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    1、最新小学五级英语语法测试题1教学内容小学五年级英语语法归纳1:“first”是序数词,与“the”相连,解释为第一。2:像“first,term,world”作为词组出现时前面要加“the”。3:“all”所有;后面的可数名词用复数形式,be动词用“are”。4:“any”一些;用在否定句和一般疑问句中,与“some”同义。“some”用在肯定句中。5:there be+数词,采用“就近原则”。6:a map of China 与 a map of the world 要牢记。7:要用“on the wall”,不能用“in the wall”。门、窗在墙上才能用“in the wall”。8

    2、:can 后+动词原形。9:play+the+乐器; play+球类;10:like的用法 +可数名词复数形式(指一类的东西)。 +this+名词单数。 +some+不可数名词。 +动词ing形式(动名词)。11:动词变动名词形式方法: A-直接在动词后面+ing形式(大多数)。 B-以不发音的“e”结尾的,要去掉e后再+ing,比如:dancing,making,riding。 C-重读be音节,末尾只有一个辅音,须双写末尾的字母后再+ing,如:running,swimming,sitting,putting。12:现在进行时的构成:be动词+动词ing形式。标志:now、look、lis

    3、ten、its time to。13:现在进行时的一般疑问句 /问-be动词+人称+时态(动词ing) 答-Yes,he/She/it is/am/are. No,he/She/it isnt/arent/am not. 14:用Are you.? Yes,I am/ we are. No,Im not/We arent.15: 动词后+人称宾格形式.16:一般现在时的构成:第三人称单数(三单)。要注意:后面的动词+s或es。特例:havehas dodose gogoes; 标志:often,usually。17:有些名词变动词时要变形式,例如:teacherteach;driverdriv

    4、e. 频率词:注意频率词使用的位置!0 never 从不 sometimes 有时 usually 经常often 通常always总是 everyday 每天 1001I never drink coffee . 我从不喝咖啡。2My mother sometimes does some reading . 我妈妈有时读书。3My father usually surfs the Net . 我爸爸经常上网。4My friend often does his homework after dinner. 我的朋友通常晚饭后做作业。5Kate always goes to school on

    5、time. Kate总是按时上学。6Jim brushes his teeth everyday. Jim每天刷牙。Can 能 后加动词原型 一、be动词am is are 口诀:我用am, 你用are, is用在他她它,所有复数全用are。二、情态动词can、must、should、would、may。情态动词后动词总是用原形。三、如何改否定句:(有some的要考虑是否要用any)。1、看句中有无be动词,如有,直接在be动词后+ not。(am、is、are、)+not2、看句中有无情态动词,如有,直接在情态动词后+ not。(can、may、would)+ not3、如上述二者都没有,就

    6、应用助动词+ not。分三个步骤:(1)圈出句中的实义动词(行为动词),判断该词为原形、还是第三人称单数。(2)在动词前加相对应的助动词否定式(dont或doesnt),动词是原形的助动词就用dont,动词是第三人称单数的助动词就用doesnt。(3)原句中动词假如发生变化就要恢复成原形。四、如何改一般疑问句。1、看句中有无be动词,如有,把be动词提到句首即可。2、看句中有无情态动词,如有,把情态动词提到句首即可。3、如上述二者都没有,就应把助动提到句首。分三个步骤:(1)圈出句中的实义动词(行为动词),判断该词为原形、第三人称单数。(2)在句首加相对应的助动词 (do、does),动词是原

    7、形的助动词就用do,动词是第三人称单数的助动词就用does。(3)原句中动词假如发生变化就要恢复成原形。怎么改否定句:先找be动和情态,再把not后面带,找不到也别急,实意动词圈出来,dont、doesnt、当帽戴,还得小心被some害,改成any,才算完。怎么改一般疑问句:一找be动和情态,二找主语你、我、他,找到了,恭喜你,把他们句首安个家,be动、情态要在前,紧跟主语你、我、他,注意要把some换any。找不到be动和情态,do会在句首笑你傻,主语三单就打死(does)它,检查完拼写就搞定啦!六、对划线部分提问: 1、找特殊疑问词。2、除了划线部分,其他的改一般疑问句。常用特殊疑问词:七

    8、、名词的复数变化规则a一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-bedsb以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watchesc以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberriesd以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knivese不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, p

    9、olicewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children foot-feet ,. tooth-teeth fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese八、 人称代词和物主代词动词后用宾格。介词后用宾格。有表示现在进行时的时间状语有(Be动词+动词的ing形式)句中往往有now、look、listen等词。 五年级英语语法复习一.用括号内动词的适当形式填空.1.My brother always (play) basketball on Wednesday afternoon.

    10、 2. Sandys father can (speak ) English and Japanese. 3. Look! David (run ) on the playground. 4. I would like ( stay) at home. 5. Let me (clean ) the blackboard for you, sir. 6. Nancy ( dance ) every Sunday. 7. he (water ) the flowers every Sunday. No, he .8. There ( be) much water in the bottle. 9.

    11、 My brother often (wash ) hands before dinner. 10. Its time ( have ) lunch. 11. Do you like (dance) ? 12. What your sister ( do) every evening? 13. Look! The students (read ) English .14. There (be) some skirts in the shop. 15. He ( not like ) the computer games. 16. There ( not be ) many shops for

    12、boys. 17. Kate ( do ) her homework now? 18. Tom sometimes (watch) TV in the evening. 19. Id like ( (have ) a hamburger. 20. ( be ) there any monkey on the table? 21. He often ( go ) to school by bike. 22. Listen ! Lucy ( sing ) in the classroom. 23. Look at the children over there !What they (do )?2

    13、4. Dont talk! The boys (sleep ) .25. (be ) there any bread on the table? 26. Lilei ( want ) (go ) (swim ) with his father . 27. Miss li ( teach ) us English . Now , she (give ) us an English lesson. 28. Here ( be ) your trousers. 29. I would like (put ) up my hand, but the teacher ( not look ) at me

    14、 now. 30. There ( be ) some oranges in the glass. 31. ( be ) there any food on the table ? 32. Miss Zhang can ( sing ) the song . Now she ( teach ) her students to sing it. 33. Its time ( clean ) the classroom. 34. Mary usually ( get ) up late ? No, she (get ) up early . Look! She (read ) a book in

    15、her bedroom. 35. There ( be ) some bananas on the table. 36. She (lie ) in bed now. 37. He would like (play ) basketball now. 38. Sam often (go ) home at four in the afternoon? 39. Look, the children (be) very happy. 40. Your sister (look ) very young . 41. Mary always (play ) basketball after schoo

    16、l?42. They sometimes (watch) football games after dinner. 43. Sometimes my aunt (water ) the flowers in the morning. But sometimes she ( not ). 44. Dont sing so loudly, your brother (sleep). 45. I (be )reading. 46. She (be ) cooking. 47. We (be ) making a snowman. 48. He (be ) making a model plane .

    17、 49 He always ( get ) up late on Sunday. 50. I (wash ) my face now . 51. She (clean ) her room now. 52. We (like ) English . 53. She (clean ) her room every day. 54. Please get some fruit for (we) 55.Helen is sitting ( quiet ) on the grass. 56.Does he like ( speak ) loudly? 57.We have the same (hobb

    18、y ) 58.How many ( flowers ) are there in the garden. 59.Please ( not speak ) loudly in class. 60.I want ( collect ) stamps. 61.I like ( draw ) pictures. 62. you ( like ) ( stamps )? 63. your father ( like ) ( keep ) goldfish ? 64.Look! They ( make ) planes ( careful ) in the classroom . 一. 用when , w

    19、hat , which , why填空。1. do you do on the weekend?2. do you do morning exercises?3. I like to fly kites. about you?4. do you do on Sunday?5. is the time, please?6. do you have English class?7. season do you like best?8. is your favourite season?9. is the weather like in spring?10. season does Zoom lik

    20、e best?二. 根据问句写答句:1. When do you get up? 2. When do you do morning exercises? 3. What do you do on the weekend? 4. Do you often go hiking on the weekend?Yes, . No, .5. Does Zip often climb mountains on Saturdays? 6. Whats your favourite season? 7. Why do you like spring? 8. Which season do you like

    21、best? Why? . 9. Whats the weather like in winter in Changan? 10. Do you like summer? Why? . 三. 根据句写问句:1. ?I like winter best.2. ?My favourite season is spring.3. ?Because I can plant trees in spring.4. ?I often go hiking on Sundays.5. ?I usually have English class at 9:40.6. ?I d like to have a picn

    22、ic.7. ?Because I can sleep a long time in winter.8. ?Its sunny and hot in summer.9. ?I often go shopping on the weekend.10. ?I am a student.11. ?Because I can skate in winter.12. ? Because I can fly kites in fall.13. ?I like spring best.14. ?My favourite season is summer.15. ?Zip likes summer best.1

    23、6. ?Zoom likes winter best.17. ?Its cold in Beijing in winter.18. ?My mother is a policeman.19. ?I usually go to school at 7:00 am.20. ?Sometimes I do sports at 5:00 pm.一.按要求改写句子1. The boy is playing basketball.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_对“is playing basketball”提问:_对“ The boy”提问:_2. They are singing in

    24、 the classroom.否定句:_一般疑问句:_肯定回答:_否定回答:_对“are singing ”提问:_对“ in the classroom”提问:_3.仿照例句造句: Model: read a book -What are you doing? - -Im reading a book.1). read a new book_2). clean the blackboard_4. she,the window,open,now.(用现在进行时连词成句.)_5. The birds are singing in the tree.(就划线部分提问)_6. is,who,the

    25、window,cleaning?(连词成句)_7. The children are playing games near the house.(就划线部分提问)_8.She is closing the door now.(改成否定句)_9.You are doing your homework.(用I作主语改写句子)_10.they, the tree, sing, now, under.(用现在进行时连词成句.)_11.The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句)_II.单项选择( )1.我在照看孩子.(A)I am loo

    26、king after the baby.(B)Im look aftering the baby.(C)I look am aftering the baby.(D)I looking after the baby.( )2._friends making_a kite.(A)I,me (B)My,my (C)My,me (D)His,his( )3.Is the woman _ yellow your teacher?(A)in (B)putting on (C)wearing (D)having( )4.Look!The twins_their mother do the housework.(A)are wanting (B)help (C)are helping (D)are looking( )5._are the birds doing? They are singing in a tree.(A)Who (B)What (C)How (D)Where( )6.Is she_something?(A)eat (B)eating (C)eatting (D)eats( ) 7.你在干什么?(A)What is you d


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