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    1、决胜中考英语压轴题揭秘专题05动词时态压压轴题决胜2015中考英语压轴题全揭秘第一辑三年中考压轴题专题5单项选择之动词时态1. 【2014年内蒙古呼和浩特市中考】My husband always _ me flowers every week before we got married, but now he never _. A. sends; does B. sent; does C. was going to send; do D. sent; do2. 【2014年上海市中考】Aunt Lucy will tell us something about her trip to Aus

    2、tralia when she_back.A. came B. comes C. would come D. will come3. 【2014年上海市中考】Susan and Lily_tomatoes a nd other vegetables on the farm this time yesterday.A. pick B. are picking C. will pick D. were picking4. 【2014年上海市中考】By the end of last week, she_in the west of China for two months helping the

    3、homeless children.A. will stay B. has stayed C. would stay D.had stayed5. 【2014年福建省漳州市中考】Since Project Hope started,it _ millions of children to come back to school Ahas helped Bhelped Cis helping6. 【2014年甘肃省兰州市中考】She to an English program while her parents TV. A. was listening; is watching B. liste

    4、ned; were watching C. was listening; watched D. was listening; were watching7. 【2014年甘肃省兰州市中考】We wonder if our teachers to our graduating party next weekend. If they , well be very happy. A. will come; will come B. come; will come C. will come; come D. come; come8. 【2014年湖北省恩施州中考】-Look! A man is sta

    5、nding on his two hands. -Yes. It seems he_ for long. A. practiced B. has practiced C. was practicing9. 【2014年湖北省恩施州中考】Our teacher told us light _ faster than sound.A. traveled B. travel C. travels10. 【2014年江苏省盐城市中考】I cant find my notebook anywhere. Im afraid I _it. A. lose B. lost C. have lost D. wa

    6、s losing11. 【2014年江苏省南通市中考】Jack to take part in Oxfam Trailwalker in Hong Kong. Oh,thats why he is packing his clothes. A.went B.was going C.has gone D.is going12. 【2014年吉林省中考】 Whats your plan for your vacation? We to Hong Kong for a visit. A. were flying B. have been C. will fly13. 【2014年吉林省中考】If I

    7、 have enough money, I the ticket to the concert.A. will buy B. dont buy C. have bought14. 【2014年江苏省淮安市中考】Andy, youd better not eat meat only. You should know milk and fruit _ good for you. A. is B. are C. was D. were.15. 【2014年江苏省淮安市中考】The book Alice In Wonderland is very interesting. I _ it twice a

    8、lready. A. read B. have read C. am reading D. will read16. 【2014年江苏省宿迁市中考】There _ a charity show at the school hall next week. A. was B. will be C. has been D. are17. 【2014年江苏省无锡市中考】Has David finished his project yet? I guess not. He on it at lunchtime. Do you want me to confirm it? A.is working B.w

    9、as working C.has worked D.had worked 18. 【2014年江苏省徐州市中考】 What a surprise to see you here! When you back? A. do; get B. did; get C. have; got D. will; get19. 【2014年山东省威海市中考】When will Diana arrive? Oh, she . She is in the meeting room now. A. arrives B. is arriving C. arrived D. has arrived 20. 【2014年

    10、山东省威海市中考】Alan! Why are you so late? Sorry! When I home, I met one of my old friends. A. went B. am walking C. has gone D. was walking 21. 【2014年山东省东营市中考】If there _ no buying and selling of animals, there will be no killing in nature. A. is B. will be C. has D. will have22.【2013江苏常州】7.Why are you wor

    11、ried?Im expecting a call from my daughter. SheNew York for three days. A. has gone toB. has been toC. has been inD. has come in23.【2013湖南娄底】27. Whatdidyou dolastnight?I _TV and read books. A. watchB. watchedC. have watched24.【2013湖南衡阳】28. Look at these stamps. Ithem for five years.Wow, they are wond

    12、erful. A. keptB. have keptC. have bought25.【2013湖北宜昌】29. Do you know who took the students to the old peoples home, Tony?Well, Mr. Smith _.A. tookB. doesC. didD. do26.【2013湖北孝感】36. Id like you to tell me something about Shen Nongjia.Im sorry, but neither Jack nor I _ there.xK b1 .C omA. have beenB.

    13、had beenC. have goneD. has gone27.【2013湖北襄阳】37. We all went to the cinema except youlastnight. Whydidnt you come?Because Ithat movie twice. A. have watched B. had watchedC. was watching D. would watch28.【2013天津】33. Is Tom at home?No, he_ to town.A. has beenB. has goneC. goesD. will go29.【2013四川雅安】13

    14、. Hefor ten years. A. has been marriedB. marriedC. got marriedD. has married30.【2013浙江杭州】22. Sally took a photo ofherfriends while they _ computer games. A. playB. are playingC. have playedD. were playing31.【2013重庆】37. It will be hard for us to get up in the morning if we _to bed too late AgoB. went

    15、C. will goD. have gone32.【2013重庆】31Just a minute! My brother _hiscar in the garden AwashesB. is washingC. washedD. will wash33.【2013重庆】27 I called you yesterday eveningbut you were not insorry,I _in the shop with my mother AamBwill beC. wasD. have been34.【2013湖南邵阳】30.Do you hearjust now? A. what I s

    16、aidB. what Im sayingC. what I says35.【2013浙江湖州】24. Julia isnt going to the cinema with us because she _ the film. A. seesB.sawC. will seeD. has seen36.【2013江苏南京】8. Millie, where is Miss Li? Shea speech on Chinese art to the first-year students in the hall. A. givesB. gaveC. is givingD. has given37.【

    17、2013浙江绍兴】23.Can Peter play games with us, Mrs. Hawking?Wait a minute. He _a shower. A. is takingB. takesC. tookD. was taking38.【2013江苏连云港】. Julies father _ toLondonlastmonth. He _ there three times. A. went; had goneB. has gone; has been C. went; has beenD. has been; had gone39.【2013江苏泰州】7. Here com

    18、es the bus! Where is our principal? She cant go to the museum with us. She _ some visitors around our school. A. is showingB. showsC. has showedD. was showing40.【2013四川雅安】17. My sister has learnt English.A. for twelve years agoB. since she was fourC. twelve years agoD. at the age of four41.【2013四川雅安

    19、】14. If farmerstrees and forests, giant pandasnowhere to live. A. cut down; haveB. will cut down; will have C. will cut don; haveD. cut down; will have42.【2013湖北荆州】26. Since 2000, Jingmen has become a new city. Everything _. A. is changedB. was changedC. had changedD. has changed43.【2013黑龙江绥化】26. Sh

    20、e _ the book _ two days ago.A. has borrowed; sinceB. has kept; sinceC. kept; for44.【2013黑龙江绥化】21. I dont know if Jack _. If he _, call me, please.A. comes; comeB. will come; will comeC. will come; comes45.【2013黑龙江绥化】2. My uncle _ books in the room at this time yesterday.A. was seeingB. is readingC.

    21、was reading46.【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】15.How longyouthisbook?For two weeks.A. did; borrowB. have; borrowedC. have; kept47.【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】6. Whatyouwhen the captain came in?A. are; doingB.did; doC. were; doing48.【2013河南】24. What_ the noise, Bill?Sorry, I broke my glass.A. isB. wasC. has beenD. will be49.【2013河南】2

    22、7. Hey, Tom. Lets go swimming.Just amoment. I_ a message.A. sendB. sentC. am sendingD. have sent50.【2013浙江宁波】31. Tony _ football every weekend when he was young.A. playsB. playedC. is playingD. has played51.【2013山东威海】36.Alice, would you mind not playing the guitar? Ion the phone.Oh, sorry, mom.A. ta

    23、lkedB. talkC. was talkingD. am talking52.【2013山东莱芜】33.一Ididnt see you at the meeting yesterday. Why?一I _ for an important telephone call at thatmoment. A. waitB. waitedC. am waitingD. was waiting53.【2013江苏徐州】9. Millie _ a picture when Mr Green came in. A. drawB. will drawC. drewD. was drawing54.【201

    24、3江苏淮安】14. One of the popular expressions in 2012 _“Positive energy”. A. isB. areC. wasD. were55.【2013江苏淮安】7.Will you go to thecinema with me tomorrow?Sorry, I _ skating with Tom. A. goB. wentC. have goneD. will go56.【2013天津】3l. Isawhimin the library yesterday. He_a book at thatmoment.A. readsB. is r

    25、eadingC. was readingD. will read57.【2013陕西】22. When you _ at a restaurant , please order just enough food . A.ateB. will eatC. eatD. haveneaten58.【2013山东威海】31.your son _a camera?No. He _one this summer vacation. A. Has. .bought; will buyB. Did.buy; bought C. Does .buy; bought D. Does .buy; will buy5

    26、9.【2013湖北咸宁】34. I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the phone. Oh, Ia walk with my parents at that time. A. took B. was taking C. am taking D. take60.【2013湖北咸宁】25. Anna, have you _ seen Chinas Got Talent (达人秀)?Of course. I _ it last weekend. A. never; sawB. ever; have seen C. never; have seenD. ever; saw61.【2013湖北随州】31. Jack, I havent seen your u


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