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    1、大学英语B考前押题2021年6月大学英语B考前押题 20_年6月大学英语B考前押题 大学英语B统考共分六个题型 1、交际英语(15分)重要,务必背下【重点】 2、阅读判断(10分)全部选择正确,至少可以答对2题,得4分(不要去背) 【没复习的同学不要去复习这个了,考试不会全A就可以了】 3、阅读理解(10分)建议考前利用技巧背下来,数量不多,考试有较大几率考到【重点】 4、词汇与语法(10分)建议直接放弃,考试全部选C,至少可答对1题得2分,考试时候不要浪费时间在这个题型里找题目,建议其他题型都做完后,还有时间再来看这个题型【放弃】 5、完形填空(15分)难度不高,全选C至少对1题,得3分(带

    2、精简题库做准备) 6、英译汉(30分)考试重点,务必背下,去记那些不认识的单词,难度不高,只要写上一段句子,即使有错误的,也会按照一个单词扣0.5分或者1分。写上大概意思就对!【重点】 7、作文(10分)作文基本都在精简题库当中,建议如果条件可以,带作文进入考场,用到满分。大家也可以参考下面的万能模块,或者从阅读文章找些认识的单词写上。 万能模板:适用所有作文类型: I think (此处抄写作文题目)is an interesting topic.我认为(作文题目)是一个有趣的话题Many people around me are talking about this.我周围的许多人都在谈论

    3、这个。 In my opinion, we should understand 此处抄写作文题目 like this.在我看来,我们应该明白(作文题目)是这样的First, 此处翻译题目的中文提示1(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好)Second, 此处翻译题目的中文提示2(如果实在不会写,可抄写阅读理解中的意义有关联的句子两到三个凑数,如能做适当修改更好) In conclusion, lets pay more and more attention to this together from now on.总之,从现在开始,让我们越来越关注

    4、这个话题。 第一部分:交际英语(有时间最好背下来) 1、- I&#_27;m sorry totrouble you.- _.A.The same to you B.What a pity! I&#_27;m sorry to hear that C.It doesn&#_27;t matter D.Thanks a lot 【百题斩答案】C 2、- Thank you for calling.- _A.Don&#_27;t mention it.B.That&#_27;s fine.C.Nice talking to you.D.Call back again.【百题斩答案】C 3、- Wh

    5、at day is today? - _A.It&#_27;s March 6.B.It&#_27;s a fine day today.C.It&#_27;s March.D.It&#_27;s Monday.【百题斩答案】D 4、- Would you like something to drink? Whatabout a cup of tea? - _A.No, thanks.B.No, I wouldn&#_27;t.C.Yes, I want.D.Yes, I like.【百题斩答案】A 5、- Good-bye for now.- _A.The same to you.B.Tha

    6、t&#_27;s OK.C.See you.D.Long time no see.【百题斩答案】C 6、- Tom told me that you collect sts.- _A.What do you mean? B.I don&#_27;t think so.C.Why did he tell you? D.Yes, I do.Do you? 【百题斩答案】D 7、- e and see me if you have time.- _A.I can&#_27;t.B.I&#_27;ll think it over.C.Thank you.D.I will.【百题斩答案】D 8、- Wh

    7、y did Mrs.Green go to the travel agency? - _A.By car.B.Yesterday afternoon.C.In New York.D.For some information about travel.【百题斩答案】D 9、- Shall we have another cup of tea? - _A.Do you like tea? B.Why not? C.Good tea.D.I&#_27;m thirsty.【百题斩答案】B 10、- Would you like to see the film with me tonight? - _

    8、.A.Not at all B.No, I don&#_27;t C.Yes, I&#_27;d love to D.That&#_27;s right 【百题斩答案】C 11、- Hello, I&#_27;m David Chen.Nice to meet you.- _A.Are you? B.Nice to meet you too.C.Yes.D.Very nice.【百题斩答案】B 12、- Hello, could I speak to Mike please? - _A.Who are you? B.Who is speaking? C.What&#_27;s wrong? D

    9、.Why? 【百题斩答案】B 13、-May I move your bag a little and take this seat? -_.A.I don&#_27;t mind B.It doesn&#_27;t matter C.You do it please D.Go ahead 【百题斩答案】D 14、- Let me help you carry the suitcase.- _A.It&#_27;s OK.I can manage.B.It&#_27;s not very light.C.I can help you with it.D.Put it down on the g

    10、round.【百题斩答案】A 15、- I wish you success in your career.- _A.You are wele.B.I think so.C.Yes, please.D.The same to you.【百题斩答案】D 16、- Could you do me a favour and take these books to my office? - Sure, _.A.for pleasure B.I could C.my pleasure D.more pleasure 【百题斩答案】C 17、- I wonder if I could use your p

    11、uter tonight? - _I&#_27;m not using it right now.A.Sure, here you are.B.I don&#_27;t know.C.It doesn&#_27;t matter.D.Who cares? 【百题斩答案】A 18、- Hey, Tom, what&#_27;s up? - _A.Yes, definitely! B.Oh, not much.C.What is happening in your life? D.You are lucky.【百题斩答案】B 19、- How are you, Bob? - _A.How are

    12、you? B.I&#_27;m fine.Thank you.C.How do you do? D.Nice to meet you.【百题斩答案】B 20、- Hello, I&#_27;m Harry Potter.- Hello, my name is Charles Green, but _.A.call my Charles B.call me at Charles C.call me Charles D.call Charles me 【百题斩答案】C 21、- Paul, _? - Oh, that&#_27;s my father!And beside him, my moth

    13、er.A.what is the person over there B.who&#_27;s talking over there C.what are they doing D.which is that 【百题斩答案】B 22、- It&#_27;s rather cold in here.Do you mind if I close the window? - _A.Yes, please.B.No, please.C.Sure, please.D.I don&#_27;t like it.【百题斩答案】B 23、- May I see your tickets, please? -

    14、_A.Sure.B.No, you can&#_27;t.C.No, they are mine.D.Yes, you can.【百题斩答案】A 24、- I&#_27;m sorry.I am late due to the heavy traffic.- _A.Well, it&#_27;s OK.B.No, it&#_27;s all right.C.You are wele.D.You are wrong.【百题斩答案】A 25、- Could you help me with my physics, please? - _A.No, no way.B.No, I couldn&#_2

    15、7;t.C.No, I can&#_27;t.D.Sorry I can&#_27;t.I have to go to a meeting right now.【百题斩答案】D 26、- Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.- _A.Never mind B.I&#_27;m glad you like it.C.Please don&#_27;t say so.D.No, It&#_27;s not so good.【百题斩答案】B 27、- Could I borrow your car for a few days? - _A.Yes,

    16、 you may borrow.B.Yes, go on.C.Sure, here is the key.Enjoy your journey.D.It doesn&#_27;t matter.【百题斩答案】C 28、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? - _A.Speaking, please.B.Oh, how are you? C.I&#_27;m listening.D.I&#_27;m Don.【百题斩答案】A 29、- E_cuse me, how much is the jacket? - It&#_27;s 499 Yuan._A.O

    17、h, no.That&#_27;s OK! B.How do you like it? C.Which do you prefer? D.Would you like to try it on? 【百题斩答案】D 30、- What does Tom&#_27;s wife do for a living? - _A.She is a doctor.B.Tom loves his wife.C.She has a happy life.D.She lives far from here.【百题斩答案】A 31、- I didn&#_27;t mean to do that.Please for

    18、give me.- _A.Not too bad.B.That&#_27;s all right.C.It&#_27;s a pleasure.D.Thank you.【百题斩答案】B 32、- Good morning, John.How are you doing? - _A.I&#_27;m pleased.B.Good night.C.Not so bad.And you? D.How do you do? 【百题斩答案】C 33、- What&#_27;s the problem with your bike? - _A.Not at all.B.Good, thank you.C.

    19、Nothing serious.D.Sure 【百题斩答案】C 34、- What&#_27;s wrong with you, dear? - _A.I didn&#_27;t go to school.B.I have a terrible headache.C.I took the kids shopping today.D.It is a beautiful dress.【百题斩答案】B 35、- What&#_27;s the matter, John? - _A.I failed my French test.B.It doesn&#_27;t matter.C.Nothing&#

    20、_27;s wrong with him.D.I don&#_27;t think I can.【百题斩答案】A 36、- What do you think of this novel? - _A.I&#_27;ve read it.B.It&#_27;s well-written.C.It was written by my uncle.D.I bought it yesterday.【百题斩答案】B 37、- How tall is your sister? - _A.She is not very well.B.She is 28 years old.C.She is very nic

    21、e.D.She is as tall as I am.【百题斩答案】D 38、- Let&#_27;s go to the library this afternoon.- _A.Yes, that&#_27;s right.B.No.I can&#_27;t.C.What about you? D.That&#_27;s a good idea.【百题斩答案】D 39、- How much is this necklace? - _A.It&#_27;s very nice.B.It&#_27;s a birthday present from my parents.C.It costs f

    22、ifty pounds.D.It&#_27;s a bargain.【百题斩答案】C 40、- How can I get to the cinema? - _A.It&#_27;s very far.B.Yes, there is a cinema near here.C.It&#_27;s well known.D.Go down this street and turn left.【百题斩答案】D 41、- How&#_27;s your family? - _A.Thanks all the same.B.Thanks for calling.C.Not too bad.D.Don&#

    23、_27;t mention it.【百题斩答案】C 42、- Are you going on holiday for a long time? - _A.It was a long time.B.Two weeks ago.C.No.Only a couple of days.D.Not long time ago.【百题斩答案】C 43、- What are you majoring in? - _A.In a university.B.Very hard.C.Mathematics.D.At nine in the morning.【百题斩答案】C 44、- Is John there?

    24、 - _A.Speaking.B.I&#_27;m not Mary.C.Who are you? D.Mary is well today.【百题斩答案】A 45、- Is that seat taken? - _A.Please don&#_27;t worry.B.I don&#_27;t think so.C.Why not? D.It&#_27;s very nice.【百题斩答案】B 46、- How are you getting on today? - _A.Very well.B.How do you do? C.I&#_27;m a doctor.D.Nice to hav

    25、e known you.【百题斩答案】A 47、Congratulations! You won the first prize in todays speech contest.- _A.Yes, I beat the others.B.No, no, I didnt do it well C.Thank you.D.Its a pleasure.【百题斩答案】C 48、Did you know that David injured his leg yesterday? Really? _A.Who did that? B.Whats wrong with him? C.How did th

    26、at happen? D.Why was he so careless? 【百题斩答案】C 49、Do you mind my smoking here? - _A.No, thanks.B.Yes, I do.C.Yes.Id rather not.D.Good idea.【百题斩答案】B 50、E_cuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest post office? -_Oh yes! Two blocks away from here at the Green Avenue.You cant miss it.A.I beg your

    27、 pardon? B.What do you mean? C.Youre wele.D.Mm,let me think 【百题斩答案】D 51、- Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please? - _A.Who&#_27;s there? B.Who&#_27;s speaking? C.Who are you? D.Who wants to speak to Mark? 【百题斩答案】B 52、Hi, Tom, how&#_27;s everything with you? - _, and how are you? A.Don&#_27;t ment

    28、ion it.B.Hm, not too bad.C.Thanks D.Pretty fast 【百题斩答案】B 53、How was your trip to London, Jane? - _.A.Oh, wonderful indeed.B.I went there alone.C.The guide showed me the way.D.By plane and by bus.【百题斩答案】A 54、I didnt mean to do that.Please forgive me.- _.A.Not too bad.B.Thats all right.C.Its a pleasur

    29、e D.Thank you 【百题斩答案】B 55、- I hear you got through your e_am.Congratulations! - _A.No.I didn&#_27;t do well enough.B.Who told you that? C.Thanks D.Yes, I got a good mark.【百题斩答案】C 56、- I&#_27;m sorry I&#_27;m late.- _A.No trouble.B.All right C.It doesn&#_27;t matter D.I don&#_27;t matter 【百题斩答案】C 57、Is it possible for you to work late tonight? - _.A.I like it.B.Ill do that.C.Id love to.D.I think so.【百题斩答案】D 58、Let me introduce myself.Im Steward.- _.A.What a pleasure.B.Pleased to meet you.C.I dont know.D.Thanks a lot.【百题斩答案】B 59、Lets go to the library this afternoon.- _


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