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    1、贵州省贵阳市届高三英语上学期适应性月考试题二贵州省贵阳市2018届高三英语上学期适应性月考试题(二)(扫描版)贵阳第一中学2018届高考适应性月考卷(二)英语参考答案第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)15 ACBBC 610 AABBA 1115 CCBCB 1620 CACAA第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)2125 BDABC 2630 BADCC 3135 DCABC第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)3640 CFGAE第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)4145 BC

    2、ADB 4650 DCBAC 5155 DACAD 5660 BBDAC第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)61swimming 62travelled/traveled 63a/one 64was killed 65unforgettable66suddenly 67photos 68remembered 69on 70that/which第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)With the opening-up steps and economic development,so the beautiful scenery

    3、and good air quality in Guizhou is catching the attention of travelersNothing well can remain a secret for too are goodlongBeside,there is also a forest park locating in the city center,which is the largest city forest Besides locatedpark in ChinaScientists say that in much areas in these forests,th

    4、e quantity of oxygen reached many reaches50,000/cm3That is tens of times those of the area outside the cityThe city is the natural oxygen that abar,free from pollution and providing visitors and residentsa refreshing break from the stress withof modern life第二节 书面表达(满分25分)【参考范文】Dear Liu Ming,I am ver

    5、y glad to hear that you are going to study at the same high school as IAs a senior,I just cant wait to share with you some practical experience of studying and living hereFirst,study is without doubt the most important thing to youIt is the only way to the door of your dreaming collegeSo spare no ef

    6、fort to study and make your dream come trueSecond,you will have a lot of chances to take part in many activitiesGetting involved in clubs,sports,or other pursuits outside the classroom can give you new skills and help you to know yourselfLast but not the least,it is of great importance to get along

    7、with your roommates in a boarding school,which can make your life easier and more colorfulBest wishes for you! Hope you can gain an unforgettable experience here Yours,Li Hua【解析】第二部分 阅读理解第一节 A 【语篇导读】本文是一所学校招聘餐厅工作人员的广告,包括专职和兼职,对应聘者提出了具体的要求。21B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段的内容可知,本文招聘的工作人员在晚上和周末不工作。22D 推理判断题。第二段谈到培训的几

    8、项内容包括:1)筹备、布置色拉吧;2)操作商用洗碗机;3)经营校园流动餐车;4)现金结账。因此可排除D。23A 推理判断题。根据文中“Employment for Students”下的内容可知,学生欲做兼职工作需要具备最基本的六个条件。A项的陈述符合第二条要求。B【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。蜂蜜中含有一种细菌,不能给一周岁以下的婴儿服用,所以对他们来说,服用蜂蜜是很危险的。24B 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,作者建议不要给一周岁以下的孩子吃蜂蜜,因为蜂蜜中含有一种细菌,这种细菌会导致婴儿食物中毒。故选B。 虽然后文提到了婴儿的牙齿,但是讲的是给婴儿服用过多的糖制品。25C 细节理解题。根据

    9、第二段的内容可知,虽然英国蜂蜜进口商和包装商协会建议会员在产品上贴上标签说明蜂蜜不适合一周岁以下儿童食用,但并不是所有的产品都带有这样的警示标签。由此可知C符合文意。注意句中的“all products will not carry the warning”是部分否定句式。26B 推理判断题。下一句提出了给婴儿添加其他的糖类制品,如low-sugar jams,则暗示着不选蜂蜜。alternatives to sth.表示“是的替代品”。27A 主旨大意题。文章主要讲述了一周岁以下的婴儿因为肠胃没有发育完全,所以不适合食用蜂蜜,食用蜂蜜后会产生很多不良的后果。故选A。C【语篇导读】本文是说明文

    10、。卖花女揭示了当时英国社会的阶级差异,但作者表明一个人的语言和外表不能决定他所处的社会阶层。28D 推理判断题。根据第一段第二句“Britons can on this.”可知,英国人通常根据一个人的说话和穿着来了解他的背景,甚至对其区别对待。故选D。29C 词义猜测题。根据第二段中的“Higgins sets out to teach Eliza how tospeak properly.”可知,这两位绅士要让Eliza学习语言艺术课。故选C。30C 细节理解题。根据第三段“After the trainingbet.”可知,Eliza 在舞会上被认为是一位上流社会的淑女。故选C。31D 推

    11、理判断题。根据最后一段“Shaw seems to be telling us different”可知,语言和外表只是阶级的标记,并不能决定一个人所处的社会阶层。故选D。D 【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。作者根据自己克服抑郁症的经历总结出了幸福生活的要素。32C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I begantake medicine.”可知,在中学时,作者受到临床抑郁症的折磨。故选C。33A 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“When I medicine.”可知,作者并不是依赖药物而是靠自己战胜抑郁,重新快乐起来。同时结合后文可知作者理解了快乐的内涵,明白自己该做什么。故选A。34B 细节理解题。根

    12、据文章最后一段第一句“The essentials life.”可知,作者认为幸福的要素包括爱、希望和工作。故选B。35C 主旨大意题。通读文章,作者根据自己克服抑郁症的经历,总结出幸福生活的要素,文章最后一段具体阐述了要素的内容。故选C。第二节【语篇导读】文章介绍了六种让自己由内到外变美的方式。36C 此处句意为“阅读下列几种让自己变美的方法”,起到承上启下的作用。37F 此段的小标题为健康饮食和锻炼,F选项的意思和小标题的内容契合。38G 根据小标题和38空后一句的句意可知,此处选G。39A 此处应选出一个小标题,再结合下文的主旨大意,只有A项放在这里合适。40 E E项中的“Rememb

    13、ering these three factors”恰好指代的就是小标题中的“Smile,laugh,and stay positive”,所以选E。第三部分 语言知识运用第一节【语篇导读】本文为夹叙夹议文。作者通过自身的经历告诉读者每个人都需要哭泣,不要刻意压抑自己。41B 本句意为“水能掩盖住我悲伤的声音”。水只能掩盖声音,不能减小或改变声音。42C 本句意为“同时洗去我所有痛苦的证据”。43A 根据上下文可知作者不想让孩子看到自己哭,因此应该是在孩子睡觉之后才去洗澡。44D 作者等孩子睡觉后再去洗澡哭泣,目的就是不让别人看到,要自己一个人。45B 根据上下文可知作者的七岁儿子在学校一直因

    14、从不哭泣而自豪。因此作者才会教导他必须要哭。46D 根据上下文可知作者的观点是人必须想哭就哭,因此作者要坚持自己的观点。47C 本句意为“不要强忍你的眼泪”。48B 本句为it作形式主语,真正的主语是后文的“to see their mother upset”意为“但如果看到他们的妈妈伤心他们会如何呢?”49A 根据上下文可知作者一直不让孩子们看到自己的眼泪一直到父亲去世。50C 同上。51D 本句意为“我再也不能控制我悲伤的时间”。There is no way绝不可能52A 同上。53C 本句意为“意识到我的父亲确实去世了使我备受打击,无法掩饰”。hit有“打击,重击”的意思。54A 考查

    15、形近非谓语动词。本句意为“他们发现我藏在卧室哭泣”。weep哭泣;sweep扫地,横扫。此处非谓语和逻辑主语me为主动关系。55D 本句意为“透过眼泪,我笑着告诉他们”。through有“穿过,透过”的意思。56B 本句意为“他细小的手臂伸过来拥抱我”。across与shoulder搭配有“抱住,揽住”的意思。57B 本句意为“我意识到隐藏我的痛苦只不过是在否认作为人的意义”。58 D 根据后文的“its another to”得出本题的答案。its one to,its another to意为“是一回事;又是另一回事”。本句句意为“告诉我的孩子哭没有关系是一回事,让他们看到如何去做又是另一

    16、回事”。59A 根据上下文得出本句意为“展示给他们如何哭泣是另一回事”。60C 由上文可知我们的工作不是让孩子变得完美,因此我们要看着并且告诉他们“你们不完美”。第二节 61swimming 考查固定搭配spend(in)doing sth. 的用法。62travelled/traveled 考查动词时态,此处根据时间状语last time可知用过去式。63a/one 考查冠词用法,此处是“我们注意到一周前和我们一同在飞机上的一家人”。表示“一”的概念,所以用a或one。64was killed 考查动词语态,根据句意是那位父亲在那场事故中was killed。65unforgettable

    17、考查动词到形容词词类的转化。根据句意,此处应为“难以忘怀的”,所以用unforgettable。66suddenly 考查形容词到副词的转化。此处需要副词来修饰动词regretted。67photos 考查名词的数。根据句意此处应为photo的复数形式。68remembered 考查非谓语动词,此处被修饰词moments和remember是被动关系。69on 考查介词,此处的固定搭配为from then on,意为“从那时起”。70that/which 考查定语从句,此处先行词是moments,关系词在从句中作主语,所以用 that/which。第四部分 写作第一节 短文改错去掉so “Wit

    18、h the opening-up steps and economic development”为介词短语作状语,与其后主句之间不需要连词。is改成are 主语是 “the beautiful scenery and good air quality”,指两件事,谓语动词应用复数。well改成good 此处应用形容词作后置定语修饰前面的nothing。well作形容词表身体好,不符合文意。Beside改成Besides besides除之外,而且,此外。locating改成located be located in意为“位于”。此处是省略结构,省略了which is。much改成many ar

    19、ea为可数名词,修饰复数可数名词应使用many。reached改成reaches 根据语境,应使用一般现在时。those改成that that替代前面的the quantity,表特指。the改成a 此处为泛指,而非特指。residents后加with provide后不能接双宾语。同时接人和物时,需要与介词搭配,有以下两种结构:provide sb. with sth.和provide sth. for sb.。听力原文Text 1M:Do you know when the bus will come?W:Well,it comes every fifteen minutes,and Iv

    20、e already been standing here for ten minutesSo,I expect it to come soon This bus is never lateText 2W:Have you finished packing for our weekend in Las Vegas?M:No,I havent even startedBut it will only take me a few minutesI am only going to bring two shirts because I need to leave room in my suitcase

    21、 for all the money Im going to win!Text 3M:How do you like living with your sister?W:Well,when we lived at home,she was kind of messyBut now that our parents arent there to make her clean up,she never does! Its the worst!Text 4W:I have to buy food for our homeowners association meeting,but I dont ha

    22、ve much moneyWhat should I do?M:You should buy sandwichesYou can cut them into small pieces,so you only need to buy a fewPeople usually dont eat that much at those meetings,anywayText 5M:Good morning,maamCan I have the password for the Wi-Fi?W:Im sorry,sirOn Saturdays,we are a screen-free cafIf you

    23、want to use the Internet,you can go to the library next doorM:Well,Ive never heard of that,but Im glad the library is openText 6W:Can I borrow your phone,Bobby?M:Of courseWhat happened to yours?W:Well,I locked it in my car,along with my purse and keys And now,Im missing an appointmentM:Do you want m

    24、e to give you a ride to your appointment?W:No,thanksI can reschedule it Its an appointment for a haircut,and I dont want my hairdresser to rushIll look silly with a careless haircut!M:Thats probably smartWell,where is your car? Is it in front of the building?W:No,its still in my companys parking lot

    25、I had to walk here from workText 7M:You have a lot of interesting music in your Google Play libraryWhere did you find it?W:Some of it I copied from my CDs before I got rid of themM:I didnt know you got rid of your CDsW: YeahThey took up too much spaceI didnt want to leave them at my parents house or

    26、 put them in storage,so I just threw them awayM:So now,you only buy digital music?W:YeahOccasionally,I buy songs from iTunes,but generally I get my music from eMusicThey dont have a lot of pop music,but they have a lot of albums from independent musiciansAnd the songs are much cheaperM:Do they have

    27、jazz? Thats the only thing I care aboutW:Yeah,tonsThey also have some really good hip-hop and rockText 8W:Hey,MarioM:Hi,Sarah! Hows it going?W:GoodBut my best friend just told me that she has to work,so she canceled our plansNow Im looking for something to do tonightM:Im going to the movies with my

    28、sisterWant to join us?W:Well,that dependsWhat are you going to see?M:I want to see La La LandW:No,thank youMusicals bore meM:OKHow about a documentary? There are a couple of good ones playing nowW:Are you kidding me? Those are even worseCant we just watch an action movie?M:NoI dont find action movie

    29、s very interestingEven when the actors and the music are good,the dialogue is always sillyW:Well,maybe you should go to the movies without meM:I have an ideaWhy dont you give my friend Ray a call? He loves action films He saw Rogue One three times in the theaterW:Oh,I remember Ray! We met at your bi

    30、rthday party last yearOK,Ill give him a callText 9M:Good morning,JanineHow can I help you today?W:Hi,Dr. CarterIm here because of sleeping problemsM:How long has this been going on?W:Since about six months agoM:I see Was there a stressful event in your life at that time?W:Well,I started a new job th

    31、enI do research for a tech companyI like my job,but I work about 60 hours a weekM:That sounds stressfulW:It isAnd my husband is not very understandingHe is also a researcher,but he works for a universityHis work is not as demanding as mineM:Is it possible for you to work fewer hours?W:NoIm a new employee,and I have to prove my worth to the companyI dont


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