents the interaction between macro-blocks in terms of contacts established between elementary blocks, based on

    12、an accurate edgeedge approach. The main numerical aspects of the model are described, addressing in particular the contact creation and update procedures, and the numerical devices that support an efficient explicit solution algorithm. An application to the safety evaluation of an existing masonry d

    13、am is discussed, including stress analysis in the structure, and the assessment of sliding failure mechanisms, involving different paths in the vicinity of the damrock interface.1 IntroductionStructural analysis must use appropriate methods to achieve its final purposes. These methods should be capa

    14、ble of (i) modeling the geometrical and physical characteristics of the structure, in particular the discontinuities and joints, (ii) modelling the loads in an integrated manner, taking into account the interaction between the relevant phenomena involved, and (iii) evaluating the non-linear behaviou

    15、r, particularly allowing the definition of failure mechanisms. Masonry gravity dams should be understood as a system composed of the dam itself, the reservoir, and the rock mass foundation. The dam and the rock mass are heterogeneous and discontinuous media. The damrock interface is also a discontin

    16、uity which requires particular attention. The discontinuity surfaces control the behaviour of masonry dams, because they are weakness planes that determine the main mechanisms of failure. In addition, dams are subject to a wide variety of loads requiring an integrated approach since they are often c

    17、orrelated. These particular features make the majority of the available numerical tools, both commercial and scientific, not entirely suitable for modeling masonry gravity dams. In this context, the development of new analysis tools is required. Here, a tailored numerical implementation of the Discr

    18、ete Element Method (DEM) for static, dynamic and hydromechanical analysis of masonry gravity dams is described.The Discrete Element Method was initially proposed as an alternative to the Finite Element Method (FEM) to address Rock Mechanics problems 1. DEM was based on the representation of the disc

    19、ontinuous media as an assembly of blocks in mechanical interaction, thus differing from the standard FEM approach based on joint elements 2,3. These numerical approaches have also been widely applied to masonry structures e.g. 4. The 2D code UDEC 5, which evolved from Cundalls pioneering work, has b

    20、een used in several studies involving concrete dam foundations, mostly intending to assess failure mechanisms through the rock mass e.g.68. Tatone et al. 9 performed a DEM analysis of sliding on the damrock interface, considering a detailed representation of the irregular geometry of this surface an

    21、d the ensuing stress concentrations.Discrete Element Method codes usually represent deformable blocks by discretizing them into an internal mesh of triangular uniform strain elements (e.g., 5). The designation discrete finite element method 10,17 is often applied to codes that allow the breakage of

    22、the block elements to simulate progressive failure processes. The model presented in this paper is based on DEM and was devised with three main requirements, implemented in a novel software tool fully developed by the authors. Firstly, it is intended to model in an integrated manner both the masonry

    23、 dam and the rock foundation as components of a blocky system. Secondly, the software tool should provide a practical means to address both equivalent continuum and blocky models, using the same mesh. Finally, the tool needs to include all the features required in dam engineering analysis, such as w

    24、ater flow and pressures in the joints, reinforcement elements, such as passive or active anchors, and the means to apply the loads involved in static and seismic analysis. All these components interact through a compatible data structure. Therefore, the present model combines the standard DEM capabi

    25、lities in a more general framework, which allows combining rigid and deformable blocks, continuum meshes and discrete components, as required by the application. Moreover, a non-traditional contact formulation is adopted, based on edgeedge interaction, which provides a more accurate stress represent

    26、ation in the interface. The new code shares with DEM the capability to simulate fracturing of a continuum into blocks through predefined paths, but adopts a representation of contact based on the joint stiffnesses and constitutive laws appropriate for masonry and rock, not following, for example, Mu

    27、njizas formulation of contact force potentials 17. The aspects related to the mechanical calculation will be discussed in detail in the following sections, and an example of application to the safety assessment of a masonry dam in operation will be presented. The hydraulic analysis of the dam and ro

    28、ck foundation, also incorporated in the newly developed analysis tool, was described in a different paper 11.2 Model discretization and contactsThe numerical tool is intended to model systems composed of a masonry dam and its rock foundation, as shown schematically in Fig. 1. Two-dimensional analysi

    29、s is conservatively assumed for these structures, following common design practices and dam safety codes e.g. 1214, for practical reasons: historically, masonry dams were designed as gravity dams; arching effects cannot be guaranteed; and, the computational model is simpler to understand. The fundam

    30、ental element of discretization of the structure is the block with three or four edges, which may be rigid or deformable, and can be used simultaneously in the same model. The structure, characteristics and objectives of the analysis should dictate the choice of blocks. In terms of performance, the

    31、calculation is faster for the rigid blocks because the equation of motion is established only in the centroid of the element, thus reducing the degrees of freedom of the model. The computational advantage of rigid blocks is only relevant in explicit dynamic analysis, since static solutions are usual

    32、ly very fast to obtain. In dam engineering, stress analysis in the structure and foundation is usually required, so deformable blocks are preferred. In case of deformable blocks, each block is assumed here as an isoparametric linear finite element with full Gauss integration.Blocks of general shapes may be created by assembling the 3 and 4 node blocks into macroblocks. This is an important feature to model discontinuous media, such as masonry dams and rock mass foundations. In this way, it is possible to adopt an equivalent continuum representa


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