1、完整版带式输送机毕业设计毕业论文设计优秀论文 审核通过未经允许 切勿外传摘 要该课题是结合实际工程问题而制订出的一个题目,其目的是设计一套能够在给定场合下安全可靠运行的上运带式输送机系统。本文是对通用设备(DT系列通用固定带式输送机)的选型计算,需要通过计算选择各组成部件,并着重进行电控系统的分析设计。最后组合成使用于具体条件下的带式输送机。本文设计的带式输送机属于向上运输,需要考虑带式输送机的软启动问题、逆止问题、可靠停车问题以及所需要的配套电控问题。然后综合各种情况下的问题,找出最合理的解决方法并进行整合,最终选取出带式输送机的各部件来组成符合实际工程要求的输送机系统。本文通过对输送机各部
2、件的选型计算和电控系统的设计以使整个系统能够在给定场合下安全可靠的完成预期的任务。关键词 带式输送机;上运;软启动;液体粘性;电控目 录摘 要 I1 绪 论 11.1 本课题研究的目的和意义 11.2 本课题研究的内容 21.3国内外研究情况及其发展 21.4驱动系统的技术要求 41.5 长距离带式输送机合理的驱动装置 61.6 带式输送机的发展趋势 72 上运带式输送机设计 102.1 设计题目原始参数 102.2 输送带选型计算 102.3 输送线路初步设计 132.4 托辊的选择计算 132.5 带式输送机线路阻力计算 172.6 输送带张力的计算 202.7 输送带强度验算 212.8
3、牵引力及电机功率计算 222.9 驱动装置及分布 232.10拉紧力、拉紧行程的计算及拉紧装置的选择 252.11制动力矩的计算及制动器的选择 282.12软启动装置的选择 292.13辅助装置 303带式输送机电控装置 313.1 概述 313.2 各控制部件功能 323.3 系统工作原理 363.4 信号与报警 403.5 故障解除与其它 404结论 41参考文献 42致谢 43附录一 441 绪 论带式输送机是以胶带、钢带、钢纤维带、塑料带作为传送物料和牵引工作的输送机械,是输送能力最大的连续输送机械之一。其结构简单、运行平稳、运转可靠、能耗低、对环境污染小、便于集中控制和实现自动化、管
4、理维护方便,在连续装载条件下可实现连续运输。它是运输成件货物与散状物料的理想工具,因此被广泛用于电力、冶金、煤炭、化工、矿山、港口等各行业。1.1 本课题研究的目的和意义带式输送机是以胶带兼作牵引机构和承载机构的一种运输设备,它在地面和井下运输具有广泛的应用。带式输送机自1795年被发明以来,经过两个世纪的发展,已被电力、冶金、煤炭、化工、矿山、港口等各行各业广泛采用。特别是第二次工业革命带来了新材料、新技术的采用,使带式输送机的发展步入了一个新纪元。当今,无论从输送量、运距、经济效益等各方面来衡量,它已经可以同火车、汽车运输相抗衡,成为三足鼎立局面,并成为各国争先发展的行业。 带式输送机因其
5、具有结构紧凑、传动效率高、噪声低、使用寿命长、运转稳定、工作可靠性和密封性好、占据空间小等特点,并能适应在各种恶劣工作环境下工作包括潮湿、泥泞、粉尘多等,所以它已经是国民经济中不可或缺的关键设备。加之国际互联网络化的实现,又大大缩短了带式输送机的设计、开发、制造、销售的周期,使它更加具有竞争力。 目前,带式输送机已经成为露天矿和地下矿的联合运输系统中重要的组成部分。为了更好的研究带式输送机的工作组成原理,发现及改进其不足之处,本课题所研究的是大倾角、上运带式输送机。此次研究的主要问题在于系统的驱动件布置、软起动和制动问题。带式输送机向上运送物料时,其驱动电机的运行工矿有别于一般的带式输送机。由
6、于运转上的需要,在结构上有特点,控制上有特殊要求。上运带式输送机的制动装置及其控制技术尤为关键。若制动装置设计的不合理,很容易发生飞车事故,从而造成断带、撕带等事故,给生产带来极大危害。如何实现软制动与自动张紧,逐渐向智能化、自动化、人性化方向发展,是目前带式输送机的发展方向,也是本课题的研究目的和意义所在。相信随着课题的不断深入,对带式输送机将会有深入的了解,为以后的学习也能打下夯实的基础。1.2 本课题研究的内容首先了解带式输送机的基本知识(包括其主要设备工作方式工作原理等)。然后根据使用场合和给定的原始参数,对各种工况进行分析计算,设计系统方案(运输机布置形式,驱动方式,输送带的选型,拉
7、紧装置的设计,清扫装置的设计等),设计出合适的驱动系统和控制系统。设计出各个系统之后,还要进行动态特性的研究,以确保在输送机启动时,系统的动安全系数大于预先设定的数值,所设计的系统仍能符合要求的正常运行。1.3国内外研究情况及其发展1.3.1 国外带式输送机技术的现状 国外带式输送机技术的发展很快,其主要表现在2个方面:一方面是带式输送机的功能多元化、应用范围扩大化,如高倾角带式输送机、管状带式输送机、空间转弯带式输送机等各种机型;另一方面是带式输送机本身的技术与装备有了巨大的发展,尤其是长距离、大运量、高带速等大型带式输送机已成为发展的主要方向,其核心技术是开发应用了带式输送机动态分析与监控
8、技术,提高了带式输送机的运行性能和可靠性。国外己经使用或己经进行设计的几条典型长距离带式输送机输送线: (1)西班牙的西撒哈拉带式输送机线路是世界最长的长距离输送机线路,该线路长达100km,用两年半时间建成,并于1972年投入使用,用来将位于石质高原地区的布克拉露天矿的磷灰石矿石运往艾尔阿雍海港。总投资额为两亿马克。预计该线路能达行30年,年平均运输量为1000万吨磷灰石矿石(2000t to the final product. Heat treatment is the operation of its solid state to change its physical propert
9、ies. According to the procedure used, steel can be and abrasion, or it can be softened to permit machining. With the proper size reduced, toughness increased, or a a ductile interior. The analysis of the steel must be known because small percentages of certain elements, notably carbon, greatly affec
10、t the physical properties. Alloy steel owe their properties to the presence of one or more elements other than carbon, namely nickel, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, tungsten, silicon, vanadium, and copper. Because of their improved physical properties they are used commercially in many ways not po
11、ssible with carbon steels. The following discussion applies principally to the as plain carbon steels. With this process the rate of cooling is the controlling factor, rapid cooling from above the critical range results in the materials normally known as steels, a simplified diagram is often used. T
12、hose portions of the iron-carbon diagram near the delta region and those above 2% carbon content are of little importance to the engineer and are deleted. A simplified diagram, such as the one in Fig.2.1, focuses on the eutectoid region and is quite useful in understanding the properties and process
13、ing of steel. The key transition described in this diagram is the decomposition of single-phase austenite() to the two-phase ferrite plus carbide structure as temperature drops. Control of this reaction, which arises due to the drastically different carbon solubility of austenite and ferrite, enable
14、s a wide range of properties to be achieved through to understand these processes, consider a steel of the eutectoid composition, 0.77% carbon, being slow cooled along line x-x in Fig.2.1. At the upper temperatures, only austenite is present, the 0.77% carbon being dissolved in solid solution with t
15、he iron. When the steel cools to 727(1341), several changes occur simultaneously. The iron wants to change from the FCC austenite structure to the BCC ferrite structure, but the ferrite can only contain 0.02% carbon in solid solution. The rejected carbon forms the carbon-rich cementite intermetallic
16、 with composition Fe3C. In essence, the net reaction at the eutectoid is austenite 0.77%Cferrite 0.02%C+cementite 6.67%C.Since this chemical separation of the carbon component occurs entirely in the solid state, the resulting structure is a fine mechanical mixture of ferrite and cementite. Specimens
17、 prepared by polishing and etching in a weak solution of nitric acid and alcohol reveal the lamellar structure of alternating plates that forms on slow cooling.This structure is composed of two distinct phases, but set of characteristic properties and goes by the name pearlite, because of its resemb
18、lance to mother- of- pearl at low magnification. Steels the eutectoid amount of carbon (less than 0.77%) are known as of such a material represented by cooling along line y-y in Fig.2.1. At cooling enters a region where the stable phases are ferrite and austenite. Tie-line and level-law calculations
19、 show that low-carbon ferrite nucleates and grows, leaving the remaining austenite richer in carbon.At 727(1341), the austenite is of eutectoid composition (0.77% carbon) and further cooling transforms the remaining austenite to pearlite. The resulting structure is a mixture of primary or pro-eutect
20、oid ferrite (ferrite that formed above the eutectoid reaction) and regions of pearlite.Hypereutectoid steels are steels that contain greater than the eutectoid amount of carbon. When such steel cools, as shown in z-z of Fig.2.1 the process is similar to the -rich phase forms, the remaining austenite
21、 decreases in carbon content, reaching the eutectoid composition at 727(1341). As before, any remaining austenite transforms to pearlite upon slow cooling through this temperature. It should be remembered that the transitions that described by the phase diagrams are for equilibrium conditions, which
22、 can be approximated by slow cooling. With slow the reverse manner. However, when alloys are cooled rapidly, entirely different results may be obtained, because sufficient time is not provided for the normal phase reactions to occur, in such cases, the phase diagram is no longer a useful tool for en
23、gineering analysis.HardeningHardening is the process of or above its critical range and then cooling it rapidly. If the carbon content of the steel is known, the proper temperature to which the steel should be -iron carbide phase diagram. However, if the composition of the steel is unknown, a little
24、 preliminary experimentation may be necessary to determine the range. A good procedure to follow is to . When the correct temperature is obtained, there will be a marked change in any the rate of the interior and uniform structure cannot be obtained. If a piece is irregular in shape, a slow rate is
25、all the more essential to eliminate warping and cracking. The , the longer must be the after the correct temperature reached, the piece should be to attain a uniform temperature. The treatment depends on the quenching rate, the carbon content, and the work size. In alloy steels the kind and amount o
26、f alloying element influences only the unhardened or partially content will not respond appreciably to content in steel increases up to around 0.60%, the possible be increased only slightly, because steels above the eutectoid point are made up entirely of pearlite and cementite in the annealed state
27、. Pearlite responds best to be transformed into a though all other conditions a certain critical rate, there is a definite limit to the inside temperature and maintaining it at or close to this temperature.Under these circumstances there would always be some finite depth of surface oil quenching, wh
28、en the surface temperature may be tensile strength and an increase in the ductility and toughness of the steel. The operation consists of reheating quench- that the process lends itself to close control of the physical properties and in most cases does not soften the steel to the extent that anneali
29、ng would. The final structure obtained from tempering a fully of the martensite takes place at a faster rate, and at about 600(315) the change to a structure called tempered martensite is very rapid. The tempering operation may be described as one of precipitation and agglomeration or coalescence of
30、 cementite. A substantial precipitation of cementite begins at 600(315), which produces a decrease in the process of tempering, some consideration should be given to time as well as to temperature. Although most of the softening action occurs in the first few minutes after the temperature is reached
31、, there is some additional reduction in both, the a salt bath as austempering and martempering, result in products desirable physical properties.Annealing The primary purpose of annealing is to soften cooling at a slowly controlled rate so that the temperature of the surface and that of the center o
32、f the piece are approximately the same.This process is known as full annealing because it wipes out all trace of previous structure, refines the crystalline structure, and softens the metal. Annealing also relieves internal stresses previously set up in the metal.The temperature to which a given steel should be annealing depends on its composition; for carbon steels it can be obtained readily from the partial iron-iron carbide equilibrium diagram. When the annealing temperature reached, the steel should be