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    1、中考复习初中英语重点词汇例句02B0513173315512019-2020 年中考复习:初中英语重点词汇例句 02(B)1、badly adv. 拙劣地,糟糕地,严重地 比较级最高级 worseworst Our team played badly at first but got better in the second half.我们的队伍开始打的糟糕,但下半场打的好些。His grandfather is badly ill.他的爷爷病得很严重2、beauty n. 美,美丽Walk slowly around the lake and feel the beauty of the o

    2、ld park. 慢慢沿着湖边散步,会感受到这个古老公园的美丽。When Hepburn died in 1993,the world mourned the loss of a great beauty,a great actress and a great humanitarian.当 Hepburn 在 1993 年去世的时,整个世界都在哀悼一位美女、伟大女演员和慈善家的离去。beautiful adj. 美丽的 beautifully adv.Our hometown is a beautiful and quiet place.我们的家乡是一个美丽而安静的地方。3、become vi

    3、. 成为,变得 became becomeI want to become a famous singer and travel around the world in the future. 我想将来成为一个著名的歌手并且周游全世界。Nanjing is becoming more and more beautiful.南京正变得越来越漂亮。4、begin/start vi./vt. 开始 begin/start to do sth./doing sth.He began to learn English when he was six years old.当他 6 岁时就开始学英语。beg

    4、inning n. 开始,起初 began begun at the beginning of 在开始At the beginning of the class, we sang an English song. 在这堂课开始时,我们唱了一首英文歌。5.between pron. 两者之间 between. and among 三者或以上 He will come between 5p.m and 7p.m .他将在 5 点到 7 点之间来。6、birth n. 出生,诞生 date of birth 出生日期 at birth 出生时 birthday 生日Next Sunday is my

    5、 twelfth birthday.下周日是我 12 岁的生日。7、boring adj. 乏味的,无聊的,令人乏味的 feel bored adj. 感到无聊的Mr Blacks class is boring.We all feel bored in his class. Mr Black 上的课枯燥,我们在他的课上都感到乏味。The trip to the World Park was boring. We all felt bored on the way. 去世界公园的旅行令人乏味,在路上我们都感到乏味。8、borrow vt. (向某人)借用,借 borrow sth. from

    6、sb. 向某人借某物lend vt. 借给 lend sth. to sb./lend sb.sth. 把某物借给某人Excuse me,can I borrow a bike from you?/Can I borrow your bike?我能借你的自行车吗?I lent my English book to Kate yesterday. 昨天我把我的英语书借给 Kate 了。keep 借多长时间You can keep the book for 2 weeks. 这本书你可以借 2 周。9、both pron./adj. 两者,双方,两者的,双方的neither 两者都不 either

    7、 两者中的 一个Peter and I are both students. Pete 和我都是学生。Peter and I both love playing football. Pete 和我都喜欢踢足球。Both of us love playing football.Both he and I are hard-working. He knows both English and French.all (三者或三者以上)都 none (三者或三者以上)都不All of us are students. We are all students. 我们都是学生。We all work ha

    8、rd at English. 我们都努力学英语10.bread n.不可数名词I am not full, I want two more pieces of bread. 我没吃饱, 我还想要两快面包。11、breath n. 呼吸 out of breath 上气不接下气breathe vt./vi. 呼吸 breathe heavily 呼吸急促Daniel arrived out of breath because he missed the early bus. Daniel 上气不接下气赶到,因为他错过早班车。A witness reported that he was breat

    9、hing heavily and had blood on his shirt.一个证人报告说他呼吸急促,衬衫上有血。12、bridge n. 桥There is a wooden bridge over the river. 有一座木桥横跨这条河。go across the bridge /cross the bridge /walk over the bridge 过桥13、bright adj. 明亮的,聪明的My classroom is very bright.我的教室非常明亮。He is a bright/smart/clever boy.他是一个聪明的男孩。14、bring vt

    10、. 带来,拿来 brought take vt. 拿走 took taken Take these old chairs away,and bring the new ones here.把这些旧椅子拿走,带一些新椅子来。Remember to bring your homework here tomorrow.记得明天把你作业带来。Its raining outside. Please take an umbrella with you when you go out. 外面正下雨。当你出去的时候,请带一把伞。15、build vt. 建造,建筑 built building n. 建筑物,

    11、楼房We should build more reserves for giant pandas.我们应该为大熊猫建立更多的保护区。Most of us live in tall buildings.我们中的绝大部分住在高楼里。16、burn vt. 烧伤,烧The fire burned Zhang Huas neck,arms,and face.火烧伤了张华的脖子、胳膊和脸。17、busy adj. 忙的,忙碌的 be busy with /doing sth. 忙于做某事business n. 企业,商行,工厂The students are very busy these days.学

    12、生这些天非常忙。They were busy with/ doing their homework at that time.他们那个时候忙于做作业。We get lots of support from local businesses.我们从当地企业得到许多支持。18、buy vt. 买 buy sb. sth. /buy sth. for sb. bought boughtMy father bought me a new bike yesterday./ My father bought a new bike for me yesterday.我父亲昨天为我买了俩自行车。sell vt

    13、. 卖,出售 sold soldHunters will make a lot of money if they sell elephants tusks.猎人通过卖象牙来赚钱。19、by prep. 通过,靠,用(表示通过某种方式)by bus/ bike/ plane/air/ train/ ship/sea/underground/boat by doing sth.Now we can take an underground to the centre of Nanjing. Now we can go to the centre of Nanjing by underground.

    14、现在我们可以乘地铁到南京市中心。We go to school by bike every day. We ride bikes to school every day. 我们每天骑自行车上学。She wanted to remind us that we should protect the environment by showing us the beauty of nature.她想通过向我们展示大自然的美来提醒我们应该保护环境。2019-2020 年中考复习:初中英语重点词汇例句 03(C)1. call vt.把叫做/给命名We call him Tom.The boy is ca

    15、lled Tom.这个男孩名叫 TomThere is a boy called Tom in my class. Jerry is calling the police for help. 在我班上有一个名叫 Tom 的男孩。Jerry 在打电话给警察寻求帮助。2. calm vi.平静下来,镇静下来 adj.平静的 calm down 静下来Some colours like blue and white make us calm and peaceful. 蓝色和白色等颜色使我们安静。We should calm down when the earthquake happens. 当地震

    16、发生时,我们应该镇静。3. camel n.骆驼A camel is a useful animal. 骆驼是有用的动物。4. camera n. 照相机/摄象机We usually take photos with cameras.我们用照相机照相。5. candle n.蜡烛You can put candles into pumpkins to make lanterns. 你可以把蜡烛放在南瓜里来制作灯笼。6. candy n.糖果At Halloween, we can eat a lot of chocolates and candies. 在万圣节,我们吃巧克力和糖果。7. ca

    17、pital n. 首都 the capital of 的 首 都 ( 省 会 ) Washington DC is the capital of the USA.华盛顿特区是美国的首都。Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu.南京是江苏的省会。8. care v. 介意,在乎 I dont care about money. 我不在乎钱careful adj.小心的 Be careful with fire ,please. 请小心火。carefully adv. 小心地,仔细地,认真地 Listen carefully in class.careless adj.

    18、粗心的Tom is a careless boy ,he often does his homework carelessly. Tom 是一个粗心的男孩,他经常做作业粗心。carelessly adv. 粗心地9. carrot n.胡萝卜 Rabbits like to eat carrots.兔子喜欢吃胡萝卜。10. carry vt.搬运,运输,携带 carry on withdoing sth 执行、进展 I want you to carry all the bags for me. 我想要你帮我搬运所有的袋子。11. cartoon n. 卡通片,动画片Tomand Jerry

    19、is my sons favorite cartoon. Tomand Jerry是我儿子最喜爱的动 画片。12. case n. 病历,案例Some people cant see things ,they are blind. But most of the cases can be cured. 一些人不能看到东西,他们是盲人,但是大部分病例可以被治愈。13. catch vt.捉住,接住,赶上;染上 caught catch up with 赶上 catch a cold 感冒 其延续性动词:have a coldThe black cat caught a mouse yesterd

    20、ay evening.这只黑猫昨晚捉住一只老鼠。14. cause vt.引起,使发生 n.原因What causes the problem?什么导致这个问题?15. centre n.中心 the centre of 中心Boys dont like shopping centres. They like going to the youth centre and the computer centre.男孩不喜欢购物中心,他们喜欢去青少年中心和电脑中心。16. century n. 世纪,百年 A century is a hundred years.一世纪是 100 年。17. cer

    21、tain adj.确信的,无疑的 certainly 当然,行Are you certain you can deal with the problems?你确信你能处理这个问题吗? Can you help me? Certainly .18. chance n.机会If we study hard ,everyone has the chance to go the college. 如果我们努力学习,每个人都有机会上大学。19. change vt 改变,变化 n.变化I dont have a good lifestyle .Its time for me to change now.

    22、 我没有一个好的生活方式,现在到了我改变的时间了。There have been a lot of changes in Sunshine Town over these years. 在这几年阳光镇有了很大的改变。20. character n.特点,性格,品质,人物Jay Chou is the main character in the film.在这部电影里周杰伦是主角。21. chat vi./ n.聊天,闲谈 chat with sb. 和某人聊天 chatting chatted Peter often spends much time chatting with his fri

    23、ends on the Internet. Peter 经常花许多时间和他的朋友在网络上聊天。22. cheap adj.便宜的The shirt is too expensive .Do you have a cheaper one? 这条裙子太贵了。你有更便宜的吗?expensive/ dear adj. 昂贵的This coat is so expensive that I cant afford it.这件外套太贵了,我买不起。The price of this coat is highlow.23. check n.核实,查明When we go to the cinema, the

    24、re is someone checking the tickets at the entrance.当我我们去看电影时,有人在入口处查票。24. cheer vi.欢呼,喝彩 cheerful adj.令人快乐的,快乐的I cheered up for our team.我为我们队伍欢呼加油。He is a cheerful boy.他是个令人快乐的男孩。25. child n.孩子 Childrens Day 儿童节Im the second child of my family.我在我家排行老二。26. chip n. 薯条 How many chips do you want to h

    25、ave?你想要多少薯条?27. choice n.选择Now I know hwo to make my choice.现在我知道作出我的选择。choose vt.选择 There are many clothes for dancers to choose from. 有许多衣服让舞蹈者来挑选。choose sb to do sth28. Christmas n.圣诞节 at Christmas/ on Christmas Day 在圣诞节Christmas is a very important festival in the West. 圣诞节是西方一个非常重要的节日。29. cinem

    26、a n.电影院 go to the cinema 去电影院Tomorrow is Sunday .Would you like to go to the cinema with me ? 明天是星期天,你想和我去电影院吗?30. city n.城市 adj.城市的 Nanjing is the capital city of Jiangsu. 南京是江苏的省会。31. clap vt. 鼓掌 clapping clappedThe children all clapped and screamed with joy when they saw their favorite characters

    27、 in Disneyland.孩子们都高兴地鼓掌尖叫当他们在迪斯尼乐园看到他们最喜爱的人物。32. clean adj.干净的 v. 打扫Mikes bedroom looks as clean as new. Mike 的卧室和新的一样新。We clean our classroom every morning. 我们每天早上打扫我们的教室。clearly adv 清楚地 I can not see the blackboard clearly, I need to wear glasses.我不能清楚地看到黑板,我需要戴眼镜。33. clever adj.聪明的,伶俐的 be clever

    28、bright at 在很聪明Tom is clever at math. Tom 数学很好。34. climb vt.爬,攀登 climber 攀登者Madee usually climbs a ladder to get into her house. Madee 通常要爬梯子进入他的房子。35. clone vt./n.克隆David is very interested in Dolly, the first cloned sheep. David 对第一只克隆绵羊非常感兴趣。36. cloud n.云 cloudy adj.多云的Its sunny today. There is no

    29、 cloud in the sky.今天是晴天,天空中没有云。Whats the weather like today? Its cloudy.今天天气怎样啊?多云。37. coach n.客车,教练We ran to the park as soon as we got off the coach.我一从下车就朝公园跑去。38. coin n.硬币Mr Zhangs five-year-old son spread the coins all over the floor.It made him very angry.张先生 5 岁的儿子把硬币撒满了地板,这使得他很生气。39. collec

    30、t vt. 收集 Do you like collecting stamps?你喜欢集邮吗?40. college n.大学,学院 We havent met since we graduated from college.自从我们大学毕业后,我们没有见过面。41. come on 来吧,快点,得了吧Come on ,we have no time . 快点,我们没有时间了。42. come out 出版,发行,发表,出来 come out of 从中出来A new educational CD-ROM called “ Around the World in Eight Hours” has

    31、 just come out.一个名叫八小时环游世界的教育光盘刚刚出来。43. comfortable adj.舒适的,舒服的 uncomfortable 不舒适的Cotton clothes are very comfortable to wear.棉制的衣服穿起来很舒适。44. communication n.交流,交际Many teenagers usually have no communication with their family members. 许多青少年通常不和他们父母交流。45. compare vt./vi.比较Compared with Tom, Kate work

    32、s harder at school.和 Tom 相比,Kate 学习更认真。46. complete vt.完成Im a Grade 9 student now. I often stay up late to complete my homework. 我现在是九年级学生了,我经常熬夜去完成家庭作业。47. concert n.音乐会 give a concert 举行音乐会If you send text messages to 1396, you could win two free concert tickets. 如果你发送信息到 1396,你就可以得到 2 张免费的音乐会门票。48. conference n.会议


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