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    1、学年八年级英语上册月考试题八年级英语月考试题 (时间100分钟 满分120 )第一卷(60分)一 单项选择(每题1分,共20分) ( ) 1. You must practise _ English more. A. to speak B. to say C. speaking D. say ing( )2. Id like you to give me _ on how to learn English.A. some advices B. some advice C. an advice D. a few advices( )3. Guangdong Province is _ the s

    2、outh of China. A. in B. on C. of D. to( ) 4. Its very hot in the classroom. _ open the windows?A. What about B. Why not C. Do you want D. Why dont( ).Our teacher often advises us _computer games a lot. A. to play B. playing C. not to play D. not playing( )6.Its very important for us _ some healthy f

    3、ood every day. A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. eats ( )7. _ was your weekend, Linda? Pretty good.A. When B. Where C. How D. What( ) 8. China has a _ population than England.A. larger B. smaller C. much D. more( )9. Why dont you_?A. write down it B. write it downB. wrote it down D. writing it down( ) 1

    4、0. My aunt is already 50, but she looks _ than she really is.A. young B. old C. older D. younger( ) 11Tony is _university student and he likes playing _ baseball. A. a; the B. the; an C. a; / D. /; the( ) 12. Im sorry. I forgot to bring my homework today._ Please remember to bring it tomorrow. A. Go

    5、od Luck! B. Never mind! C. A good idea. D. Youre welcome. ( ) 13. This film is as _ as that one. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. more interesting( )14. Dont speak _ Lily. Your sister is sleeping now. A. quickly B. loudly C. quietly D. slowly ( ) 15. -Do you like playing table tennis , sw

    6、imming or fishing? -Table tennis. I think it is _ of all.A. exciting B. the most boring C. the most exciting D. more boring( )16.Are you going to have a free daythe morning of April 10th? A. in B. on C. at D. of( ) 17. Its too cold today. Tell him the window. A. not opening B. not open C. not to ope

    7、n D. dont open( )18.He sometimes a picture, but now he.A. draw sings B. draws is singingB. draws sings D. is drawing is singing( )19.Lucys hair is longer than. A .my B. mine C. me D.I( )20.When you take the ice into a warm room, it becomes. A. small and smaller B. smaller and smaller C. small and sm

    8、all D. smallest and smallest二完形填空(每题1分,共10分) I come from Liaocheng. It is my 21 .Its a beautiful 22 .Its in the 23 of Shandong Province. The 24 of it is about 6 mllion. Its famous 25 Dongchang lake, Gguangyue Tower, Shan-shan Guildhall and so on. Its hot in 26 and cold in winter. Its 27 in August. S

    9、o 28 time to come here is in spring or autumn. Every year29 visitors come here to spend their holidays. 30 my home town! You will have a good time.21. A. village B. countryC. universityD. home town22. A. capital B. hillC. cityD. island 23.A.south B. southwest C. northwest D. east24 A. populationB. n

    10、umber C. peopleD. city25 A. for B. of C. with D. as26. A. winter B. spring C. summer D. autumn27. A. warmer B. hottest C. coldest D. the hottest28 .A. the best B. the better C. better D. best29. A. million of B. million C. hundred D. millions of30. A. Welcome to B. Chooseto C. Find D. Look 三、阅读理解,选出

    11、最佳选项。(每小题2分,满分30分) AMr. Brown got up late this morning. He wasnt going to be late for work. It was raining hard and the streets were wet. He drove so fast that he didnt see the red lights. He couldnt stop his car and hit a car. An old man got out of the car and called out angrily, What are you doing

    12、? How can you drive so fast?l m sorry ,sir, said Mr. brown, l didnt see the lights turn red. Then he brought out a bottle of wine and gave it to the old man.Its cold today, sir, said Mr. Brown. Please drink a little, and then youll get warm. The old man drank some wine(酒) and became happy. He asked,

    13、 lm felling much better now. Why dont you drink any?l cant drink anything now, sir, answered Mr. Brown lm waiting for the policeman. Only drunkards(醉汉) cause accidents , you know!( )31.When did the story happen? A .In the morning B. In the afternoon C .In the evening D. At night( )32. Why did Mr. Br

    14、own drive so fast?A. He was happy that day B. He was good at driving C. There were few cars in the street D. He was afraid to be late( )33. Mr. Brown hit the car because of the following EXCEPT that _. A. he didnt see the red lights. B. he drove fast . C. he couldnt drive at all . D. it was raining

    15、hard.( )34. Why did Mr. Brown give a bottle of wine to the old man? A. To make him happy. B. To make him drunk . C. To make him warm . D. To make friends with him( )35 .We can know that _ at last. A. Mr. Brown was not late for work B. the old man Mr. Brown became good friends C. Mr .Brown drank some

    16、 wine D. Mr. Brown fooled (愚弄了)the old man B Sarah was ill, she went to see the doctor. “ Doctor, Im not feeling well,” she said. “ Every time I do my homework, I feel tired. If I go to school on foot, I have to sit down and rest for ten minutes.” The doctor looked at her carefully. At last he said,

    17、 “ Nothing much. But Im afraid you are eating too much.” “I dont understand, what do you mean ? ”asked Sarah. “I mean you eat too much food,” said the doctor. “ Oh! You mean Im too fat. Thats a problem.” Said Sarah. “What should I do If I dont want to be heavy !” “ The answer is easy,” said the doct

    18、or. “ If you want to be thin and healthy, you shouldnt eat a lot of food and you also should do much exercise.”( ) 36.What was the matter with Sarah ? She felt _ . A. tired B. sad C. sore in the back D. hungry ( ) 37. Sarah went to school _ . A. by bike B. by bus C. by car D. on foot ( ) 38.The doct

    19、or told her that _ . A. she must eat much food B. she ate too much C. she was too thin D. she was ill ( ) 39._ is a problem. A. Eating less food B. Being too fat C. Working too hard D. Playing too much sports ( ) 40.Sarah wants to _ later. A.eat a lot of meat B. be fat C. do more exercise D. stay at

    20、 home for some days CNameFavourite sportWhyFavourite playerAdamfootballexciting and popularMessiHelenswimmingrelaxingMichale PhelpsBettycyclingcheap and safeJeannie LongoTomskiingcool and exciting/Damingbasketballpopular and relaxingYao Ming( )41.Whats Bettysfavourite sport?A. Cycling B. Basketball

    21、C. Skiing D. Football( ) 42. Who is cycling player?A. Messi B. Michale Phelps C. Jodan D. Jeannie Longo( ) 43. Why does Daming like basketball best?A. Because its exciting and popular.B. Because its popular and relaxing.C. Because its cool and exciting.D. Because its cheap and safe.( )44. How many p

    22、eople have their favourite players?A. Four B. Three C. Two D. One( ) 45. Which of the following is NOT true? A. Adams favourite sport is football.B. Michale Phelps is a good swimmer.C. Helens favourite player is Yao Ming.D. Skiing is Toms favourite sport.第二卷(60 分)四任务阅读(每题2分,共10分)Some people say, Ext

    23、reme( 极限的 )sports are so dangerous .Why would anyone want to do them? But the danger is what makes them so 1(excite). Keep reading to find out about the most popular ones. Bungee jumping (蹦极): People on some South Pacific islands have been bungee jumping for hundreds of years. In 1979, some people b

    24、ungee jumped off a bridge in England and made the sport popular around the world. Bungee jumping came to China about(15年以前). Skydiving: This is probably the scariest(最惊险的) extreme sport. Skydivers jump out of airplanes about four kilometers up in the sky. They usually free fall(自由降落) for a while and

    25、 then open a parachute (降落伞)to slow down for a safe landing. Snowboarding: This became a winter Olympic sport in l998. People tied their feet to the board, with special shoes. They dont use any ski sticks. Then, they ride down hills, jump high and do tricks.1. 在处用所给词的适当形式填空。2. 将的汉语翻译成英语。3. Whats the

    26、 Chinese meaning of the underlined word“Skydiving”?A. 从空而降B.空中潜水 C.跳伞运动 D.高空跳水4. 将处句子翻译成汉语:5. The passage mainly talks aboutA. exciting sports B. extreme sports C .the scariest sport D. dangerous sports五按要求填空(每小题1分,满分20分)A.用所给词的适当形式填空。1. How many_ (university) are there in Shanghai?2. Remember_ (vis

    27、it) the Great Wall when youre in Beijing.3. She is as_(old) as Mary.4.Its taller than many other _(building) in Shenzhen. 5. Please be_(quiet). I am telephoning.6. Bob is _ (young) than Fred but taller than Fred.7. Lily sings_ (well) than Lucy.8. John ran more_ (slow) than the others.9. Going to sch

    28、ool by taxi is the _(expensive)and the most comfortable.10.I d like _(go) to the stadium with you.B.根据汉语或者音标写出单词。11.Nancy lives the _(最远的)from school in our class.12.You shouldnt _ (停车)here.13. What s the (体育比赛中)得分?14. It s natural to (忘记) new words.15.I (同意) with you.16. Theres _/plenti/of time for

    29、 them to score.17. Its on the _/kust/ near Hong Kong.18 .We are going to play _/genst/ another school next week.19. Thats a good _/tis/,but its a bit dangerous.20 .What a /piti/! We lost in the match.六补全对话,在空格处填写正确字母选项。有两个多余选项。(每题2分,共10分)A:1B: Yes, you are right .But in my home town it is much colder.A: Really? 2B: My hometown is in the north of China.A:3B: It often snows in winter.A:4B:We usually go skiing(滑雪)。A:5B: No. It is very short.A. What do you usually do in winter?B. It is very


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