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    1、北京市东城区学年高三上学期期末英语试题北京市东城区2020-2021学年高三上学期期末英语试题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、用单词的适当形式完成短文阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。Christmas was near. I walked away from my school and followed the worn path through the trees onto the street 1 Coles grocery store stood. In my pocket was a col

    2、lection of coins and bills I 2 (earn) the summer before. Cars ran down the street as I opened the door to the store. The noise of the cars disappeared when the door closed 3 me. I was a kid who felt out of place and on a mission. For the first time, I was going to buy a Christmas gift for my mum and

    3、 dad.阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。According to a recent study, dolphins have displayed certain characteristics of human conversation in their communication. Two dolphins, Yana and Yasha, 4 (study) as they communicated with each other. Researchers found that they woul

    4、d stop talking in order to listen to 5 the other had to “say”, just like a conversation between two humans. Dolphins have been known to be one of the most intelligent 6 (animal). We have studied dolphins for decades, but this new evidence on their communication patterns is one of the most exciting.阅

    5、读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写1个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。The Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes is a world heritage (遗产) site 7 (locate) in Gansu Province, Northwest China. In 2016, the first phase of Digital Dunhuang resource database went online. Now people from all over the world can enjoy high-definiti

    6、on images and panoramic (全景的) tours of 30 caves on the Digital Dunhuang website. Digital Dunhuang 8 (integrate) all kinds of data, including videos, 3D data, pictures and others, into digital images that can be shared globally over the Internet, Although the Digital Dunhuang project has a long way 9

    7、 (go), it has significant meaning to 10 (culture) heritage protection.二、完形填空 Colleen and her husband were part of a group walking the Overland Track. It was the fifth day of a 6-day walk. The guide, who was waiting for them at the nearest camp, had 11 them about the slippery and potentially dangerou

    8、s conditions. Colleen, an experienced adventurer from Sydney, was a naturally 12 walker. She walked in front of her husband and carefully checked the safety of the track when they were going down a steep slope (陡坡). Suddenly she heard a cracking sound from 13 .“When I realized what was happening, I

    9、was 14 to a deep ditch (沟壑), my pack on my back.” Colleens fall was only 15 by the presence of a branch that stretched across the ditch and 16 her from a fall that could otherwise have been deadly.Colleen hit her head badly and went into 17 . She soon woke up and turned around to see her husband sit

    10、ting stunned on the side of the track. He had 18 fallen from the top. He had first slipped above Colleen, and his full weight, with his pack, 19 down on top of her. He was uninjured, and Colleen was suspended on the branch. He 20 out to grab Colleens arm. Colleen felt so 21 , the worst physical suff

    11、ering she had ever felt in her life. She knew 22 that her arm was broken.Her husband took her pack along with his own and together they 23 for the final three kilometers to the camp. Once they reached the camp, the guide gave her first aid and called for the rescue helicopter immediately.Colleen was

    12、 24 to the nearest hospital by helicopter. She was 25 in the hospital and was told that her head and neck were okay, but her arm had been broken in four places.Later, Colleen 26 with emotion. “After this personal 27 of near-death and being saved, I realized that in some situations theres absolutely

    13、no 28 to get to hospital, and the rescue helicopter was the only way. At that moment, the most 29 noise was hearing the helicopter come. The helicopter rescue workers were so generous, so highly skilled as well. When they arrived with the policemen, I was never more 30 to see anyone in my whole life

    14、.”11Ainterviewed Bwarned Casked Dtaught12Acurious Bindependent Ccautious Dpatient13Aopposite Bahead Cfaraway Dabove14Ajumping Bheading Cturning Dwalking15Abroken Bcaused Cfollowed Dprotected16Ahid Breleased Ckept Dpulled17Ashock Baction Csilence Dpanic18Aconsequently Bimmediately Caccidentally Deven

    15、tually19Alay Bsettled Cbent Dcrashed20Alooked Bran Cspread Dreached21Afearful Bpainful Cregretful Dpitiful22Astraight away Bafter all Cat times Dwithout hesitation23Aprepared Bstruggled Csearched Dcompeted24Aforced Bguided Crushed Dinvited25Aconsulted Bcured Cassessed Dexamined26Arecalled Bdeclared

    16、Cadvised Dresponded27Aexperience Btraining Cevaluation Dfeeling28Apossibility Bprivilege Calternative Dnecessity29Afamiliar Bunexpected Cdeafening Dwonderful30Ahonored Bgrateful Cmotivated Dconfident三、阅读选择 The Youth Science Discovery Experience (YSDE) teams students and teachers with practicing scie

    17、ntists to pursue semester-long (整个学期) projects in fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.GoalsIntroduce new scientific topics, especially those not typically covered in traditional courses in high schools.Encourage lifelong learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathe

    18、matics.Develop science reasoning skills and an understanding of the scientific research process.Prepare students to face challenges of college, career, and continuing education.Develop creativity, build self-confidence, and promote friendship among the youth.Program OverviewThe YSDE program uses a p

    19、roject-based learning model. Each research team consists of six tenth-grade students, one teacher, and one practicing scientist. Together the team investigates an area of current scientific concern.The program integrates in-residence experiences with continuing education activities conducted in the

    20、students and teachers school setting. YSDE begins with a five-day residential session in the center where students will learn principles of scientific inquiry. Each research team works with its scientist to plan an approach to its project. Session in residence allows YSDE members to participate in t

    21、he magnificent outdoor natural laboratory provided by the surrounding national forests. Then the teams return to their home institutions and continue working on research projects throughout the semester.YSDE concludes with a final session in residence where teams present their research.Program Featu

    22、resPhysical EnvironmentYSDE facilities include science laboratories, a computer center, and arts and music studios. The area provides an outstanding natural laboratory for teaching and experimentation. Being separated from the usual disturbances of cities provides a nurturing atmosphere.Intensive (集

    23、中的), Cooperative LearningThe residential part of YSDE offers near “around-the-clock” learning opportunities in a challenging yet friendly setting. Cooperative learning encourages teamwork and cooperative skills, using science as a common language to allow students to learn from peers, staff, and vis

    24、iting experts.Professional PartnershipsYSDEs relationship with partner organizations helps complete the program. Partner organizations are selected and invited on their interest in developing project-based learning activities for students in high school. YSDEs partnerships with organizations like th

    25、e Canaan Valley Institute and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory provide unique access to world-class facilities and human resources.For more information about YSDE, please visit our website at , or write to us at Post office Box 715, Charleston, WV 15358-352.31One of the purposes of YSDE is t

    26、o _.Aprovide young scientists with assistanceBpromote the mode of science thinkingCintroduce new university coursesDencourage education research32The YSDE program participants will _.Ado research in the natural environmentBspend five days organizing the programClive in the center throughout the seme

    27、sterDpresent research result in their own schools33What makes the YSDE program special?ACompetitive learning atmosphere.BAccess to various physical activities.CMethods of acquiring science language.DSupport from cooperative organizations. When Brody, a 4-year-old Connecticut boy, was asked what wish

    28、 he wanted to come true, his only dream was that he could be able to play outside.Brody was born premature (早产) at 27 weeks, which caused him to overheat and burn easily. That means he cant spend any time outside and hell get burn blisters (水疱) on his face even when he is driven to the hospital. Bes

    29、ides, there are a lot of things he cant do. He has trouble walking and only began talking one year ago. Brody cant eat or drink and has to wear a backpack 24/7 that contains a pump that feeds him. “I cant even count the number of surgeries hes had since he was born,” Brodys mother said. “Hes spent p

    30、robably half his life at the hospital.”When Make-A-Wish Connecticut, an organization that creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses, heard about Brodys request to play outside, they immediately jumped into action. “Its the most simple, most sweet wish, just to play outside bu

    31、t it seems to be the most difficult to realize.” said Debbie Artinian, the manager of Make-A-Wish Connecticut.Artinian and her team determined that a temperature-controlled tent outside Brodys home where he could play and not be in the sun would be the best option. But they had to find a tent that c

    32、ould stand weather conditions like wind and snow and had the right material to block all UV rays. Luckily, Artinian found a company based in the United Kingdom that could design and make the tent. Make-A-Wish Connecticut learnt that Brody loves the beach, even though he is not able to go into water because


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